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Chip's BCMD Fox Application


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Steam Name: Chips

RP Name: Thorn

RP Rank: Major

Steam ID: Steam_0:0:714595130 | 76561199389455988

Battalion you are applying for: Coruscant Guard


I spent a lot of my time as a NCO the same as most hosting training and practicing my leadership skills to show I could become an officer. I helped run this as a Diplomatic services officer giving many sessions of negotiations training and meeting with other officers in other battalions. Finding common ground was my goal and meeting the other members of the server was also very important to me.


My time as an officer in CG was full of a few jumps and hurdles that I have had to cross. My first actions as REGL after becoming a LT were to start work on a new negotiations document. I had filled out more on how to run the area and what the proper procedures were. Next was my experience in assigning leaders to their own regiments and running them if there was not a leader available, making sure they have a steady supply of members and they are doing their job. As REGL I have been leading training and instilling people below me to do tasks, making sure that everything I can run smoothly is running on its own. It’s been my goal to make sure everything can run without me having to be extremely hands on with it.   

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: 

I believe I can bring a new perspective to things both inside and outside of CG. I want to take the word of my officers and the ideas of my fellow commanders into account and if something can be improved it should be. I am the kind of person to rock the boat even if it makes things worse because it's better than just stagnation. I have spent all of my time in CG running the regiments and making sure they are in a good place, making sure a successor would always be available to take the place of the previous leader. It is the job of a leader not only to lead but to shepherd those that will come after you. That is my goal and that is what I will always strive to do. I have spent many nights updating documents and spending time making fixes to things i either felt where wrong, or had someone address to me problems and i can only do that even more as BCMD.

A need to Improve: I have spent much of my time on the server improving what i can but nothing have come close to my constant need to improve myself, whether it’s going through arc just to gain leadership skills, or going between other battalions to hear their concerns, heck even just going through my own and asking “hey what can i improve on”. I always accept my mistakes and take my time to work towards a better me, which I see as a good trait whether or not anyone else thinks the same means nothing to me. I have gone through this and thought to myself I don't have all the answers or the perfect plan because perfection is a thing one aspires to find but can never attain. It isn't real but I work each day to make a better me. I will always accept fair criticism and take it to heart working on it with unending fervor. 

Availability:  EST

Monday: 3pm -1am 

Tuesday: 3pm - 1am 

Wednesday: 3pm - 1am

Thursday: 3pm - 1am

Friday: 3pm  - 1am

Saturday: 3pm - 1am 

Sunday: All day

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:  Since October 2023, and 850+ hours.

Do you have a microphone?:  Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

The simple answer would be in a good place for me to leave but, i don't think i will want to leave at that time, not until I've taken my time to make CG the best it can possibly be, or at least in a position where it will no longer need to be held onto so tightly. I want to rework all the documents I can and take my time to make sure I've found exactly what problems affect CG as a whole and what I can do to take out what does not work and replace it or just strengthen what does work.  

Battalion Relations: Spending time between my own battalion and the few issues I have seen. I want to take my time going between the other battalions seeing what their perceptions are and what I can do to fix things. I want to preface my term with listening and improving what I can. I don't know or have a list of things that I can immediately fix, but my goal would be to take my time talking between people and changing attitudes to improve things. Specifically, I want to change the perception of CG and I'd take any and all input I can towards that goal, as I see just the words “fix it” to be just unproductive. In summary i want to go between the other battalions find what they see from the exterior as there is only so much i can do from the inside and just closing myself off from other commanders would result in problems or bad blood when it really isn't necessary. 

NCO Corps: I see the NCO’s of every battalion as being one of the if not the most important things to a battalion, they are you branch officers your trainers and your recruiters without them there is no battalion and whether for better or for worse they are the future of synergy, it will be my solemn duty to nurture their leadership skills and make sure they are ready to take up the torch, and carry it on long after I'm gone. Outside of that I will quell the idea that CG is better than anyone else because we enforce the rules.  

