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Snadvich's BCMD Bacara's application


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Steam Name: {SR} Snadvich {A}

RP Name: 4thGMMO MAJ Snadvich

Steam ID (SteamID Finder STEAM_0:0:115518545

Battalion or squad you are applying for: BCMD Bacara of the Galactic Marines

Experience: Well, I first started my time on the server by joining the 212th around august. I dont remember much secpt for the fact that I was taught how to be a proper SGT. I left when the whole 212th migration to 327th happened. 327th was just more expierence to the whole learning how to properly train people in your battalion. After I got bored with the 327th I decided "Hey, That Smokes guy seems cool and his Armour is fucking kickass I'll join the GM" I obtained the rank of SGT in GM still gaining more experience. One day I grew bored and decided to join the 501st to see how other Batts work. During this brief stint I rejoined 212th then left again for RANCOR. After seeing how the other batts worked I returned to the GM as a PVT then worked my way all the way up to MAJ where I stand Now. During this time Between going from PVT to MAJ I gained a hell of a lot of experience from Leading a squad to Doc work. GM has been the battalion i've been in the longest which has been over 9 months from when I first joined. I wanna use my experience I gained from witnessing GM throughout that time rise and fall and use that to make GM thriving and Populated once more

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I want to become a BCMD due to the fact we arent doing so well at the current moment and I've got a few idea on how to repair this battalion and restore it to its former glory.  I would change the way we handle inactivity in our battalion. I'd make it manatory for CPT+ to be doing GMACTs twice a week in our current state or be removed from the rank of officer. Similar I would want to make it mandatory to do 2 tryouts a day for non LOA NCO or be demoted. Lastly I wanna be able to give a chance for our NC/KU (which I believe is our most neglected parts of GM) a chance to be thriving on this server. Everyone in GM deserves a chance to have fun and thrive on this server 

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes, The Galactic Marines was originally  the apart of the 4th sector army but was made independent by Clone Marshal CMD Bacara. Bacara would brutally train his men with his signature GMACT and those who failed would be beaten and transferred to another Battalion. Mundi was assigned to GM as their Jedi General. GM was mostly known for Fighting on the Planet of Mygetto for the entire 2 1/2 years of the war However We did fight on a multitude of different planets. One of the most notable examples was the battle of New Bornlax which we were experimenting with new weapon systems and Armour which all failed. We then proceed to use our enhanced strength to physically tear the B2's apart with our bare hands. Casualties were at 90% but the battle of New Bornlax was won, giving the Marines a Fierce Reputation. We Specialized in Ship to Ship Boarding, Planetary Assault, Technical Skills, and EOD. The Marines came equipped with DC-15a's, DC-15s's, and the Westar.

Availability: 7am-9pm on the average day

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I'd say I was pretty active was the last whole year. An estimate of my hours would be in the 500's-700's range

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want Galactic Marines to be in a stable postion where we could be regarded like our other fellow Attack Battalions. Active and Thriving. I want to make it so the Nova Corps arent Dependant on 1-2 people to get GMACTS completed.  I wanna make sure that My Fellow Members of GM can be self sufficient without the ever shadowing eye of Senior Officers. Lastly I want to make our battalion less hostile towards everyone else as I feel we never do anything with other batts unless ordered to.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Yes I do.

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+1 your a good trooper (first reply )

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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+1 to snadbitch

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Snadvich let me start this off by saying i love you and you are a good officer BUT no just fucking no, i have to call you out on the stupid shit you say or do alot and i honestly dont think you're ready for a position. I honestly feel scared for GM if you get Bacara.


Saying that i do want you to succeeded and i do hope you prove me wrong but you haven't shown me anything that proves you are capable of leading this battalion.

KU CPT Wynter/KU KII Dracul

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9 minutes ago, Wynter said:

Snadvich let me start this off by saying i love you and you are a good officer BUT no just fucking no, i have to call you out on the stupid shit you say or do alot and i honestly dont think you're ready for a position. I honestly feel scared for GM if you get Bacara.


Saying that i do want you to succeeded and i do hope you prove me wrong but you haven't shown me anything that proves you are capable of leading this battalion.

