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Drones Admiral Application (Waved)


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Steam Name: Drone | Synr.gg

RP Name: Vidar 

RP Rank: LT

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:226919721


Why should you become Admiral?:


I Think I Would Be Suitable For The Position Of Admiral Due To The Fact I Have A Reasonable Amount Of Experience With Documentation And Making Small Projects/Docs To Incentivise And Help With Out Of Event RP. An Example Of This Would Be “The Book Of Flesh” Given Some Of The Jedi Order Which Contains Snippets Of Lore They Sometimes Do Research Base Of, Also Making Use Of Its Knowledge In Events. Other Document Based Skills I Have Primarily Reside With Google Sheets, Including Some Examples Here Being The Dupe Indexes Many Versions (One Of Which Being A Website).

I Also Am One Of The More Active Naval At This Time (However This Is Not Saying Much As The Max I Have Seen Is 3 With 1 AFK), This Would Be Something I Would Also Be Aiming To Change.



Do you understand the purpose of Naval on the server?:

Naval At This Current Time Have Been Described As A Form Of Event Job By Some People, Due To Them Only Showing Up At DB To Host Them (More Often Than Not Being The GM Doing This). I Hope To Change This By The Time My Term Would End, But Even Without This Position I Will Still Take As Many Steps As I Can Towards This Goal.




I am available on the majority of days between the times of 12:00 est and 19:00 est, However I am currently required to go away from my computer every other weekend due to family arrangements.



Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:



-=[CIS Forces Admiral Trench]=-



-=[CG SR-CO]=-

My Time Was Mainly Used Making Mini Projects And Rosters For Diplomatic Service Under 3 Inactive DSL’s


-=[GM SR-CO]=-

While within GM i attempted to assist in the reworking of some of there trainings however the total of 4-6 drafts i made where never used (being a combination of flowcharts and normal word dumps)


-=[104th SR-CO]=-



-=[Veteran Admin]=-


-=[Game Master Manager]=-


-=[Dupe Index]=-

This Required Me To Learn New Skills With Google Sheets, Along With Teaching Me How Long It Takes For Something To Change



-=[RSB Project Manager (ENS)]=-

While within this position for the short time it lasted it was mainly focused on the creation and maintaining of smaller research projects which sadly did not lead to any larger scale action within naval due to the low numbers of naval on at the same time.








Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I Am Also Currently Planning To Upgrade It



Where do you want the Naval to be at the end of your term?:

I Hope By The End Of My Term If I Get It That Naval Will Be In A More Stable Condition Regarding Activity At Higher Numbers, I Also Wish To Help The Existing Naval With Clearer Lines Between Ranks And More Options At Each One. I Also Agree With A Point That Naval Should Be A More Restricted Faction Due To The Amount Of “Abilities” They Technically Hold And I Plan On Instating.



How do you plan to change the Naval under your command?:



At The Moment This Is The Main Problem I Have Seen, However The Points Listed Below May Help In Increasing This. At This Current Time My Best Guess At An Average Activity On Server Would Be Myself And Guac With The Occasional Extra One Here And There.


-==[RP Standards And Options]==-

[True Passive Options]

At This Time I Am Currently Putting Together A List Of Current Options For Passive RP Naval Has And New Ones We Could Try (It Is Currently At 1 A4 Page Of Notes), After This Stage Of The Document I Intend With Assistance From The Other Officers Within The Navy To Make A Proper Handbook To Assist Naval With Ideas And End Goals With This.

Here Is The Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J81R-pRvjzVqH3Lci6GQt6iuHqAfN8lIzoW-cDSq0bM/edit?usp=sharing 


[Naval Work Board]

I Have Created A Demo Of Something I Am Calling The Naval Work Board, It Is A Randomly Changing Set Of Basic Tasks That Can Be Done Without A GM. As Of This Time The Example Has Only 10 Tasks To Pick From, I Have Tested This On Server (Doing About 6 Total) And It Appears To Be A Good Way To Entertain People Also Giving A Option To Staff To Interact With The Teams Doing A Task.

