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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2020 in all areas

  1. Welp, it is time I see my way out. I will not do goodbyes as this caters to why I am leaving : FAVORITISM Some will say I contributed nothing to the order and if that is the case then why have MOST people on the server been taught by me on how to spar?(To include some of those Masters who just went right past me) Or why even those that were taught by me are now using my methods to teach new Jedi? Weird how someone who contributed nothing had a major impact. Frankly I am over it. With this I officially relinquish my title as Blademaster. Sadly this means I am leaving 212th Ghost Company as well. I realized after a couple of weeks that I am trying to help for no end goal. The past 2 months of no recognition has shown me this and the lip service from the Masters+ has shown me their true nature. Promote your friends and everyone else needs to bleed to be promoted. I simply refuse to be a part of your one sided system anymore. Some of those I wish to critique: @Maddox Thank you for showing your true nature when you wanted to push me out of Tiplee due to me being "inactive" with me having 115 hours of NONAFK time when only maining my Jedi. @Elijah Learn to stand up for yourself and have a backbone. When the above situation occurred you didn't really seem to have a handle on wtf was going on. He submitted a good report on me and Codified Friday and 3 days later we were inactive? Sounds legit to me. @Masters Don't be so hesitant to promote people to master who aren't your friends. Codified is trying to help so many programs and he hasn't made Master yet. A LOT of empty master spots with no masters going through. Also learn to COMMUNICATE with the knights. We all sit here with our dicks in our hands wondering why we are not being promoted and nothing being said from the masters. It's gotta be a secret? Ok. To everyone else, don't put up with shit. Yeah asking for promos is in bad tasting, but asking several times what you could do to get ranked up to silence with no rank progression in 2 months is no way to live. If you have bad leadership speak up. I would hope that some of you gain something from this. Also, to anyone who would try to label this post toxic, please reevaluate your labeling. I can label a fork as a spoon but it doesn't make it so. This is simply what I have observed in the past few months here so take it for what it is worth. With this I take my leave and wish you all the best. I will still be around here and there BUT no longer contributing in any fashion to the order. Much love -Guy
    5 points
  2. -1, I'd prefer if you crawled back into your toxic sludge cave. Take a little longer to repent buddy, cause you guys were uber toxic. I don't even dislike you but I doubt you could've learned much since.
    4 points
  3. I feel like my comment will be longer than you application Bro there are skeletons with more meat than this HAHAHAHHAHA -1, just please write at least 1 paragraph in total I understand maybe not wanting too use too much text but there are no plans. How can we trust you if you have basically nothing. I just cannot understand how this could give us any faith in you coming back to save the battalion. How do we know you don't just want the rank. There is nothing to prove: Your understanding of inter battalion issues Why you'd be a good person to save the battalion How you would even save the battalion It really looks like you just have all the confidence but nothing to show for it. I have never seen you before. I don't think anyone does, this is an honourary rank snatch. If you really wanted to best you'd stick around as a major in game and start making changes from there. You don't need to instantly launch into BCMD if you're already a Major.
    4 points
  4. I'm +1ing because I know of Oxen's previous experience and dedication. The dude flipped GM upside down and turned it right back into the previous direction. This man is a champion. And also an edit, the dude didn't put much effort into his original application for the first time he was Bacara either; it just shows you don't have to write a fucking novel to prove you'd be a good battalion commander. (source material)
    3 points
  5. All interested, I understand that times has changed and the player base are different than before. I have and will continue to have an open dialect with members within 21st. We have and will continue to discuss issues and solutions that we as a battalion feel will work. I have no magic ball nor do I know the future. What I am good at is leading, mentoring and teaching others. How many battalions out there want to air out their dirty laundry and discuss things about people and positions outside to other battalions. It is not a good thing nor is it any business of others. The only ones that need to know how and what I am going to do about the changes are those within the Battalion and Senior Leadership. Should I expect to know what is happening in 501st and how they are going to fix their issues? I answered the questions (with modifications) to the questions on the form. I am not going to lay out the plan on fixing the issues, in which I am still working on learning the issues. I am still right now as I write this response having by discussions with 21st members and officers in hopes of moving 21st forward.
    2 points
  6. I am unfortunately going have to -1 this app because I agree with Comics in this situation. If the app is revised and includes your plans for the battalion along with the other issues mentioned I would be willing to reconsider.
    2 points
  7. -1 My application is longer than this, and I didn't even make an application.
    2 points
  8. +1, you been there long enough. It's 3 dudes I doubt you can fuck it up that much.
