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Everything posted by Jovanovic

  1. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  2. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Head Admin to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  3. the directors didnt give you sa? damn shame. +1, actually can't wait to see what you might get up to in the gm team.
  4. @Forseen@ Forum Admin@ Forum Dev do we have an update on this? If there's concerns about it costing something or how to set it up i can get with whoever, but i think this is all the feedback its gonna get
  5. Jovanovic

    Buzz vs Chief

    day u have the iq of a botswanan chimpanzee on bath salts who is also missing 3 and a half chromosomes
  6. Steam Name: Curious Beats RP Name: Jovanovic Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:79667671 Regiment you are applying for: Attack How many terms have you held the position?: One How do you feel your previous term went?: I feel my previous term went well. I hardly made too many hard decisions or executively changed all that much outside of a couple things, but that’s the role a regimental commander should serve in my opinion. They’re seldom there to make or implement changes themselves, only to aid an abet those above and beneath them, as well as serving an advisory role where needed or possible. By such a benchmark I think my term went calm from an outside perspective, but well. Not every (or any) regimental commander needs to go into a regiment and start changing things en masse. Despite the criticism I and every other long term RCMD I’ve met has received for such, I have no plans to shift to such a footing. Activity did dwindle a bit towards the middle, however I think I’ve mostly recovered and am available enough to serve as a regimental commander without any issues. The main problem that stems from this is that I’m not able to do as much of the in game stuff which my first application relied on, specifically battalion joint trainings. Why do you wish to remain a Regimental Commander?: I was genuinely undecided on whether or not to go for a second term, as to make a long story short I’ve had some change in perspective that have made me rethink my plans and ambitions on the server. I decided that this round instead of asking those above me and the commanders in attack if they would support me for a second term, I’ve instead asked them if they’d like me to go for one. The answer was unanimously either yes, or yes depending on if/who runs against me, which at the moment I’m not aware is anyone. Considering the positive feedback and my opinion that I can continue to be a positive influence on the regiment I’ve decided to run again, and continue my work as a regimental commander. Current availability(EST): Monday/Wednesday: 3pm - 8pm Tuesday: 2pm - 9pm Thursday: 11am - 3pm, 7pm - 10pm Friday/Saturday/Sunday: 10am-10pm (times vary, obviously) What have you achieved within your regiment during your past term?: This is a more difficult question to answer as most of a regimental’s job is an advisory role or working one-on-one with battalions. Because I am the only person on the server who is uniquely an attack commander, I’m also the only person involved in everything I’ve done, so just about everyone will either see none of or a fraction of my work. That being said; I’ve served an advisory role with each battalion under me, specifically with the 212th, less so with the 501st (especially after Marvel had fully taken handle of the battalion and gotten settled in), and very rarely with the 104th. This was partly because I direct my attention towards the battalions that need it most, and partly because in a battalion like the 212th with a much more rigid and organized structure it’s much easier to catch scheduled meetings and help advise battalion HC decisions compared to a battalion like 104th, who has the occasional officer meeting but as far as high command meetings and discussions go, is completely informal and spontaneous. More recently with 41st, I’ve met with Shpack a small handful of times, with their then XO Baron a similar amount of times, and attended the officer meeting they’ve had since the regiment transfer took place, and spoke with the present officers about the 41st, plans for the future, and ways to improve. Outside of my advisory role my ‘achievements’ are mostly attributed to my high command contributions or the couple of regiment-wide changes that have taken place. Firstly perhaps my most successful and unique idea has been sub-unit deployments, and early in my term the joint trainings I held to get battalions working together well. I’ll argue that subunit deployments (especially towards the beginning of my time when attack battalions were being deployed several times a week) and these early morning trainings were integral for getting battalion relations to an ideal state, however the dynamic between Brooklyn, Bacta, and Marvel truly cannot be overstated in its positive effect on the regiment. While I believe my changes certainly helped greatly, the relationship between the three BCMDs is what truly made attack relations special for most of my first terms. My only other significant attack-wide change was to enforce mechanized trainings regiment wide, for a while it being TX-130 and ATTE and now being ATTE and BARC. The trainings were effectively left to the 104th exclusively for some time which reduced their capability to focus on their own battalion greatly. After speaking with Brooklyn about this we shifted to sharing the burden among the regiment, which I believe is in part what allowed the 104th to flourish for a time. As for high command contributions, I’ve had a few. I consider myself an active member of HC discussions and oft provide my opinions and an attack perspective on any arising situations. While it’s less that I can’t say specifics and more that I don’t wish to here because the drama would be wholly unnecessary, I’ve also helped resolve half a dozen issues between attack battalions and other regiments, mostly working with Bitter as the Specialized regimental commander at the time, as well as Bro as Palpatine an Deku as the Marshal when the situation escalated enough. They were great to work with and I can only look forward to working with my two new partners in HC, Stockings and Stix, and to continue working with Deku and more recently, Conrad. In addition to the above I also