Currently There Is A Beta Version Of A New Work Board With Near 600 Outputs It Can Make.

Link To Example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VnG2UU-CuAu7v15HbjI5D-TBTPAThXdRs3MHBEdi4V4/edit?usp=sharing 


-==[Naval Field Command]==-


This Idea Was Tested To A Good Result On 11/13/2022 With The 212th And 104th In A Deployment With Myself Serving As The Testing Naval, The Basic Idea Of This Would Be That The Naval Would Contact The GM Ahead Of Time For Deployments And Request Some Basic Information That A Recon Team Would Be Able To Get. This Naval Would Then Take Over The IC Briefing For The Deploying Battalions Working With The Officers To Make A Working Plan.


[Posible Naval Assignments]

This Would Work In A Similar Way To BH Contracting Where A Commander Of A Battalion Would Reach Out To Naval About Getting A Assigned Naval, The CO Within Naval Would Then Have A Internal Talk About Who May Be Assigned To This Unit Following A Set Of Restrictions (Can't Be In The Battalion On Other Jobs, Active Within The Same Time Frame As The Majority Of The Battalion). It Is Up To The Commanders Of The Battalions To Decide What Permissions This Naval Would Hold But They Would Be Open To Deploy With Said Battalion Under Most Conditions Along With Doing Passive RP With Them.


-==[Ranks And Their Functions]==-


Each Rank Section Bellow CO Will Consists Of Only 2-3 Ranks, This Would Still Allow For Some Progression However Will Allow A More Clear Line Between Them. All Ranks Would Still Hold The Basic Expectations And Will Have The Same Work Needed As There Lowers (So A ENS Would Still Need To Do DB Hosting, But They Should Let A PO Do It Instead Of Them).



This Would Be The Main Bulk Of Ranking Naval, People Within This Position Would Still Hold A Reasonable Amount Of On Server Actions But Not Have The Stress Of Higher Ranking Expectations.



This Is The Section That Would Be The Main Rank Being Held By People In Leading Positions In Branches, Being MEDO/ENGO/LDTL.
People Within This Rank Class Will Hold More Power Than An Enlisted However Will Have More Things They Are Expected To Do, Such As Leading Events/Encounters From A Field Commander Position.



For The Most Part Commanding Rank Will All Remain In Use However Will Have A More Strict Activity Expectation Than Lower Ranks. 
People Within This Section Would Be Required To Have No Arrests/Kicks/Bans In The Last Year



The Ranks Under This Tag Would Be A Small Term Based System, If CO Are Wanting To Go For Of The Listed Ranks In This Section They Would Need To Make A Application Which Is Open To All Of Naval To Comment And Vote On (This Being The Only Vote On It No Shady Shit). If The Vote Is Passed They Would Hold The Position For 1 Month Or Until Someone Wanted To Run Against Them In Which Case They Would Need To Re-Run For It Against The New Applicant.
People Within This Section Would Be Required To Have No Arrests/Kicks/Bans On Record



-==[Naval Logistics Department]==-

[Basic Idea]

At This Current Time This Is A Idea I Have Given To Guac With A Mostly Positive Response, The Idea Of It Is To Create A Small Modular Team Consisting Of Mainly Groups Of 3-6 People Within The Same Range Of Activity. This Would Act As A Form Of Replacement For RSB, However This Does Not Mean RSB Is Gon It Can Return As A Logistics Department Team.



So As A Example Of This Lets Say CPO Bob Wanted To Do Some More Detailed RP Into CIS Warships He Could Make A Request To Found A LD Team, Bob Would Be Able To Create A Basic Test Consisting Of No More Than 5 Questions (2 Of Which We Hope Will Be Scenarios) Bob Could Then Start Recruiting For His Team Within The Limits He Himself Has Sent Along With Some That Naval Command May Have.


-==[Naval Trainings]==-


At This Time Navals Trainings Are Something You Get Once Then Never Think About Again, However Getting Medical Training Just Magically Lets You Glue A Trooper Who Was Shot With A Rocket Back Together Apparently…

What Could Be Done By Active Naval Would-Be Refreshers Or Drills Regarding The Trainings They Oversee.



