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Everything posted by Finn

  1. +1 In my non biased opinion I think he would make a good staff member!
  2. Finn

    Bring back BVB

    -1 Not again, please. There was so much drama and toxicity involving BvB, and the competition itself got very repetitive. I still don't think pitting battalions against each other is a good way to roster community growth.
  3. Finn

    Silent Comms...

    3/2/2 Gameplay was pretty ok for the most part. A lot of bottleneck shootouts, which aren't fun on server wide deployments, but otherwise not too bad. Care and Effort was kinda not good. It felt like you just spammed droids in front of the troopers, and didn't do much else. You also punished players for creatively getting into the base, without really communicating what the issue was. Those combined really harshed my vibe of the event. Performance was also not good. I lost connection twice, and my battalion lost connection more, and the frames were consistently dropping. Overall I didn't really have a good time with this, and I hope in the future more thought and planning can be put into a deployment.
  4. Just to set the record straight, Foxtrot was an active, stable subunit in 212th for over a year and a half, and it wasn't removed from 212th for any negative reasons on our part. I can somewhat understand the argument of Foxtrot being a stepping stone to SOBDE, and while I can't say with 100% certainty that people didn't see it that same way, I can say that most of the longtime members did not see it that way. Many of the long term members of Foxtrot never went to SOBDE, or any other battalion. Two Gregor's and One normal Foxtrot trooper eventually become Commander Cody, and another Gregor ended up as Attack Regimental, with many of them returning months later to go back to Foxtrot. Some of these old long term members have even expressed an interest in helping the subunit if it does return to the 212th, which to me, speaks volumes as to what the subunit meant to us as a battalion. I know there isn't much I can say to change your mind about this, I just want you to understand how much work was put into Foxtrot the first time to make sure it was a sustainable and long-term addition to the battalion, and that mindset hasn't change an iota in the years since. I don't want to clog the thread with a consistent back and forth, though if you're interested in talking further, please DM me, as I always enjoy regaling people with the history of 212th!
  5. Wassup my guy. Wanted to critique a few things you've said here. 1. Red Squad isn't a thing anymore, and hasn't been for some time. People still use the RS lore names, but that's not a battalion sanctioned system, and we don't police the names our members want to use. Parjai is also not a subunit, it's what we call 2ndAC Officers. 2. I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean, but it seems like some sort of inside joke of SOBDE. If it is, then it's very telling about your thoughts on Foxtrot in general. 3. While the original intention may have been standardization, the original intention was also to have Grey RC, which you clearly don't have. The battalion and server have changed, and there's no legitimate reason for SOBDE to hoard subunit that you guys have admitted publicly and privately you have no intention of using. 4. The naming convention was supposed to keep in line with the regiments, which is admittedly confusing. the ARF job is intended to fill the marksman role, and we're ok to keep the marksmen name if need be. 5. So, to set the record straight, we approached Rizzo well before we even talked to our own officers. We wanted him, and SOBDE as a whole, to work with us to make sure the subunit was the same quality as SOBDE. His response was to say that the only way to make this suggestion work would be to have SOBDE have full control over the subunit, and essentially be a squad that just is outreached to 212th. He wouldn't entertain any other offer. This suggestion isn't overstepping, considering high staff gave us the go ahead to make this suggestion. 6. SOBDE has never had a hard time filling squads when they advertise and are active. Having been your Regimental previously, I have firsthand knowledge on how you guys operate, both successfully and not so successfully, so I can say this some some confidence that having Foxtrot in 212th will not hinder you in any way. I can also say this considering we already had Foxtrot for over a year and a half and SOBDE didn't have issues recruiting. Kaiser and I are more than willing to discuss this with you guys if you want more clarification about the suggestion, and if this does pass, we hope you'll want to be involved in helping the subunit find success.
  6. +1 212th always did well with Foxtrot, and seeing as it hasn't been used in forever, it's a great time to try and revive it in 212th!
  7. +1 Good leader, has the support of the battalion, good app. But for Christ's sake leave the van, even I have less sanity than you!
  8. -1 I'm not a fan of adding another jetpack subunit, we already have 3 subunits that do that. Not only would it cause more lag on the server, it would take away from the existing subunits.
  9. Big +1 I think you had a really good Rex term, even if it got cut short due to IRL stuff. I think we work very well together, and I know you'll do what's best for the attack battalions!
  10. Ok that makes sense, I was thinking that they wanted to be both ARF and a second regiment. +1 then I can't see a reason to not have the regular regiments.
  11. So if these new jobs wouldn't have the normal ARF loadout, why are they called ARF troopers? I don't see why you wouldn't just add normal regiment jobs like every other battalion. Also, isn't the limit to unique jobs 20? If you already have 18, you'd be going over the limit.
  12. +1 Green Star is much better, and matches the Gold star
  13. 3/4/5 Gameplay was fun and somewhat varied, though not as much interactivity as I thought there'd be. Care and Effort was definitely there, with the map a big plus (If I didn't know better I'd say you took this from Mavelle/Daytona, it's really well made!) I didn't suffer any lag at all, which was really nice, especially considering how extensive the dupe was, and the amount of droids spawned.
  14. +1 I love interactive things to do on the server!!
  15. Thank you Kayne, very cool! You were always really fun to talk with, and I hope you find the same enjoyment you had here in the next thing you do.
  16. Glad to see that DU will not be making a comeback now that it's main backer is leaving. Good luck in school, and say hi once in awhile!
  17. +1 these models are dope
  18. Please add the rule back about necroposting
  19. Finn

    Message to Xaze

    He's got a point. That's a LOT of suggestions pending still.
  20. +1 I think you'll do a good job. Just please make it last longer than Yoda.
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