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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/2021 in Posts

  1. Name: Hanz RP Rank: LTC Suggestion: Communist battalion Implementation: Make a battalion but communist Lore: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism or just make it like Havoc Squad Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=104557674 (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: No (Any job modification requires all this information) Job: like a lot Slots: Infinite Description: Communism Model: Idk like Stalin or something (Provide the model string if on server Ex. models/player/synergy/cblake/ls_squad/ls_trp/lstrp.mdl (Get this from the Q menu) Weapons: Old Soviet Guns (If you want a modfication to a weapon/saber you must put the weapon string in the suggestion. Ex. tfa_e5 (Get this from the Q menu)) Other: No ranks I guess
    2 points
  2. Concept / Building: The concept was cool, had a lot of potential, and the building you did was pretty good. If the rating ended here, it would be a 10/10 but there are a lot of issues I want to touch on. 1. The waiting. The amount of downtime we had for this event was astronomical. The time it took for us to start briefing after loading in was nearly 30 minutes, after which we spent another 15-20 minutes being briefed. Then another 15-20 minutes after each map switch. I understand we have to wait for people to load in so I'm not holding that against you. 2. Switching everyone over to 41st whitelists was something I'm not the biggest fan of. You deployed 2 battalions, and told one of them they have to roleplay as the other. I get it for the battle of Kashyyyk it wouldn't make sense for Rancor to be deployed. But when you have people forced onto other jobs they can no longer roleplay as the characters. There was very little roleplay involved in this deployment for us, this did not feel like a 2 battalion deployment but felt like a 41st deployment that we were thrown in for more numbers instead of giving us an actual roleplay reason to be there,. 3. The first part of the event was not good. The Giant fire breathing fish that spit acid, immediately pulled me out of the event and the rest of the time I couldn't get back into the event after that. 4. After switching maps, the wookie massacre and dead 41st was a pretty good section. but with this part nearly being 2 and a half hours in, it was really annoying that the first real opportunity for RP was this far into the event. This was the first deployment I was in, where I called it quits half way through because the amount of timed invested and the entertainment returned was simply just not worth it. I honestly don't know how to rate this, there was a lot of effort put into this but I can't give this a good rating due me not enjoying the event. If I had to grade for effort, I'd put 10/10. This wasn't one of your good events Shockpoint, but I can tell there was a lot of effort put into it. I just believe that the execution and some ideas was not good. I don't know what rating to give cause none of them really describe how I feel accurately The way that 1 is worded is best for how I feel, but I dont think it was that bad in terms of an /10 scale. 3/10 is closest to how I feel.
    2 points
  3. 9.5/10 Loved a lot of the mission to be honest. The dupes were really well made! To go and switch maps multiple times and re-shape the map with each dupe as quickly as it was. Having the clones fight through the forest really kind of reminded Fallen Order killing those spider bugs on Kashyyyk. The downside at times were, I think the FPS was bugging out due to the extra NPC's & the large amount of props. Otherwise, I had a great time!
    2 points
  4. Changing to a -1. Points brought up by both Dennis and Tino I can't turn a blind eye to them I agree with everything said by both Tino and Dennis. And from my time with SOBDE Being Boss and Sev. I can say that the statements made about your squad Roleplaying with others ON A ROLEPLAY SERVER. Now that I'm an outsider and the interactions in Roleplay between the Alphas and the Null have been lackluster. Multiple members (not going to name, names) just running away from an active RP scenario. Now to touch upon what Tino said about the sign ins. During my time as Boss and Sev when you were Kal, Numerous Squad members some of which are still in Null have been doing this. And the fact that you haven't done anything about them beside maybe giving them a warning, Under a Fuck up and Get Removed policy. Normally if you were caught faking sign ins you would be removed no? Correct me if I'm wrong please. Next. The only times that I have seen Null on were when they were hosting Tryouts, Last time I checked but this was a Roleplay server not a Tryout Server. And once you have completed the rounds for the day, Your squad doesn't do any form of RP they go to the nearest corner and stare at it for quite a while or they go to Bunks and stand there for a while. Not doing any RP. This too ^ You should be able to trust your XO especially when they're hosting tryouts, I can understand maybe the first tryout that they host as XO I can understand spectating him but after that you should trust him. When Chew was my XO I trusted him to host Tryouts along with Young, I spectated both of their first tryouts after that, I trusted them. And I would trust your Current XO (Eclipse) considering his past as Bad Batch XO and all. And I Completely agree with Tino when he says that Null feels isolated more than ever. You said it yourself that you have a suitable replacement right now, I say let them have a go at getting Kal instead of you running for it again. Thats what I have to say on this matter now that more comments are in.
    2 points
  5. Omalic was on LOA for the entirety of last week. That 41 hours is just this week.
    2 points
  6. Honestly thought that was a really funny line. +1, you're a capable guy, Omalic. I've rarely interacted with you but still have the utmost respect for you. I think a lot of buzz words are getting chucked around as general ammunition to make Omalic look worse. Words like "toxic" & "inactive" are not really the best words due to them having such vague and subjective definitions. And a lot of people talking on subjects they just seem poorly informed on or just don't want to be informed on. I personally can't see how Omalic can go wrong with a 3rd term. Honestly one of the best Squad Leads I've ever seen. A great example of what a leader should strive to be.