KU CPT Wynter/KU KII Dracul

First off I have never seen you on, so I don't know by what basis your judging him. Secondly I always see snadvich, and while he can goof off he has all the markings of a great commander and there is no doubt he will be a great bacara.

Edited by Shade
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6 hours ago, Shade said:

First off I have never seen you on, so I don't know by what basis your judging him. Secondly I always see snadvich, and while he can goof off he has all the markings of a great commander and there is no doubt he will be a great bacara.

Okay attacking me on a opinion yay! 

First off I was on a extended LOA due to being in my final semester of school this summer for College and everyone in the battalion knows and knew it. Secondly I'm providing my opinion based off the fact that I've been right along side Snadvich since we both rejoined back in late December of this year, so yea.

Edit* Sorry i mean GM's that pay attention to LOA's among other things...

Edited by Wynter
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I have to agree with Wynter to a extent. Now I am not on everyday like everyone else so I do not get to see you ever day so I am sure I miss some of your more serious days. But what I have experienced from you was mingy type behavior as well as Elitest type behavior.  A BCMD'r with that kind of attitude and notions will lead to a overall mingy battalion after all they look up to and follow the lead of commanders.


-1 from here

-Delta 38 Boss

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Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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+1 save gm

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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3 hours ago, Wynter said:

Okay attacking me on a opinion yay! 

First off I was on a extended LOA due to being in my final semester of school this summer for College and everyone in the battalion knows and knew it. Secondly I'm providing my opinion based off the fact that I've been right along side Snadvich since we both rejoined back in late December of this year, so yea.

i did not know you were on LOA :)

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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4 hours ago, Shade said:

First off I have never seen you on, so I don't know by what basis your judging him. Secondly I always see snadvich, and while he can goof off he has all the markings of a great commander and there is no doubt he will be a great bacara.

Also shade realize I and wynter have been in this battalion for a LONG time with snad we know what he does and how he acts. We base this off of past and current experiences so don't just say he is inactive he has reasons just like my -1. As well as don't attack unless you know the big picture.

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9 minutes ago, Raids said:

Also shade realize I and wynter have been in this battalion for a LONG time with snad we know what he does and how he acts. We base this off of past and current experiences so don't just say he is inactive he has reasons just like my -1. As well as don't attack unless you know the big picture.

I'm not attacking, but if you haven't been on in a month you can't judge the man, because of the lack of leadership both he and thermite have had to step it up. Once he was handed the responsibility he made good on effort it entailed

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Snadvich, at least for me, has been the one really stepping up and truly leading and being the full face of GM for a while. A very important part of being a leader is having not only the respect of others but the ones that you have to lead. Just because you get the rank, it does not mean that people will follow you. You have to work to gain and earn the trust and respect of the people in your battalion because without them, you are nothing, without you, they are nothing. You cannot act above them because nobody is truly above anyone. In my eyes, he does not act above anyone and does not act superior even though he is. He is respectable even though sometimes I have had some somewhat negative experiences with you. You have been doing a good job trying to do everything you can and I believe that you truly are the best, if not only person for this job. A very common mistake that people make when they take over a battalion is to do everything yourself but when you do that is when you truly let your battalion down. Work together with your people and make the battalion into something greater than any one person.

+1 from me

Edited by Egg
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Absolute +1 from me.  I've seen nothing but great work from Snadvich throughout my time on the server.  

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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Snadvich, I have known you for quite a while. Probably since Rishii. There have been many issues in the past. And I feel if you do get Bacara, those issues will only resurface. I do not feel that your maturity is right for the position. Keep in mind, if you do get it. I will mentor you to the best of my ability. I don't lack total faith in you. You know the battalion, but I feel you are too sloppy in your work. Im sorry to say this, but I feel the best option is a -1.

Edited by Matra


Currently: SGM

Previously: HA | TRM | BCMD Bacara x4 | CMD Keller x4

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+1 Even tho IMO there isn't very many people who can live up to the title of Bacara I feel you're the only person currently in GM who can take the burden of the position. With Jacien gone hopefully you can make good change in the battalion not "upgrades" as some have said. The battalion has needed to change since Matra and hasn't. Good luck and god speed my friend.

Edited by TayTay
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Accepted for interview

Please contact myself or Chambers on teamspeak by 8/23

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Accepted for the position of GM BCMD

Your term ends 11/18/18

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