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Woods' Rex App (Waived)


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Steam Name: Woods

RP Name: Woods

RP Rank: LT

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:213885987

Battalion you are applying for: 501st


2017 to 2018 - 212th [PVT - 1stLT] (2ndAC)(REGL)

During my time in 212th, I built many relationships with wonderful people that introduced me to the server. They showed me the ropes and taught me a series of different ways to enjoy the server. Overall, it constructed my base understanding of the server.

2018 - 501st [SSG - CSM] (Pilot)(REGO)

During my time in the 501st, I was built up by a lot of individuals. Here was the first time I finally felt like I belonged somewhere on Synergy. They brought me in with open arms and I spent several weeks if not months, every day, playing with them. Whether it be Synergy or another game in which we played. It showed me the true passion found within the people you talk to daily.

2018 to 2019 - Doom’s Unit [SSG - CPT] (Engineer)(REGO)

Doom’s Unit. My home territory. Here, I finally understood what the server is about. I found people I could call some of my best friends at the time. These were people I met in real life at one point. They took me in and I stayed for well over a year. They treated me as their own family, and I did the same to them. Here, there was no politics, there was no drama. It was a bunch of dudes playing Star Wars for the fun of it. 

2021 to 2022 - Coruscant Guard [PVT - CSM] (Pilot, TK)

The Coruscant Guard. What do I even say? These people are highly misunderstood. I’ve seen many discouraging comments and regards towards individuals and the battalion as a whole, but in my opinion, they’re some of the best folk around. They treat each other with a level of respect I hadn’t seen in a while. They understood what needed to be done and not once did I see any of them act in an unprofessional manner. Here, I learned professionalism through compassion.

2022 - Doom’s Unit v2 [PVT - COL] (REGL)

These boys are my family. I can confidently say they’d do anything for me and I’d do the same for them. They brought me in when they were struggling, but never showed it. They built me up and encouraged me to go far. They’ve been there for me throughout it all, and I plan to be there for them too when they need it. These guys have shown me more than I thought this server could. 

2022 - 21st Nova Corps [MAJ]

My time in Galactic Marines was brief. I learned a lot in that brief time though. I saw the scatteredness and the desperation, but the lack of motivation. I saw how morale as a whole was down and still is to this day. It showed me that, one person can’t run a battalion. People are needed and motivation needs to stay high for a battalion to succeed.

2022 to 2023 - 212th v2 [WO - MAJ] (REGL)

We migrated to 212th after the closing of Doom’s Unit. We were taken in and accepted with open arms. Here, I grew as an Officer and just learned patience. I adapted to larger groups of people under me and how to bond and grow relations with everyone, regardless of rank. Here, I met some of the people I consider to be some of the better friends I have on the server. This time in 212th taught me loyalty.

2023 - 104th [LT - MAJ] (Comet | REGL)

I moved to 104th as a personal project. I saw the potential for something great and decided I’d help mold that shape. Helping Sina, Clutch, and Cronis succeed been one of my proudest achievements on the server. I’ve enjoyed working with them and still do to this day. 104th has come to blossom and we’ve achieved our goal of BOTM, a goal I set out for my first day in the battalion.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

The reason behind my desire to run for Battalion Commander doesn’t come from aspirations or some ulterior goal. It comes from the support of people that I’ve met through my time here on the server. For a long while, I didn’t find myself worthy of a position. Always turning down CMD Positions when offered or even rank-locking myself on multiple occasions. I didn’t think it was something I could do, as I always considered myself a better supporting character. I’ve proven that to myself multiple times. Helping 212th earlier this year, helping 104th, and helping Doom’s Unit. All of it pointed me towards being the one to help teach and grow a battalion while letting others take the spotlight to shine. With the support of some individuals, they’ve shown me I’m capable of doing what is needed and have been for much longer than I thought of myself. I’m here to teach, show, and help where is needed of me. To make a difference and pull the 501st out of its current position with the support and acceptance the battalion has not only shown me but everyone else.

