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Fundamental Problems

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It has come to my attention lately that there is a very deep-rooted problem within the server these days, and it needs to be fixed.

I've been playing CWRP for around 2 years now, some of you may not know me, but those who do probably remember a better time. So I'm going to list off some points.

1) Being a Minge is not looked down upon, but Celebrated.

Toes will be stepped on here. Suck it up.

The CT's are the prime example.

During my first week actively playing on the server again, I saw ONE ranked CT, and that was Sock, and i was told that he basically tried being a mentor to other CTs. I thought this was good until I saw others being promoted. Things started going downhill.

3 Weeks in and there's multiple ranked CT's who not only are being promoted but are being promoted after being continuously mingy. This is one of the most dangerous things that can happen in a serious RP server where not being serious is being rewarded. Exalted was the prime example, and I'm not the only one who believes this. New people join the server, see a CT that has a rank and goes "Hey, maybe I'll just stay a CT too!" and then they see these ranked CTs not being a good example. Do you know what that causes?

More bad examples.

Battalions die because of this way of thinking or get a bad reputation.

Being a minge should not be rewarded or celebrated, it should be punished, and rightfully so. "But God forbid we have fun" is what some will say.

No. The whole point of serious RP is to roleplay! laughing with your battalion members in your TeamSpeak is perfectly fine, and in your bunks is okay, but when it comes down to being in an open area in the server is when it needs to stop. I've made wonderful friendships with people from the Community, most of them being from a time when Serious RP was truly serious. You don't have to fuck around to make friends.

The 101st used to be a thing guys, and believe me i loved the concept of the 101st but they arent here anymore. CT's aren't meant to stay as a CT anymore. They're meant to find and join a battalion. Lets promote that instead of leading them to believe theyre gonna get promoted as a CT.

2) The Complete lack of Will

I was staff on Icefuse for almost 9 months. So what I'm about to say I have the complete right to say.

Staff isn't respected anymore because there's nothing to respect. Yes, that should hurt, Staff needs to be respected in order for a server to function well. This is more about the main base, not the Higher Staff.

When you sign up for staff you become a new admin, and your entire job is basically taking tickets. So when i hear that there are many new admins online and active, but a ticket for a teleport doesn't get taken? I go "What the fuck"

When I was staff it was a fight to get a ticket. They got taken within a second and the competition meant our player base was satisfied, and that's a good thing.

If you sign up and don't like it, or you find its too much to juggle then resign. It's okay to admit that you have better things to do.

Top all of this with the fact that all I hear about events these days is that they suck. There are a few good gamemasters but a few isn't enough. Apparently, there's no creativity, no drive. Its okay to think outside the box guys, collaborate with each other. The team system we had allowed us to make some of the most bomb ass events @Medic can attest to this.

3) The lack of Respect.

I remember a time where when you were walking down the hallway and saw a BCMD or then a CMD. You fucking saluted. If you didn't you were probably gonna get beaned. Why can't it be like that today? Battalion Commanders seem to get maybe about 20% of the respect they used to get. @Fizzik can agree with me on this one.

Even though I constantly hear the Naval suck, still give them respect for god's sake.

My whole point.

Things need to change around here because everyone tells me the player count is dropping. I love this Community with all my heart and I want it to succeed for a very long time. But we're a serious RP server









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I can agree with my American Brother here, done staffing a long time and worked my ass off each time, actually wanting to build a positive rep which I did.. But sadly now the standards are dipped from what I hear. 


And with minges it turns away population from the server and this server is at its best when the RP is on point. 

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As everyone stated before, Tristan I 100% agree with you and all you said was straight up factual.

For everyone else however, I don't think you boyos are taking into consideration the fact that you are part of this community, which clearly has problems (Myself included) yet we don't do anything to help it. The responsibility to change the way things are lies upon us, we who have acknowledged the problems need to be the ones to set examples and turn this shit back into what it's meant to be.

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Memery aside, (I put dumb because it was a box and you're in the box) this sort of thing is all from the person giving the opinion. Staff wise, Icefuse was no different than here. Too many staff, too many ranks, and gamasters running in trends.

