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Slak’s Siege Regimental Application


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Steam Name:


RP Name:

Commander Wolffe

RP Rank:

Battalion Commander

Steam ID:


Regiment you are applying for:

Siege Regimental


-=In-Siege Experiences=-

Doom’s Unit: (Battalion Commander / Crush / Tiplee)

As the Battalion Commander for DU, I made as many improvements as possible and changes I possibly could to the battalion that has been in a rough spot for roughly 2 months straight. My first act upon becoming BCMD was improving the organization of the NCOs and Officers, organization based around the way the Officer’s corresponded and how the NCO’s responsibility was justified to reenact more competent leaders coming into the ranks of officers more fluently. Moving forward I reworked all documentation within the battalion and made it more clear and less congested than before. 

Down the road, I added more fluent systems for the sub-unit Havoc Squad to improve the squad itself for the better and bring more people interested in the squad.

My final couple actions as Doom revolved around discipline and acting more on becoming a better person myself and reflecting that onto the battalion. Towards the end of my term things went downhill and I worked towards fixing things for the better to ensure the future of DU was clearer and more refined.


21st Special Operations: (Major / ARCO / WO)x2

As Major in the 21st under Matra, my mindset was more dead set on Special Operations. I worked with Leadership on bringing more systems and ideas to the Sub-unit as well as working towards a more efficient idea of Shadow Company and how to make it better. Within the 21st I learned the true responsibility of what it means to be an officer after feeling the real experience of being a Senior Officer. In the 21st, I refined my role as a leader, role-model, and learned to be more mature and respectful to others.


104th MAB: (Battalion Commander / Boost / Comet / REGL / ITM)

As Battalion Commander of the 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion, I have brought the battalion to its best and most defined form, and it has yet more to grow. With my time as Wolffe, I have grown the idea of Weekly goals after it being suggested, allowing those who pursue them to feel much more incentivized. I have bought brand new systems for the officer core to communicate with such as the brand-new officer-watchlist system. Gave more responsibilities for the officers / senior officers allowing them to feel more needed and allowing their role as a leader to be more developed and ready for when they need or can move up in ranks. Refined the documental systems within the battalion, the battalion's documents before were lacking organization and such I have brought back in restoration. I have finalized any and all promotional guidelines for the battalion. Have made a finalized Negotiations Training document that shouldn’t be changed for terms to come.

In addition, Wolfpack has undergone much improvement, by spreading the branch lead and wolfpack position this has allowed people to go into leadership positions without having to worry about being a lore character, hence giving others more opportunities. 

Finally, have mentally and physically prepared the 104th for the addition of Dire Squad by adding in systems and documents making the transition much smoother for the battalion. For when it did come out this week it was a very easy move in.

I have done all of this in roughly 1 month and have already brought the battalion to its true-best form in the longest time.

All in all, I have been in this battalion for 250-260 days and everything I listed is just what I did within the 50-60 Days I have been in the position. I can keep on going on and on about everything I have done but will just leave it at that.

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

Why do I believe I should become Siege Regimental? Simply, I want to be the leader that is correctly guiding and leading the regiment in the correct path. I believe that I have the sufficient amount of experience for this role, specifically in Siege. The Siege Regiment has been in a great place for the past couple months after Xaze making a great standard for it. Nonetheless, I am the one wanting to continue that path but apply more gas to the pedal. With the current state of Siege there has been its ups and downs all though it being a very good regiment, and I think definitely there is a moment where it is declining. I have several ideas to help the regiment as a whole to get back together and to an even better state. Within the past couple weeks, I have prepared myself for running. In doing so, I have talked and began to work closer with all the BCMD/HC of the battalion including some of the officers as well and I believe that I can succeed not only as a regimental but as an individual.

Here are some of the plans I have for each battalion resting inside of the Siege Regiment.

Doom’s Unit

Doom’s Unit is my first priority right off the start. We need to ensure leadership capabilities are sharper and consistent. DU is not as self-sustaining as any other battalion and requires its leaders to be more hands on, in which I will attempt to guide and be a bigger leadership role for those that need it, but especially for the officers.

Plans of Action:

  • Work closely with the High Command of Doom’s Unit, to assist in repairing the lack of officer/leadership presence on and off the server.

  • Increasing the amount of recruitment by using incentivizations and rewarding systems.

  • Assist in documental issues residing within the Doom’s Unit and overall stability of current intel systems. 

  • Increasing the amount of communication that is flowing within the battalion which ends in more consistency.


