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Everything posted by Hero

  1. The spawnable ones that BO has now. high rate of fire does around 50 dmg, hit e to control them, that one
  2. By filing an LOA you acknowledge that using the LOA to deliberately avoid performing your staff duties will result in removal from the staff team without notice. IMPORTANT: If you are going on an LOA for more than a month please contact a Director first before posting it. Otherwise you may be removed from staff. Title your LOA as: [NAME]'s LOA [START DATE-END DATE] Name: Hero Staff Rank: SA SteamID: STEAM_0:1:107164987 Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 6 days. 1/20-1/26 Reason: Final week of 1st semester, gotta make sure I study hard. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes
  3. Hero

    Night Staff Idea

    I actually like this idea a lot +1
  4. Guy i know has one that’s full of coffee grinds it’s disgustinf
  5. Hero

    Add Etain Job

    Are you sayin cuz it’s ass be phat or because it’s terrible
  6. Hero

    Hero Black Ops #1

    Name: hero Who helped (If applicable): n/a Event Name: Black Ops #1 Summary of the story: 21st, Rancor, SOBDE sent in to do the deeds of Baku. They needed to gather data from a Black Ops medical site and bring it back to Baku intact What was the result of the event?: Republic gathered the data, civilians = Dead Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with ethical RP
  7. Uh can we move down the NCO IQ requirement to 72? Otherwise i don’t think a lot will pass ifykyk
  8. Eh most people overwork themselves Junior year but I guess I lucked out with teachers because mines not stressful. But also yea drama is so time wasting, everything you do takes up time of your day so limit things that take unnecessary time like caring about what other people think.
  9. Yea high school really isn’t difficult to figure out. Once you get into a pattern of doing your work and figuring out where you need to actually apply yourself and where you can relax it’s easy
  10. I’m gonna -1 this post because i don’t think Naval should be removed. but if your attacking him for not finding your battalion a map so they can do work then that’s not his problem, if you want a Venator then step up and find one yourself
  11. -1 to sharpshooter but +1 to the others. Sharpshooter regiments are always dead and never needed
  12. Name: Hero SteamID: STEAM_0:1:107164987 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 960:52:40 From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: Around an 8 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: Quite good Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: I wish to continue my black ops campaign with 21st, Rancor, and SOBDE. These missions evolve around the Black Ops Division of the Republic. They are allowed to do more, questionable, tasks that benefit the Republic. To these men, Ethics and morals are second to the mission. I will restart my campaign, introducing my Deployment officer and his authority. The men stated above will be deployed to -Redacted- In order to deal with the -redacted- uprising against Republic forces in the area, the -redacted- have armed themselves with weapons from -redacted-. The Republics duty will be to go there and attempt negotiations with the civilians. If they fall through, they are to -Redacted-. Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional): Just a few of my many, these were my favorites
  13. Hero


    Raisin bread before practice so i don’t throw up
  14. Ooferino -1 due to the replies to this. The way you went about dealing with this doesn’t help, instead of going to a higher member of high staff and clearing things up. You instead argued and spent your time typing on here.
  15. You need to apply a reason +1 good luck
  16. I’m talking about the Rancor Trooper
  17. Oh. Well wouldn’t it make sense to include them in this post?
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