    1 point
  7. Why don't we download more RAM for the server box
    1 point
  8. I was honestly about to type something quite similar until I read this. Omalic is a good guy and someone I personally drew inspiration from as a SL myself before I went semi inactive due to medical reasons. Though again, I haven't been on the server in months so take this with a grain of salt. Though for whatever it's worth he has my +1 and respect.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. +1 seems like a good fit and willilng to give a try
    1 point
  11. 4 i would of gave it an 8 if it was an encounter sith was weird champ
    1 point
  12. 9/10 Another fucking blast of an event. The map changes worked out pretty seamlessly. The fold on the right beach flank felt like something out of a movie and the fight against the trando's in the second part was really well done. Being a solo squad in the third part made me feel like something out of Halo Reach. The only thing I would say is be careful with the gunship spawns cause they have completely laser beam accuracy.
    1 point
  13. +1 seen you on a lot very active and we need some more staff :)
    1 point
  14. -1 Just use the Medkit and rp it, or don’t repair droids because CIS destroy their own men all the time
    1 point
  15. After reading through replies and your (Omalic's) application, I'll list my opinion: Firstly, in your application, you claim your squad still wants you as their squad lead - I'll take that as a fact due to majority of Null have either +1'd, abstained, or haven't voted/stated their opinion yet. Then again, it's only been a day since your application has been posted. No doubt you have the experience and knowledge to run a squad, but you being the best man for the job will be something the Directors will have to decide IF you make it to the interview. Secondly, it seems every squad lead applications have the same bland stuff. The top three plans: Changing the way the squad is ran. Changing tryouts. Improving image of squad. Outreach work, ETC. It's usually all the same. Anyway, the image of Null has been claimed to be "hindered" due to lack of engagement with other battalions and overall role-play. When it comes to tryouts, it's your squad. You run it the way you want, but don't be afraid to take criticism and hear other people's opinions. Omalic, I have some questions for you... Do you believe you've had previous mistakes as your first and second term as Kal? If so, what are they and what are you going to do to learn from those mistakes? Do you have trust issues with your squad? (This was mentioned in a reply from another individual). What is your goal to improve this "hinder" on the image of Null? Do you plan on addressing the activity of Null? Overall, I still think you'd make a great fit as the leader of Null. No one seems to be running for it besides you, so like I said before, your squad apparently wants you in charge for the third time. Everyone makes mistakes and no one can fully master something. However, I hope you address your previous mistakes and learn to overcome them. As for the image of Null, I'd advise addressing this as soon as possible. Bring back Null Drills, interact with battalions more, host tournaments, ETC. Deploying with a battalion as an outreach obviously ain't improving your image. Tinovious listed some valid points, and I'd consider him as a credible source due to him being a previous Kal and current member of SO BDE. Take all the leadership from other squads leads and past your experience and combine it into your own. Lead Null the way you want them to be. "Don't try to be another Kal. Whether it be Cipher, Korm, or I. Make it your own because that's what will make you enjoy the role." ~Prince Best of luck, +1
    1 point
  16. +1, honestly you've been Kal for almost as long as I've been in the server, always have had great experiences with you and you continue to amaze me with the activity of your squad. I see nobody else fit for this position as of now, keep going for it until you think my boy Eclipse is ready. I want him to have a chance at being the dad too.
    1 point
  17. -1 reasons below 1. Your activity is at what was barely acceptable when you were MCMD. at 41.5 hours in the past two weeks 2. Yours squads activity has been lacking 3. Your enforcement of the rules has been nothing but horrible. Chasemann has been arrested at least 3 times during your term as Kal and has yet to be removed for whatever reason. 4. Your Squads effort into roleplay and upholding the high standard that is meant to be SOBDE is lacking 5. it seems you are going to apply again for the sake of getting it again, i personally don't think you should go for it again. 6. Your squads culture from what i have experienced and heard from other SOBDE members is very toxic and self centered. Personally i think the only way to fix that is an entire wipe of the squad. You have allowed for a toxic culture to fester and grow promoting breaking of the rules and not removing members who break the overarching rules of SOBDE, because of whatever reason you decide at the time. I believe along with many others who are too scared to voice their opinions due to community not liking them or whatever that allowing you to continue to be Kal will not only harm the squad but SOBDE as a whole.
    1 point
  18. Hanz were you the kid on the bus that would play the Soviet Union anthem earrape edition at full volume
    1 point
  19. -1 I don't think the server is in a state where we can add another battalion right now, especially given recent events. We could maybe consider this down the road when every battalion is in a stable condition and we are consistently hitting 100 players+
    1 point
  20. -1 CIS don't give a fuck about their droids.
    0 points
  21. Bro you actually dont know shit about SO BDE, and it seems as though you haven't had an interaction with null since 2018, Omalic from my time in SO BDE was a great Kal, he worked with me as Ordo quite well, and sure he may have his flaws like being a goof, but tbh you actually wouldn't know anything Dennis, and a wipe? God damn thats like "OMG SO BDE IS MINGY???? WIPE WIPE WIPE" liek bro thats actually dumb as shit btw +1
    0 points
  22. +1 almost -1'd because he promoted an XO
    0 points
  23. Man Build Good Furniture +1 Monke
    0 points
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