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Blueberry Juice

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Everything posted by Blueberry Juice

  1. 1/4 The event itself had an... interesting concept that could've worked if played off right. Unfortunately, throwing tons of droids at us doesn't constitute an event. It was hard to follow, had an extreme lack of coordination between jobs and plots, and seemingly dragged out to the point of boredom. There wasn't nearly enough to entertain the populace. And really? Grievous does /me escapes and spawns in multiple ships?? C'mon man.
  2. You get to shoot each other just to do more medrp
  3. Name: Blue RP Rank: CT General Suggestion: remove all jobs except for medics Implementation: there will be nothing. The server is one giant medical bay and we shall all do medrp for eternity. Any other rp will be banned and you will be executed if caught doing so. Every job shall be removed and replaced with the medic job. Lore: Perhaps Workshop content if applicable: nah (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") This was approved by CMO Spite, that fat nerd.
  4. Had a lot. Favorite is probably when me (on Rancor) and a Null tarred and feathered Gume Saam for trying to take my kame for budget cuts. I told everyone to leave his socks on so it wasn't gay and nobody could talk for like 10 minutes because we were all dying laughing. The Null choked on his vape, it was hilarious. Another close one was when I RPed that I found out about Darman and Etains baby after a surgery. That was awesome RP wise but then she got stabbed in the stomach and I wasn't there to save the baby. Yikes.
  5. Neutral. It's part of the medics job to know where and when to be to provide medical attention. Medics aren't errand boys and shouldn't be running across the map to a group of soldiers who's medic died or they neglected to bring a medic with them so they can be healed. That being said, it's best to leave class boosts alone and focus on battalion buffs. If medics get a speed boost, then other classes will want boosts. However, a better med pack that heals faster would probably be a better suggestion, that way you aren't stuck as long healing the person.
  6. 07 Was fun in Null with you Marvel, however short it was. Good luck with everything brother!
  7. Water is dependent on the minerals within it. That's why Aquafina tastes like a fucking pool.
  8. Bro bet but now I consume massive amounts of alcohol we'll see
  9. You could not deal with your own failure... Where'd that bring you? Back to me.
  10. Yo Yo depressy boy is back but hopefully I sound less like someone wanting to die and more like someone with a sliver of humanity. Hopefully I stay for a long while but who knows, things change. Glad I'll get to meet new and old people. Come say hi!
  11. Oh yeah I'm still depressed. It's part of my brand
  12. We have to downvote the post so he gets more negative karma. O7 pink man, funny shit you post
  13. Shit you're way too cute for a snack u a meal boi Hard work and dedication bro, great fucking job!
  14. Y'all need to make up your fuckin minds
  15. Just hit shock twice and then they can't arrest you for RDM. Easy boxing
  16. Sorry Cannon but when I apply you're not getting Bly Good option for Bly. Just be active my guy but you'll do great! +1
  17. How far my Medbay has fallen 😢
  18. Don't do that. Don't give me hope. +1 ya big nerd
  19. Blueberry Juice


    @Joah why tf is this in your basement
  20. Blueberry Juice


    What the actual cinnamon toast fuck is this picture
  21. Who's going to say "it is I, JaBaku!" Before every pts now?
  22. Fuck all you guys putting down people. C'mon, everyone aspires to be something and if you don't think someone can make it then keep it to yourself you inconsiderate shit heads. @Turtle my guy, fuck these kids. You do you man. Don't let people tell you what you can or cannot do. There is nobody stopping you in life to get what you want except yourself.
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