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Change Scorched Shotgun to a Pistol


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Name: Brooklyn


Suggestion: Change the exclusive item on the store to a pistol instead of a shotgun. 

The reason I bring this up is it has already been proven to be the most broken thing added to the server. IMO it's as OP as the kyber rifle. I'll give an explanation:
1. Jedi can't block it unless they use Force Reflect, and even then they still take fire damage.
2. It one-shots any and all NPCS except for Antlion Guards & DRG. Which makes events run very quick and makes then easy & boring.
3. The flamethrower will become useless because of this. The Flamethrower range is significantly shorter and does way less damage unless you have constant hits.
4. You could say "Just don't use it or buy it", but everyone knows thats impossible to project to everyone. As people WILL use it no matter what.

Implementation: Change the exclusive item on the store to a pistol instead of a shotgun. I recommend the DT-12 (rw_sw_dt12) or DT-29 (rw_sw_dt29)

Lore: N/A

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 Would make it way easier for the gamemaster without having to spawn multiple NPC's, and could benefit us really much



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As someone who bought this gun. This gun isn’t very fun. I definitely am not a huge fan of it and think some form of change is needed. Ive seen the weapon banned in a couple events already as well as played against and utilized it as a BH. It isn’t fun. Please change it so it is fun. 
+1 for fun

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What Conrad said, I've counted 3 separate events with separate GM's already to please not use the shotgun. I've also seen droves of entire droids just immediately dying from this shotgun not even considering the fact that when they're on fire they stop shooting so no matter what HP they're at they just die with one shot, turns off any and all challenge to an event if there's even one of these, if there's 2-3 shotguns in there? Good luck killing a single droid.

Current: Dumbass

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Well time to do the holocron raid with it while i still can...

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Head Admin


From a GM standpoint it's an absolute insane thing to try and combat. Any NPC that gets hit by it is essentially ineffective from that point forward. Had hosted an event where a singular person used it and it was over in about 20 minutes due to how easily everything got ran through. Voicing the concern and being met with "you're a gm, you'll figure out how to combat it" doesn't really help either. 

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Head Admin


From a PVE POV, I agree this needs a nerf. Maybe a damage nerf than anything, or a spread nerf. That being said, GM's are allowed to ban weapons from their events for a reason. 

From a PVP standpoint, the fire shotgun is a great counter to the Kyber Rifle. If you get hit with the fire shotgun, you have a chance in a combat scenario. If you get hit by the Kyber rifle, congrats you're dead. Nothing you can do. If we're nerfing the current shotgun then I think we need to nerf other perma weapons from the rotating server store weapons such as the mando rifle and the kyber rifle. 

  • Confused 1
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       Zeros          Clutch



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+1 W change

Also using the "Kyber rifle counter" 2 people on the server have it.....

Edited by Slak
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I've been thinking on this, and i think it needs adjusted. That's a no brainer, but changing the entire gun and how it functions defeats the purpose of it being on sale and ruins the reason people may have bought it, (even though i only bought it because i promised Xaze i'd buy whatever the next item was). 

If they want to change the gun but keep the function, fine.
If they want to change the function but not the gun, fine. 

We agreed to own the gun regardless of future tweaks, but not to replace the entire weapon itself and what it did.
While the Founders CAN do that, i think that its a bad choice. 

Also, Jedi can't block shotguns in general. Sure the fire makes it worse, but the blocking thing isnt new.... at least they cant block every pellet.

Edited by Mystic
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
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1 hour ago, KaiserNeiner said:

From a PVP standpoint, the fire shotgun is a great counter to the Kyber Rifle.

You're comparing a $100 exclusive weapon, to a $5,333.33 in-game store weapon. Plus with the new explosive weapons it basically cant be used to its fullest unless on BH. The rest of your response is valid though

  • Agree 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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10 minutes ago, Mystic said:


I've been thinking on this, and i think it needs adjusted. That's a no brainer, but changing the entire gun and how it functions defeats the purpose of it being on sale and ruins the reason people may have bought it, (even though i only bought it because i promised Xaze i'd buy whatever the next item was). 

If they want to change the gun but keep the function, fine.
If they want to change the function but not the gun, fine. 

