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Get rid of flame throwers.


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Name: Chambers

Suggestion:  Remove all flame throwes, seriously they just make everyone lives miserable.

Implementation: Just remove them, refund the people that bought them

Lore: Saving my eyes and my life from the cancer of flamethrowers.

Workshop content if applicable: N/A
(If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following

Add or Change: REMOVE

Weapons: Flamethrower, Death Watch Flamer Thrower.


It's cool we had them but honestly, it only ruins the experience for everyone except the people that own them.

From the GM side, it makes it hard for event jobs to do anything when they can't see.

From the players, they can't see anything it's extremely experience breaking, constantly a victim of friendly fire.

We had it, it was fun but now its time for it to go.

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I strongly agree. This, to me, seems like a necessary action. Flamethrowers at the very minimum need to be reworked (i.e. removing the burning aspect, lowering the sound, or preventing the visual coordination loss) as well as the changing of damage. Flamethrowers should be outlawed from event jobs and outlawed AGAINST event jobs.


To me, the flamethrowers are absolute fucking trash.


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37 minutes ago, Lucky said:

-1 I saved 20 mil to get this that's unfair since I specifically wanted this just for it to be taken away


47 minutes ago, Carter said:

Implementation: Just remove them, refund the people that bought them


They are pure cancer

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Just now, Lucky said:

No that's too many people and yall didnt have save up for them

It was a joke about how cancerous they are and how we should get compensated for it xD


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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-1 about 10-15 people actually have this weapon. They are just always on since they are incredibly active. Only a small portion of this community actually have them.  Plus that are people, like myself who donated to the server to get money specifically for the flamethrower, therefore it is unfair to remove.

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-1 I wasted four days of my life getting the advanced flamethrower. A lot of people complain that it's overpowered against event jobs, what about you just buff event jobs and stop complaining. Also, only like five people on the server have a flamethrower. 

Edited by J.Jefferson
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Strongly agree to this. If you have ever been hit by a flamethrower you would also +1 this. 


+1 because when you get hit you see nothing but red (Like what happens when you get shot.) none stop ontop of seeing fire on your screen. Literally it becomes unplayable if you get hit. Unless you play in third person which even then it becomes hard still.

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

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3 minutes ago, J.Jefferson said:

-1 I wasted four days of my life getting that advanced flamethrower. A lot of people complain that it's overpowered against event jobs, what about you just buff event jobs and stop complaining. Also, only like five people on the server have a flamethrower. 

the thing is if they buff event job then its gonna get unfair for people who dont have flamethrower cause its gonna take 3 time longer to kill event job

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1 minute ago, yakory said:

the thing is if they buff event job then its gonna get unfair for people who dont have flamethrower cause its gonna take 3 time longer to kill event job

But the event job can't see shit. The point isn't the damage, it's the visual.

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2 minutes ago, yakory said:

the thing is if they buff event job then its gonna get unfair for people who dont have flamethrower cause its gonna take 3 time longer to kill event job

Well then buff the normal DC-15a and DC-15s.  I mean it's a flamethrower it's supposed to be good that's why it's so high in price, it's not easy to obtain. I am surprised the current GMC hasn't found a way around this but instead putting up a server suggestion to remove them entirely. 

Edited by J.Jefferson

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Exactly what prince said. If yall could remove the god awful cancerous visual effects then I think flamethrower would be more accepted.

Edited by Mishue
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Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

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-1 I donated hundreds just to get the flamethrowers and other perm weapons. I've probably bought tac-inserts, sweps, VIP for over 30 people at this point. The flamethrower is meant to be wielded by a minority of people who have the means to do it. You don't see a kid with their parent's credit card doing it because frankly, what kind of parent would rationally allow them to donate at least $800 for an item on a Gmod server. People who bought it have earned it. Plus, a majority of the time that friendlies are set on fire are when they get too close, willingly or unwillingly or when they accidentally run into it while the person in question is setting an event job on fire. I don't recall an instance where a person with a flamethrower deliberately RDM or set mass groups of people on fire, do you? 

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4 hours ago, J.Jefferson said:

-1 I wasted four days of my life getting the advanced flamethrower. A lot of people complain that it's overpowered against event jobs, what about you just buff event jobs and stop complaining. Also, only like five people on the server have a flamethrower. 

Five too many, Jefferson. :|

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  • Retired Founder

For those that have them, I suggest you be an event job and get chased by someone with a flamethrower (like you do to them). It is literal cancer and ruins the fun for everyone other than you. 


As pointed out by @J.Jefferson the visual effect sucks, but damage isn't too bad.. eh

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27 minutes ago, Forseen said:

For those that have them, I suggest you be an event job and get chased by someone with a flamethrower (like you do to them). It is literal cancer and ruins the fun for everyone other than you. 


If you could please tell me an event what has been ruined by a flamethrower. Also, not a lot of people have them and people have sink'ed real life money into the server just to get one. Lastly, the flamethrower isn't really that OP most of the damage comes from the visual effect.  Weapons such as the bowcaster, GM westar, and other perma weapons are way better in sense. 

Edited by J.Jefferson
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53 minutes ago, Avavel said:

Maybe just remove the visual effect and just has it deals damage ? why not suggest that instead e.e

I don't think remove it but possibly change it to a different effect


And as Jefferson said there are only about 10 people who own the flamethrougher 5 of which still play on the server

and there are people who spent 400 FUCK DOLLARS (bc they're insane) like @Dragon 

The point i'm trying to get at is the very few people who do own them worked their asses off to get them


And for the gamemasters be creative and work around them just because you don't like them doesn't mean they "ruin the event"

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21 minutes ago, Maxwells said:

Its unfair to people that have already bought it and want to keep it. What you should propose is changing the burning time of it which is not that hard.

It's not the damage or the burn time which is the problem, the problem is the effects make it impossible for anyone to see anything. (What's the point of changing burn time if they are just going to ignite you again?)

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20 minutes ago, Carter said:

It's not the damage or the burn time which is the problem, the problem is the effects make it impossible for anyone to see anything. (What's the point of changing burn time if they are just going to ignite you again?)

Well changing the Burntime to 1 Will only indicated that will be burning for 1 Second everytime they waste one ammo you get burned one second its a pretty good tradeoff. Unlike the one that is in the server right now, Which is stupid 

:FeelsDankMan: :DERPPERS:<--- You reading this

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52 minutes ago, Freck said:

+1 and here's why. 

The 1 person that I've seen with a flamethrower is an absolute retard with it. 

The Weapon is cancer, just remove it and refund the cash. Simples. Maybe replace it with another weapon?!

I better get my 25 mil of this gets accepted lol

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6 minutes ago, Feds said:

But you have to rush out into a crowd of droids when trying that and bullets push you back. Also this doesn't matter stop starting shit over stuff like this.

how am i starting shit i just said whats true lolwut

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