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Casey's Bacara Application V1


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Steam Name: Casey

RP Name: Galactic Marines ARC MAJ Shadow 1-6

RP Rank: MAJ

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:129950383 (32) or 76561198220166495 (64)

Battalion you are applying for: Galactic Marines / 21st Nova Corps


41st Elite Corps
12/11/2020 - 12/16/2021

In the 41st Elite Corps, I was under Wren, Cloud, and Shpack. While I was under them, I was able to work my way up to the rank of COL throughout the battalion. I was ARFL, ARC, SUPO, and SUPL. I was also in the sub unit "Green Company" and managed to get all the way up to GCL Faie, where I spent the last of my time in the battalion. 

21st Nova Corps

In 21st Nova Corps I joined at the rank of PFC and worked my way up to CSM before we switched from 21st Nova Corps to Galactic Marines. 
I was had joined Kellers Unit and worked under Misfit as Keller, and stayed as a 21stKU Arial Trooper.
Once we became Galactic marines, I moved my way up through the ranks to CMD, became the 3rd CMD of GM at the end of Mystics term. 
I managed to join the newest sub unit, "Devil Dogs" as soon as it opened. From there, I moved up to both the 2IC and the CMD position within the battalion, as Sharp (2IC) and the lead (Sharp) until the sub unit was replaced with SO.
Once SO came out, I was demoted from CMD by Bitter, so Gadget could be both Blackout and CMD.
Once SO became the sub-unit, I joined and am now currently Shadow 1-6, ARC trooper.
I was also REGL during my term as CMD Sharp.

Why should you become Battalion Commander?:
I've been a huge fan of being BCMD in a battalion, and since I'm not longer in my home battalion of 41st, I would love to take this opportunity and try my shot at being BCMD Bacara. I've been friends with several of the BCMD's we've had (in 41st and in GM). I take good inspiration from my friends in GM Mystic and Bitter, and I'd love to push through the areas they were not able to finish due to time restraints on their term ending. I would love the chance at a leadership opportunity such as this.
As for what I plan to do as BCMD? This can be broken down into 2 main categories:

Within The Battalion
I plan to keep our subunits balanced and active. I plan to keep constantly checking in with the sub-unit leads to get an idea of what they want with their sub-unit and what they expect to happen within the week. I will host weekly meetings with officers and the battalion, having one hosted depending on what time works best for the users in the server. This will increase how member-friendly the battalion is for meetings. I will keep constantly checking in with officers and making sure that the officer core is setting the best example they could without ruining the experience of others within the battalion. I want to bring more Commanding officer involvement into the battalion, having majority of the decisions made be based on a collective idea between all the commanding officers, so we are all in agreeance, instead of making decisions on my own without consulting anyone (I only say this because I have experienced this firsthand and seen it in other servers). 

Outside Of 21st:
I plan to increase the 21st activity with other battalions as well. I want to increase the outreach that 21st will have with other battalions, making group trainings and events easier to set up with direct communication through outreach. I would designate each officer to a different battalion as a 21st ambassador, while also allowing the same back, having ambassadors from other battalions be allowed to join and interact with 21st members.

In game?
6:00pm-10:00pmEST on Mondays and Thursdays
6:00pm-3:00amEST on Fridays
All day on Sundays
On Discord/TS? 
Anytime, I will respond ASAP no matter what.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
I've been playing since 12/11/2020, so just over 2 years

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, It sounds like I get paid 3.35 an hour but I do have one.

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:
I want 21st to be at a point where they won't need a BCMD for a while. I want the Command Structure to be set up to where it can function without a BCMD. I want the battalion to be active with 6+ members each weekday and 8+ for events. I intend on boosting trainings held each day to bring 21st a bigger presence in the server. I want there to be constant activity without the need of pings.

Do you understand that if you go inactive you will be removed from your position?:
Yes, I plan to put a LOA up if it becomes an issue.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:
Yes, I do understand

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Before I plus 1 and minus 1. As one of the 21st Jedi, I have noticed not only do we not have a Jedi Lead yet, but we don't seem to have much for Jedi to do besides joining a sub unit and doing their branch work on the side.

So my question too you Casey is, what is your plan for Jedi within GM? As well as do you plan hosting training's for Jedi and helping maintain an active Jedi roster within the 21st?

