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Blueberry Juice

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Everything posted by Blueberry Juice

  1. I'll be SlightlySmallerZach
  2. Imperial RP just sucks in general
  3. Bruh I hate that Blue guy he's such a faggot with his medical roleplay
  4. Spelling her name right might help too
  5. It's furry hunting season gentlemen. I'm here to kill furries and eat ass And I've run out of ass to eat
  6. Lowkey EU people wouldn't even be able to meme around else GIGN will arrest them.
  7. No I was kidding you dumb shit SEDUCE HIM
  8. Seduce Joah so he let's you in the server
  9. Will add diversity as a gay squad lead +1
  10. Idk guys I think I want him back in so he can be a DB shooter
  11. The rules for sith aren't even straight forward adding Grey Jedi will add another layer to the server that shouldn't be there -1
  12. I am Neutral for starters, Grum has helped recon out a lot. Back when I was in Rancor at the beginning of his term we went on a deployment and he came into the TS and said, "you guys are the most stable and professional Battalion in Recon. I'm not going to focus on you as much due to that fact." All of you in Rancor saying he wasn't focusing on you was because you weren't there when he said you guys don't need me, I'm going to focus on the other Battalions. Furthermore, we can all agree that Rancor is the most stable Recon battalion. During his term, Grums reg suffered the loss of SO and almost the complete loss of 41st. Therefore, he had more pressing matters to attend to with 41st. He didn't focus on Rancor because he didn't need to, Rancor was autonomous and stable. That being said, he still should've interacted more with Recon. The beginning of his term was ok, as he was actively participating with Recon. And with me no longer being in Recon, I can say that I hardly saw him on and interacting with recon.
  13. Negatives outweigh positives. Unfortunately there is only so much we can do and it just has to be an honor thing. -1
  14. Man picking up all those pennies from the floor sure add up don't they?
  15. Instead of making signs, include it in TR training. That way CT's have an idea of what each Battalion offers
  16. Imagine trying to get a better load out lmao
  17. Lol 9/10 I cut up the Null for tissue samples. All while everyone looked at me in horror.
  18. Pretty sure this was denied a few weeks ago. Back when the update first dropped. +1 if it works
  19. All you complain about us shooting you instead of detaining. Every encounter that I've had with trying to detain sith/civilians has ended with them pulling out a lightsaber in the middle of RP, have a sith assassin come and save their ass, or just be retarded and run away. Like we said, you remove that Rep system and maybe sith wouldn't resort to running away and slicing their way out of shit. We shoot because you fucks don't want to get detained. What happens when a police officer is detaining you and you push them away and start running? You get shot, simple as that. You guys requested a civilian bodygrouper, maybe request different shit you can put on it. -1.
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