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Shrimp's Commander Gree Application


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Steam Name: Keegan
RP Name: Shrimp
RP Rank: 41st Commander (and Senior Senator)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:159204113
Battalion you are applying for: 41st Elite Corps

332nd > 332ndO
Intel Manager

In my time in 501st, I created numerous new pieces of documentation, a unique training system for ARF (some aspects of which I would like to implement here in 41st at a Battalion level), helped build and maintain aspects of the roster, and helped keep 332nd stable. 
As an Officer, I stayed serious when needed and was always fair and just when it came to discipline. With experience as High Command (RCMD equivalent) on another server (you can read my Rex app for more detail regarding that or DM me), I know how to be a good Officer/Senior Officer/Command member and how to pass those skills along to others.

Senator > Senior Senator Meena Tills 

I have been in the Senate for quite some time, creating great RP for the whole server, and being a driving force in reviving the Senate Guard to a state that I have not seen in my time on this server. I aim to be approachable in all aspects and can have a good time while showing the Senate in a good light when it is often viewed poorly.

41st Elite Corps:
Enlisted 10/28/21 as a PVT as the first thing I joined on the server. Shortly after I went to CG and then 501st, if my memory serves correctly.
CPT > Commander
In the 41st I have been a good Officer, focusing on my duties and completing the tasks assigned to me. I try to keep 41st engaged whenever I am on the server, whether it be on my Senator or on my 41st job. Sending our troops on patrols, going to kill bugs, and doing general simulations & trainings are something I love to do to keep people engaged on this server. I like to keep it fresh and unique. I very recently got the position of Commander and have been able to implement several things already (stated in the rest of the post) that aim to have a positive impact on the battalion.

I recently offered to step up as the HVYL/HVOL for 41st when the position was open for so long, in order to help grow the specialization. 

While I have not taken on an official ITO+ position in the 41st, I am very much a steady and reliable person to log things for the battalion. Upon receiving Commander, I immediately set about cleaning up the Discord, archiving unused channels and rearranging others in a way that made more sense.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
As of late, it seems as if the 41st Elite Corps has crumbled around me, with many great members leaving. I hope that I have what it takes to grow 41st back to how it was not terribly long ago, and that I can fulfill each and every of my plans below. I have dedicated a lot of time to the 41st and coming from a period of inactivity to having to step up and take the reins in a lot of aspects, I know I have what it takes to be a solid Battalion Commander that can be relied upon to fulfill my duties. Many people have asked me when I will be applying, and it is really encouraging to see that people want me in this position. Being able to use that support will help accomplish my goals to the fullest degree. I believe I have the skills to properly manage the battalion and have the work ethic to back it up.
Sunday: Whenever I wake up until I go to bed
Monday: Whenever I wake up until I go to bed
Tuesday: 5PM until I go to bed
Wednesday: Whenever I wake up until 2PM, then 10PM until I go to bed
Thursday: 2PM-6PM. After 10PM.
Friday: 4PM until I go to bed
Saturday: Whenever I wake up until I go to bed

As you can see, I am available quite often and can be in game for most of that. I am reachable via Discord DMs essentially whenever and can hop in TS at a moment’s notice.
Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 41st HVYL LTC Shrimp has played for 659:34:25. I joined back in early Winter of 2021, went inactive until late Winter 2022, and have played here ever since.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:
Our specializations are actually in a fairly decent state at the moment. I would like to continue to grow the activity of the Officers in the specializations and the Leads, to help prevent stagnation. With this, I aim to do the following: When the recruitment message is sent stating what a recruit is interested in, a ping will be sent to the Officers/Lead of the respective specialization they are interested in. It will be the goal to get the new recruit into the specialization within 3 days. ARF and HVY will be obtainable without training, and can be simply given upon joining the 41st. The others will have no rank requirement or time in the battalion requirement, but may retain tryouts, training, and other requirements at their leisure (ARC will still retain the requirement of being SGT+). 
This may seem abrupt, but many players, especially new ones to the server, get very frustrated when they join a battalion and struggle to get into the thing they want to become. Setting a goal and directly informing people when someone wants to join their regiment will set a standard for what is expected of a Specialization Officer/Lead. It will also show to the recruit that we are actively seeking to help get them into the specialization they want to be in.