The Officers: I will make them both self-sufficient and on their own for leadership. I want to make them the best they can possibly be and in a position where they can lead without my direct commands. I would like to do a general restructuring of the higher up officers and what their day to day duties might be, but i want everything to be able to sustain itself, i shouldn't have to be around 100% of the time to keep things running smoothly, but i will take as much time as possible to assure that things run efficiently and up to a code i can be proud of. 

CG attitude: The goal of everyone on the server is fun, but i have a firm belief that the rules are the rules and we should all be held to them as they are, if we let some people slid and other get arrested immediately it only shows an exterior of favoritism even if there isn’t any, so i want to have a long conversation with everyone as i have a few times already that we are CG we uphold the rules and if you think that makes you better than everyone else maybe you are not meant to be here, I have no fear in removing people over that.  If we don't hold ourselves to the same standard as everyone else if not higher than what is the point of CG. 

Tracker: from since I started I've seen tracker in a strange position either without strong leadership or without proper guidance. I want to install new documents and make sure they use their kit to the fullest. Improving RP and extending the reach of it for them between other members of the server, I have a few small plans that have been addressed to me by  other battalions of extending the massif program outside of CG. I will instill a "trial period" with another battalion and see how it goes and move from there. 

Diplomatic Services: I believe most people can see from the outside that DS is not working, which is why I want to restructure them, build it from the ground up if I have to but the job that they are designed to do is not working anymore. The main ideas I currently have are as follows: spread the security aspect of them to CG as a whole, then I want to turn them into the offensive or SWAT esc unit of CG. Protection is the goal but getting to the VIP is what is important. I’d be happy to address any and all questions sent my way about plans or things that I can improve.   

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes I understand completely and will be as active as I can be.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes and I will see where things are from there.

Edited by CG-Chips
Accepting Criticism

CG MAJOR, Currently Dead, Looking for Crackers.....

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Head Admin

-1 need to fix the app, it's wayyyyyy too short. Would recommend adding actual details on what you want to do with your units, add some stuff abt how CG is seen by other battalions, current things that are working and that aren't, etc. 

  • Agree 1

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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This application is rather short. You fail to detail much experience, and you fail to detail any specific plans.
"Rocking the boat" isn't what CG needs. CG has a lot of strengths, but has some real problems that I don't even see addressed here. What CG needs is not someone who's going to just change things to change them, but who's going to be precise like a surgeon to identify and handle the problems that exist, as rough or at gently as they must be handled.

I see you often. You're active, you're intelligent, and you're capable of better. I'd love to see you come back with more thought and effort put into the application as well as your actual plans as BCMD.  For now it's a no from me.

Edited by GregRocks

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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49 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

-1 need to fix the app, it's wayyyyyy too short. Would recommend adding actual details on what you want to do with your units, add some stuff abt how CG is seen by other battalions, current things that are working and that aren't, etc. 


44 minutes ago, GregRocks said:

This application is rather short. You fail to detail much experience, and you fail to detail any specific plans.
"Rocking the boat" isn't what CG needs. CG has a lot of strengths, but has some real problems that I don't even see addressed here. What CG needs is not someone who's going to just change things to change them, but who's going to be precise like a surgeon to identify and handle the problems that exist, as rough or at gently as they must be handled.

I see you often. You're active, you're intelligent, and you're capable of better. I'd love to see you come back with more thought and effort put into the application as well as your actual plans as BCMD.  For now it's a no from me.

I would like to show i have added some more for clarification, if it is still to short please let me know, anywhere I can improve I would love to.

Edited by CG-Chips

CG MAJOR, Currently Dead, Looking for Crackers.....

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1 hour ago, Chips said:


I would like to show i have added some more for clarification, if it is still to short please let me know, anywhere I can improve I would love to.

I've seen the updates. I appreciate them. My original vote stands.

I still don't think this is quite enough, and I wish to have seen them originally. I'd say maybe one day, but not today. Next time maybe construct the application even a week or more before applying. Really take time and think it through, talk with your peers, and look back at successful applications in the past, and compare them with unsuccessful applications. These steps will help you tremendously.

Please don't take this as discouragement. You may still move on, and even if you don't, this is always good practice, and will increase your likelihood of success next time.