    2 points
  9. +1 i'v seen Nobles work ethic first hand, when he was Alpha as I was also in Alpha. Pretty good, good attitude does what's needed. Good luck
    2 points
  10. -1 From what I've read the banned person actively gaslit and was an extremely toxic person to Cyan. There is no need to have someone like this in the community after what he did to members of the community. Cyan is a teenager on the younger side. This member targeted and harassed a younger member of the community, was purposely toxic and cruel to him, and got Cyan demoted from CMD for no real reason. His "evidence" just seems like a ego fueled conversation and it proves to me that you're unfit for the community. Dumb me or call me a piss baby or whatever you boomers are doing to anyone who -1s, I really couldn't care. The fact that he was cruel and toxic and a dick to a younger teen and a younger member of the community for no real reason solidifies my -1. Fuck people who do that. Being talked down to due to your age is the worst feeling and if you do it I really dislike you. Age is not a measure of ability nor of intelligence when it comes to the server and you should not treat younger people like children. not cool bro... stay gone I think
    2 points
  11. -1 not only after not getting doom and leaving due to IRL issues Owen allowed you to stay and gave you a tag which allowed you to be an advisor and you took full advantage of the tag, hence why I had it removed, not only did you leak chats or officer and senior officer you most likely did the same thing for commander chat. Personaly I knew about this “coup” about 2.5 months before you were all banned and tried to get ahead of the situation as best as I could during my time as RCMD. I put my best effort forth to help further communication, collaboration, and togetherness in the battalion and you made it your goal to do the opposite, not bribing things forth when people came to you. Trying to stay involved when you had left and “was to busy IRL” to be a commander. Yet when asked for names “they want to remain un named” only further attempting to cause a divide in DU between command and its members. While we actively attempted to make things better. I can whole heartily say that as one grown man to another I may dislike people on the server but I would never sit and talk shit and mess with a kids emotional state like you and the rest of your goons did, it is disgusting and immoral, you went out of your way to attempt to ruin someone’s escape from reality by causing more drama than he was going through at the time personally and that has never been tolerated here and I hope it will never.
    2 points
  12. Like many of your other posts, this one also makes you sound dumb.. I'm convinced you're so ignorant that you think you can just disrespect people and call them "piss babies" despite probably not knowing half of the situation. If you wanna be cool, gather the evidence and word things in a more professional manner... #LifeHack Your opinion matters, but not when you word it inappropriately
    2 points
  13. I gotta say, open communications without reprisals contradicts the first sentence. A lot of people in this community have been or will be or part of in some obscure form or another, a part of 21st. He had a good question though i will say. I will be -1 this due to activity from my own personal perspective. I don't think i have ever seen you play a 21st job in the past 4 months I've been here. Also the application does look a little bit on the light side there and would love to know more on how you plan to perform as bacara.
    1 point
  14. +1 I’m sorry but I don’t remember “lengthy” applications were required? Am I missing something? +1 have had several interactions with you recently and seem very professional and the current 21st HC approve of this.
    1 point
  15. This is not a good thing. Not at ALL. Openness and communication about your plan is absolutely VITAL for anyone to rate the application. Communication issues are major , and to just dismiss them as something for only 21st members is downright stupid. Unless you're fixing on adopting an open policy in relation to disclosing your plans, it's a -1 from me. DISREGARD PRIOR MESSAGES, my vote is changing to a +1 for reasons stated on my follow-up post.
    1 point
  16. From my understanding, there is an extreme disconnect from 21st High Command/Senior Officers and the lower ranks. The lower ranks have vented their frustrations and from what I hear is that the 21st leadership is non-existent in terms of presence (communicating properly with lower ranks) and even toxic at times. A BCMD won't magically fix this situation. What is your response?
    1 point
  17. 6/10 IDK why the CIS showed up. Kinda confused how the jawa = CIS.
    1 point
  18. I am going to refrain from anymore comments on this thread. I feel you don’t know the whole situation. And Grum basically summed it up for me.
    1 point
  19. Conrad and to all else with that question, Let me make this very clear. I did my time as Bacara and as Director and as a Trooper. I came back to enjoy the Jedi side. I have been playing on this server full time on my Jedi (Persu ChiMar). I joined 21st with my Jedi and made sure they knew I was NOT interested in coming back full time on my trooper. I have tried to be patient with the position of Bacara and watched as NOONE PUT IN FOR IT from any battalion. After many conversations with the leadership inside of the 21st, we decided it would be a help to put in for Bacara. I decided I would do so, with the intent of mentoring, training and coaching the leadership within the 21st and if possible after the 1st term, step down for a new qualified candidate that is ready to keep it moving. I would love nothing more than to return to my jedi and experience this side of Synergy, but to be honest with myself ONCE A MARINE ALWAYS A MARINE.
    1 point
  20. Right, I am adjusting this a bit as I came across as a dick and I accept the Dumbs for it. I was looking through Rose Tinted glasses and understand that my opinion is construde. I will be removing my vote for the sake of an unbias vote.
    1 point
  21. @Oxen I have a question about your application. Are you trying to fill this position because you feel like it is needed and through this position you want to train someone up to take bacara, or are you here to be bacara and stay with it? This question mainly comes from this line here .
    1 point
  22. +1, we need a good BCMD
    1 point
  23. There is absolutely nothing to this application other than the fact that 21st "Needs A Bacara" and that you will "Step Down" when a 21st can take it. I don't doubt that you can do it but this application doesn't outline and plans or well anything really. Fix the application.