To begin with…

Battalion Commander:

My time on the server has been long and in that time I’ve come to an understanding. The major thing I’ve come to realize is BCMDs make or break a battalion. The BCMD is the face of the battalion and the one who will either come to see it succeed or watch it fall. An active, participating BCMD will make the world of a difference, and I can guarantee that I will set this example. However, a Battalion Commander isn’t what they’re all chalked up to be. They need to be compassionate and have a deep understanding of where they are and who they’re working with. BCMD isn’t just about the number of recruits and trainings, it’s about the impact you make on the people that play alongside you. 

By teaching what you know, and learning where you go, the world will be your sandbox.

Officer & NCO Core:

The Officer Core has become an apparent problem within the 501st. Whether that be lack of activity or lack of sheer numbers alone, something needs to change. 

  • A lot of the recent complaints or issues I’ve heard from many members of the battalion lie within the officer core. I happen to disagree with this, but not in the sense, most may think. Like many others, I believe an officer's core should be strong. They should be setting the example and hosting training/entertainment and being active/participating. I will ensure that more is done to keep retainment and training on a regular schedule. This is obvious though, but with the 501st, it needs to be handled carefully. Many will attempt to host something, but as a result, no one will show up. This can be solved with simple notifications and participation. Allowing people to shine where they need, whilst building them up and showing them the proper way or different ways to maintain retainment. I can ensure I will lead by example and not by command, working with instead of without.


  • Following this, an officer evaluation will be done within the first couple of weeks. This evaluation will be sent to every officer and mandated to fill out. This will hold all the names of the officers and allow each to anonymously give feedback on themselves and fellow officers. From here, each officer will be spoken to individually by myself and the Commander Team to set goals for them and help understand and aid any issues they may be having. This helps set individual goals for everyone but lets them know what we’re looking for, for them to be promoted.  


  • By officers being clear-cut and each having an understanding of what is expected of them, the Domino Effect will pass onto the NCOs. Stronger together we fight. Many of the NCOs currently look at the lack of participation and activity of their officers, and as a result, do the same. After speaking with some of the NCOs, they have a lot of great ideas that could truly help the battalion grow. Many of them show the qualities of Officers already and I’m excited to see where they go and see what the next generation entails.


Torrent Company:


  • Torrent Company has secured itself in a weird position at the moment. Currently, there are five positions open within the Company. I seek to fill these positions and unite and secure the Company as Leaders within the Battalion. As much as I love having a +15 to all EOD Rolls, EOD should not be the main focus of Torrent. I want Torrent to be the leaders of the battalion. The ones stepping up when the time calls. The ones to look to with questions or need of advice. The ones who will be the face of the battalion with instilling the values and morale of the Battalion.


  • Torrent Company, as of now, is application only. This needs to change and thus a dupe will be worked on to help navigate the applications. Alongside this, a rework of the application will follow this with maintaining aspects of roleplay and character lore, whilst adding the leadership aspects I wish to introduce.


332nd Company:


  • I seek to finally get 332nd on the map. I’ve discussed several routes with the current Vaughn and some past Vaughns to gather what the consensus is. We’ve talked over changes we’d like to make to the unit and what direction is desired. With this though, we’ll be working to also remove the application only aspect of 332nd and possibly scheduled tryouts that are simple and easy to complete. The tryout will be meant to focus on roleplay aspects and meant solely for teaching and assisting anyone who wishes to join. Again, this is just one idea out of several we’ve had. This is all subjective to change at any moment deemed necessary by Vaughn and myself, if I do get the position.


  • Accompanying this, we’ll hopefully be renewing the application for only lore character positions within the unit. This includes Jesse, Ridge, and Sterling. With this, I’d like to push for these roles to become active, not only within 332nd, but all of 501st as they were members before joining the Company.


  • My main goal with 332nd is to establish them completely. Right now they’re a half sub-unit with no real objective. I seek to reintroduce creative control to Vaughn and work to get it to the point that’ll suffice and beyond that. I hold 332nd close and in high value. It’s under utilized and I seek to capitalize.


