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Blueberry Juice

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Everything posted by Blueberry Juice

  1. Bruh creepiest mission was the trandos on the acclimator. You can't change my mind.
  2. +1 might as well. I can scream at you as a GM now nerd
  3. I just got Null, I was Rancor before no worries!
  4. RP Name: Blue | Kom'rk Skirata  Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155833067 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 18 Timezone: EST What was your previous staff rank?: New Admin  Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): No Why did you leave the staff, team?: I felt that I had too much on my plate and something had to go (regrettably). Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?: I regret my decision to leave. I want to help the community and I also want to fill those downtime gaps with something. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge ofthe server rules and practices?: Yes
  5. Based on the reactions to this and the (now) stupidity of the idea I've come up with, this suggestion will now be voided.
  6. But then you have to wait for a staff member and it's annoying
  7. But event jobs don't open the door for it though...
  8. Name: Rancor ARC MEDL 2ndLt Blue Suggestion: Make a button to override the door in Medbay. I'm sick of event jobs going into medbay and locking the doors while all of us sit with our thumbs up our asses while 104th negotiates for whatever. Implementation: Just add a button in BCC that allows the door to be opened from BCC since the only button is inside the Medbay. Lore: The base control can open the doors from the control center Workshop content if applicable: N/A (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  9. Well, as the meme Lord of Rancor, the only way I cope with depression is embracing it
  10. I have multiple issues to address here and although I would enjoy this in the server, there are many issues: 1) As one of the most avid medics on the server, I do the most MEDRP. This would deter prospective medics away from the medical branch because of the sheer difficulty of attempting to RP while under fire, where you'll inevitably be hit and subsequently screwed. 2) Honor would be an issue. People would argue with each other and then things would spiral out of control. This will cuaee unnecessary stress. 3) As a medic I don't have the time to type 5 /me's to revive one trooper when 30 other troops are getting shot at. 4) People will spam it. 5) As a medic, people already yell at us for a medic, imagine the voices of 10 people screaming into their microphones for a Medic because they were being dumb and got shot. 6) Our jobs as medics are to keep the troops alive, we're expendable and sacrificing 20 guys for 1 guy is foolish I really wish I could support this, as it would be an interesting idea, but the way Gmod NPC's work and how often people get shot would cause a lot of problems. This is a -1. Rancor MEDL 2ndLt Blue
  11. Bruh this isn't even a debate +1 my guy you'll do fantastic
  12. For the love of God as long as they cannot be as loud as your mom when she's yelling then this is a +1
  13. 8/10 Was fun! Player choice is player choice so it's nothing you did
  14. Miller is the only one in HC who's Alpha. Everyone else is Rancor
  15. No I know where it stands. I don't want it to spiral out of control but I guess if anybody wishes to continue to discuss it this can be used for the time being
  16. Alpha is for ARC trained people not just Rancor
  17. Alright boys I'm voiding this suggestion now. Obviously some strong opinions on both sides. Thank you all for the input and this was not meant to cause any drama.
  18. Wow when you wake up and there's 30 replies on your thread... Anyways, Thank you all for the input. Obviously, all of us feel different on this matter and that's ok. I felt the need to post this because I want to make RP more accountable and more serious then it has been. This was moreso to see where everyone stood on the topic rather than actually get it implemented. I think we all know this is going to get denied but it brought the discussion of catering to the trooper or shaming the trooper, which is often a blurred line. Again, thank you for the input. And for the love of everything, if you're offended by whatever wack, off-putting reason that this topic caused, I do apologise.
  19. Kind of the point. Basically just peer pressure them into good behavior
  20. Name: Rancor MEDL 2ndLt Blue Suggestion: Make Demotions in public not failrp or whatever it is. Just let them do it if it's necessary. Implementation: By making public Demotions, people are held more accountable for their actions and may improve the seriousness within the server. Lore: you can demote people if they do a shit job or not following battalion standards Workshop content if applicable: None yes this is controversial but whatever
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