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Everything posted by Piff

  1. Piff

    Bacta-Kill SOBDE

    7/10 Id say the only issue was communication, but it would've been good with it, but at the sametime the miscommunication also allowed us to do what we thought was right which was funny at the sametime
  2. I mean i did get details, i got details from a master who witnessed the situation, and spoke about it and if you had an issue with him, you should bring it up prior and not hold it to yourself and bring it up when it benefits you cause if you dont say anything than he wont know anything, and if he himself doesnt know anything about it you of course didnt say anything, so regardless of me having enough details or not, keeping things to yourself helps no one.
  3. Well to be honest this sounds a lot like you're overexaggerating, i heard from a master that you got him on a bad watch week cause of him simply calling you dumb, im not going to say who, but this is the most overexaggerated shit i've seen. as well, for the time being im not voting until i get more input from others since i personally dont know enough at the moment to decide
  4. Name: Piff SteamID: STEAM_0:0:155574178 Current Staff Rank: SA Are you Currently a GH?: No How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: Tech has played for 4630:03:56. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8 Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I want to do events again like usual im not going to write a whole ass essay due to teh fact that i wish to push out more events and try to get somewhere higher hopefully in the GM Team. Do you have any suggestions for the gamemaster team?: At the moment no Link us to a document for an event that you will execute as a gamemaster: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gkdZy4swFkQQo0lxt4wBjjdtPoAglzD_sDkI1oql7IU/edit#heading=h.a1jq6ovrd793 Place the links below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional)
  5. Piff

    Weight Tool

    Name: Piff RP Rank: SGT Suggestion: Add weight tool to the server to be used for dupes and props Implementation: Adding it into the server Lore: N/A Workshop content if applicable: Theres 2 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=586675254 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=104480013 I rather go with the older one, but newer is eh (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  6. that do sound a lot like my parents bedroom at night
  7. Piff

    New Swep

    yeah now we just need fortnite emotes
  8. this is what happens when your dad gets deported everyone
  9. Piff

    Wreckers Fist

    +1 I say we call the fist the abusive father
  10. i like my cajun mac and cheese with a excessive amount of crawfish
  11. yo but look at this fettuccini and spahget mix I made with some cheese on top and some steak on the side
  12. Well there’s a big difference between in game and in Teamspeak in a locked channel, which is where if anything is dropped is where it happens and that’s usually if we are playing another game and most of my soundboards don’t even have the n word else than some kid yelling. As well, racist tendencies would most likely be something that would get me in trouble and as far as I know I have never been in trouble or banned for racist tendencies else than the one time where I came into a Chanel with a picture of black squid ward when everything with the commander report with Dennis happened and I didn’t even get in trouble for that necessarily As well, if this were the case someone would’ve reported me or any of my friends which as far as I heard or seen no one has, and if you knew all this I’d assume you’d report me so yeah To add on, I’d had one time of me showing that I used selective enforcement, that was when Brooklyn MRDM, I was one of the staff that witnessed what happened and was apart of it and I didn’t ban him mostly cause I saw no one had an issue and nor did I want to ban him cause someone else could do it besides me and overall situation was retarded in regards to soundboard spam which if I’m assuming correctly you’re talking about the 104th, id say me and a good portion of the 104th cut down on soundboards for a while now just to not drive away new people.
  13. Piff

    Game Review

    Scary games aren't usually really scary, But i will see, ive been trying to play more in a day or 2 cause i must speedrun
  14. +1 But the current issue is, if i remember correctly the last edit of this map was the edit that we just got unless somehow the founders can convince bananakin to make changes or as a whole get someone else to do it, so in that case i would say yeah it would be nice to have more complexity to the maps and planets itself, but its very unlikely that we'll get someone to do it for us.
  15. +1 than malore can finally be valiant
  16. id say i would like more complexity to the planets cause layout wise theyre kinda basic
  17. Finally the Neko purge is near
  18. +1 cutest man on the server besides me of course
  19. trash soundtracks Doom music = best (halo is good)
  20. this post title aint it, i was hoping to find something else
  21. damn everyone do be leaving o7
  22. RP Name: WPL Executive Officer Comet Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155574178 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 16 Timezone: NA EST What was your previous staff rank?: SA Are you currently staff on a different server?: No Why did you leave the staff team?: Due to not having enough time to dedicate to being staff Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): Well i want to rejoin mostly to help the complete lack of events going on in the server and as well, the lack of staff helping with events/encounters that admins want to do, but don't have the powers to do it. I wish to also help my battalion itself by being staff by trying to do certain things with them and maybe with the server itself so like i said events/encounters so i can give people something to do and write up RP events to not just make everything shoot em up events. Overall, i just want the overall server activity to go up by trying to do whatever i can to help. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): My previous staff time was interesting to say the least, i was demoted and them repromoted due to an error made by someone, but regardless i still think even though i got demoted i still had to do more, but like i said i was limited by my job and wasn't able to do much. Overall i think i did better in the past 3 1/2 years i've been here and i was more motivated to do things back than. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes
  23. Piff

    Leche's Adios

    See ya around commander kanye, I’ll probably see you in Paris
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