Regimental Team:

  • Regimental Teams are something I’ve always had a desire to do something more with. I have the idea that I’ve tossed around the uniting of the Regimental Teams of the Attack Regiment. This means that the 212th and 501st REG Teams will be working towards the success of both battalions under the leadership of both BCMDs and RCMD. The purpose of this would be to boost joint training through a quota of 1 joint training a week at minimum. This will hopefully put more responsibility on the REG Teams to work together and to work for the success of the battalion.



6 PM - 2 AM EST (Server)

24/7 Discord Messages.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

I’ve been playing since July, 2017 with 1,008 hours.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

I want the 501st to be back in action. Fighting alongside the other battalions on the server with the numbers to rival 212th. I seek Battalion of the Month and I won’t stop til I get there, regardless of whether I get the position. I want the 501st to be a place people can go to know they’ll be treated fairly and respected. I can ensure this. I will not stop til the boys in blue do what they need to do.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes



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You just joined the 501st. You haven't had the time to truly understand the battalion dynamic to lead them in my opinion. 



  • Agree 1


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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Looking at things, you were recruited three days ago into the battalion. This shows that Rex is really the only motive here and you immediately went for it. Not to mention, I honestly never knew you were Comet until the tail end of your time which I still rarely caught a glimpse of you. Maybe once or twice.
If you'd given this more time to learn the current landscape and prove yourself, I'd maybe +1 this. I'll be honest, Silvian has stuck around for the long run and has shown he can be a worthy, active, and responsible Rex/BCMD.

  • Pay Respect 1

i carried onderon events


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45 minutes ago, Rizzo said:

You just joined the 501st. You haven't had the time to truly understand the battalion dynamic to lead them in my opinion. 

I was approached and asked to help out the 501st by several individuals. Only looking at 501st in a raw perspective;

As of lately (past 4 months) however, there hasn't been a dynamic within the 501st at all. As of the months of March and April, the 501st has been one of, if not the only, battalion to have a net negative in terms of Recruitment/Resignations, meaning we've lost more members than we've gained. Accompanying this, we were bottom of the totem pole in terms of amount of Trainings and Entertainments. I will fix this. I can promise that.


41 minutes ago, Zeros said:

Looking at things, you were recruited three days ago into the battalion. This shows that Rex is really the only motive here and you immediately went for it. Not to mention, I honestly never knew you were Comet until the tail end of your time which I still rarely caught a glimpse of you. Maybe once or twice.

I've can ensure you Rex is not my only goal within the 501st. I was initially joining to help out and support the 501st as I have with 104th and 212th, but was asked by many to apply for the role. I made it clear to Silvian and everyone else, regardless of who gets the positions, I will ensure that the battalion succeeds in every sense of the matter. I worked extensively to push 104th to become BOTM and will strive for nothing less than that for 501st.

As for not seeing me as Comet, I don't know what to tell you. I worked everyday with Clutch and the boys in grey to push for success. I'm not proud of it, but I have close to 250 hours for the month of March and neared 200 for the month of April. In the month of April however, I stepped back from 104th to focus on the Gamemaster Team. I actually never saw you until the past couple weeks due to the LOA you took at the beginning of the month of March and the unofficial ones scattered throughout then to now. This is proven through the Gamemaster Team Roster and the meetings' attendance.

Edited by Wood
  • Informative 1
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17 minutes ago, Wood said:

As for not seeing me as Comet, I don't know what to tell you. I worked everyday with Clutch and the boys in grey to push for success. I'm not proud of it, but I have close to 250 hours for the month of March and neared 200 for the month of April. In the month of April however, I stepped back from 104th to focus on the Gamemaster Team. I actually never saw you until the past couple weeks due to the LOA you took at the beginning of the month of March and the unofficial ones scattered throughout then to now. This is proven through the Gamemaster Team Roster and the meetings' attendance.

In all honesty, I was unaware of you stepping back from 104th. This does help to clarify why I didn't see too much of you, even with maybe a 2-3 day break every few weeks from March to now. But yeah, my schedule does make it impossible for me to attend any of the staff/GM meetings as they're hosted too late in the day for me unfortunately. I'll be keeping my vote as a -1 because I believe Silvian has stuck it out and is well deserving of Rex, but I'm thankful for such a quick response from you and it shows great communication skills. Hope this helps others to find their opinion/vote as well.