At This Time I See No Major Problem With This Training, It Is Just The Fact There Is Almost No Naval Ever On To Run The ATC System So Clone Officers Normally End Up Doing It.



I Am Not Fully Aware Of How This Is Going Within Naval However I Do Know That Their Leading Persons Have Jack Shit For A On Server Presence, I Have Seen 1 Of Them In The Last 2 Months For About 30 Seconds Before They Swapped Back To There Clone.

Giving The People Under These Trainings In Naval And Clone More Reasons To Focus This Is Within The Aim Of Logistics Department And Naval Work Board.



Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes



Do you understand that your position has a three-month term limit, and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Admiral rank?: Yes

  • Agree 1
  • Bruh 3
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Alot if this seems reasonable but there are really are some concerns in the app before I vote.

Firstly, what do you believe is the main points naval have that would have someone prioritise it over any other section of the server?

33 minutes ago, Drone said:

People Within This Section Would Be Required To Have No Arrests/Kicks/Bans In The Last Year

This is effectively a 1 year soft  blacklist from the faction progression and not only is it extreme but it is very vague. people get banned, it happens, sometimes people get arrests, sometimes theee are just silly mistakes that people learn on almost instantly, I would imagine atleast half the server has been banned or arrested within the last week, for a faction that is suffering from any activity, are you prepared to lose potential dedicated people. Also kicks? Elaborate please

33 minutes ago, Drone said:

People Within This Section Would Be Required To Have No Arrests/Kicks/Bans On Record

There are literally community banned people who became our best people. I've been arrested 3 times from 3 years ago which is still on record, would this mean I'm not even allowed to go to hc. This and the one previous is so extreme. 


4th question, what value would you have as an high command member.


My last question to you, naval is a punching bag for others, not many see it as important, I for one thing it should be stripped and completely reseted. But naval has med, eng, flight, all these things are important to the servers ecosystem. So my question, how do you restore navals authority, as in how do you gain respect, become the defacto leader and authority of med eng and flight. How does naval become the overall authority of base command?


Edited by Gears
  • Agree 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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3 hours ago, Drone said:

People Within This Section Would Be Required To Have No Arrests/Kicks/Bans In The Last Year

A year is a long time. This also skirts the edge on breaking the commander rules as this is a rank-lock punishing people for prior actions before they could’ve joined Naval. Regardless of if it breaks a rule it is beyond a terrible idea.

This app doesn’t mention relations with other factions at all outside a rip-off of BH contracting. Have you talked to any BCMDs regarding this idea? If Naval is to take lead in events, wouldn’t that hinder the ability for battalions to have their own event leads for merits or promotion, especially if they have Naval “contracted”? What if a GM doesn’t want Naval leading it, and how would it be ensured Naval are aware of any upcoming deployments in order to fully understand the situation in order to brief people? I find most of the time that when someone other than the GM does the briefing that the entire description gets royally fucked up.

You also haven’t talked to me, as Mas Amedda, leader of one of the other VIP groups that has great potential to grow together as another small faction on the server, regarding any ideas to work as smaller factions. Naval and Senate are right next to each other in terms of spawns, are both VIP, and both have lots of opportunity. I’ve been waiting for someone to go for Admiral for quite some time and I’d rather have someone I know has some interest in including us in some matters or take the time to reach out. 

For a RCMD position (maybe it should be BCMD as it doesn’t oversee anything major) for such a dead faction, I would’ve figured this app would have more detail on specific ways to grow in number rather than bank on things that require GMs (those activities mostly do still need some involvement from staff to not become incredibly repetitive /me activities, basically the same as the quests that have you go sit by the elevator forever), or things that would require “groups of 3-6 people” when from what it sound like Naval doesn’t even have enough people to fill one of those groups. 

Furthermore, this method of running the Naval High Command seems odd. So if someone got a position their opponent could just immediately put up another application to go for it? Would this not just lead to never-ending applications and competition driving Naval into little friend groups that are all trying to have coups to oust higher ranking people who have worked hard to get where they are? Why not just have the Admiral, who is supposed to be a trusted person, manage their own command team? Why even have the Admiral have any power at all if everything is a vote and from what this system describes is completely unneeded?