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This dude is such a good leader and so kind hearted. He has everything it takes and more to take over the 21st. 

  • Friendly 1


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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1 hour ago, RadJames said:

Before I plus 1 and minus 1. As one of the 21st Jedi, I have noticed not only do we not have a Jedi Lead yet, but we don't seem to have much for Jedi to do besides joining a sub unit and doing their branch work on the side.

So my question too you Casey is, what is your plan for Jedi within GM? As well as do you plan hosting training's for Jedi and helping maintain an active Jedi roster within the 21st?

The question regarding a Jedi Lead isn't really a question for him. but for myself. As a GM and the Military Overseer our Lead is usually Mundi or the next Mundi. So until Mundi exists or someone has an interest in Mundi we will not have a lead.

Your 2nd question still stands though. Hopefully you get a response you find fitting

Edited by Mystic
  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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1 hour ago, RadJames said:

Before I plus 1 and minus 1. As one of the 21st Jedi, I have noticed not only do we not have a Jedi Lead yet, but we don't seem to have much for Jedi to do besides joining a sub unit and doing their branch work on the side.

So my question too you Casey is, what is your plan for Jedi within GM? As well as do you plan hosting training's for Jedi and helping maintain an active Jedi roster within the 21st?

As for Jedi Lead, I'd love to implement that, I didn't know that was a thing in GM because I wasn't informed of it being a thing, but like Mystic said it would be for Mundi.

I do plan to do both, yes. I want to have a place for our Jedi to be welcome and noticed, instead of just ignored as they have been for the last few months. I plan to keep an active roster for our Jedi and Clones. I'll keep an eye on everyone and check in on people who haven't been active without an LOA (This will apply for both Clones and Jedi). I do want Jedi to be a bigger part in trainings that GM will do, and I intend to influence the idea of adding Jedi into trainings more than just "Block these people with your lightsaber, kill these people, etc."

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26 minutes ago, Mystic said:

The question regarding a Jedi Lead isn't really a question for him. but for myself. As a GM and the Military Overseer our Lead is usually Mundi or the next Mundi. So until Mundi exists or someone has an interest in Mundi we will not have a lead.

Your 2nd question still stands though. Hopefully you get a response you find fitting

9 minutes ago, Lively said:

As for Jedi Lead, I'd love to implement that, I didn't know that was a thing in GM because I wasn't informed of it being a thing, but like Mystic said it would be for Mundi.

I do plan to do both, yes. I want to have a place for our Jedi to be welcome and noticed, instead of just ignored as they have been for the last few months. I plan to keep an active roster for our Jedi and Clones. I'll keep an eye on everyone and check in on people who haven't been active without an LOA (This will apply for both Clones and Jedi). I do want Jedi to be a bigger part in trainings that GM will do, and I intend to influence the idea of adding Jedi into trainings more than just "Block these people with your lightsaber, kill these people, etc."

I was aware of the Mundi being Jedi Lead, just wondering if there were plans on that as I assumed that would be the next Bacara's decision. Thank you for your response! this has been a satisfying answer.

I will be giving a +1

Hopefully you will be around and active when possible :)

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15 hours ago, Lively said:

Once SO came out, I was demoted from CMD by Bitter, so Gadget could be both Blackout and CMD.

This sounds like you were replaced? If you're not good enough to be CMD in a battalion how are you gonna be BCMD. it's weird that your interest in the battalion was totally killed until Bacara suddenly opened. You've been on LOA since you were Demoted and you were clearly quite unhappy about it. But in the app you play it off like a regular occurrence for looks or whatever seems massively disingenuous. This is the biggest thing that's happened to you in a good couple weeks and it's basically completely unaddressed, you went from CMD to MAJ. It would be nice if you actually talked about something that reflects this poorly on your time in GM.



15 hours ago, Lively said:

I plan to keep our subunits balanced and active

 How? It's easy to say stuff like this but this would be a big first in the history of almost any battalion to keep subunits balanced as well as main battalion.

15 hours ago, Lively said:

I would designate each officer to a different battalion as a 21st ambassador, while also allowing the same back, having ambassadors from other battalions be allowed to join and interact with 21st members.

