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Black's SS Senior Commander Application

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==========[ Senior Commander ]==========

Steam Name: [SR] Black [VA]


RP Name: Spec Regimental Commander Black


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):STEAM_0:0:185089019


Brigade you are applying for:




RC 02 Foxtrot EOD Black
Spent about a week or nearly two being within the Foxtrot Group while under the Command of RC Leader Gregor/Twrgy. I've learned how to do adapt to countless situations and met many new people within the Regiment. 

104th Mechanized Assault Battalion PVT - Commander Wolffe

I've spent about a year and 2 Months being in the 104th Battalion within my time I spent being in the battalion Ive learn all my leadership skills, Doc skills and many more from the Higher Officers during my time through ICEFUSE and SYNERGY.  All my Mentors I looked up to being Jayarr, Zyner, JBFox, and many more made me who I am today. WIth that in the battalion, I've learned especially as a BCMD to know how officers work together to structure a battalion properly. One mistake I made as a BCMD was ignoring many of my officers work and not realizing how much work they put into the battalion nearly having my XO (Chop) at the time to leave almost. But I caught up thankfully and made sure those mistakes won't happen again in my term as Wolffe.  

Specialized Regimental Commander Black (2 months)

I've spent 2 Months as a Regimental for the Specialized Regiment, within the time I spent with the Regiment I have learned so many things which made me improve my leadership skills. I have witnessed countless situations with battalions under my Regiment and made sure it kept to high standards so it can be known as one of the best Regiments on the server. With that, I've helped the battalions CG, 104th and Doom's unit with all of their troubles and problems that I have encountered to make sure they continue to grow and become a success. And I hope I can continue to help as a Senior Commander and help SOBDE too with all its issues.



Why should you become a Senior Commander?:

I feel I why I should become a Senior Commander is from all that I have learned dealing with dozens of situations either consisting with Officers to NCOs and outside Relations. I will continue to try my best to fix these situations if I were to receive Senior Commander. I also would try to expand these relations amongst other battalions like I have done with 91st and Rancor in the past trying to do training simulations together to better the relationship between players. I would also continue to try my best to resolve any occurring issue with the battalions under my Regiments to make sure they are all held at High Standards and at a high reputation. WIth that to also make it enjoyable for players who are new and old for a better experience on Synergy Overall. 


Do you understand the lore of your brigade?:

Doom's Unit 
Doom's Unit a battalion led by Commander Doom (Currently Ghoul) they are the heavy troopers of the server carrying Z6s and Shields on all of their classes. With that, they specialize in tactics and formations involving their shields and z6s. Due to their overwhelming power and skill, Commander Doom leads in the front with missions and is sent out for heavy Defense Operations. Doom's Unit is tasked with holding out and defending areas and terrain which is usually not in their favor. But with their equipment and intense training they are a deadly force to meet, they know how to handle their own and each Doom's Unit trooper can take out dozens of droids at a time. Only battalion on the server that carries Shields and Z6s Rotary blasters on of their classes.

104th Mechanized Assault Battalion

The 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion is led by Commander 3636 or Wolffe (CC-3636)-(Currently Chop) The battalion specializes in Hostage Rescue, negotiations, and tanks, they are usually in charge of driving ATTEs and TX 130s on the battlefield. With that 104th is the only battalion on the server with the most Jetpack Based Classes meaning they have a Jet Trooper Job and Sinker, Dash44, Dask29, Boost, Comet and Wolffe all have jetpacks as well. The 104th is the only battalion under the Specialized Regiment that also has its out elite Subunit known as the Wolfpack. The Wolfpack is led by Commander Wolffe and Comet 2nd in command of the squad. Wolfpack is usually tasked with handling difficult negotiations missions with that they also lead with hostage rescue operations. 