The only thing of substance here seems to be a spreadsheet and a google doc, Naval needs more than that, especially when such things can be done from a position outside of being Admiral. 


Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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4 hours ago, Gears said:

Firstly, what do you believe is the main points naval have that would have someone prioritise it over any other section of the server?

Allright So, Somethings I Think Naval Would Have More Of A Control Over Would Be 2 Main Things: "Running The Base", Combative Overwatch.
So The Running The Base Bit Of This Is A Fairly Simple Concept, Naval Would Have The Option Of Doing RP Related Tasks Around The GAR Base So Running Med Bay And Working With Battalions To Make Sure There Gear Is Up To Date Along With Running Simulations For Said Battalions.
The Combative Over Watch Thing Would Just Be Naval Acting As A Linking Point Between Other Battalions Event Leads, This Could Be Done Via The Naval Giving Objectives For Teams To Target Based Of There Composition.


4 hours ago, Gears said:

This is effectively a 1 year soft  blacklist from the faction progression and not only is it extreme but it is very vague. people get banned, it happens, sometimes people get arrests, sometimes theee are just silly mistakes that people learn on almost instantly, I would imagine atleast half the server has been banned or arrested within the last week, for a faction that is suffering from any activity, are you prepared to lose potential dedicated people. Also kicks? Elaborate please

So The Idea Of The Arrest/Kick/Ban Thing Was Just A Idea, The Lenth Now You Bring It Up Does Seem Fairly Over The Top. However Something Similar To This I Would Still Be Interested In Having But Mabey At A Greatly Lesser Scale.


4 hours ago, Gears said:

There are literally community banned people who became our best people. I've been arrested 3 times from 3 years ago which is still on record, would this mean I'm not even allowed to go to hc. This and the one previous is so extreme. 

 Yee, As Stated Above After Looking Threw This Again I Agree With Them Being Over The Top. This Could Also Be Massively Reduced But I Would Still Be Interested In Keeping That Kind Of Requirement In Some Capacity. It Would Also Be Very Posible To Reduce It Down To Just Major Arrest Reasons And Major Ban Reasons If Your Estimations On There Numbers Are True.


4 hours ago, Gears said:

4th question, what value would you have as an high command member.

So At This Current Time I Am No Directly Aware Of What This Would Entail, However I Think My Experience With High Staff Meetings Along With Trying To Get New Things Added To GM Going Via Said Meetings Would Give Me A Perspective On What It May Be Like. I Am Also Confused As To Why Admiral Is Marked As A RCMD.


4 hours ago, Gears said:

So my question, how do you restore navals authority, as in how do you gain respect, become the defacto leader and authority of med eng and flight. How does naval become the overall authority of base command?

In Reference To Your Point About The Trainings Naval Overviews This Would Need Us To Get Our Own Medical And Eng Branch's Back Onto A Active Standpoint On Ther Server, After That They Would Need To Start Doing Open "Things" Regarding There Training They Are A Part Of Whether It Be In The Form Of A Demonstration Or Something Else.

So Regarding This Point I Have Been Working/Testing With 212th On The Work Board Idea Which Puts Naval Into This Base Command Idea. The Majority Of Them Seem Very Onboard With The Ideas I Have Shown Them And Talks With There BCMD Have Yielded Similar Positive Results.

In Terms Of Gaining This Form Of Position With The Other Battalions/Factions Similar Steps Could Be Taken To Work With There Leaders And Other Members When Seen Online To Come To A Idea And Understanding Of What The Groups Would Most Enjoy When Working With The Navy. So Using Jedi As A Example Here, Which Is The One I Have The Fewest Amounts Of Information On What They Like From Naval, Working Along Side There Branch's And Battalions To Try Form A Functioning RP Relation There. So For Some Of Them This Could Be In The Form Of Assisting Them In There RP Dutys By Getting Teams Of Troopers Together Or Tracking Down A Civilian/Object They Need Via Working With The CG Tracker Units. Basically Having Naval Work As A Connecting Link Between The Factions


Hope This Helps You And Others That May Read It, Sorry If It Seems Confused I Am Not That Good At Doing Applications.

