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Apache's Meds Application

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==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]==========


Steam Name: Runs with Apache

RP Name: 41st GC EOD Major Apache


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):STEAM_0:1:53726572


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Republic Medics BCMD Meds



212th Attack Battalion:

I began my adventure as a 212th medic. This was during the Billiam era and most notably was active during Rishi Moon. I ranked up to a SGT1 at the time. During this time I saw how a large battalion was ran. It was organized and they showed me a good format for how to handle a good system. I was made responsible early on for lower ranks and expected to keep up with the paperwork and trainings. This led to me building strong leadership qualities and it allowed for me to build a good bond with new members coming in. It was a strong stepping stone to understanding how to stay organized and how to lead groups.

38th Engineer Corps:

This is were I think my name came up more often. I joined the 38th when they first started as a TR3. I was recruited by Ginyu and Chumbus. I saw this new battalion that was focused on RP more than holding a firing line or defending a room. I quickly got involved with this battalion and fell in love. With the battalion being fresh and the leaders being Founders/Directors+ I was given alot of freedom to work in the battalion and quickly rose up in ranks. Eventually I became the BCMD and during this time I dedicated myself to this battalion and the troops. I worked with everything I had to get the batt as active as possible. It was a bit difficult as we had no event server or artillery during that time and the batt eng role was a setback. But even with all that we still had a great run. This battalion was the strongest group of men I have served with. We all were brothers. We assisted each other to build better roleplay and make sure we had the best weaponry to defend our battlestation. I was able to assist building these men into the future leaders. We worked on building all new documents, working on doing EOD training and built solid engineer training. We often spent hours and hours in the engine room making sure we were the most capable in our field. This position taught me how to build a group of brothers and how to lead men instead of simply commanding them. I cherish this time and the brothers I got. I use this as a reference on how to build documents, paperwork, and how to run a RP heavy battalion.

91st Recon Squad:
I spent a short time here after 38th was disbanded. In the time I was here as a Major I assisted in setting up the Discord and trying to help with paperwork. I hosted trainings as possible and always tried to get activity up during non event times.


This has been my most recent time on the server. I joined as Mereel when it was wiped. I quickly after acquired Ordo after this and from there I became devoted to the squad. I loved my time as Null because we studied our lore and dived into it as much as possible. We were very focused on building lore and sharpening our RP skills. We also worked on building our skills with constant trials and trainings. We also would host trainings for other battalions to attempt to build relations and help build the skills of other players. During this time I built my leadership skills to the best of my ability by being second in command. I hosted countless tryouts and had to hold members accountable for their activity. I was always in contact with Null members and if they were slacking in discipline or causing issues. We resolved conflicts quickly instead of letting it linger and build up. This position let me work on building new documents and new tryouts as we update often to keep it unknown. This position also allowed me to lead a group of headstrong men.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I have a strong passion for RP battalions. 38th was proof of that and this is another position which would allow for me to build strong RP skills. I want to lead these men forward and build their RP skills and keep the immersion strong and prosperous. 


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Yes I do. I am familiar with Second Battalion if this is the concept we are moving forward with or if it will divert away from that image.



I am on daily. The time ranges based on time but it will be the same as it was when I was Ordo. I spent a solid 50-70 hours a week on the server. 


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

I have played on Synergy since day 1 on Rishi Moon.


Do you have a microphone?:

Yes I do


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

At the end of my term I would like the battalion to a shining example of how to RP your character. The relations between us and battalions should be some of the strongest in the server. We would be focused on working with battalions and helping battalions to understand how we function. I would often look to have constant trainings going and we would be the light that brings troopers back from the darkness of near death.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Edited by Runs with Apache
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Edited by woeny23
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+1 apache you are a good player, you have the experience but the question is are you ready to get a battalion off its feet and keep it going for months and years to come. 38th flopped after the first 2-3 months hopefully with the right high command set in place this wont happen again.

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Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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+1 Legit the only person I see fit.

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A candidate which has more requirements that could possibly lead the Medical Core into a new era. Good luck, and if you make it to questioning, expect some SERIOUS HARD MEDICAL Questions to ensure you would be up to the task as MEDS.

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