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Blueberry Juice

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Everything posted by Blueberry Juice

  1. Yeah I know all that but my point is that just because you're a sith you shouldn't be doing those things without proper cause. And about the jet boots... Jetpacks make noise... And shoot fire. But yeah I get what you're saying
  2. This is not a jab at sith. I do not want to cause any issues, rather address an issue that, for whatever reason, should not be an issue. Sith are a welcome aspect to the server. They created new opportunities for RP and help in the down time when wanting to cause something. That being said The prominent issue with some of the sith is that they find that being a sith is an EXCUSE FOR BEING MINGY. We're clones but we sure as hell are not idiots. Anybody with a brain can deduct that hey there's a man in dark robes, holding a lightsaber, and leaping about . Now that isn't ample evidence to condemn a Sith, it is ample evidence to be suspicious. Now here's the real issue. The Sith seem to believe that jumping on a military institution with a force power and pulling and pushing officers with the force will not have repercussions. Now it's stated in the rules "thou shall issue warnings" but that's the issue. Why should we issue warnings for a CIVILIAN LEAPING ONTO OUR OUTPOST/BATTLEMENTS? It's absurd! In real life, wherever you go, you would be detained at the least or shot and killed if you don't follow the instructions from military personnel. If a cop tells you to leave a crime scene and you hop the tape they aren't going to issue a warning to you you're probably going to get detained. If you leap on top of a military institution and then complain about "RDM I didn't get my warnings" after getting shot at it's not fair and really pisses everyone off. So seriously, I don't want to be that guy but it's a problem with a select few. Just because you're a Sith you aren't allowed to be a minge. If you wouldn't do it on your clone, don't do it on Sith (obviously there's certain things but you know what I'm talking about). Please USE COMMON SENSE!! YOU ARE A CIVILIAN (in our eyes) AND WE ARE MILITARY PERSONNEL!
  3. You've been doing a good job no doubt about it. I think you'd be a great regimental. +1
  4. Well if you get into bed expecting dick and she pulls her pants down to reveal a glory hole then your expectations are going to be blown. I wouldn't want to get into bed with and girl then get my forehead slapped by a penis that rivals mine, kinda kills the mood. Idk chief, do what makes ya happy.
  5. Name: Blue Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155833067 Staff Rank: New admin Were you VIP: yes Date:2/10/19 Reason for leaving: Much like other people, I joined staff so I could make a difference. However, I feel that my time could be better used within the general populace than the staff team. I don't enjoy the work nearly as much as I did anymore, nor do I enjoy the time I take from my subordinates or friends within the server to do staff work. Farewells: none cause I'm not leaving the server.
  6. If u -1 your ARC leaves just like my dad +1!
  7. I read this as Sock the game terrorist because of that butchering of basic spelling in the title xd Please don't hurt me
  8. Subnautica is the best game in recent time no joke. Beautiful, intriguing, and not pushy story OR game wise. Like seriously, the game has maybe 3 hours of content, but my first playthrough was like 35 hours. And the new DLC is out and still being worked on, none of this half-assed stuff that triple A titles make. The studio listens to the community and the game is just fan fucking tastic. BUY IT FOR A GREAT TIME
  9. Just coast. As you coast in the water you can look down and see the fish, but don't go fishing because you might scare them off. You let them know you're there and you let them come to you. Rev your engine a lil bit, but not too much. Let the wind carry your sails but don't go to fast. Just. Coast...
  10. All good things must come to end I guess. Love you Havoc, it's been a pleasure
  11. This is a fat +1. I have never had a bad encounter with this man and he's always been a good guy
  12. They are a nice addition. Wish there was more interaction between clones and sith more. Also, randomly getting assassinated is kinda annoying, especially when you're in the middle of RP
  13. Bad batch is not supposed to be a typical SOBDE squad (from what I think). Just because it's a squad in SOBDE doesn't mean he isn't qualified to lead one. Based on the responses from this application, most people are -1 due to the fact that A) Jags is an outsider and B) Bad Batch is SOBDE... Then refer to A. Give him what this guy deserves because a new perspective might be refreshing to SOBDE. FAT +1
  14. 9/10 Was a great event! Could've utilized the assassin Droid more however!
  15. You will NEVER find another person nearly as committed to a position or aspect of naval/BO other than Ben. If people -1 this app because of his stuttering I will find you and it will NOT be a good time... You've been warned Fattest +1 I can give to someone. Hopefully you get it my guy, you deserve it more than anyone else!
  16. 10/10 As always the events are fantastic!
  17. This application took so long to read the update is probably dropped. Wait.... Fat +1!
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