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Blueberry Juice

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Everything posted by Blueberry Juice

  1. My shotgun only does like 150 max this one does like 40 of you're lucky. Ain't worth it, plus y'all have 2 dc15a's and that's just a lot of weapons for a subunit that is already broken as hell in terms of class loadout. -1
  2. Just suck it back in lmao your ass is like a vacuum if you think about it
  3. Jesus grow a pair all of you and quit arguing like a bunch of school girls who have a crush on guy. Fucks sakes. Grow up and deal with the fact that people will never do exactly what you want them too. I don't hop on to the forums to see posts about shit that people said or didn't say and if they agreed or didn't agree. I want to see the opposite because that's what Synergy is about. None of this gay "he said she said" bs. Just all of you quit arguing dammit.
  4. Sure did. I feel you'd be a great attack regimental and as much as I respect Perri, I believe you have both the better plan and temperament to handle the duties of the a Regimental. Good luck Omalic, you've always been a fantastic Rex! +1
  5. I want to see you in this position, I do. You're a great Commander and a very respectable guy. However, I have seen multiple issues with minging in the 501st. How do you plan to prevent the 501st from becoming a minge hell hole into a battalion that is attractive to serious members? For that matter, all of the Attack Battalions?
  6. Ugh a defib would be so nice but unfortunately the lag that ragdolls cause and they overall fucky way the defibs work made them get removed
  7. Not gonna lie... I came immediately after seeing this post.
  9. +1 could increase the margin for infection events along with events where food is poisoned
  10. This is made in response to Argonfillips and his ridiculous way of giving a PTS during DB. He talks before, after, and in TS while DB is going on. The issue is that he goes up for a PTS, deliberately spends 10 typing out 3 sentences then sits down, wasting our time. You can type a PTS but either type it before hand or don't give a PTS at all.
  11. 9/10 Nice concept and was pretty fun!
  12. Damn you right. It's not like Medics keep everyone alive or anything xD. Gotta get that armor up, fuck health!
  13. Great, now he can shoot us with a pistol without using stun. He already has too much power with the baton, this makes him the god of both Not Giving a Fuck and You're Going to Jail. +1 my guy
  14. I think this would be the best system. For patrol you can just RP saying you got your weapon from your bunks rather than having to go to the armory.
  15. This literally isn't even something that should be a suggestion. Serious RP doesn't mean I have 6 guns shoved up my ass. If you don't want to RP then that's fine. The issue you guys have is none of you want to take the extra step to RP. And then you -1 a suggestion for wanting to increase RP and immersion in a RP server. Seriously people, you may not want to RP but quit using the excuse of "you're trying to force people to RP". IT'S A FUCKING RP SERVER!!!! WE SHOULDN'T NEED TO HAVE THESE DAMN SUGGESTIONS!!!! +1
  16. Imagine having to Roleplay on a Roleplay server... Crazy right?
  17. Twas fun and well thought out. Good job! 8/10
  18. Well shit this is getting a lot of backlash. Obviously a FAT no from everybody and this was not meant to be "power hungry" or controlling. This suggestion was to help the GM's with their AAR's and a suggestion to let them improve because of the lack of responses I've seen on AAR's. Thank you all for your honesty opinions and again, did not want to cause controversy. Due to backlash and community distaste, along with my own views on this, the topic will now be VOIDED
  19. I'm not trying to force anyone to do anything but the AAR's are there for a reason. Nobody responds to them and this is to make GM's better. Again, just trying to have the player base give more feedback to GM's.
  20. Blueberry Juice


    Name: Blue | Kom'rk Suggestion: Enforce more replies on AAR's Implementation: I'm proposing a rule that states that: An event cannot occur if less than 5 (can be changed) or more replies are on the previous AAR. Too many AAR's go without replies or with 1 or 2 people saying good job 8/10. Players, it is OUR job to make sure that the GM's get proper feedback on the way they can improve their events, or what you liked about the event. The more feedback, the better (and more) events we get. Plus, it shows the GM's that we gave a shit about the event and that we appreciate them for taking the time to create something for the player base. Lore: n/a Workshop content if applicable: n/a (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
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