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Everything posted by Finn

  1. Name: Freck Staff Rank: VA SteamID: STEAM_0:1:190610964 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): Unknown Reason: Something came up IRL (Finn would rather not put it out publicly, PM me if you need to know) Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  2. And they were about to give you Director....
  3. 100% agree. When you get that perfect balance of XO and BCMD it really sets a good vibe in the battalion.
  4. But it's so FUN to 1 shot clone jobs!
  5. Why are you using a sniper in close range and expecting to do well?
  6. I've got your 212th helmet ready to go! I'll miss Cyris on the base~
  7. 4/10 It was really generic honestly. The first half way far better than the second, with the geo section being super slow, and everyone kinda wandered the entire time. Even the Venator section was boring and everyone does it the same way (bonus points for having the ship be boarded while in hyperspace, which is impossible.
  8. Assuming Conrad's stats are accurate, it's roughly the same as the Mando rifle. The high power shots are a little worse, but every shot can be a high damage shot, while only the 5th can on Mando. The time between shots is more than the mando as well, the consistent damage balances it out.
  9. Those new numbers seem a bit more in line with the Mando rifle (which is the only thing I have to compare it). Hopefully the charge times don't end up being too restrictive, but I'm a fan of the look/sound so far!
  10. +1 giving the Senate more people will increase roleplay throughout the server, and it'd be fun to have more varied interactions with the Senate~
  11. +1 I've worked with you both as Mas, and in your 2 terms as ATK Reg, and I think you'd do well as Marshal.
  12. +1, from what I've seen CG is doing really well, and you're very easy to work with. I hope your second term will be as well as your first!
  13. I love how many of these I was there for! That fucking propaganda box was a new form of torture....
  14. I still can't believe I'm the only one that stayed with you. You fuckers had to beg me to get on.
  15. Man I can't wait for CTs to know even less than before!
  16. bodybuilder = 110% masc. no such thing as femboy bodybuilder
  17. We don't that many meetings. The ones we do have just last longer than a monopoly game.
  18. Bodybuilders are an abomination. Having muscles is good. Having muscles the size of a bathtub is terrible.
  19. Gears, you started some of the biggest positive changes in 212th we've had. You were my Major buddy, and I've always been glad to consider you a friend. The community has lost something big with you leaving, and I hope you still visit us from time to time. I hope whatever your future brings is amazing, and you'll always have a place in 212th. Stay in touch!
  20. Can we go back to the days where 212th had 5 times the deployments as everyone else?
  21. Sorry about that, I was distracted by some socks. I've removed all cat references from 212th.
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