Coruscant Guard

The Coruscant Guard is an elite security battalion led by Commander Fox (Panzer) They are usually tasked with defending VIPs and high ranking personnel on Ships and on planets. Their skill with keeping VIPs save is known throughout the server as well as maintaining the law and order on the ship as they are known the police. If a trooper breaks a rule on the ship the Coruscant Guard are tasked with finding the trooper and arresting them for further questioning in Brig. Commander Fox and his officers and NCOs - Commander Thorn, Commander Stone, Lieutenant Thire, Sergeant Jek, Sergeant Hound are always tasked with doing what must be done for the greater good of the Republic. With that Coruscant Guard is the only battalion that can deploy MASSIF UNITs on the ship with their Tracker's an elite division clone in Coruscant Guard that they specialize in tracking down those who break the law. Trackers are an ARF Troopers but retasked and sent out on different assignments. Instead of them reconing, they are sent on tracking missions. Which got them the name TRACKER'S 

Null Squad
This Clan is led by Kal Skirata one of the 100 Mandalorian Trainers that went on Kamino and trained the future of the Clone Army. Within Clan Skirata there's 6 unique breeds of Clone Troopers. They were adopted by Kal Skirata and trained in the Mandalorian ways of combat becoming one of or THE Best ARC Troopers on the Grand Army of the Republic even better than Republic Commandos. Due to their skill, they are really effective and they are also led by Ordo Skirata a Clone that usually leads the squad alongside Kal. They are known to be fearless, reckless and extremely dangerous. Further information suggests they torture and act on an extremely dangerous mission. The Null Squad Consisting Mereel, Jaing, Komrk, Ordo, Aden, and Prudi.  work as a team and train Republic Commandos in the Republic Army alongside Kal Skirata.

Omega Squad

Omega Squad was an elite Commando squad and was part of the Republic Army during the Clone Wars. The members of the unit (RC-1309 Niner, RC-1136 Darman, RC-3222 Atin, RC-8015 Fi,) were brought together after each of their respective squads were killed during the battle of Geonosis. Unlike most other Commando Squads! The Omega Squad wore specialized Night Ops Armor. They took on many assignments during the Clone Wars and completed many missions throughout the Campaign to remove the CIS. With that, they are known to complete any task given at any time. 

Foxtrot Group is a Republic Commando team led by Gregor, a Captain within the Republic Army. They are attached to the 7th Skycorps next to the 212th Attack Battalion. And are sent out on missions alongside them. Due to a mission that went south on Sarrish causing RC Leader Gregor to fall in a state of amnesia due to the battle the Rc group were unnamed and unknown. Gregor was later found by D SQUAD but sadly during their escape on the CIS Planet that Gregor was on RC Leader Gregor Died in combat sacrificing himself to save the squad and send them to safety. 

Delta Squad

Delta squad is a Republic Command Team led by RC leader BOSS. This Republic Commando team consisted of Members named Sev (The Sharpshooter) Fixer (The TECH) and Scorch (The EOD) Due to Boss leadership skills in combat the RC team worked and completed many missions assigned by them. Most notably one to assassinate a CIS General assistant on the first battle of Geonosis. They are also one of the few squads that didn't lose any members and or all of them died during the first battle of Geonosis. Later throughout their operations, there was a Mission taken place which has exposed their position and led RC Sev to be left behind forcing the squad to retreat and leave them. This later affected their squad losing someone so close to them.

  Covert Operations

Covert Operations is led by Captain Pancakes is a Team of trained and extremely skilled set of Clone Troopers. Tasked with doing the "Dirty Work" Of the Republic Army either leading to Classified missions to assassinations and killing of clone Deserters. Nothing more can be said about this team and its skill but has been known to complete 95% of all their missions. 



6+ Hours every day. 