Coruscant Guard

Coruscant Guard has been in a steady increasing state; therefore, my plans rest around the idea of getting them more involved and outgoing with other battalions especially within the Siege Regiment. I want to ensure the battalion’s external growth has improved within the start of my term.

Plan of Action:

  • Overall CG has not been included in many events / trainings with Siege that much, so my first idea is getting them more incorporated and become more meaningful in the regiment. 

  • What I have done so far to achieve this already, is hosting more training with the CG alongside 104th and getting their RP skills, such as Negotiations for Diplomatic Services after I recently changed their status on the hierarchy for Negotiations. 

  • CG has been neglected when it comes to RP situations within events, unless it comes down to VIP protection, sometimes negotiations, guarding, CQC, or tracking down a hostile. My plan is to get them more action instead of just doing those listed. Allowing CG to shine in the spotlight instead of others doing it for them is the overall goal.


Galactic Marines

The Galactic Marines have been pretty self-dependent. The current leadership resides more in the officer core rather than the High Command, so the idea is to build stronger leadership and begin to create better leaders for the future. Not only that but with additions of Devil Dogs, the idea to sustain a consistent active new sub-unit.

 Plan of Action:

  • Assisting in the new addition of Devil Dogs and bringing new roles and ideas for the sub-unit. Getting them to work closer with other subunits that fit their role such as: Havoc Squad and Dire Squad

  • Increasing overall active presence on server, by creating activities and incentives for getting on.

  • Assist in building more leadership roles within the officer core.


104th Mechanized Assault Battalion

104th will remain on the bottom of my priority list, 104th has been self-sustaining as of recent. Being BCMD has allowed me to bring changes and ideas to the battalion and to this day shines as an overall great battalion. However, the issues that reside are communication and tripping over success. 

Plans of Action:

  • If Siege Regimental is achieved, I would assist in transitioning the leadership role to Beetle which has already been in the process by developing his leadership capabilities and functionality to a perfect state.

  • Increase the communication between 104th High Command / Officer Core to the rest of the battalion. 

  • Increasing the recruitment and ensuring the NCOs are focused on actively recruiting daily. 

  • Assist in fixing the stability of the current documental systems and helping the clarity of the Intel’s focus on Bot Usage and roster functions. 


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

104th Mechanized Assault Battalion:

  • 104th is ran by Commander Wolfe “CC-3636” as well as Jedi General Plo Koon.

  • Wolfpack consists of most of those involved in the Malevolence Campaign as well as some of those involved in the Mission of Malastre and Battle of Felucia. (Comet, Boost, Sinker, Mortar, Warthog, Dash-44 and, Dash-29).

  • Dire Squad consists of some relevant and irrelevant lore characters. One being Wildfire who was constantly involved in the Resistance and meeting with Wolffe and the others on Joopa Base.


Galactic Marines:

  • Galactic Marines is ran by Marshal Commander Bacara “CC-1138” and Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi.

  • Keller’s Unit was known for their outer rim sieges and were led by Commander Kellera and Charger who both survived throughout the Clone Wars. It was also led by Jedi General Kai Huddora.

  • Devil Dogs was a unit that originated from the 44th Special Operations Division. They served under the Naval Officer Major Kendel Ozzel. Their unit leader was Captain Sharp. They were assigned to the Mission of Khorm.


Doom’s Unit:

  • The Doom’s Unit is led by Commander Doom and Jedi General Tiplee and Tiplar. 

  • Known for the usage of M3 Bulwark Blast Shield and Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannons. 

  • Known for being assigned to the Battle of Ringo Vinda.


Coruscant Guard:

  • The Coruscant Guard was led by Commander Fox “CC-1010”.

  • Was a division of elite shock troopers. An organized police force to protect the capital planet Coruscant. 

  • Diplomatic Services is mostly known for protecting VIPs and vital areas of concern. The unit consists of well-known lore characters such as Thire, Stone, Hound, Mack, Rys, Jek, and Thorn.



In game Availability:

Weekdays: 3pm - 10pm EST

Weekends: 12pm - 10pm EST

Out of game Availability:

10am - 11pm EST

Discord ID: 𝓜𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓨𝓣#0007


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

  • CMD Faie

  • Remodeled the entirety of GC and the way it was portrayed on the server and in the battalion.

  • BCMD Doom

  • Made DU endure the most active state it has been.

  • Repurposed Havoc Squad so it wasn’t too generic and basic.

  • Gregor

  • Made the squad at its most active and thriving time.