    1 point
  24. +1 i remember oxen from back in the day. While i agree with comics this man is a legend in 21st as a whole. he can be good and if he does as he did way back then 21st will be great
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Editing my answer once again, but this is the final time. We had a previous conversation and I meant to change it that day, but forgot until today. I am changing a +1 to see how he would do as Bacara and I would be willing to standby his side as a 21st member from here until proven otherwise.
    1 point
  27. I agree with Comics on the length however. Many older players can vouche for how well you did but I feel you should explain to people that don’t know you as much why you should be it. And i haven’t seen much of you on (when I played in august, not as of recent) 21st has changed a lot too
    1 point
  28. HUGE +1 this man is awsome and is a damm fine role player
    1 point
  29. one way to go... I didn't particularly like you because of interactions, but I respect that you speak your mind regardless of what ppl think
    1 point
  30. Rude not @ing me...but o7 my dude gonna miss you thanks for training all of us knights/padawans how to spar. Thanks for everything @Guy and thanks for being Tiplee along side with me.
    1 point
  31. saw this when i peeped in the jedi discord. man, i though you were gonna be master by now, heck. I was so close to putting you up your first month back but, the stigma of "they have only been back a month" was already lingering in the waters at the time. I wish you save travels, you were a really good dude and had great potential.
    1 point
  32. I've never gotten to know you but always sad to see a fellow trooper head back to Kamino, good luck on any and all future endeavors brother. I hope to see you back someday.
    1 point
  33. +1 On my many hours on Synergy I have never had a foul memory of him, I must say this man is not only a great leader but seems to be an overall great person in general.
    1 point
  34. like 50 of those are from ratio lol
    1 point
  35. Gonna miss you man, you're a cool dude, and don't be afraid to hmu to play some drunken wrestlers lol
    1 point
  36. Been lurking sporadically and I just saw this. I remember when you just joined BB as the first (?) jedi slot in a while, and I think we made some fun memories. Good luck with school man!
    1 point
  37. +1 but please for the love of bacta fix Delta’s reputation. I’m tired of hearing them as the minge squad. That’s Bad Batch’s spot smh. And finally, Delta Jedi gay
    1 point
  38. After much internal debate and thinking, I will go with my usual response if he flops he flops and gets yeeted, if he does well then it’s a welcome surprise +1
    1 point
  39. +1 the higher ranks he goes the farther away he goes from the 501st :(
    1 point
  40. I'm going to reply to this to give you some context here. If you kill someone in Mexico, then hop over the border to Texas, does that mean you can't be held to the fact you killed someone? If you make a post on Social Media telling your classmate to kill themselves and actively bully them, that it doesn't get held against you at school because it's in a different place? If people are actively plotting against someone or harassing them, it doesn't matter where it is, they will be removed from the community until they understand they were a part of something that was wrong and can look towards improvement.
    1 point
  41. If your boss finds out via social media, friend, family or co worker that you ditched, stole or caused harm to your job in any way. You'd be fired if not worse depending on the situation. To argue that these came from a none synergy related discord is irreverent.
    1 point
  42. -1 Not only have you done some pretty bad things but I’m getting a feeling from your post that you don’t recognize what you did is objectively wrong.
    1 point
  43. *sigh* Uh hi, It's Cyan. I have seen this post. I'm about to take a hiatus from GMOD and discord, but I'll put this out here in the forums before I leave. To start, I'm not going to -1 or +1 (if that really matters for ban appeals). I think that the general mass of Synergy and high staff will be able to make the right call here. 1) Ninjaman's ban was a direct response from malicious actions towards a member of the community (who was then demoted from all his positions and is now at 2ndLT, thanks buddy). His actions were not a "one time slip up", it was a result of weeks of planning and talking it out. Thus, premeditated and specific targeting. 2) Like I said in our PMs together, I personally don't forgive you for your actions. You can critique me all you want, which it is your right to, however I don't think anyone should forgive targeting, toxicity, and drama for the sake of...power? Relevancy? Greed? 3) Ever since you left DU, your actions have directly harmed the battalion, and virtually all you did was gaslight a precarious situation, which would lead to your eventual ban. If you did happen to get unbanned, your first destination would likely be DU, which is a prospect I don't think would help DU. 4) You're the XO of the 501st in 7N, I highly doubt your capacity to actually play on Synergy, much less show the community that youve changed. This is not a -1 nor a +1. For anyone that read, use this information (or don't) to decide what you want to respond with.
    1 point
  44. I'm sorry, it's a -1 from me. You resigned shortly after not getting Doom, were constantly in the middle of DU issues that didn't need you involved and honestly, I don't trust you. I don't believe that you weren't trying to cause trouble. Certainly not trying to stop it at least, within DU. Situations always seemed to escalate and just become sour when I had heard you were involved. While I can agree with people and we all can be "shit heads". Targeting or working with people targeting someone who you claimed to have been a friend isn't something I want here. You were heavily involved with the others and never once tried to reach out and help the DU HC at the time to prevent it.
    1 point
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