Our subunits are in a decent state, with Improcco filling long-dormant positions, but struggling to fill some others. A great goal for Improcco would be to work alongside the current Gett to help fill these positions.
Green Company is struggling, with a great difficulty in gathering members and hosting tryouts. I would like to provide them another GC Officer and ensure the tryouts are hosted on a consistent basis of once per week at minimum, utilizing the 41st Officers/Command team to fill in if GC Command are unable to do so for a given week.

41st Jedi is not doing well. I would like to potentially streamline their tryout slightly so any NCO (not just Jedi) can host it (or rather make it clearer that they are able to skip certain portions if they are a clone). I would also buff the rank equivalencies, so Padawans get SGT and Knight get SFC upon joining, and Master get 2LT. This will aid in drawing people in, and to keep them here I would like to utilize Jedi much more as an in-game leadership role, where Jedi are to lead from the front and stick with our troops, which will help us to act much more as a solid unit in-game, instead of troops spread out and not seeing their comrades.

I aim to streamline a few things with intel/the Discord. Upon receiving Commander, I have already changed the automatic roles given to just give the Guest role instead of Enlisted, PVT, and 41st. This will allow us to use our Discord much more as an open place than as a 41st only area. I also have gone through and cleaned up many channels. I have replaced our application forms with Dyno Bot forms that will send into a channel, and thus we won’t have to worry about Form access anymore. Keeping our Discord and document access/number of documents clean really helps in communication and the ease of use for a new player joining our battalion. 
We currently use a logging form for different activities, as well as having players fill out a format in the Discord. We will try to change this to the following: Players will fill out the form, then upon submitting it, a message will be sent into the Discord pinging them for confirmation, as well as having an easy way for Officers to see what they did and know to promote them. This will make it much easier for 41st members to log things, as they only have to put it into one place, rather than two (which is especially annoying for recruitments). This may not be possible from a free service, but I will see what can be done. (I have got a mostly working solution done for this, I just need to clean it up and implement it into 41st stuff).
I also aim to provide 41st with roster features such as a statistics page. A page like this could include a tracker for most event participations in a month, most recruitments, and so on.

As stated before, it will be the goal to get enlisted into a specialization as soon as possible, and we will aim to keep them engaged through hosting consistent trainings and simulations where they can have a good time. We will create two new channels in the 41st Discord. One will be used for submitting useful dupes for trainings and sims. This channel has already been created, and just needs to be populated with dupes, something I will work on with my renewed Senior Admin status. The other will be where enlisted can submit ideas for trainings that they want to see happen. Hosting these consistently will be a major focus to help us stay a fun place to be!

I would much like to help give our NCOs much more direction and encouragement/benefits. We were provided nearly 45 million credits by Former Gree Mexico, and I would like to use the remaining 40 million credits to entice our NCOs to perform well, with credits given for recruitments, trainings hosted, etc. 

Our Officer Corps is very thin, with many people becoming inactive at the ranks of CSM and WO. Officers will be given tasks every week, and completing them will be a requirement for promotion. This task system will work similar to what I stated in my Rex app:


Any Senior Officer jumping up to Rex would be strange at first for a Commander, however it would be my first priority to get this awkwardness out of the way so myself and the other Commanders (Silly, Kryptos, Phaser, and Drage [XO]) can work effectively as a team. After that point, I would assign each of them to work alongside a Senior Officer or two to complete the goals assigned to the Senior Officers.             
As Rex, my goal would be to establish a set of tasks for the Senior Officers to work upon individually, along with a weekly focus for improvement that would be chosen by myself and the commanders. These tasks would range from managing WOs, to Officers, to NCOs, to finding us a deployment or two, to hosting trainings, etc. These would work on a rotation or lottery system, and consistent success in completing these would mark the promotion of a Senior Officer.
For regular Officers, my goal would be to provide them with tasks designated by Senior Officers so that they can continue to develop their skills and improve the battalion at the same time. These tasks would ideally coincide with the Senior Officer tasks often, so that there is a group of 3 people working together: a Commander, a Senior Officer, and an Officer. This would help build sturdy bonds within the upper echelons of the battalion.             
Warrant Officers:
I wish to make Warrant Officer much more of a learning period than it is a trial period. Someone who is at WO has clearly excelled at their duties of being an NCO/SNCO, and has been trusted by the battalion to take the next step. Therefore, the WO phase will be to teach them how to be a good officer, by giving them tasks, allowing them to decide disciplinary issues, etc. Once they have had a good run at most aspects of being an Officer and know what they are doing, they will be moved up to 2LT. It will not be attached to a time limit but rather based on how good at their job they become. This will alleviate the immense stress that can be placed on people who fear that failing WO would set them back a huge amount of time from getting 2LT, to the point they may leave. With this change, it would also change the requirement to go from CSM to WO to be more difficult as it would be less likely to be sent down from WO.