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

NA-VA x2

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I do


Where do you want your brigade to be at the end of your term?:

I want my brigade to be known as one or not the best brigade on the server alongside the ATTACK/RECON brigade. With that, they will be all kept to high standards and led by extremely remarkable leaders. I want them to be known as an enjoyable brigade throughout the time you spend in it and I also want it to have good relations with all battalions across the server either fixing relations through joint training alongside other Regimentals and Senior Commanders or by working together in events set up by Game Masters. I also want to make sure everyone in all my battalions/squads to know that they are rewarded for the work they put in and the work they do.


How do you plan to improve relations within your brigade?:

I plan on doing more joint training simulations across SOBDE and Specialized as well with doing joint training with the RECON regiment and ATTACK regiment to further improve relations. By doing that players will come to enjoy the experience on Synergy more which than encourages them to stay longer. I will try to create bridges for everyone to cross and be welcomed and not to feel disrespected and miss treated for work they have done. With this borders being open alongside battalions this will mean players will have a less chance of feeling burnt out and or feeling dissatisfied on what they do. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

YES, I do


Do you understand that your position has a two-month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your senior commander rank?:

Yes, I do



Edited by BlackiSblack
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-1. You only been in SOBDE for about a week in total. You don't really know how we run ourselves with our reg. You've never really interacted with SOBDE in general to see yourself fit to be the SS Senior Commander. 

Edited by Red_Panda
Apparently my previous statement wasn't a good reason.
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Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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+1 would be an amazing senior.

Get's to know men under his command and handles his duties maturely 

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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I will not +1 or -1 it, but all im gonna say is, I think you would be fine but im scared of you trying to change the whole SOBDE thing and stuff. Maybe if we get a talk over what are your plans for SOBDE ill change my vote.

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3 minutes ago, Bazoo said:

I will not +1 or -1 it, but all im gonna say is, I think you would be fine but im scared of you trying to change the whole SOBDE thing and stuff. Maybe if we get a talk over what are your plans for SOBDE ill change my vote.

I dont plan to mess with SOBDE BY changing anything you guys made. My job is to simply watch over you guys alongside your Regimental I promise you I wont change anything unless its something serious and I get orders from a Marshal so far from what I see I dont need to change anything and dont plan to as a Senior Commander. 

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+1 just dont fuckinnnnng do that thing where you pull rank

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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I like you black but I don't think I've ever seen you speaking, interacting or spending time with SOBDE. Although you may be qualified, as it currently stands from a personal perspective I would be more comfortable with Korm being senior since he is already our Regimental and spends alot of time with us. -1



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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-1, I don't think you are fit for the role yet. I believe you lack the information on how to watch/manage SOBDE. Also, you forgot Omega Squad on lore soooooooooooooooooo that just adds to my suspicion. Not to mention the contents of what you labeled as "Clan Skirata" has a lot of misinformation.



Edited by Metro
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"We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out."

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I am neutral leaning towards -1 Due to what I have read and lack of interaction that I have seen with SOBDE. Again I am neutral.



UPDATE:  -1 Did not list omega squad in the lore. Also little to no interactions with SOBDE. Not even in passing. (You could of totally just started talking to us and hanging out to get to know SOBDE before even applying which you did not even bother doing)

Edited by Mishue

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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-1 I have personally had very few good experiences with you. I have seen you overstep some bounds and put your hands all over things that you did not need to do. You may be qualified but do not have the right attitude or level of understanding that is supposed to come with the rank. You may be above everyone in rank but when you start pulling rank every chance you get to do what you want, just kinda makes you look a bit power hungry.

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My son... my boy... this hurts me to do this... but I just don't feel you are ready. You do not seem to know SOBDE (from my time back in there) and have very little experience with how they operate. Now, I know that you can get to learn them etc. but it just doesn't seem right considering they are a very special bunch. So I'm not doubting your leadership capabilities or your abilities, however I feel that Korm is simply just the better choice. Love you my boy, but it really do be like that sometimes...

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On 7/9/2018 at 7:34 PM, Red_Panda said:

-1. You only been in SOBDE for about a week in total. You don't really know how we run ourselves with our reg. You've never really interacted with SOBDE in general to see yourself fit to be the SS Senior Commander. 