  • Informative 1

i carried onderon events


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Head Admin

+1, even tho you just joined the battalion it seems like you are aiming for a better 501st in the long run. Best of luck with the application and interview. Worked with you inside of the GM team for a period of time and know you can introduce and upkeep systems.

  • Pay Respect 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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From someone who just worked on the 501st it would be extremely unwise for someone who was not part of the restructure to be the person in charge. Silvian has been prep’d and has had ample experience to lead a battalion.



  • Agree 3



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Im ngl I don't have anything against you nor do I really know you, yet with how 501st is currently changing and with everything that has been happening to the battalion, I just do not think someone who had just recently came into the battalion can see all of these issues. Not to mention that the other candidate silvian has been in 501st when we wore popping off at 10+ people on at once to today's when we are maybe 3 people on. I simply think silvian is ATM a better face for the battalion and better choice. Not gonna -1 just gonna throw a neutral in here.  


  • Agree 1
  • Dumb 1

Bicep in the backwood that bitch too strong."

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Head Admin


As someone who has spent countless hours with you in regards to time in 212th, 104th, and the GM program, your intentions are more than positive and you have the experience to back it up. With your assistance, 104th was revived into a state of healthiness and I believe you can do the same with 501st. In the past 3 days since you've been in the battalion, 501st numbers have doubled. While some may see this as a coincidence, I do not. Time spent in the battalion isn't everything and I aggressively disagree with the -1's on here. 

As a current BCMD I believe Woods has the dedication, loyalty, and professionalism to turn 501st into what 104th was when it had BOTM. Constant activity, good RP, and positive interactions with other battalions. I truly hope Directors look at this application and consider all the work you've put into the server as a whole recently. 

  • Pay Respect 1
  • Dumb 2

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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On 5/3/2023 at 8:07 PM, Wood said:

I was approached and asked to help out the 501st by several individuals.

So I'm more just curious as this is in super quick succession to joining, but who were some of these people? And if you can't say, would that come forward and comment? Cause if the 501st came to you and asked it would be a huge positive, but if people from other battalions told you to it would be a huge negative. I bet that answer would help flip a vote or two, as it seems the main issue is your intentions and how you applies so quick.

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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  • Agree 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Big -1 here.

  getting recruited and applying for rex after 3 days is crazy.
i have nothing against you, and you seem like a chill dude, but you really need to give it more time before applying for stuff like this, especially with the battalion just getting back on its feet 

  • Agree 1


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2 hours ago, Brooklyn said:

So I'm more just curious as this is in super quick succession to joining, but who were some of these people? And if you can't say, would that come forward and comment? Cause if the 501st came to you and asked it would be a huge positive, but if people from other battalions told you to it would be a huge negative. I bet that answer would help flip a vote or two, as it seems the main issue is your intentions and how you applies so quick.

Unfortunately, out of the great deal of respect I have for them, I won't be able to name them, nor are they able to comment. I hope that clarifies some.

37 minutes ago, shroud said:

Big -1 here.

  getting recruited and applying for rex after 3 days is crazy.
i have nothing against you, and you seem like a chill dude, but you really need to give it more time before applying for stuff like this, especially with the battalion just getting back on its feet 

I keep seeing this common thought. Joining after 3 days is lucrative to apply for a position like this. I can see from your standing what it seems to look like, but I can guarantee it's much more than meets the eye. Initially, I was going to apply from outside the battalion, not requiring a waive. Instead, I made a commitment to 501st, through success and failure, I'll stick with them. There was no reason for me to join 501st before applying as it only restricted myself by requiring me to get waived. I went through the waive and got accepted. I'm not applying to rush into a position or to grab at the top.

501st has been beaten down and pushed aside. The members that are left are finally managing to stand on their own two feet after carrying the weight of the battalion. I hope to carry that weight so they may enjoy playing more than they already do. I agree with you, it looks like I'm rushing in and 3 days isn't a lot of time to learn a battalion, but from what I do know to what I'm learning, the 501st needs help. We're making moves to refill our officer core and push out organization and suggestions, but it takes time. Time that we lost along the way. 