I get the frustration, but in my two years here, things don't change, they fluctuate up and down around memes and trends. (Looking at for the Darth [insert name of game master here] or things like team ten events, [Lolxd kachiro is what made that event good.])

All that aside, it's time to get out of your racks.:)

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I just started playing again and I see a lot of th same things. The minge attitude is a rippling thing. The more people that act like minges, more follow. Pretty much all I've done since I've been back is afk on my jedi waiting for events, and talk to people. Doesn't seem as though there is as much RP going on as there used to be.

Just my two cents.

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The reason people minge so much is because you spend hours on the ship with nothing to do because gamemasters either do shit events or are only online later.

There are more moderation admins than gamemasters and even these admins dont stop people from minging. 

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On 8/12/2018 at 4:52 PM, Tristan said:


During my first week actively playing on the server again, I saw ONE ranked CT, and that was Sock, and i was told that he basically tried being a mentor to other CTs. I thought this was good until I saw others being promoted. Things started going downhill.

multiple ranked CT's who not only are being promoted but are being promoted after being continuously mingy.







I have not seen this post, my apologies. I will try my best to respond now that everything has passed.

In reference to multiple CTs being promoted, I believe that to be false, to my knowledge the only recently promoted CT who ended up getting banned and immediately demoted has been Exalted. There were a few other 'honorary' CTs who had 0 activity and Willhelm who a few months ago was promoted and had been a huge help to me, while I relayed orders on the battlefield he would follow suit and keep all the troopers in check, amazing guy. Sadly he started to hate that no events ever would happen so he left. Basically the only issue we've had with ranked CTs causing problems has been Exalted, and while I frustratingly saw past many of his discretion s, I do not believe he should have ever been promoted in the first place.   

Ranked CTs are meant to be role models, players that focus on helping the community for the better, dedicating themselves to the newer players and making sure that those newer players are able to get the best experience that they possibly can.

I probably should have made my own post on it, but the actions that had happened in the recent weeks do not and should not represent what the core of being a ranked CT represents. I apologize for the issues that have been caused, and if a situation ever does arise where a similar situation is at hand, I will be much more inclined to swiftly deal with it.  

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Although I love him, the pure existence of Sock as a ranked clone trooper seems to lead individuals to want to stay in CT and attempt to get ranked up via founder interaction(i.e. Exalted, etc.) If everyone wants to wipe CT ranks and set up a sort of ultimatum that CTs cannot get ranked up as the only true purpose of the Clone Trooper job is to facilitate the proof that someone has passed CC training, then I believe it should be universally applied. I'd love to hear your comments on this controversial opinion, @Sock Monkey.

I agree with Point 2 and Point 3 wholeheartedly, @Tristan. I think that administrators fail to do their jobs occasionally, however, that occasional failure leaves residue in the eyes of the server. As such, many individuals such as myself have very unfavorable opinions about specific staff members. As for the disrespect of high ranks, I agree with that as well. BCMDs / Regimentals / SO BDE and other "high factions" should both respect and be respected to the highest degree. As of right now, I am a Foxtrot MDMK. I do my very best to make sure that all individuals who are deserving of a salute, in regard to and regardless of rank, receive one. An example is XO Baron. Another example is Colonel Sock. 

This was an interesting post, again. I think a lot of my opinions are ill-formed or controversial, but I think the notes and things you've covered are just the surface of what needs to change - for the better.



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For gamemasters, alot of people are put off on becoming a gamemaster because the requirement of having to become staff. There is a huge difference between gamemaster and staffing, as a Gamemaster, you can still have loads of fun doing it, but as a staff member you are signing up for a virtual job. I believe that it would be beneficial to start recruiting from the normal playerbase, just because we're not Staff does not mean that we are not willing to assist the server in our own way. Have an intense application process, have interviews, if the gamemaster managers are competent then there should be no untrustworthy people in the gamemaster position.

