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Blueberry Juice

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Everything posted by Blueberry Juice

  1. +1 cause shit why not. I rolled a 100 for flexing before I should get them too... Jk don't bean me
  2. No. I ended up getting it yesterday. It's just not in the forums or anything.
  3. How about Minecraft RP? We can still refer to it as MRP that way!
  4. I didn't even know Heart resigned from Yoda +1 my guy, you'll do great
  5. 8/10 Was a fantastic event, just players and people screwed up a few times and that killed RP a bit. But was really fun, perfect length!
  6. 9/10 The event itself was fun but a lot of things went wrong between the Recon battalions etc. Nothing you did Elijah, it was a great event but was killed by the complete stupidity of some people.
  7. For real! Since when is it an issue that he's eager to become squad lead? That's a good thing!
  8. I genuinely believe that Jags can turn around Foxtrot. Currently, Foxtrot is not what it should be and the past Gregor's (no shade thrown at anybody) have simply not done enough to combat the issues that Foxtrot has. Jags will be able to do this and I know this because of his experience in Rancor. Of all the Gregor applicants, Jags will be the one to truly change it. Massive +1 my guy, I miss you buddy.
  9. The rules stated in TR and the training room states "no lore names". Only way you can have the lore name is if you are the lore character.
  10. This is a +1 but you really need to crack down on the mingy behavior of the 501st. Granted, most Minges go to the 501st and that's not your fault but I'm talking about behaviors from NCO's and officers. I won't reveal names but it's an issue and it needs to be fixed because a lot of RP is fucked up because some 501st comes in and starts doing some mingy stuff.
  11. Stats are fine and makes sense but burst for a sniper rifle that's better than the LD-1? Chief called and he said this wasn't it. Just raise the rpm rather than make it hell for event jobs and such.
  12. I swear to God this will actually put me into the grave if we have this. For everything good and holy in this world do NOT bring this into the server.
  13. This is a +1. Seems to know what he's going to do and has a plan. Just got stuck with a lot on Minges that screwed with the image of DU which is unfortunate. Good luck my guy.
  14. -1 they don't even announce roleplayer of the week anymore
  15. +1 but only if you say "It is I, JaBaku!" After you take every ticket
  16. Quick, apply for Blitz and pull a sneaky on him
  17. +1. I have seen many improvement however, how do you plan to battle the mingy behavior and overall repor of the battalion?
  18. Old man my ass. Dudes hung like a horse and definitely has Big Dick energy Fat +1
  19. Blueberry Juice

    Void pepe

    +1 because he's my Howdy partner
  20. I'm already depressed so let's keep it going!
  21. Hi guys I just want to know how people within the server approve or disapprove of my actions. I am the current MEDL and 2ndLt of Rancor and I wish to just get an evaluation from some people so I know if I need to work on things or what I do good with etc. (No I'm not fishing, that's for Snapchat thots)
  22. Of all the SOBDE squads, Foxtrot is somewhat of a laughing stock. How do you plan to change that and make Foxtrot better in the eyes of the other squads?
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