What is the point of this system? It's pretty much a server staple but has never served any function what so ever. What do you want ambassadors to do except sit in another person's discord and never use it? Again a tried system that simply has never worked, and with this little detail it sounds like you'd be better off contacting a BCMD yourself and asking to set smth up.


I also just discovered your Bio on discord and it doesn't sound like you're friends with bitter at all. This is open disrespect and it's hilarious most of this is completely ignored in your app. If you were removed but claim it was unjustified publicly maybe don't play off being friends with a guy you claim was unjust to you. I think by this bio it might be safe to assume you were removed from REGL, you also seem to think you were lied to about wanting black out and further on either of these?

-1, you have some blank plans and you seem a very toxic, resentful, and incompetent person

Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Forum Admin

It doesn’t seem as though you are going for this position in good faith, nor have your ideas convinced me to vote anything besides a resounding -1. 

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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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2 hours ago, Comics said:

This sounds like you were replaced? If you're not good enough to be CMD in a battalion how are you gonna be BCMD. it's weird that your interest in the battalion was totally killed until Bacara suddenly opened. You've been on LOA since you were Demoted and you were clearly quite unhappy about it. But in the app you play it off like a regular occurrence for looks or whatever seems massively disingenuous. This is the biggest thing that's happened to you in a good couple weeks and it's basically completely unaddressed, you went from CMD to MAJ. It would be nice if you actually talked about something that reflects this poorly on your time in GM.



 How? It's easy to say stuff like this but this would be a big first in the history of almost any battalion to keep subunits balanced as well as main battalion.

What is the point of this system? It's pretty much a server staple but has never served any function what so ever. What do you want ambassadors to do except sit in another person's discord and never use it? Again a tried system that simply has never worked, and with this little detail it sounds like you'd be better off contacting a BCMD yourself and asking to set smth up.


I also just discovered your Bio on discord and it doesn't sound like you're friends with bitter at all. This is open disrespect and it's hilarious most of this is completely ignored in your app. If you were removed but claim it was unjustified publicly maybe don't play off being friends with a guy you claim was unjust to you. I think by this bio it might be safe to assume you were removed from REGL, you also seem to think you were lied to about wanting black out and further on either of these?

-1, you have some blank plans and you seem a very toxic, resentful, and incompetent person

Thank you for bringing this up, I wanted to address this
First, COL isn't a rank anymore I was demoted to the next available rank. I wasn't replaced either, it was decided that Keller and Blackout should both be CMD
I handled the entire situation poorly and should have done better, it was a childish response to it, and I will own up to my actions.

I didn't fully address it, but I planned to talk to Gadget and Wilhelm about evening out how tryouts for each subunit is held, as well as holding a cap on who would be able to join SO, so the entire 21st isn't just SO. If this isn't an ideal thing that people want from their BCMD, then I wouldn't implement it.

The point of the system is to enhance the ability for people to engage with 21st directly and for us to engage back.

I am friends with bitter, I see him as a close friend, and I admit I didn't handle the entire situation properly. I didn't agree with how he handled things and didn't talk to him directly as I should have, I do own up to it. 
I was not removed from REGL, Bitter can confirm, we agreed that a CMD shouldn't be REGL and it should instead go to a lower ranking officer or NCO, as CMD basically is REGL. 
And as for being lied to, before we moved to SO from DD, I spoke with Bitter, Mystic, and the current MECH REG at the time Zero's so I could ensure that I would get switched over to Blackout after the switch, and they all agreed they'd give it to me.

And I'm sorry you see me as toxic, resentful, and incompetent. I hope to change that in the future.
Once again, thank you for bringing this up! I appreciate the feedback!
Also, how do you quote like, one section at a time like you did for my post?

21 minutes ago, Guac said:

It doesn’t seem as though you are going for this position in good faith, nor have your ideas convinced me to vote anything besides a resounding -1. 

Thank you for your input, it is greatly appreciated. I apologize I wasn't able to convince you for the +1.
(Sorry this didn't send as a seperate post, I don't fully understand how the forums work)

Edited by Lively
Commenting on smth
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46 minutes ago, Guac said:

It doesn’t seem as though you are going for this position in good faith, nor have your ideas convinced me to vote anything besides a resounding -1. 