I'm not asking you to change your vote or attempting to convince you. I agree with your point, but I can promise there's more to it than that. I can also promise to whomever may receive the position, 501st will succeed again.


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4 hours ago, shroud said:

Big -1 here.

  getting recruited and applying for rex after 3 days is crazy.
i have nothing against you, and you seem like a chill dude, but you really need to give it more time before applying for stuff like this, especially with the battalion just getting back on its feet 

If You Say So Reaction GIF by Identity - Find & Share on GIPHY

Imma gonna be honest bro, if you would've joined like a little while ago, I would probably be on the supportive side of the spectrum but, to fully understand the internal problems and such of a battalion, you would need to build yourself some relationships within the battalion and getting the full grasp of them. 


Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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+1 I believe he would be a great BCMD. Even though he joined a little while ago he was still a MAJ in 104th when he applied. Like in the rules you don't have to be part of that battalion to apply. Woods is a very smart person and i believe he has what it takes to push 501st Forward 

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I'm Neutral

Despite you having the ability to lead, ive been told multiple times when a Commander spot opens you plan to apply for it. This shows you just want the novelty of the position and dont care for the battalion.

Edited by RadJames
Dont have a vote now. But seems maybe it was a mis communication on 21st's end?
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This looks really bad, as you reached out to GM about applying for Bacara, then reached out to Jedi about being interested in Mundi without playing on Jedi. Then you move to 501st from 104th to apply for Rex? 

What is your reasoning behind this? I won't vote just yet, just curious if you have a reason that you'd like to clarify for other people

  • Informative 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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53 minutes ago, Mystic said:

This looks really bad, as you reached out to GM about applying for Bacara, then reached out to Jedi about being interested in Mundi without playing on Jedi. Then you move to 501st from 104th to apply for Rex? 

What is your reasoning behind this? I won't vote just yet, just curious if you have a reason that you'd like to clarify for other people

Initially, I didn't reach out to GM for Bacara. I reached out to GM to help get them on track and to FIND a Bacara for the battalion. This lead into several conversations with Wilhelm, Gadget, Foe, Poptart, Slak, and Baddog on what the direction GM wants to go. Out of everyone, they all collectively agreed no one was fit for the role of Bacara. Because of this, I was asked by the MECH RCMD and a couple GM's to apply for the role. Before I did this though, I reached out to Gadget and sat down and spoke with him. He voiced his concerns and said he'd be interested in going for it. We spoke for awhile about what's wrong and the direction he wants to take the battalion, and I fully endorsed him for the role and gave Baddog my opinion on the matter. Galactic Marines has been successful so far and I can confidently say that is entirely due to Gadget and the work of their amazing officer team who has majorly stepped up under his command.

As for Mundi, that wasn't for me. I was reaching out to find out how one becomes a Battalion Jedi as I know very little about the intricacies of Jedi and really have no drive to play it. The main reason was to provide a specific case of how to do it so I can work to find a stable Mundi as GM voiced concerns briefly of never having a decent one.


As for everyone else saying I don't understand the dynamic or don't have relations with the members of the 501st, I don't believe you even know. Before I joined 501st, there was FOUR Officers. Three of which I've worked with for years, two of those in which I've been with since they were privates, and the last having played in 501st since 2018. I see multiple comments on the time limit in which I've been in 501st. I only ask you look at it from my perspective.

What do I have to gain by joining 501st? Why would I not maintain my position as a MAJ within 104th and apply outside the battalion? The answer to this is to commit. Regardless of what happens, I'm staying within the 501st and it will succeed. I guarantee that. The people in this battalion care so much for it. I refuse to let that drive go to waste. Previously before Rex even opened, a couple of us made a series of commitments to join 501st as soon as Baddog's term ends for MECH Reg. This came early when news of the battalion going severely down hill and we both opted to join ahead of time. Since then, I was asked by multiple people to apply for the role and since joining, we've had 15 recruits within my first 4 days, albeit work from our wonderful NCO Core (Shoutout to Texas). This nearly quintuples the recruitment rate for the 501st for the past nine months.

