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Everything posted by Jovanovic

  1. didnt even think of this this would be an enormous dub +1
  2. Name: Jovanovic Who helped (If applicable): So many people oml Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): The republic has to stop at a desert planet, and keep the senate secure for the duration. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Yes
  3. I think our disconnect is playercount. Tbh I greatly prefer running events during downtime with a couple dozen people on, because nobody else is running stuff. If it gets to 60 active players, we usually have enough people running events that you're literally sitting around waiting to run yours, which i straight up do not have the time to do, so I'll just do a deployment instead. Either way, I think if we're taking larger playercounts into effect then yes, geo is just shy of completely unplayable. But if you give room for some lower playercounts/pop numbers, I think umbara is dogwater compared to anything else we have.
  4. It's actually been a year. Since I joined last january we updated the temple and removed mustafar. We also added a teleporter to bcc. i might be alone there but i really dont consider that a new map. Still agree that v1 is just objectively worse tho. I'd rather have a change to v1 than no change at all but considering there's a new map soon anyway, v3 should stay.
  5. unpopular opinion but despite its horrible performance geo is still one of the best maps from a gm perspective. it has so many different routes, paths, and ways to shape it into what you want. it also has the caves & a rayshield system. For lower pop stuff it works a dream, though I really do understand why so many people hate it. To me umbara is incredibly stale. You can use it once or twice but otherwise it's the same thing every time. "Hey guys, assault the citadel." You can heavily dupe it to make it a really cool experience, but that kind of takes away the performance boost it'd give you over geo. There are so many different things to do with geo, a dozen different things to do with endor, and you can even do a lot of stuff with tython if you manage the playerbase well. But with umbara, by itself, it's just a straight forward walk to the citadel with no reason to pay attention to 80% of the map.
  6. Name: Jovanovic Helpers: Conrad, Day, Mavelle, Bacta, Seabass, Stockings, Unkindled, Otter, a ton of other amazing people <3
  7. Name: Jovanovic Who helped (If applicable): Narra Siege bombarded the entrance to a Geonosian factory while 21st flanked around, they infiltrated and destroyed!
  8. 7/10 thanks for the effort Zen! Did a good job entertaining people for some time :)
  9. hard to say the server's dying when we're hitting max numbers for the first time in over a year. the haters cant cope enough. Jokes aside finally have time to respond to this and holy shit +1. all the+1s. If this is well thought out and discussed with each battalion extensively before it's implemented, this is boutta be gamechanging.
  10. BRO I HAVE BODYGROUPERS. This is actually amazing i love these models so much, this is the most hyped ive ever been for an update by a mile. @Jayarrhave my children
  11. 9/10 SO LONG. Lotta thought put into this one big guy, thought it couldve been a bit shorter but the way it was kind of a slow but engaged story flowing into a lockdown & outage was pretty bueno
  12. 7/10 thank you for occupying people during downtime day <3. doesnt change how much i hate bugs tho
  13. Name: Jovanovic Who helped (If applicable): Mason (goated), Gadget (cool ass umbara dupe) Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Republic intel found that the location of a CIS base had been sent to Umbara. Anaxes sieged down the base and recovered the intel, then headed to Geonosis to take the CIS outpost. (Starting playercount 48, ending playercount 75) Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope
  14. 7/10 the classic gadget boarding event. Glad someone was doin somethin early on, it lasted quite a while and was a decent bit of fun. One gripe was responsiveness to people's tickets/admin chat. Guess my only suggestion would be to try and grab a GH. Either way, thanks for the event big guy.
  15. +1 I very much so enjoy the direction you're taking high command and your philosophy as a leader. Finally don't have to leave a novel on one of these. Looking forward to working with you more, Conrad :)
  16. Damn you gave me some headaches, but Conrad was spitting some facts. Just chilling with you in a channel with a few people or late at night playing a game, you were a really chill dude and fun to hang around. Sucks to see you go even though we didn't do all that much together, take care my dude.
  17. gonna disqualify myself from acceptin real quick and +1. I think that you went back and improved the document shows you're willing to put real effort into events for the GM team, which is what we are (are at least I am) really looking for when it come to making these event docs. I also know you and know you're a good hard workin dude when you wanna do stuff. I think you should definitely have the opportunity to be a GM.
  18. Edited post, the weather in michigan has encouraged me to finalize getting back on the third. @Shpack@Drage@BactaI'll make an effort to be in ts for a good bit some days before I'm back to touch base on some battalion issues, I'll DM you if I can't catch you online in the next couple days :) (also @Finn @Katy @Silly for intel stuff, can prolly move up implementing some of it with ya'll)
  19. ngl this seemed like a meme for about 3 seconds but... i honestly see it. I think it'd be pretty cool if reg's pull it out every once in a while to nuke some stuff. +1
  20. I didn't know you too well but the times I spent with you were never negative. I've only heard great things, and you're a pleasure to spend time around my man. I wish you the best in life.
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