worked to compile the BCMD Guide, collecting opinions from every BCMD at the time and working with Willy to create a document which, while mostly unutilized, I think serves an important purpose for newer commanders especially in answering questions which most more experienced or older members consider intuitive, but are not always clear for newer commanders, and can even cause confusion for more experienced players. In a project that started when I was Mas Amedda but which I’ve very recently picked back up, I’ve proposed and implemented the Contingency Orders Document as a roleplay tool for commanders and GMs both which has been approved by directors and Palpatine. While it was orders 1-66 before, it’s recently been expanded to 111 orders and been given an authorization scale so we have an actual metric as to who can call which orders and when. It’s been used maybe a dozen times since it was created almost half a year ago, but I hope with my role in the GM team and the document’s renewed structure that that number will be much larger within the month. I should be able to fully update the document by this tuesday, when I have a meeting with Mavelle and fyi More recently I’ve worked with Stockings and Sina to make a joint siege-attack trainings roster and form, so that all trainings between the regiments can be found in one location and be more easily accessed by the average player. Also to do with trainings Conrad has recently been moving to implement a server-wide training discord to create a one-stop location where players can receive all global server trainings, and I’ve been helping in the setup of said discord and its permissions/bots. While it's imperative for a section like this that I take as much credit for my own actions and their effects as possible, I’d just like to thank all those who have worked with me on these various projects and changes, as without them it would be absolutely and completely impossible to do anything I listed above. (Also I filled in spec and attack on HVO lol) What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your regiment?: My future plans vary significantly depending on where specifically one would ask about, so I’ll split it up into a few sections. 501st: As I mentioned above I took a step back from the 501st after it was clear Marvel was settled in and comfortable running the battalion. Most of the involvement I had in the 501st after that point was touching base with Marvel to make sure I was informed on the battalion, but otherwise leaving them to their own devices. This has worked well enough for quite some time and the 501st has been flourishing, however with the potential move in of a new Rex it’s more important that I move back into a more hands on role within the battalion to make sure that the change has no hiccups, and advise the future Rex to keep up the prosperity of the battalion until such a time as its once again not as necessary to be hands on with the battalion, should that come. 41st: It’s refreshing to have a new battalion in the regiment, which can help to break up much of the monotony of a second term. I have a lot planned to help 41st though I must admit a main challenge here is the differing activity periods, as I’m often off for the night or heading to bed by the time 41st truly hits their activity stride each day. Priorities in the 41st looking forward are mostly centered in a few areas. Getting as many trusted officers as we can in a more ‘prime-time’ activity schedule is optimal, and it’ll help to expand the battalion past their current potential. Another priority is developing leadership among many of the officers and preparing individuals who are interested for a term as Gree. I plan to be as hands-on as I can with the 41st, but given our mismatching schedules and the infrequency of scheduled leadership meetings, it will be a challenge. 212th: 212th was not in a great spot when I began my regimental term, however in recent weeks the battalion has been absolutely flourishing, and I’m proud of what it is now. I’ll be taking less of a hands-on approach with the 212th as they enjoy their success, while still making sure to be up to date with any and all substantial battalion affairs. High Command: High command is currently allowed much more autonomy than we have been in the past, which in my opinion is a great thing. This will open up many opportunities for change we didn’t have before, and I’m optimistic as to what the next few months will bring as far as server wide change. In addition we have an almost entirely new clone high command, with the only exception being Deku as MCMD. I’ve so far worked well with all of them, and am very much so looking forward to being able to work with them more over my next term. In addition I’m also confident in our MCMD and Palpatine’s leadership, and as a more senior member of high command will be helping them as much as I’m able with many of the changes in the coming months. The Regiment as a Whole: Subunit attachments for deployments work well, and the only positive change would be to work with individual GMs to get attack deployed more. Unfortunately I must admit my position as a GMM puts me in an awkward position in regards to approaching any one GM, however the answer to this is to work through Mavelle or a fellow GMM so that we can potentially increase Attack deployments without any GMs being pressured by my position in the team, unconsciously or not. Otherwise, the course shall remain steady. The few things within the regiment that I wished to change already have been, and unless something comes up (as they so often do) during my term, I’m unlikely to change much structure wise. The number one issue to address is the 41st being added to the regiment and making sure they’re interacting as well with 212th and 501st as they do with each other, which will be in part solved by the subunit attachments and otherwise solved by encouraging the BCMDs to interact positively from the top down. Unfortunately due to my reduced activity compared to the beginning of my first term I’m not able to attempt to implement that change from the bottom up. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes
  7. heard ya complaining about this a good bit, just wanted to put it out there that theres a control panel on both sides. whenever it was opened, a droid was within arms reach of the control panel on the other side. theyre not that dumb
  8. Jovanovic

