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Everything posted by Eclipse

  1. perhaps the most prominent memory i have of that room is the time somebody put two girls one cup on there and I had to at the age of 11 see that video Probably a key moment in the formative years of my youth.
  2. -1 told me to off myself in an open channel
  3. i have his phone number
  4. how the FUCK do you guys remember this shit it is so difficult its not even funny I have such a tiny short term memory its not even funny I bet I could do better if I tried but FUCK THAT its so hard man....
  5. +1 I trust Freck! He could do an incredible job as MCMD and I think he's the most fit man for the role.
  6. you are perhaps one of the funniest men I have met ever
  7. Chris is in the right William got a little too mad for a silly little joke I have had worse things said to me on the server and I never slapped anyone so far so I think William overreacted
  8. +1 I believe in your plans and your goals. They seem realistic, achievable, and beneficial. I think you can strongly benefit SO BDE!
  9. +1 you are perhaps the best guy I have ever met besides spieler and mavelle
  10. +1 this a good spot. Players will pass by this spot to get to where they go anyway, so if its there they'll see it and go "OH YEAH! MY SPIN!" just like in armory. Players would probably have to go out of their way to get if its in mess hall. I don't know many people who go through there regularly. I guess it could get the room used more if it was in there, though!
  11. +1 If you will do an outreach, keep it very optional. Forced outreach makes SO BDE no different then anywhere else. SO BDE was always alluring as it provided a place to roleplay as a character wholeheartedly without needing to worry about normal battalion work like hosting sims and etc. Forced outreach just makes you have to do that stuff AND also put all your energy into roleplay. I'd say keep it optional, so that over achieving members of SO BDE can go and do their work in another battalion for recognition there and for extra praise in SO BDE while those who enjoy SO BDE for the simple reason of that they can roleplay a character don't need to be bogged down by traditional battalion work while they pour themselves into their character. With all that said, I believe in your success and that you will do a good job in the position despite the short time you have been in SO BDE. I am excited for the new changes you will bring to the table and hope for a positive term! Good luck Gauge.
  12. Eclipse

    bolt update

    the average 91st member - they get tons of women
  13. 212th Foxtrot SO BDE was like a gateway squad but in 212th it was its own thing and was awesome
  14. +1 best niner since me (you are better then Cox and Guac I do not like them)
  15. +1 Honestly a perma ban seems a little excessive and I could see this being reduced significantly with minimal issues. Still though... silly of you to do!
  16. I miss the old Bleach. Pre anime watching Bleach. Pre XQC watching Bleach. 501st Kano Bleach. I hate the new Bleach, SO BDE oldhead Bleach, pepeLaugh user Bleach, average anime watcher Bleach.
  17. LOL i remember this and Wicked was really insane at it for some reason he was incredible at that game and Gabe was also really good too This wacky little event that Max hosted in 2017 was why I stayed. Drayyen was some leadership role and he said if I named myself Peter he would make me a CPL. I did and he did. I thought it was very funny so I stayed around and never really got tired of playing it.
  18. There are two types of people in this world. Those who love lean, and liars.
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