Edited by GregRocks

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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I have questions before I vote.

4 hours ago, Chips said:

it will be my solemn duty to nurture their leadership skills and make sure they are ready to take up the torch, and carry it on long after I'm gone

You should already be doing this as an SO with your JOs.    Why do you need BCMD for this and what have you done as a MAJ to do this?  I don't mean documents wise,  but rather as on the server wise.



4 hours ago, Chips said:

Battalion Relations: Spending time between my own battalion and the few issues I have seen. I want to take my time going between the other battalions seeing what their perceptions are and what I can do to fix things.

Brownie points for wanting to do this,  but how?   Since I've been here since 2018,  I've noticed the server goes between a love/hate relationship with CG.   Often times one  BCMD throws it in the mud and then the next is absolutely adored by the server.     Certain examples being Ratio and KnightVR.   Another is Cyro...and he was not BCMD.     The outlook sways back and forth every term and I want to hear how you plan on teetering back into the green.


Do you want your guys to spend time via joint training?  Do you want to spend game nights with other people on the server?  I'm interested in hearing. 


4 hours ago, Chips said:

CG attitude: The goal of everyone on the server is fun, but i have a firm belief that the rules are the rules and we should all be held to them as they are, if we let some people slid and other get arrested immediately it only shows an exterior of favoritism even if there isn’t any, so i want to have a long conversation with everyone as i have a few times already that we are CG we uphold the rules and if you think that makes you better than everyone else maybe you are not meant to be here, I have no fear in removing people over that.

You and I share the same mindset here.   That is another brownie point from me.     
However, I have one issue and please don't take it the wrong way: Some people have reported certain incidents before and nothing was done.   I'm 100% for people having fun but when you see someone blatantly break rules and CG guy goes "I didn't see it" and walks away,  It sorta makes a negative light. 

Edited by Zensras

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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33 minutes ago, Zensras said:

I have questions before I vote.

You should already be doing this as an SO with your JOs.    Why do you need BCMD for this and what have you done as a MAJ to do this?  I don't mean documents wise,  but rather as on the server wise.



Brownie points for wanting to do this,  but how?   Since I've been here since 2018,  I've noticed the server goes between a love/hate relationship with CG.   Often times one  BCMD throws it in the mud and then the next is absolutely adored by the server.     Certain examples being Ratio and KnightVR.   Another is Cyro...and he was not BCMD.     The outlook sways back and forth every term and I want to hear how you plan on teetering back into the green.


Do you want your guys to spend time via joint training?  Do you want to spend game nights with other people on the server?  I'm interested in hearing. 


You and I share the same mindset here.   That is another brownie point from me.     
However, I have one issue and please don't take it the wrong way: Some people have reported certain incidents before and nothing was done.   I'm 100% for people having fun but when you see someone blatantly break rules and CG guy goes "I didn't see it" and walks away,  It sorta makes a negative light. 

Great questions, ill go through them in a kind of list or one at a time

In my time as a Captain and Major i have spent a lot of it mentoring and raising up the JO of CG by both teaching them the ropes for hosting patrols and bigger trainings, helping them out with discipline which i know nobody enjoys doing but its something we all have to learn to do, and lastly helping SNCO's give that last little bit of effort and prove themselves to be WO's, i think the officer team we currently have is okay and has been put mostly well together by blaze and I, personally it's about guiding them when they aren't sure what to do or teaching them when a teachable moment presents itself.  


Next on the list is the way a battalion is seen from the outside, i think as BCMD or just a CMD in general you should always take your time to see other people's perspectives, and i invite anyone who has a problem or wants to address any grievances toward CG i can only help as much as people want to really tell me, i don't have a perfect answer to this because if people hide how they perceive things i can't help. In summary i want to go out talk between my fellow commanders and listen to them let their input guide how i move forward. 