    aurek go brr

    Name: Jova Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): forces had to move to aurek to retake it Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope
  9. +1, senate commandos lookin better is a huge dub this started at almost 3 minutes in, so finn sat there listening to this for 3 whole ass minutes before deciding to send the link.
  10. hey guys just wanted to say, kind of a scuffed event but we did our best on the very short notice we had. biggest thing was obviously that 2 of the storylines (the village and the vault) were cut off hard due to me mistiming when they would be done with the mine/when we needed to send everyone back to the main server, as i wasnt able to really keep tabs on all 4 places at once in a good way. despite that i hope you enjoyed for what it was, or that it was better than either just waiting for the server to update or bhopping in courtyard. Thanks to all those that helped.
  11. Name: Bacta, Jovanovic Who helped (If applicable): babatunde, axar, mundus Description: The republic was reassigned to an abandoned outer rim planet to find out why the republic lose contact with the last battalion. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Yes!
  12. I think a lot of people are -1ing the appeal based on the fact that he's been banned so many times, but the reason for a permanent ban (a thing we have so few of we have an actual list on the forums you can read in under a minute) is because of alting. I personally am sympathetic to that plea alone, he wasn't trying to hide it and he wasn't doing some horrible thing, he had a half a day ban. I'd +1 that he should stay banned for a few days-2 weeks, but not permanently for this action alone. If high staff want to revisit the case and change the perma ban reason to his consistent NITRP, fair enough, and I'd prolly -1 that ban appeal. But for alting to get around a 12 hour ban, once? +1
  13. 8/10, a lot of rp and ambeince for a main server event, great dupe, no real scuffed anything, just use better zombies next time ;)
  14. @Deku I warned them but unfortunately they decided to continue to break our forum guidelines. Please warn those who have responded to this thread after its locking.
  15. excuse me this thread is locked, please refrain from replying. further disobedience will result in the involvement of the forum moderation team.
  16. Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview! Please contact a Director to organise your interview. Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  17. it was a pleasure man, glad i started out my time on synergy being under you when i was CL for so long. Despite my past with jedi you never did me dirty, I wish ya luck in life brother.
  18. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  19. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  20. after listenin to that, not quite sure i agree. dark knight, mw2, inception, mission impossible, the list goes on. It's a good soundtrack, but for hanz zimmer i wouldnt even call it top 5. maybe i just need to listen to it in the context of the movie to get it, but without context imma have to hard disagree my mans.
  21. Name: Jovanovic Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The CIS landed in the BH village and moved into the SHB to assault the base. Meanwhile a CCS infiltrated the base and was detained. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Yes
  22. Name: Jovanovic Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Fixer made his way to the entrance to Besh, which had been overtaken by the CIS. From there a small SOBDE squad retook the base. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: no
  23. im awaiting the dumbs, but bad batch is by far my least favorite unit in star wars :) Definitely the basic bitch answer which is 501st, it's certainly the battalion ive spent the most time around/in/interacting with, specifically outside of synergy in other games and obviously in the show/movies. gotta love it. That being said if i cant go basic bitch, 187th. Purple is my favorite color by a mile, and mace is my favorite jedi even discounting his purple lightsaber, the purple is just the cherry on top. Shame i dont know much of their lore, but id love to be a part of some 187th unit some day, whether in synergy or arma or some other thing. (it would be the galactic marines but their uniforms look like a 4 year old with a crayon drew snow troopers and then colored it in with his moms lipstick.)
  24. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Head Admin to organize your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
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