Another put off, this may just be for me, but I suspect not. I would become staff on the server and lend a hand, but I'm not going to be advertising Synergy Servers in my steam name. I play on other communities, and other games, where I do not want to be recognized as a staff member of a Garry's Mod Server lol. Icefuse and Synergy are literally the only two relatively popular communities that still do this shit, take a look at other servers, they don't make their Staff put their server name in their steam name, and look at how they're doing staff-wise. There are also a lot of restrictions on certain staff ranks, and there are honestly a tag bit too many. End of the day lads, this is GMOD, not a Company, we all saw how that turned out on Icefuse.

I would be glad to serve as a staff, or give gamemaster a shot, but I'm not going to spend months grinding just to meet the requirements to even apply for gamemaster, or to have the power to do things as Staff. I hope one day Synergy gives my ideas a shot, as we can only benefit as a community.

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23 hours ago, Stern said:

The reason people minge so much is because you spend hours on the ship with nothing to do because gamemasters either do shit events or are only online later.

There are more moderation admins than gamemasters and even these admins dont stop people from minging. 

At that point, your COs should be doing training and simulations to keep you entertained you should try to communicate with them on that. 

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6 minutes ago, BlackiSblack said:

At that point, your COs should be doing training and simulations to keep you entertained you should try to communicate with them on that. 

What type of actual beneficial training's can you do as a non gamemaster though? Excluding roleplay sessions and shit like that.

Edited by Twelves
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On 8/12/2018 at 4:52 PM, Tristan said:

1) Being a Minge is not looked down upon, but Celebrated.

The problems stems from the top.  You have people like Dill who minge and its a trickle down problems.  People will look at him and say oh if someone like him does that than its ok.  If we want a serious server the people at the top have to run it that way.  


On 8/12/2018 at 4:52 PM, Tristan said:

2) The Complete lack of Will

Not going to comment on the admin stuff but the game master stuff I will be sitting down soon and writing up improvements I think should be looked at. (Its been on my list of things to do for a while now)

On 8/12/2018 at 4:52 PM, Tristan said:

3) The lack of Respect.

This is similar to point 1.  Things needed to be fixed at the top.  Its not that people at the bottom don't respect BCMD, its that BCMD's don't demand the respect.  It's one of those things that if the BCMD+ called AOS for not saluting and other issues then everyone would fall in line or get beaned.  We have a lot of people from what I have seen in my almost 2 months here who are too lax and try to be too nice instead of strict like they need in the BCMD+ position.

All in all I agree with the points you brought up, but I think the way to fix this is looked at people at the top because yelling at the bottom isn't going to fix it.

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1 minute ago, Ms Fox said:

You have people like Dill who minge

Dill is not a member of the community staff team nor officially affiliated with Synergy Roleplay management. He is a really good friend of the original creators of the community (as well as myself) and is a legend among men (and women). However Dill does more than just minge, I have seen Dill do some really amazing things for the community and some of the newer players at times.

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2 minutes ago, Forseen said:

Dill is not a member of the community staff team nor officially affiliated with Synergy Roleplay management. He is a really good friend of the original creators of the community (as well as myself) and is a legend among men (and women). However Dill does more than just minge, I have seen Dill do some really amazing things for the community and some of the newer players at times.

You have clear issues if you want a serious server when you have someone who has a general rank running around minging.

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33 minutes ago, Ms Fox said:

You have clear issues if you want a serious server when you have someone who has a general rank running around minging.

It's hard to explain Dill to people that don't know Dill.

He's a great feller, and I just can't quite understand why people can't get the message the first or second time.


Dill is a General because he let's people have fun, gives fucks for the community during down hours.

He explains it better anyway. @Dill



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Yeah, Dill is just Dill. He's almost a different entity altogether, and I still consider him a friend

Alas. I do hope things take a turn to a more serious atmosphere soon.

Just to reply to something i saw on my thread. I highly doubt there will ever be Gamemasters that haven't went through staff, Even though thatd be fun


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18 minutes ago, Ms Fox said:

Ive personally seen him minge during events.

He's a friend of the community that brings some forbidden fun every now and then. 


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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