We agreed to own the gun regardless of future tweaks, but not to replace the entire weapon itself and what it did.
While the Founders CAN do that, i think that its a bad choice. 

Also, Jedi can't block shotguns in general. Sure the fire makes it worse, but the blocking thing isnt new.... at least they cant block every pellet.


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Head Admin
5 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

You're comparing a $100 exclusive weapon, to a $5,333.33 in-game store weapon. Plus with the new explosive weapons it basically cant be used to its fullest unless on BH. The rest of your response is valid though

I appreciate the last bit. I was under the impression that you could buy the Kyber rifle at some point from the server store, but was just told otherwise so i apologize for the confusion. 

Still -1 but I appreciate the back and forth so far about this. 

  • Friendly 1

       Zeros          Clutch



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Ive thought about this topic before posting on it or anything Do i believe the gun could be tweaked alittle to be balanced yes but replacing the entire gun with something else is i think meh i think the damage could be tweaked alittle and remove the full auto on it but utter then that it is a fine weapon -1

Luminara Unduli 
41st BCMD Gree

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On 7/10/2023 at 10:10 AM, Brooklyn said:

Name: Brooklyn


Suggestion: Change the exclusive item on the store to a pistol instead of a shotgun. 

The reason I bring this up is it has already been proven to be the most broken thing added to the server. IMO it's as OP as the kyber rifle. I'll give an explanation:
1. Jedi can't block it unless they use Force Reflect, and even then they still take fire damage.
2. It one-shots any and all NPCS except for Antlion Guards & DRG. Which makes events run very quick and makes then easy & boring.
3. The flamethrower will become useless because of this. The Flamethrower range is significantly shorter and does way less damage unless you have constant hits.
4. You could say "Just don't use it or buy it", but everyone knows thats impossible to project to everyone. As people WILL use it no matter what.

Implementation: Change the exclusive item on the store to a pistol instead of a shotgun. I recommend the DT-12 (rw_sw_dt12) or DT-29 (rw_sw_dt29)

Lore: N/A

It goes without saying that the shotgun is very clearly over-performing, changes will be coming in the future to address the majority of the concerns while also keeping the concept of the weapon alive.

  • Jedi not being able to block: This was unintended and will be fixed in a patch, they should be able to block the shots like every other blaster.
  • One-shotting any NPC: This has been around forever with any fire based weapon and has always been a nuisance to approach. Upon testing there didn't seem to be much issue with this, however with 10+ people at a time using the weapon it's clear to see that it is an issue. We'll be looking into alternative NPC behavior if it's possible.
  •  Flamethrower becoming useless:  I'd rather buff the flamethrower if people believe it is under-performing than try to balance two different weapon types around each-other.
  • "Just don't use it or buy it": We all know this mentality never works, so I'd rather work on the weapon to get is somewhere the majority is comfortable with.

TLDR; I personally don't see a reason to change it from a shotgun as it's intended to be a "Dragon's-breath weapon".

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8 hours ago, Jad said:

It goes without saying that the shotgun is very clearly over-performing, changes will be coming in the future to address the majority of the concerns while also keeping the concept of the weapon alive.

  • Jedi not being able to block: This was unintended and will be fixed in a patch, they should be able to block the shots like every other blaster.
  • One-shotting any NPC: This has been around forever with any fire based weapon and has always been a nuisance to approach. Upon testing there didn't seem to be much issue with this, however with 10+ people at a time using the weapon it's clear to see that it is an issue. We'll be looking into alternative NPC behavior if it's possible.
  •  Flamethrower becoming useless:  I'd rather buff the flamethrower if people believe it is under-performing than try to balance two different weapon types around each-other.
  • "Just don't use it or buy it": We all know this mentality never works, so I'd rather work on the weapon to get is somewhere the majority is comfortable with.

TLDR; I personally don't see a reason to change it from a shotgun as it's intended to be a "Dragon's-breath weapon".

With the nerfs being pushed for the weapon, will the price decrease?

  • Confused 1
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after Jads response imma void this @Marvel

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Forum Admin

This suggestion has been VOIDED.

If the same suggestion is submitted again within 60 DAYS of this post it will be automatically denied.


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