Lastly i have been seeing some of these incidents and it has resulted in some harsher actions from me being strikes removals etc. but i like to try to talk with anyone involved with these and explain that the rules are the rules you can have fun but if you don't enforce them fairly then why have them at all, from the highest commander to the lowest CT the rules apply to us all the same and people should act like it, especially CG members as a whole. To answer in short i have been taking any instance of this very seriously and will always address it if given to me. 



CG MAJOR, Currently Dead, Looking for Crackers.....

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Head Admin
3 hours ago, Chips said:


I would like to show i have added some more for clarification, if it is still to short please let me know, anywhere I can improve I would love to.

Keeping my -1 for now, however I do appreciate being open minded to changing your app and including more information. It's a really good sign of an ability to listen to others and accept feedback. Waiting to hear feedback from others. While I do, 

-What do you have to say about CG saying they will not interact with Senate Guard if they get brought back?

-What do you have to say about some of your officers leaving recently after feeling disrespected in CG right now? 


  • Agree 2

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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Just now, KaiserNeiner said:

Keeping my -1 for now, however I do appreciate being open minded to changing your app and including more information. It's a really good sign of an ability to listen to others and accept feedback. Waiting to hear feedback from others. While I do, 

-What do you have to say about CG saying they will not interact with Senate Guard if they get brought back?

-What do you have to say about some of your officers leaving recently after feeling disrespected in CG right now? 


Not a problem at all but I shall address these each.

-I believe that Senate guard would be nothing but good for the server and open up a new lane for RP as a whole giving us a chance to do something different, I believe denying an opportunity like this is stubborn and shortsighted, and personally i am in full support of SG coming back. 

-Next is the officer that had left due to disrespect and such, i am sad to see anyone go especially my fellow officers, but i stand with my decision and what i had to do due to reports about the individual and where i had to go from there, did I like doing it? of course not but i have to take things like that very seriously. 

I hope to have answered your questions to the best of my abilities. thank you for your feedback


CG MAJOR, Currently Dead, Looking for Crackers.....

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Arrested me after i broke PTS with no warning, 

The 21st that broke PTS next to me got a warning. Double standards are not helping CG currently

I do not want this to be the CG i interact with daily.

  • Funny 1
  • Winner 2
  • Pay Respect 1
  • Dumb 2
  • Bruh 2
  • Based 2

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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Veteran Admin
4 hours ago, Tide said:

-1ing and app based on getting arrested is crazy; Marshal Commander Ollie said and I quote "break that mans legs". I hope that you have the same feelings of not wanting Ollie to be the Marshal Commander you interact with daily.

that was clearly Ollie joking around. I watched this happen, warning one person for something and then arresting another for the same offense within a 2 minute span is insane. Also "break his legs" doesn't mean falsely arrest him. -1

Edited by blazin
  • Dumb 1

Current: Yoda Alpha-26 Maze

Former: Shaak Ti | Arligan Zey Kit Fisto | Luminara Unduli | Jedi Military Advisor | Null-10 Lieutenant JaingNull-6 Lieutenant Kom'rk Bad Batch Echo Bad Batch Hunter Improcco Nye

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This application is too short to have greater detail as to where you plan to go with the battalion. However, the points you make have some weight to them. Yet I do not see you elaborating about them, you mention; "I believe I can bring a new perspective to things both inside and outside of CG. I want to take the word of my officers and the ideas of my fellow commanders into account and if something can be improved it should be."  Yet you do not give those outside of CG the background as to what the old perspectives are, and what your new perspective will be.  You also mention taking the word of CG's officer corps and high command, but once again you fail to give any examples as to what this would entail. This application is a projection of your future self, and you're selling to the community and high command how you will contribute to both of those groups. But I do not see any progress regarding either category. 

Secondly, your mindset when it comes to reactionary and revolutionary change is concerning. You state that "I am the kind of person to rock the boat even if it makes things worse because it's better than just stagnation." I myself have not reached the senior officer corps as of yet, but in my experience "shaking things up even though it makes things worse because it's better than stagnation." Is a horrible mentality to have as an officer, and personally I would not be comfortable seeing someone with this mindset be put in high command. 