The tasks will not be based on the rank as is written in our Officer Guide, but what we feel the officer could improve upon and what the battalion needs. This will also help to maintain a solid Chain of Command, where our Officers can work to solve more issues on their own and have resources on hand to help if needed. 

We will retain our 1:1 transfer policy up to 1LT. If someone wants to join that is higher than 1LT, they will receive a two-rank demotion, and be placed on a two-week trial period, if they fulfill their duties in that time, they will be given their prior rank back. If they perform subpar, they will retain the two-rank demotion. 

Senior Officers:
Senior Officers will be freed of the requirement to get CMD+ permission to promote Officers. They are entrusted with their position for a reason, and as such we can trust them to handle this responsibility. 

By the end of my term, I seek to have at least two Commanders under me who are active and competent. 

41st discipline is in a decent state, with us rarely receiving any issues. When we did have issues, they were quickly addressed in a fair manner. This will continue. The responsibility of managing discipline/reports will largely fall onto Junior Officers / Warrant Officers.

Battalion Relations:
I aim to keep 41st as a friendly battalion to everyone on the server and make us an open place. This will start with keeping our Discord open to guests who aren't specifically Battalion Representatives, and also having our Officers become Battalion Representatives to other Battalions and be highly encouraged to host joint trainings and utilize joint comms on a frequent basis.

I aim to actually complete these goals, and if I am given Gree, I will create a Trello that anyone can view and see the progress of the goals and ideas that are on this app and those that get suggested to the battalion.
Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes
Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

If you have any questions, please ask below or DM me on Discord: keegan#3868

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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I love the 41st, and I've seen your dedication first hand Keegan so I have complete confidence that you will do well as Gree. 

I only have two questions. I feel like whenever I see 41st on, it's not very many.  Do you have a plan on driving recruitment forward and gaining new members? And do you think you can juggle being Teena and being a BCMD at the same time?

  • Informative 1

Current: Retired
Former: 2019/2020 Hound, Thorn, TKL, ARCL SGT-CMD - First and Last Commander Grey, CG XO Broadside

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28 minutes ago, Cryostatic212 said:

Do you have a plan on driving recruitment forward and gaining new members?

Yes! I (literally 10 minutes ago) received the many credits Mexico passed down to 41st Command when he left. I will be able to use these to do recruitment drives where we give credit rewards per recruit. This worked extremely well under Mexico, with our NCOs being extremely driven to recruit people for this. Increasing our presence through this incentive and increasing how much we are seen around the server by hosting more consistent trainings to get inactive members on will help as well, as people are more likely to join something that they see members of.

28 minutes ago, Cryostatic212 said:

And do you think you can juggle being Teena and being a BCMD at the same time?

I do believe I can. Senate only requires 6 hours per week (3 if I do Committee work), so it is very manageable for me.

  • Informative 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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Not to sound rude but, some 41st are fairly mingey and have either behavior issues or a clique like mindset (excluding most of the Officers, this is mostly and enlisted/NCO thing) Do you plan to do anything about this or address it and how people view your battalion? I believe Mexico was doing something such as assigning Officers to reach out and make events/deployments/trainings with other batts to improve relations. Will you continue this? or do you have something else in mind?

Anyways, +1 you do  alot and i think you'd fit the position well

Edited by Mystic
  • Informative 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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28 minutes ago, Keegan said:

Yes! I (literally 10 minutes ago) received the many credits Mexico passed down to 41st Command when he left. I will be able to use these to do recruitment drives where we give credit rewards per recruit. This worked extremely well under Mexico, with our NCOs being extremely driven to recruit people for this. Increasing our presence through this incentive and increasing how much we are seen around the server by hosting more consistent trainings to get inactive members on will help as well, as people are more likely to join something that they see members of.