Yeah but the fact remains my job as a Specialized Regimental was to watch over the Specialized Regiment. I did what I had to do for my Regiment and Korm from what I saw was doing good work with SOBDE As well so I didnt think of interacting (except for joint training). I understand why you think that but in my Opinion, I feel like this unfair due that I had other problems that required more of my time in my own Regiment instead of spending time with the SOBDE. I will try to fix that 100%.. 

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22 hours ago, Nade Jones said:

I like you black but I don't think I've ever seen you speaking, interacting or spending time with SOBDE. Although you may be qualified, as it currently stands from a personal perspective I would be more comfortable with Korm being senior since he is already our Regimental and spends alot of time with us. -1

Yeah I totally, understand since Korm is your Regimental and you feel more comfortable with him. But you have to understand my job was to watch over the Specialized Regiment and interact with my own regiment and deal with their issues more than interacting with the SOBDE. My apologies for not interacting nor spending enough time with you guys I tried to work with covert Ops by saving their dupes and hold some training here and there but it was not enough. 

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10 hours ago, Egg said:

-1 I have personally had very few good experiences with you. I have seen you overstep some bounds and put your hands all over things that you did not need to do. You may be qualified but do not have the right attitude or level of understanding that is supposed to come with the rank. You may be above everyone in rank but when you start pulling rank every chance you get to do what you want, just kinda makes you look a bit power hungry.

My apologies for doing so but I didn't realize I was since I never saw my self-doing so but if you can to call me out on it whenever you see it in the game..❤️ 

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10 hours ago, Metro said:

-1, I don't think you are fit for the role yet. I believe you lack the information on how to watch/manage SOBDE. Also, you forgot Omega Squad on lore soooooooooooooooooo that just adds to my suspicion. Not to mention the contents of what you labeled as "Clan Skirata" has a lot of misinformation.



Was going off from what I was reading from Wookipedia Ill be sure to fix it - For Omega squad, I had a totally forgot and didn't check it over my bad! 

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10 hours ago, Washington said:


My son... my boy... this hurts me to do this... but I just don't feel you are ready. You do not seem to know SOBDE (from my time back in there) and have very little experience with how they operate. Now, I know that you can get to learn them etc. but it just doesn't seem right considering they are a very special bunch. So I'm not doubting your leadership capabilities or your abilities, however I feel that Korm is simply just the better choice. Love you my boy, but it really do be like that sometimes...


I understand Washington but I really do want to learn from what SOBDE works and how it operates. With that in order to learn this being a Senior Commander spreads my time better to work with you guys since as Specialized Regimental Commander I was mainly focusing on my own regiment and what they were doing. I understand why you feel this way thank you for informing me! ❤️ 

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Black was a great officer in the 104th and eventually a good Wolffe.

but in my opinion he has been an amazing Spec regimental, he's he might not have interacted that much with SOBDE but as a spec regimental that wasn't his job and I don't see any reason he'd do a bad job with SOBDE

just like Black didn't interact much with SOBDE, Korm didn't interact that much with specialized when he was regimental either. 



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+1 People are acting like learning how SOBDE works is like studying for final exams smh. His job also isn't to work with SOBDE, just like how Woeny's job wasn't to interact with specialized when he was SOBDE reg yet he still went on to senior and did a good job.

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Y'all that are complaining about him not being in SOBDE or not helping is dumb, as a Regimental he was only responsible for Specialized if he went into SOBDE, for example,
 most people would be screaming to high heaven about "Interference" most likely.
 People in Recon already said he is capable of helping outside his regiment without causing issues.

We had the exact same shit when Conrad went for A&R Senior CMD smh

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  • Founder

Congratulations your application has been accepted for interview

you have until July 20th to contact a Director on teamspeak

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  • Founder

Congratulations you have passed the interview process 

your term ends 9/16/18

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