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Snadvich's Resignation from Bacara


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((Just from Bacara)

Battalion: GM

RP Name:BCMD Bacara/ Snadvich


Reason:I'm a Failure to my own battalion. I'm sorry to all the people I've wronged. I'm just hurting GM's reputation. I'm sorry

Goodbyes: @TayTay Good luck going for Bacara
@Wynter You were my greatest Keller. Love ya
@Buuged | ThermiteGod I hated you at the beginning. Now I think of you as one of my greatest Friends

@Ginyu Dammit man, I fucking miss you. Probably the reason I was here for so long
@LighigYou were one of the best mundi's  I've ever fucking seen. Stay cool dude
@MedicDude. I fucking looked up to you. I was like "See this dude. I wanna be this dude" Stay awesome
@GadgetYou're my british boy and nothing will change that.
@StixYou're a pretty cool dude
@MikeYou gave me the confidence to run for Bacara. Sorry that i've disappointed ya
@OxenTHE FUCKING OG. Good luck suppressing those insurgents 
@MatraEven tho we might have had differing ideas on how GM should be I still like ya 
@Andrews53Our talks were nice
@TristanYou're probably the most friendliest person i've met on this server. Rock on dude
@Max @Square @Chambers Thanks for Believing in me man

@FlameHazard You've made me so fucking proud of you congrats man 
@Jacien Pretty kickass dude 
@RaidsMeme boi. Love ya
@Avavel You're way to god damn Nice. Don't doubt yourself 
@all of GM- It's was a great 4 weeks with y'all. Sorry to resign all outta the blue. 

@MaymaysYou had the balls to say whatever needed to be said. You've got my respect

@FreckGod you're fucking awesome to hang out with. Hands down one of the greatest directors 

Edited by Snadvich
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WTF why aren't I @ anyways at least you gave it a try Snadvich and I remember the words I said before I left " Don't fuck up the battalion". You did what was right and fully earn my respect hate to see you step down but you did what you thought was right. #INACTIVEPEOPLESTANDUP

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Snadvich you did what two generations of Bacaras before you couldn't do, revive Galactic Marines.

When you first applied I had my doubts but you blew them out of the water with your actions.

You are not a failure to your battalion, your officers failed you.

The way things went down were super shitty and you deserved better.

I hope to see you still on the staff team doing fantastic work in the Game Master program.

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43 minutes ago, Carter said:

Snadvich you did what two generations of Bacaras before you couldn't do, revive Galactic Marines.

When you first applied I had my doubts but you blew them out of the water with your actions.

You are not a failure to your battalion, your officers failed you.

The way things went down were super shitty and you deserved better.

I hope to see you still on the staff team doing fantastic work in the Game Master program.

Umm what.

And Snad as ive told you in person you are always welcome and im glad that you will be staying with us

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BOI YOu did not fail as a Bacara
(If I am Gonna BE Honest) YOu were The Only Active Bacara that actually did shit. You Did and Could Have done a Lot. GO Be Free. Be the One you wanna be my Sandwich















Former: Liaison


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smh shoulda just stuck to your guns and did your own thing as bacara. fuck what other people think. you did a great job

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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Honestly, you should just remove what caused you to do this, I mean you were such a good bacara. Honestly, such a good fucking bacara. Anyone who said you weren’t, was clearly mistaken. You were the lighthearted GM who didn’t always have a stick up his ass, whoever was saying this, is stupid. Anyways, good luck in your future adventures Snadvich.

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Sandvich man, you are a great Bacara, I've never thought you would step down. Yeah I give you shit but its was more of a joke then being serious. You are a great guy and when you set your mind to something you run with it. I wish you would give it more time and stepped back from it and see how we are doing. I can't say what happened with Bacra's between you and Oxen, but you had a good head and kept us running. Please consider trying this when you can and see what good you were doing.



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Dis some pretty large gay. GM is finally alive again and from what Ive seen, still respected. If one gayboi calls you a minge battalion, blow it off because they are just jealous that they don't have someone that cares about enjoyment in a video game on the internet. GM is in a good spot and you did NOT let it down. I have no idea wtf happened but I respect you and I wish you luck in all of your future en devours.


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This is an absolute mutiny, and without reeming you too hard, Snadvich, you fucked up by giving in to the mutineers. You should have demoted all of them on the spot. Now they intend on taking over the battalion from the person who got it going. You proved me wrong becoming bacara, I initially thought you wouldn't do a good job, obviously I was wrong, and it's a shame you're handing it down to those who would hurt the battalion. I cannot wait for one of the people involved to apply for Bacara, obvious power play. 

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Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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I’ve seen GM grow a lot in the past months, it’s changed a lot (not all good) however I believe you weren’t the worst commander you worked really damn hard and in the end it may not seem like it but that’s what really matters and GL taytay, you’ve come a long way I hope the best for GM. o7 snadvich

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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