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Blueberry Juice

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Everything posted by Blueberry Juice

  1. 8/10 They sure did end the mission with a bang.
  2. Didn't even read automatic +1
  3. The main thing is more so keeping the community engaged and entertained rather than branching off. As we saw when MRP was released, player count was significantly reduced on CWRP. What we have now is excellent and the updates we have keep people excited.
  4. 10/10 I had so much fun during this event you really knocked yourself out of the park this time Joah, it was fantastic. I noticed photos being taken, are those going to be uploaded?
  5. 10/10 Did some Grade A fucking MEDRP as a Med droid!
  6. Neutral. The clone models are HD but would still look better maybe
  7. 7/10 Fun event, could've been a little bit longer but was very fun.
  8. +1 would be fun to have droids running around
  9. If the lag that it causes can be fixed then a definite +1. For now I remain Neutral
  10. I think I both lost and acquired brain cells as I read through this post. Not sure if I am now dumber or smarter.
  11. Um this suggestion was literally denied like a week ago. Making a new one isn't going to change that. -1
  12. While they can get paid, it is volunteer work. Being an event job that makes the event interesting and engaging for the community is more than enough for me. I'd much rather bring a good experience than get paid
  13. Currently the only things we have for medics are Defibs, and they're testing them now. I do understand the concern however, as it does seem that way. However, medics are grossly underappreciated throughout the server.
  14. Name: CMO Lietenant Commander/ Major Blue | Kom'rk Suggestion: Either increase the Health and/or Speed of all medics Implementation: Increase the stats for all medics to make them more appealing in Battalions. Currently, all other subunits in Battalions dwarf medics in some way or another. Medics get 1 thing, a medkit, which heals incredibly slow and deters potential medics from joining due to the unappealing nature of being a medic. Medics should be somewhat faster than the normal trooper, and they should also have more health. However, if I would pick between the stats I would say increase the speed of a medic by a few points (slower than Shock obviously). Other subunits get cool weapons like a Z6 or a sniper or a minigun etc. *DISCLAIMER* In no way, shape, or form will medics be overpowered by this buff. If you complain about them in PVP being faster then get better aim or change the rules. This is for everyone's benefit. Lore: None that I could find Workshop content if applicable: n/a (Also if I need to add the Job change format as well I will do that. Unsure if it was needed.)
  15. Name it High Charity or the Covenant Damn that's such a sexy line
  16. What about Odyssey (or The Odyssey) Kind of fits I guess. We're more or less drifting in space with no clear objective and we get attacked and go to different planets and stuff.
  17. Well maybe don't Metagame and I'm 99% sure that nobody said that. I should know, because I was Cad Bane. Also, this is it. No more arguing because this is an AAR not a shit post
  18. 327th was not targeted. As Cad Bane, I watched as all of you stood in a hallway and got shot up, we killed you all because you didn't play smart. Whenever you have something, you MUST relay it to a GH or GM. You made your own RP and called out that Cad Bane was here, which you had no idea that he was. Again 327th wasn't targeted, you guys stood in a hallway and got shot. Metagamers are going to be called out. That's all I'm going to say.
  19. Blueberry Juice


    +1 this is would be very epic, should be issued to NCO's+ so that Minges don't spam it.
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