Guac moment


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I am Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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1 hour ago, Lively said:

COL isn't a rank anymore

He edited it to fix the mistake. Furthermore, if you couldn't handle being denied the opportunity to be Blackout, are you still intending to even play if you don't get Bacara now given how it appears you've just come back for a chance to get that? Also, Zeros Bitter and Mystic telling you you'd get Blackout must have been at least one whole month before SO was even added given that Zeros resigned from RCMD on Jan 30th. So it can't really be expected for that to stay if your performance decreased and a better candidate came up.

-1 For what Comics sent and lack of activity. You have an LOA/ROA for an "indefinite" period starting 3/7 and ending 4/25, during which you have not been very active at all. 

I do not in any way shape or form trust you with the position given some of these screenshots Comics sent and how I do not believe you would meet the 40 hour every two week requirement of a BCMD since your LOA/ROA doesn't end for 20 more days.

  • Informative 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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2 minutes ago, Keegan said:

He edited it to fix the mistake. Furthermore, if you couldn't handle being denied the opportunity to be Blackout, are you still intending to even play if you don't get Bacara now given how it appears you've just come back for a chance to get that? Also, Zeros Bitter and Mystic telling you you'd get Blackout must have been at least one whole month before SO was even added given that Zeros resigned from RCMD on Jan 30th. So it can't really be expected for that to stay if your performance decreased and a better candidate came up.

-1 For what Comics sent and lack of activity. You have an LOA/ROA for an "indefinite" period starting 3/7 and ending 4/25, during which you have not been very active at all. 

I do not in any way shape or form trust you with the position given some of these screenshots Comics sent and how I do not believe you would meet the 40 hour every two week requirement of a BCMD since your LOA/ROA doesn't end for 20 more days.

Thats completely fair, I do see your points you've added, thank you for this feedback, it helps me a lot!

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2 hours ago, Lively said:

it was a childish response to it, and I will own up to my actions.

that's great but that was not a bio you made a few weeks ago, this was your bio today. There's no reason to assume this behaviour won't continue, sure your word is great but all your other words have been disrespectful and childish.

2 hours ago, Lively said:

The point of the system is to enhance the ability for people to engage with 21st directly and for us to engage back.

This is not an explanation of the system, how is this going to be different to every other battalion who's ever tried it and failed? 

24 minutes ago, Pythin said:

I see you a lot in game actively trying to help better GM.


How you have more hours on wallpaper engine? 10x in rainbow six. You don't play at all currently and haven't for almost a month. I get your on LOA but maybe come off and wait a week?

  • Winner 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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I think this could've been a chance at getting back up from your demotion and what not under Bitters term but you've acted like a child during the entire thing which is evident from everything Comics showed. I think if you put your time and passion into it you can get there but as of currently I do not see that passion especially after looking into your demotion situation. 

1 hour ago, Comics said:

that's great but that was not a bio you made a few weeks ago, this was your bio today. There's no reason to assume this behaviour won't continue, sure your word is great but all your other words have been disrespectful and childish.

This is not an explanation of the system, how is this going to be different to every other battalion who's ever tried it and failed? 


How you have more hours on wallpaper engine? 10x in rainbow six. You don't play at all currently and haven't for almost a month. I get your on LOA but maybe come off and wait a week?

You also have 10x the amount of hours on Rainbow then GMOD while applying for a BCMD application which is crazy even if you've been on LOA or ROA.

I hate to say it but I agree with Comics on almost everything here.

Edited by Lyonaxis
  • Agree 1


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58 minutes ago, Pythin said:

I see you a lot in game actively trying to help better GM. 

Ik the points that have been brought up, but it looks like, to me, you've moved past it to help better the marines. 

You are a great leader, and would make a great Bacara

Lying is a sin Pythin.

-1 Lyonaxis and Comics summed it all up pretty well, but you can't be trusted with this position and you are not the slightest bit active.


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1 hour ago, Keegan said:

Also, Zeros Bitter and Mystic telling you you'd get Blackout must have been at least one whole month before SO was even added given that Zeros resigned from RCMD on Jan 30th. So it can't really be expected for that to stay if your performance decreased and a better candidate came up.