Edited by Wood
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56 minutes ago, RadJames said:


Despite you having the ability to lead, ive been told multiple times when a Commander spot opens you plan to apply for it. This shows you just want the novelty of the position and dont care for the battalion.

I would love for this to be the case, but ask my former BCMDs, i.e, Quassont, Baddog, Metal, and Clutch in which I've rank locked myself at MAJ or COL to allow others to go for the position of CMD or BCMD and have done so for years. I have no interest in the letters that are next to my name, my only interest lies in the success of the people I'm working with and the success of the battalion I call home. I know this won't change your opinion, but I just want to rest assure, I'm not here for a title or a rank. I'm here to see people grow, to teach what I know, and learn as I go, as that will always be my philosophy.

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4 minutes ago, Wood said:

I would love for this to be the case, but ask my former BCMDs, i.e, Quassont, Baddog, Metal, and Clutch in which I've rank locked myself at MAJ or COL to allow others to go for the position of CMD or BCMD and have done so for years. I have no interest in the letters that are next to my name, my only interest lies in the success of the people I'm working with and the success of the battalion I call home. I know this won't change your opinion, but I just want to rest assure, I'm not here for a title or a rank. I'm here to see people grow, to teach what I know, and learn as I go, as that will always be my philosophy.

Only saying it seems like that is because when we were absent for a bacara I was told not to worry as we had someone outside of the battalion applying, which of course was you. So i was just calling it out.

However I'll gladly switch to a neutral vote until further notice. Good luck.

Edited by RadJames
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20 minutes ago, Wood said:

Initially, I didn't reach out to GM for Bacara. I reached out to GM to help get them on track and to FIND a Bacara for the battalion. This lead into several conversations with Wilhelm, Gadget, Foe, Poptart, Slak, and Baddog on what the direction GM wants to go. Out of everyone, they all collectively agreed no one was fit for the role of Bacara. Because of this, I was asked by the MECH RCMD and a couple GM's to apply for the role. Before I did this though, I reached out to Gadget and sat down and spoke with him. He voiced his concerns and said he'd be interested in going for it. We spoke for awhile about what's wrong and the direction he wants to take the battalion, and I fully endorsed him for the role and gave Baddog my opinion on the matter. Galactic Marines has been successful so far and I can confidently say that is entirely due to Gadget and the work of their amazing officer team who has majorly stepped up under his command.

As for Mundi, that wasn't for me. I was reaching out to find out how one becomes a Battalion Jedi as I know very little about the intricacies of Jedi and really have no drive to play it. The main reason was to provide a specific case of how to do it so I can work to find a stable Mundi as GM voiced concerns briefly of never having a decent one.


As for everyone else saying I don't understand the dynamic or don't have relations with the members of the 501st, I don't believe you even know. Before I joined 501st, there was FOUR Officers. Three of which I've worked with for years, two of those in which I've been with since they were privates, and the last having played in 501st since 2018. I see multiple comments on the time limit in which I've been in 501st. I only ask you look at it from my perspective.

What do I have to gain by joining 501st? Why would I not maintain my position as a MAJ within 104th and apply outside the battalion? The answer to this is to commit. Regardless of what happens, I'm staying within the 501st and it will succeed. I guarantee that. The people in this battalion care so much for it. I refuse to let that drive go to waste. Previously before Rex even opened, a couple of us made a series of commitments to join 501st as soon as Baddog's term ends for MECH Reg. This came early when news of the battalion going severely down hill and we both opted to join ahead of time. Since then, I was asked by multiple people to apply for the role and since joining, we've had 15 recruits within my first 4 days, albeit work from our wonderful NCO Core (Shoutout to Texas). This nearly quintuples the recruitment rate for the 501st for the past nine months.

I see, as a MAJ i just found it weird i was never contacted but the LTs and CPTs below me were. You also didn't contact me regarding Battalion Jedi, which is my sole occupation to oversee on Jedi. I just wasn't contacted at all and was out of the loop. 

Im a firm believer that if you apply for a position in good standing with the battalion and community you should at least get to interview. 

+1 Good Luck

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.



i am literally captain tukk

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  • Management

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!



i am literally captain tukk

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