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2 hours ago, Keegan said:

A year is a long time. This also skirts the edge on breaking the commander rules as this is a rank-lock punishing people for prior actions before they could’ve joined Naval. Regardless of if it breaks a rule it is beyond a terrible idea.

So I Was Not Aware Of This Rule Prior To You Stating It, But As Seen Above I Am Open To Massively Lowering This As Apon A Re-Read It Seams Over The Top Even For Me.


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

This app doesn’t mention relations with other factions at all outside a rip-off of BH contracting.

Reference To BH Contracting Was Just The Best Way I Could Think Of To Get The General Idea Across, It Would Basically Be They Are Assigned To Work With A Battalion This Would Be Purely Based Off Of The Similarities Of There Activity And If The Battalion Wanted One.


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

Have you talked to any BCMDs regarding this idea?

I Have Talked With, CMD Foe / BCMD Knight / BCMD Baddog.


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

If Naval is to take lead in events, wouldn’t that hinder the ability for battalions to have their own event leads for merits or promotion, especially if they have Naval “contracted”?

So This Assigned Naval Would Server More As A Advisory Position To The Event Lead('s), Giving A More Focus Perspective As To What Is Happening In The Current Area.


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

What if a GM doesn’t want Naval leading it, and how would it be ensured Naval are aware of any upcoming deployments in order to fully understand the situation in order to brief people? I find most of the time that when someone other than the GM does the briefing that the entire description gets royally fucked up.

So This Would Be Something To Work With The GM Team On, The Idea Of The Naval Being In Full Command Of The GAR Forces Is Up To The Hosts Discretion. To Keep Naval Informed About The Deployments If A GM Wanted To Have Naval Acting As Commanders Then Said GM Would Tell Them If They Did Not Naval Would Just Asume There Normal Role Of A Backline Advisor.


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

You also haven’t talked to me, as Mas Amedda

So As Of This Time I Have Been Purely Contacting People That I See On The Server Regarding The Points Stated As It Is A Much Easier Way To Gain This Information In My Eyes Along With Giving Me Some Assurance They Know What Else Is Taking Part In The Wider Image Of Things.


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

VIP groups that has great potential to grow together as another small faction on the server, regarding any ideas to work as smaller factions. Naval and Senate are right next to each other in terms of spawns, are both VIP, and both have lots of opportunity. I’ve been waiting for someone to go for Admiral for quite some time and I’d rather have someone I know has some interest in including us in some matters or take the time to reach out. 

So At This Time Like Stated Above I Am Focusing On Factions That Are Online, I Do Have Some Interest In Working With The Senate Even If I Do Not Gain This Position.


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

For a RCMD position (maybe it should be BCMD as it doesn’t oversee anything major) for such a dead faction, I would’ve figured this app would have more detail on specific ways to grow in number

So In Regards To The First Point Here, I Am Also Fairly Confused As To Why Its A RCMD.

Onto The Second Point, I Suck At Applications...


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

more detail on specific ways to grow in number rather than bank on things that require GMs (those activities mostly do still need some involvement from staff to not become incredibly repetitive /me activities, basically the same as the quests that have you go sit by the elevator forever), or things that would require “groups of 3-6 people” when from what it sound like Naval doesn’t even have enough people to fill one of those groups. 

So The Tasks Have Been Made To Run Without Any Direct Staff Oversight, It Is Up To The Staff Member If They Wish To Interact With The Groups Doing The Task. 

In Response To Them Being "/me Quests" There Are 24 Locations It Will Randomly Pick Along With 25 Random Objectives For Said Locations, The Numbers It Gives Naval Would Not Need To Fill As This Is Something For Naval To Work With Other Clones With. They Also Server As A Suggestion For A Size However Are Completely Random From The Tasks.