I do believe I can. Senate only requires 6 hours per week (3 if I do Committee work), so it is very manageable for me.

Thanks for answering my questions, you have my +1 :)

  • Friendly 1

Current: Retired
Former: 2019/2020 Hound, Thorn, TKL, ARCL SGT-CMD - First and Last Commander Grey, CG XO Broadside

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14 minutes ago, Mystic said:

Not to sound rude but, some 41st are fairly mingey and have either behavior issues or a clique like mindset (excluding most of the Officers, this is mostly and enlisted/NCO thing) Do you plan to do anything about this or address it and how people view your battalion? I believe Mexico was doing something such as assigning Officers to reach out and make events/deployments/trainings with other batts to improve relations. Will you continue this? or do you have something else in mind?

Anyways, +1 you do  alot and i think you'd fit the position well

Behavior issues will always be dealt with some form of punishment. However, a preventative measure to people minging them is giving them something to do. For a lot of players (myself included), I joined to dick around. Only after I was involved in some cool activities, sims, events, did I decide to stay and not minge! Thus, doing consistent trainings+patrols will help in that regard. Regarding cliques and having Officers reach out like Mexico did, I will be heavily using Officers as Battalion Representatives assigned to different battalions of their choice to do joint activities. 

Hopefully this answers your question. If I missed part of it, please let me know.

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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Not to sound rude, but many 41st have not really seen you be an active senior officer. As I remember it, you took an ROA and extended it a couple of weeks only to remain on senator. I don't know what you've done in the past week, but I do know you got commander and just recently started to take action. Before that, I don't recall seeing action from you as a senior officer, with barely, if any, input into any actions taken.. besides.. a few particular actions.

Will you be dedicating more time onto your clone than senator if given the position?


It was never stated that NCOs weren't allowed to do Jedi tryouts. We had no one that could perform them (back then), so they were allowed to do them as far as I can remember. It's nice you have an outlined goal to work towards

  • Informative 1
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17 minutes ago, chysk0 said:

As I remember it, you took an ROA and extended it a couple of weeks only to remain on senator.

When I initially joined 41st it was extremely odd as I didn't know a lot of people and was struggling to adjust, and I was transparent in my reasonings at the time, even stating: "Reason: Not having fun on my clone life lately.". Timewise I was in a worse situation as I was working much more at my job than I will now between classes and work. The battalion was also in a much better state then than Senate was, and I was truly trying to focus on my Senate to help grow Senate Guard to a stable state (at the time, nobody had even hopped on the job in weeks). As I have come to know people in 41st more and branch out to talk with people, I have become more active on my 41st job. And to answer your question, I will be spending more time on my 41st than on my Senator (as I am doing now to help lead 41st). 

17 minutes ago, chysk0 said:

It was never stated that NCOs weren't allowed to do Jedi tryouts. We had no one that could perform them (back then), so they were allowed to do them as far as I can remember. It's nice you have an outlined goal to work towards

Regarding this, the document did not state that they could, has Jedi related components (saber fighting), and also stated on the message in our documents channel "Jedi Trials (Jedi+)". This was confusing and after speaking with Meow did confirm that said portions can be skipped, and I removed the Jedi+ note. 

Edited by Keegan

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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+1 see where it goes, I’m going to stick with 41st but not a bad lad. Probably get mad at me couple times but who hasn’t 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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Veteran Admin

+1 big shrimp fan 

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On 9/6/2022 at 3:47 AM, Keegan said:

I do believe I can. Senate only requires 6 hours per week (3 if I do Committee work), so it is very manageable for me.

Ah good... I dont lose another good Senator this time round, +1

  • Funny 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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Keegan has done wonders during his time on Synergy, he is a perfect pick from Gree and Im sure his plans will better the battalion and the server's time and interactions with 41st


Current Lore Character: N/A

Lore Characters Played: Hardcase x2 Tiplar Ridge x2 Fives Maze

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  • Management

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


  • Optimistic 1


i am literally captain tukk

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  • Management

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!


  • Friendly 1


i am literally captain tukk

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