Third, I respect what you said about constructive criticism, someone who believes that they will always take fair and just criticism and work hard to implement or change what needs to be done. "I will always accept fair criticism and take it to heart working on it with unending fervor. " 

My fourth and final comment is regarding your NCO and Officer corps. I want to be blunt and address the power that a security force wields and often how that said power is too easily abused. We need to address the mentality and the coordination that goes into micromanaging those who have power and how they are using it. Whether it is with good or bad intentions, it's important to consider this no matter what. You mention that you want to make your officer corps the best they can be by showing initiative and being autonomous ( "I want to make them the best they can possibly be and in a position where they can lead without my direct commands."). But what would you do if your officers and NCO's are acting autonomously while not being properly monitored, or how would you make sure that your officers are conducting themselves in a proper way. ("... but I want everything to be able to sustain itself, I shouldn't have to be around 100% of the time to keep things running smoothly.")  

Even though I -1 this application, I wish you nothing but luck Chips. If you have any questions about my feedback I would be happy to answer them. 

Current: 212th BCMD Cody Senior Admin

Former: 212th ARF SGT | 212th Ghost Company XO REGA MAJ Waxer


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I think Chips one day could be a fantastic and strong CG BCMD but currently, I think he needs more time on the server, I think CG is sadly in a state where it needs a strong outside BCMD to help the battalion curve it, and assist with this mentality.  Your plans and general talk do not give me confidence in your ability to run CG at its current state (I think if CG was in a more stable position  I would +1 but i do not think you would be the best fit for CG current day)

This of course is said with love,  and confidence that in the future you will most likely be a killer Fox, just not now.

  • Agree 1



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I second a lot what Bacta says, regarding taking more time on the server and Zen regarding doing what you can do now as a Major and not waiting to be in Fox's Shoes. I too, can see you there 1 day, but not for this term. - 1 for now. 

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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+1, Im going to put a plus one down bc I know what you want to do and How you want to do it and i can see you as a great Fox, But I can say the System can be better fixed 



Gume Saam, Ex Rys, Walon Vau, <- Lore Ex 212th, 41st, Rancor, SOBDE, CG, GM, 501st, Staff

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+1 I truly know Chips will do a great job as BCMD Fox. Since my time being in CG Chips has mentored myself and many other CG to become better troopers and leaders. I know Chips has great ideas for CG and I know with the backing of the current officer team in CG his goals will get accomplished.


Current: CG CPT, Document Wizard, and Overall Goofball.

Former: Idiot, Dum Dum, and Jackass.

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Veteran Admin

+1 Chips is a capable CG officer that would perform excellently as BCMD Fox. As REGL I have watched him oversee all the specializations extremely effectively and place capable leaders in charge. I believe that as Fox he will be able to take this a step further and truly develop some of the specializations that I feel are lacking.

Current: CG Commander Danny
Former: Walon Vau

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Chips and I came into the battalion around the same time, we became close very quick, and we watched each other advance through leadership. Chips is the perfect combination of kindness, respect, loyalty, and charisma. Fantastic fit for the BCMD position. Disappointing to see that people are allowing their personal feelings get in the way of picking a capable leader.

  • Dumb 3
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14 hours ago, Radio said:


Chips and I came into the battalion around the same time, we became close very quick, and we watched each other advance through leadership. Chips is the perfect combination of kindness, respect, loyalty, and charisma. Fantastic fit for the BCMD position. Disappointing to see that people are allowing their personal feelings get in the way of picking a capable leader.

 I think it is disappointing that you are blind to the current issues not only inside CG but between CG and the rest of the server really. This statement right here is a key example of some of the issues. Wake up and try to help fix the issues instead of continuing to be apart of problem and blaming others for them.

16 hours ago, Bacta said:



I think Chips one day could be a fantastic and strong CG BCMD but currently, I think he needs more time on the server, I think CG is sadly in a state where it needs a strong outside BCMD to help the battalion curve it, and assist with this mentality.  Your plans and general talk do not give me confidence in your ability to run CG at its current state (I think if CG was in a more stable position  I would +1 but i do not think you would be the best fit for CG current day)

This of course is said with love,  and confidence that in the future you will most likely be a killer Fox, just not now.