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

Furthermore, this method of running the Naval High Command seems odd. So if someone got a position their opponent could just immediately put up another application to go for it? Would this not just lead to never-ending applications and competition driving Naval into little friend groups that are all trying to have coups to oust higher ranking people who have worked hard to get where they are?

This Is Just A Idea I Came Up With, I Do See Your Point Regarding Groups Forming To Keep Pushing The Other Ones Out Of There Poisons. The System Of Competitive Voting For The Positions Of Rear And Vice Could Be Removed However The Time Limits Are Something I Would Wish To Remain As A Lot Of Higher Ranking Persons I Have Worked With In Battalions Around The Range Of Major To COL Do Jack Shit After A Week.


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

Why not just have the Admiral, who is supposed to be a trusted person, manage their own command team? Why even have the Admiral have any power at all if everything is a vote and from what this system describes is completely unneeded?

The Internal Votes Would Only Effect The Rear And Vice Positions, If This Entire Idea Is To Your Disliking Then Adjustments May Be Made Apon Its Testing And Implementation If That Is To Happen.


2 hours ago, Keegan said:

The only thing of substance here seems to be a spreadsheet and a google doc, Naval needs more than that, especially when such things can be done from a position outside of being Admiral. 

The Main Reasons I Am Even Going For This Position Is To Gain The Freedom To Act Without Having To Wait 2 Weeks, Along With Being Recommended To Do So By A Few People. If My Application Is Bad Thank You For The Feedback, I Strongly Dislike Them And Am Bad At Them All The Same.

In Reference To The Documents They Both Were Made In Less Than A Hour Of Unfocused Work.


Hope This Helps You And Others That May Read It, Sorry If It Seems Confused.

4 hours ago, Hanz said:

Somehow this isn’t the worst Yularen app I have ever seen

Thank You For The Feedback, Any Comments About How A May Improve Any Applications I May Make In The Future Would Be Greatly Welcomed As This Is My Second One.

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+1 easy my guy only one of two active naval who tries to push for it. Surprise that no one made meme to remove naval


@Guacsorry my guy 

Edited by KillJoy
  • Bruh 1

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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+1. While i think some of the plans could use tweaking as stated above, Drone would listen to criticism. While he can't really take it back on his app, he can adjust it as his term goes and im willing to believe he'd do just that with the right feedback.

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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+1 for real he is the only Active Naval and he is overly Qualified to be in this position. 

  • Current:
  • CG Commander
  • CG Regimental Lead
  • Diplomatic Service Lead Stone
  • Naval Petty Officer 
  • Naval Zak
  • Jedi Master
  • Admin
  • Former:
  • 187th COL (Former)
  • 187th PLTL (Former)
  • 187th WO (Former)
  • 501st PLTL hawk (Former)
  • 501st COL (Former)
  • TRO (Former)
  • Game Master  (Former)
  • Senior Admin (Former)
  • GC Reed (Former)
  • CT (Former)
  • Temple Guard Lead (Former)
  • Serra Keto (Former)
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+1 Great plans, active, and would do great 



2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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-1, you have a lot of ideas which is cool I guess but they all seem extremely half baked and just sort of not very good at all. A lot of the ideas presented are actually already apart of Navy such as "tasks" which navy can do by themselves it's just not a system HC ever made us of and "event leads" which is another system later Navy HC made very little use of but very much already existed.

On 11/20/2022 at 3:19 PM, Drone said:


The Ranks Under This Tag Would Be A Small Term Based System, If CO Are Wanting To Go For Of The Listed Ranks In This Section They Would Need To Make A Application Which Is Open To All Of Naval To Comment And Vote On (This Being The Only Vote On It No Shady Shit). If The Vote Is Passed They Would Hold The Position For 1 Month Or Until Someone Wanted To Run Against Them In Which Case They Would Need To Re-Run For It Against The New Applicant.
People Within This Section Would Be Required To Have No Arrests/Kicks/Bans On Record

This section is the most blatantly just very bad. You need to re run for any admiral rank every month or until someone challenges you which could be literally an hour after you got it. Why would anyone ever willingly run through this awful voting system when they can basically have all the exact same privileges but as a lower rank. Refusing to pick your own HC and letting your battalion decide through monthly terms people must willingly run for limits your HC significantly. The only reason people would run for it right now is because there are no members of navy to vote against them.