Not here to vote, just want to provide clarification here! When we originally had that discussion, from what I remember it right after the announcement of the poll results that SO was coming back. At the time, all of us (or atleast myself) had just started to plan SO's implementation and who would fill into which position. I'll be honest there weren't many other candidates for Blackout at the moment then, which is why we said Casey/Sharp would most likely get the position.

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i carried onderon events


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1 hour ago, Keegan said:

 Also, Zeros Bitter and Mystic

Just to clarify, I wasn't in any form of power at the time and never promised him Blackout or anything of the sorts. This happened after my term. I was assuming he would get Blackout much like everyone else at the time since my term ended early.

It was however implied that as the DD Lead he would be retaining his position and Both Zeros and I were fine with this, if i got a 2nd term.

+1 from me. Truthfully some of the -1s here have valid responses. Some of them can't really be replied to without leaking chats in the higher channels so unfortunately you have to live with them not knowing. but i know, and i know that not all of what you did was out of spite. 

I think as long as you pick up your attitude and activity and you continue use the resources available to you if you get this position you'll do just fine.

Edited by Mystic
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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1 hour ago, Comics said:

that's great but that was not a bio you made a few weeks ago, this was your bio today. There's no reason to assume this behaviour won't continue, sure your word is great but all your other words have been disrespectful and childish.

This is not an explanation of the system, how is this going to be different to every other battalion who's ever tried it and failed? 


How you have more hours on wallpaper engine? 10x in rainbow six. You don't play at all currently and haven't for almost a month. I get your on LOA but maybe come off and wait a week?

It was my Bio, I did forget to change it and I do apologize that it kept like that.

I wasn't aware other battalions tried to do this.

Thank you for the tip, and yes i've been on R6 and Wallpaper engine because I leave wallpaper engine running and i've been playing r6 as a past time.

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1 hour ago, Lyonaxis said:


I think this could've been a chance at getting back up from your demotion and what not under Bitters term but you've acted like a child during the entire thing which is evident from everything Comics showed. I think if you put your time and passion into it you can get there but as of currently I do not see that passion especially after looking into your demotion situation. 

You also have 10x the amount of hours on Rainbow then GMOD while applying for a BCMD application which is crazy even if you've been on LOA or ROA.spacer.png

There i also this which I just found to be hillarous.

I hate to say it but I agree with Comics on almost everything here.

I once again do admit and fully own up to the fact that I acted like a child in that situation, I am aware of this. I want to find the time and passion to play Gmod, and I was mainly hoping that being BCMD Bacara would boost that passion, being that it's something I've been wanting for a while.

I said that before I applied for Bacara, I was referring to Asbestos. Check the time logs on that one.

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-1, Surprisingly, Comics spittin' facts. The petty indefinite 'LOA/ROA' shortly after being demoted sounds like a very toxic thing to do. I personally don't see the difference between being a CMD and the rank below that. 

I don't really know you in-game from besides the statements brought up within this application and this makes you look like you just want higher power of GM rather than doing it for the benefit of the battalion at this current moment. I am open for my mind to be changed, but till then, i'm holding my vote.

Good luck, nonetheless.

  • Dumb 1

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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-1 I can’t believe ima say it I agree with comics. Your actions after a demotion speak volumes about your character and it isn’t looking good. I personally don’t think either candidate is ready

@Gadget help your our only hope!

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  • Bruh 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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6 minutes ago, Pxnda said:

-1, Surprisingly, Comics spittin' facts. The petty indefinite 'LOA/ROA' shortly after being demoted sounds like a very toxic thing to do. I personally don't see the difference between being a CMD and the rank below that. 

I don't really know you in-game from besides the statements brought up within this application and this makes you look like you just want higher power of GM rather than doing it for the benefit of the battalion at this current moment. I am open for my mind to be changed, but till then, i'm holding my vote.

Good luck, nonetheless.

I fully admit, it was toxic, and I fully regret doing it. 

I also don't know you in game, but thats okay! I didn't realize it seems like that, but I genuinely want to help the 21st, and I'm sorry if it seems like I don't.  I do hope I'm able to change your mind in the time coming, but thank you for your input on this, its appreciated!

Thank you!

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7 minutes ago, Dennis said:

-1 I can’t believe ima say it I agree with comics. Your actions after a demotion speak volumes about your character and it isn’t looking good. I personally don’t think either candidate is ready

@Gadget help your our only hope!