Bacta took the words right out of my mouth. It is going to be a -1 from me as well.

Edited by Cucumber
  • Winner 1

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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I have spent some time reflecting on what I've seen in the responses, and i agree with a lot of your concerns and i don't think id be the best or the perfect leader by any means but what i don't understand is why don't we talk to each other about theses issues everyone bring up that people have a problem with CG but no one ever comes by and says hey what're you guys doing? or even askes or suggests anything you blame us for everything wrong when NONE of you ever came by to bring it up with us and i see that as why these problems are happening, mostly a lack of communication and instilling someone from outside with a strong hand is NOT going to help anything all it's going to do is instill a hatred for server leadership and a disdain that the word of anyone in CG meaning anything. I see that there are problems and i have been writing thoroughly about it, but sitting on the side lines and yelling without bring the concerns up with is not going to fix anything. We are all adults act like it please.

CG MAJOR, Currently Dead, Looking for Crackers.....

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12 minutes ago, Chips said:

I have spent some time reflecting on what I've seen in the responses, and i agree with a lot of your concerns and i don't think id be the best or the perfect leader by any means but what i don't understand is why don't we talk to each other about theses issues everyone bring up that people have a problem with CG but no one ever comes by and says hey what're you guys doing? or even askes or suggests anything you blame us for everything wrong when NONE of you ever came by to bring it up with us and i see that as why these problems are happening, mostly a lack of communication and instilling someone from outside with a strong hand is NOT going to help anything all it's going to do is instill a hatred for server leadership and a disdain that the word of anyone in CG meaning anything. I see that there are problems and i have been writing thoroughly about it, but sitting on the side lines and yelling without bring the concerns up with is not going to fix anything. We are all adults act like it please.

Its not our job outside CG to bring up issues to you. I don't pay attention to the server much rn but others are doing their own jobs and its not their job to fix CG or tell you whats wrong. You as an officer need to see whats wrong. Every time I have been on the server and CG is not liked, its very well known why they aren't liked for certain reasons. People waiting until now with their concerns now also doesn't make them wrong.

  • Agree 1


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I am going to be as respectful as possible but if that was true there would be no reason for this, we have to communicate we can't just hide how things are and stay silent, we had gone out and asked people and even then no one said anything was wrong.  Battalion relations are a two way street and its not the job of just one party to fix it.



Edited by Chips
  • Dumb 2

CG MAJOR, Currently Dead, Looking for Crackers.....

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14 minutes ago, Chips said:

I am going to be as respectful as possible but if that was true there would be no reason for this, we have to communicate we can't just hide how things are and stay silent, we had gone out and asked people and even then no one said anything was wrong.  Battalion relations are a two way street and its not the job of just one party to fix it.



This goofy form is one of your guys biggest issues. We should not have to fill out some form when we have an issue. You guys should be willing to talk to anyone about any issues they may have, it blows my mind every time an issue is mentioned one of the officers in CG links this form. This is another one of the many issues noticed looking from the outside in. You guys need to get rid of this form, delete it and never think of it again. Start talking to people and quit relying on this form.

  • Agree 8

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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17 minutes ago, Cucumber said:

This goofy form is one of your guys biggest issues. We should not have to fill out some form when we have an issue. You guys should be willing to talk to anyone about any issues they may have, it blows my mind every time an issue is mentioned one of the officers in CG links this form. This is another one of the many issues noticed looking from the outside in. You guys need to get rid of this form, delete it and never think of it again. Start talking to people and quit relying on this form.

To add onto this, have you spoken to anyone outside of CG about what they may wanna see change with CG, issues they may have etc? If so could you speak on who and what those issues may be.