ALso the hang over of no kicks/arrests/bans at all means you are basically going to be the only person who could ever hold these positions. Arrests, kicks, bans: none of them matter as long as the person isn't banned right now and hasn't done something absolutely henious in the last few weeks. Who gives a ashit if the best person in navy sat on a railing, why would you have such an unobtainable standard for a completely unrelated position, I guess it sounds impressive but you just will never have anyone ever hold it.

On 11/20/2022 at 9:24 PM, Drone said:

So In Regards To The First Point Here, I Am Also Fairly Confused As To Why Its A RCMD.

it's an RCMD for the same reason Yoda is, factions are lead by RCMDs because their needs are very specific and so need their own HC representation. this should be something you know since you're running for the position, understanding it's roles is a bit important?

On 11/20/2022 at 3:19 PM, Drone said:

I Think I Would Be Suitable For The Position Of Admiral Due To The Fact I Have A Reasonable Amount Of Experience With Documentation And Making Small Projects/Docs To Incentivise And Help With Out Of Event RP. An Example Of This Would Be “The Book Of Flesh” Given Some Of The Jedi Order Which Contains Snippets Of Lore They Sometimes Do Research Base Of, Also Making Use Of Its Knowledge In Events. Other Document Based Skills I Have Primarily Reside With Google Sheets, Including Some Examples Here Being The Dupe Indexes Many Versions (One Of Which Being A Website).

I Also Am One Of The More Active Naval At This Time (However This Is Not Saying Much As The Max I Have Seen Is 3 With 1 AFK), This Would Be Something I Would Also Be Aiming To Change.

your top, and only, reason for being a good admiral is document making. This is a cool skill but far from essential, you need actual leadership skills and ability to play out ideas, being able to listen to people but know when you need to stick to your guns. A lot of your replies lack confidence and you concede tonnes of stuff about your document which makes it seem like you slapped all the ideas you knew into a doc and hoped people would see it as you being full of good ideas. 

Navy needs an admiral yularen and your document just screams intel director.

  • Dumb 4

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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1 hour ago, Comics said:

-1, you have a lot of ideas which is cool I guess but they all seem extremely half baked and just sort of not very good at all. A lot of the ideas presented are actually already apart of Navy such as "tasks" which navy can do by themselves it's just not a system HC ever made us of and "event leads" which is another system later Navy HC made very little use of but very much already existed.

This section is the most blatantly just very bad. You need to re run for any admiral rank every month or until someone challenges you which could be literally an hour after you got it. Why would anyone ever willingly run through this awful voting system when they can basically have all the exact same privileges but as a lower rank. Refusing to pick your own HC and letting your battalion decide through monthly terms people must willingly run for limits your HC significantly. The only reason people would run for it right now is because there are no members of navy to vote against them.

ALso the hang over of no kicks/arrests/bans at all means you are basically going to be the only person who could ever hold these positions. Arrests, kicks, bans: none of them matter as long as the person isn't banned right now and hasn't done something absolutely henious in the last few weeks. Who gives a ashit if the best person in navy sat on a railing, why would you have such an unobtainable standard for a completely unrelated position, I guess it sounds impressive but you just will never have anyone ever hold it.

it's an RCMD for the same reason Yoda is, factions are lead by RCMDs because their needs are very specific and so need their own HC representation. this should be something you know since you're running for the position, understanding it's roles is a bit important?

your top, and only, reason for being a good admiral is document making. This is a cool skill but far from essential, you need actual leadership skills and ability to play out ideas, being able to listen to people but know when you need to stick to your guns. A lot of your replies lack confidence and you concede tonnes of stuff about your document which makes it seem like you slapped all the ideas you knew into a doc and hoped people would see it as you being full of good ideas. 

Navy needs an admiral yularen and your document just screams intel director.


+1 i forgot to rate lmao


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the Darman Keller guy

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