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Everything posted by Finn

  1. no more claw :( I had a lot of fun times with you. Good luck to your future!
  2. Going to assume you genuinely don't know, but only high staff are marked as staff on the forums. Misfit isn't a high staff.
  3. do not take my jetpack. wrist weapons and SWEPs should also stay. everything else is good to go!
  4. It is a little silly that people who aren't the original founders to have the title, but it doesn't really hurt anything to keep things as they are.
  5. The intent isn't to add a massive faction, but to organize the not military population into a singular faction. We want it to have more things to do, partly because just Senat and BH in a faction doesn't make sense long term, and partially because we're planning for the future, where we'll hopefully have more people.
  6. You a real one, homie. Stay in touch and you might get those pics!
  7. Finn

    Zeroed Out

    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
  8. Look, I understand that the lack of information is frustrating, and this post probably could have been worded better, but please don't try and frame this likes this is an institutional thing for HC. DU and GM were Founder decisions, and the Regiment restructure was a very open process with all of the battalion command teams. The only thing I can think of is moving Mas down from RCMD to BCMD, which could have been handled better. Throughout the past year (at least since I've been in HC), we've made a lot of effort into getting community feedback and making sure the people directly involved with changes are made aware. Xaze as Marshal, and Conrad as Palpatine, would poll the community every time they made a Office of HC thread, and we would use those polls in our discussions in what we wanted to push.
  9. I appreciate the responses. This is gonna be a -1 from me, dawg. I don't think you're ready for MCMD.
  10. I fought for SOBDE. They tried to separate us!
  11. Miss you more <3 I like the contrast in this one.
  12. +1 bad batch lookin ugly rn. They need a glowup
  13. Gonna be honest, I'm real skeptical about this. Aside from the past few days, you haven't been pushing RP and being an active presence on the server. How do you plan on pushing player population? The timing of the application, and the private conversations we've had, makes me concerned about your reasoning for running. Why did you wait so long to put the app up? Who's going to replace you as Sector Commander? Can you go more into detail as to why you would make a good Marshal? That answer is very vague.
  14. +1 I think what you want to do is what we need as MCMD. (just don't yell at me if I go under my hours!)
  15. "I won't be available until sunday." pls read
  16. Finn 5th Sector Commander I have to work extra for a project so I won't be available until sunday. Marvel is in charge until I get back.
  17. This isn't a big corporation though. We're a small community, and we should stop treating it like anything else. I'm not saying they need to hit the 40 hours we all do, but the fact that they can't even get on for a 20 minutes a week is inexcusable. I agree there shouldn't be an ultimatum, and I also think something needs to change at the top. And for the record, at my actual job, with an employee count of a few hundred, I see my CEO at least 4 times a week. I don't talk to him, but I know he's there, and involved, and committed. I don't see that in the Founders.
  18. This sucks. You 100% exceeded my expectations Mavelle. You're what the server needs right now, and it's a shame you feel that what you're doing isn't enough.
  19. Is it so much to ask the people in charge of the server actually play the server?
  20. I think the core issue here is that the Founders have 1 foot in the door in policy making still. If you guys want to step back and let Management/Directors do their jobs (which I 100% agree with), that's perfectly fine. But when you then involve yourself with things that are under their purview, it creates a lot of uncertainty and stops progress. I'm of the opinion that Founders should take less active of a role in the community. There have been a lot of good steps taken recently in giving Xaze and Woeny more autonomy in running things, and I think that should go all the way. Barring big emergencies, Founders shouldn't have any hand in setting policy, staff, development, etc. Focus on the financials, the marketing, growing the community, etc. and let everyone else do their jobs.
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