Don't tempt me or make me...


Anyway, I have to agree with the other individuals in this comments.

Your attitude and behaviour after your demotions was poor at best, Bitter's assumed you took it well and that you had a mutual understanding. You then threw it back into our face by posting an LOA with no end time. Even referring to your self as "Ex-CMD". 

You also have not been terribly active of late, I know you are on an LOA, but even before then I personally did not see you on much and when you were you weren't really talking much or interacting with the 21st. 

I can't endorse someone who has shown undesirable traits and has little to no server time for a demanding position, like BCMD.


  • Winner 1

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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Just now, Gadget said:

Don't tempt me or make me...


Anyway, I have to agree with the other individuals in this comments.

Your attitude and behaviour after your demotions was poor at best, Bitter's assumed you took it well and that you had a mutual understanding. You then threw it back into our face by posting an LOA with no end time. Even referring to your self as "Ex-CMD". 

You also have not been terribly active of late, I know you are on an LOA, but even before then I personally did not see you on much and when you were you weren't really talking much or interacting with the 21st. 

I can't endorse someone who has shown undesirable traits and has little to no server time for a demanding position, like BCMD.


Thats completely understandable
I admit, my attitude and behavior is really poor in general, and I do apologize for it. It has been an issue since before I joined Synergy. I did have a mutual understanding but I wasn't happy about it, which I took in a poor way, which I apologize for now. I was really irritated that I was demoted, and I responded to it in an inappropriate way.

I haven't been active, I am aware, I have been working to try and boost my activity as of recent. I plan to actively push myself to get on at least 1 hour a night. 

Thank you for your input, it is also greatly appreciated. I will actively try to fix these issues within the next month.

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I’ve been in 21st for a week. I don’t even know who you are. You haven’t interacted in discord or in game for as long as I’ve been here. -1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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-1. Everyone else pretty much summed it up. One piece of advice in the future though. Taking an LOA like that could've cost you more after already being demoted. Bitter is an extremely understanding and nice person for him to not give you the boot right there. 

  • Informative 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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I admit, my attitude and behavior is really poor in general, and I do apologize for it. It has been an issue since before I joined Synergy. I did have a mutual understanding but I wasn't happy about it, which I took in a poor way, which I apologize for now. I was really irritated that I was demoted, and I responded to it in an inappropriate way.

I'm happy that you admitted to your mistake and your cons, but you need to take some time to make a comeback from your mistake.   This doesn't make you look good at all.   

Gonna have to -1.   Sorry, Lively.   


Edited by Zensras
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Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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1 hour ago, Brooklyn said:

-1. Everyone else pretty much summed it up. One piece of advice in the future though. Taking an LOA like that could've cost you more after already being demoted. Bitter is an extremely understanding and nice person for him to not give you the boot right there. 

Thank you for that information, I appreciate it.

19 minutes ago, Zensras said:

I'm happy that you admitted to your mistake and your cons, but you need to take some time to make a comeback from your mistake.   This doesn't make you look good at all.   

Gonna have to -1.   Sorry, Lively.   


I will, I'm not expecting this application to pass and to get BCMD, but I am going to use this as an opportunity to get as much information as possible on what I can change so i could apply next time.

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-1 You should definitely get some more time back in the battalion and showing activity before fully committing to a battalion commander position, in previous times interacting with you in the 41st I had horrible experiences with you, this goes for argument problems, attitude problems, and lack of maturity in those leadership positions you've held. During my time in and out of 41st and interactions with people in the battalion I heard some similar issues with other players. 

These are just my experience I've had with you previously, I'm just sharing my view and I hope you've changed since then.

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25 minutes ago, Unkindled said:

-1 You should definitely get some more time back in the battalion and showing activity before fully committing to a battalion commander position, in previous times interacting with you in the 41st I had horrible experiences with you, this goes for argument problems, attitude problems, and lack of maturity in those leadership positions you've held. During my time in and out of 41st and interactions with people in the battalion I heard some similar issues with other players. 

These are just my experience I've had with you previously, I'm just sharing my view and I hope you've changed since then.

Thank you for your input, its appreciated!

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Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


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