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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1 hour ago, Chips said:

I have spent some time reflecting on what I've seen in the responses, and i agree with a lot of your concerns and i don't think id be the best or the perfect leader by any means but what i don't understand is why don't we talk to each other about theses issues everyone bring up that people have a problem with CG but no one ever comes by and says hey what're you guys doing? or even askes or suggests anything you blame us for everything wrong when NONE of you ever came by to bring it up with us and i see that as why these problems are happening, mostly a lack of communication and instilling someone from outside with a strong hand is NOT going to help anything all it's going to do is instill a hatred for server leadership and a disdain that the word of anyone in CG meaning anything. I see that there are problems and i have been writing thoroughly about it, but sitting on the side lines and yelling without bring the concerns up with is not going to fix anything. We are all adults act like it please.

How can people "come by and say hey what're you guys doing?"  when your channel is locked 24/7 and you guys have a pattern of changing said password whenever people outside the battalion join? You can't expect open communication from other battalions when the entire battalion sits inside a locked channel. Do you plan to change this, and have CG be an open channel?


Note to forum mods: This is not arguing, I am asking questions to try to make up my mind about a vote.

Edited by Banshoodle
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4 minutes ago, Banshoodle said:

How can people "come by and say hey what're you guys doing?"  when your channel is locked 24/7 and you guys have a pattern of changing said password whenever people outside the battalion join? You can't expect open communication from other battalions when the entire battalion sits inside a locked channel. Do you plan to change this, and have CG be an open channel?

I'd be open to the idea i'm not really sure why its locked to be honest, we should all be able to communicate freely with each other for the health of the server and ourselves. 

Edited by Chips

CG MAJOR, Currently Dead, Looking for Crackers.....

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1 minute ago, Chips said:

I'd be open to the idea i'm not really sure why its locked to be honest, we should all be able to communicate freely with each other for the health of the server and ourselves. 

Thank you for efficiently replying to my question. My next question, within the past 6 months, I have noticed a major uptick in CG members kicking people out of the brig for no reason(the people were authorized to be inside as per the sign above the door). While I do understand that CG has authority within the brig, it is the opinion of multiple members of the community that certain CG members take this authority, run with it, and kick everyone out when they aren't included in a situation. Do you believe that the brig should be more open to the public to foster roleplay, or do you believe the current system of how the Brig area is managed is working, and not harming battalion relations in any way?

Also, what do you believe you would do differently than the previous CG BCMD?

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1 minute ago, Banshoodle said:

Thank you for efficiently replying to my question. My next question, within the past 6 months, I have noticed a major uptick in CG members kicking people out of the brig for no reason(the people were authorized to be inside as per the sign above the door). While I do understand that CG has authority within the brig, it is the opinion of multiple members of the community that certain CG members take this authority, run with it, and kick everyone out when they aren't included in a situation. Do you believe that the brig should be more open to the public to foster roleplay, or do you believe the current system of how the Brig area is managed is working, and not harming battalion relations in any way?

Also, what do you believe you would do differently than the previous CG BCMD?

As for the lats 6 months and how to manage brig, i believe leeway should be allowed and possibly like if people brought someone in they should be involved and i don't think kicking everyone out is not very productive,  

What can i do differently than the previous BCMD, i believe i'm more open to change or taking input about concerns others might have and i don't agree with a lot of the past ideals that some foxes have had, i say everyone's voice should be heard. I do not want to be in the camp of everyone before me did perfect and i aspire to be them i want to do things my way by listening to others and making a place that we all can enjoy.

CG MAJOR, Currently Dead, Looking for Crackers.....

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After speaking with a few people,   I think you are the best candidate at this time.     You and I share the same mindset and I like that.  

Good luck man.

Edited by Zensras
  • Pay Respect 1

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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-1, for a few reasons

First, your app is lacking in details IMO. You give ideas and details in some places, but they are sporadic, and missing where I think they shouldn't (NCOs and Battalion are good examples)

Second, 'A need to improve' is not a good reason to apply for a BMCD position. Everyone can improve things, the fact that you're actively improving yourself doesn't give you any extra qualifications to being a BCMD

Finally, I don't think anyone in CG is capable of correctly fixing the issues that the battalion currently has, seeing as everyone is either complicit, or unaware of the problems. You guys need someone with an outside perspective, that can make large changes quickly, and I don't believe you're the one to do that.

If you want to discuss any of this further, my DMs are always open.

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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