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Porsche's Ban Appeal/Apology to the Server


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*I don't expect to be unbanned, however my apology is heartfelt.*

RP Name: Porsche 
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:101616753
Date of Ban: 1/11/18
Length of Ban: Perm
Offense: Toxicity, Minge, Flaming higher ups
Banned By: Joah
Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Where do I even begin. The things I did and said were wrong. Yes, ill admit, the way I went about things was wrong. Me saying things like "synergy is gonna die", and "icefuse 2.0" was wrong. I know Joah would never let anything lie what happened at icefuse happen to synergy. I let my arrogance get in the way. I never meant to harm the server, or the players. I'm friends with many players and staff hear, and the things I said did nothing to help the situation. If you don't know, at the time, many people, including me, were upset at the way events were being held. It was a small thing, that could've stayed off the forums, but I turned it into a flame war. I began flaming the founders and staff about it, and it was wrong of me. I'm bad at apologies, but here are a few.

@Joah Man, If I had the time to say sorry to you 1000 times, I would. The fact of the matter is, you were right to ban me. I let myself get to heated, and that caused me to sever our friendship. I hope you can see that I am truly sorry, and let us go back to the good old times in CG.

@Jackson@Forseen I have to apologize to you guys too. Youre the directors, the brunt of the server. Me calling you guys out was wrong of me. I hurt you guys, and myself when I said some of the things I did. I hope you can forgive me.

@Kirawrasaurus Rex Youre the last person I need to apologize too. I knew you were brand new to the chief game master spot. I should've given you the chance to change the structure and the time to push out new events. I'm sorry for flaming the GMs about it.

@The Community I'm sorry for the drama and shit I caused on the forums. Many of you are still my friends, and some ive lost because of what I did. Perhaps, if I'm let back, we can work it out and move forward.

Evidence to support your claims: I don't have any....

Thank you for taking the chance to read this. BTW yes this is an alt account.

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-1 don't air ur dirty laundry and talk to a founder first, then make a fat apology if they unban you


or if you don't like how events work just do what Ryan did way back when and just rename yourself 'Old Event System was Better'


pic related


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As a head admin it's my job to 'deal' with the ban appeals, however, this is something directed towards to founders and Directors... Meaning Im not sure If i can deal with this one. However I guess taking the chance can't be that bad. We shall see what the Founders and Directors want to say. And a verdict will be made.


Please remain patient whilst we get enough evidence in order to take full action 


**NOTE TO ALL** Keep conversation in this thread,purely to a +1 or a -1 and state a reason why (Optional) 

Flaming, Spamming, or getting out of hand will NOT be tolerated. 

Thank you :)

We shall get back to you soon @HungryHippo


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Just now, Freck said:

As a head admin it's my job to 'deal' with the ban appeals, however, this is something directed towards to founders and Directors... Meaning Im not sure If i can deal with this one. However I guess taking the chance can't be that bad. We shall see what the Founders and Directors want to say. And a verdict will be made.


**NOTE TO ALL** Keep conversation in this thread,purely to a +1 or a -1 and state a reason why (Optional) 

Flaming, Spamming, or getting out of hand will NOT be tolerated. 

Thank you :)

We shall get back to you soon @HungryHippo


Thanks Freck. If possible, id like to be able to talk to the HAs. directors, and founders, and formally apologize to them.

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-1 Cease

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I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE WAS BANNED!!!!!!!                                                                                                                                                       




I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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The behaviour you have shown us by say "Icefuse 2.0" Reminds me of a lost CC who thinks RDM is the most hilarious joke they have ever seen someone like you should know better so its a big fat stinky -1 from me

Edited by Comics

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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-1 The way I see it is: If you commit the crime, then you should accept the punishment, rather than beg to be unbanned just because. Apologizing is great, but posting the apology in the ban appeals section is like apologizing on youtube, but monetizing the video. It really just defeats the whole purpose of the apology.

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1 minute ago, Max said:

TBH you fucked up and you know that and I really feel a punishment should still be handed like a 1 month 

I know I fucked up. I'm not perfect. Thank you Max for at least seeing I'm trying here. I'm fine with not being unbanned right away, or at all. I just simply wanted the community to know I was sorry.

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