  • CMD Comet

  • Enhancing the skills of WP.

  • Making changes long-term.

  • BCMD Wolffe

  • Prepared and set up Dire Squad.

  • Set up plans that instead effect short-term but mainly long-term.

  • Found consistency for the battalion to strive on.

  • Brought the best of the 104th back the current state.


Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I have a microphone.


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

By the end of my term I want the Siege Regiment to all have a consistent rate of communication within each other’s battalions, have a defined leadership role / aspect, goals for each others battalions, and have the battalions to be able to work well woth one another as well as being able to spill into outside battalions other then Siege. Furthermore, I want Siege to be able to break the shell of working solely with Siege battalions but with others outside and using the ability of communication to increase public stature of siege.


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

Here is a quick formatting of what my plans I have if Siege Regimental is achieved:

Focusing the Priorities:

  • Stabilizing the DU leadership and correctly assisting the current DU HC in doing so by giving ideas in order for the officer core to thrive.

  • Focusing on branding new ideas for CG to produce a more outgoing and communicative role on the server in order for them to be more incorporated within the server events, trainings, RP, and overall scenarios.

  • Assisting the Galactic Marines in their new sub unit and focusing on helping the idea of new leadership figures and how we can develop better or improve our current leaders.

  • Smoothing out the transition for 104th leadership and ensuring communication flows correspondly and correctly.



The server has reached a point where there is a huge need if entertainment needed. Therefore this is a major goal for me to achieve.

  • Joint Trainings (Claiming Event Server or on Main Server).

  • Working with GMs and myself on making more events involving any of the Siege Battalions.

  • Joint Events (Whether it is on main server or event server, battalions joining forces is a goal).


Public Image: 

  • Siege Public Image: Working with the BCMDs to enchant the current image to its name and work for a greater production of RP and community engagement.

  • Personal Image: Work on myself as a person to engage with not only the entirety of the Siege Regiment personnel but the fellow HC members and other regiments.

Incentives and Goals:

  • Having meetings with the BCMDs 

  • Setting personal weekly goals

  • Battalion Goals

(This is something that the previous Siege Regimental has done which has worked very well with myself and the rest of the Siege BCMDs and will continue).


  • Feeding myself intel with issues with current branches or battalions and or things that are thriving and being able to assist and work with them, finding the best course of action.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes, I do.


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

Yes, I do.

Edited by Slak

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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+1 Slak has done great things for the 104th that i have taken notice of when i came back. He is commited to the regiment and has made strides to push himself to be the best he can be. He has made mistake, just like the rest of us, but he has done everything in his power to fix those mistakes. As far as i am aware he has the confidence and support of both us in the 104th and the other battalions of Siege. Good work 

  • Friendly 1
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5 hours ago, Slak said:
  • CMD Faie

  • Remodeled the entirety of GC and the way it was portrayed on the seever and in the battalion.

Slak was incredible as GCL in 41st. Though things may not have ended like I wanted them too, Slak has worked his ass off on this server and deserves a chance to be siege regimental. +1

Edited by Bruise
Forgot +1
  • Friendly 1

- Your Local Headass, Bruise.

Former: Jedi Master,  BCMD Gree , Recon RCMD Head Admin , GMM, Adi GalliaCommander Faie X2, Cooker

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I've been waiting for this application.
Slak is great! Just from what I've seen, he took 104th from being a dead battalion to being one of the most active! He is a solid leader, and a fantastic dude. He'll do great as Siege reg!

  • Friendly 1

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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Veteran Admin

+1 AMEN!!!

  • Friendly 1
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+1 i didn't even expect this. Big Slak fan. Best of luck

  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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I've worked with Slak since my days returning to Synergy. At the time, he was my CMD. He taught me so much as a member of 104th HC, and as my Comet while I was in Wolfpack. He was charismatic, strong as a leader, and dedicated to the battalion and the server. During his Wolffe term, I was so happy to work with him as a member of 104th HC and as Comet. He continued teaching me as a mentor in HC and helping me grow as a leader within this server.

He knows exactly what he's doing, having experience in 3/4 of the Siege battalions. His goals are clear and cut, and they can definitely be accomplished. He has worked tirelessly for the 104th for months, and he was able to effectively and efficiently accomplish all his goals as Wolffe in such as short amount of time. With his experience in GM and DU, he knows how each battalion works, even if they were a while back.

Personally, I believe that Slak is by far the best candidate for this position. He will continue to work hard not only for the betterment of Siege, but for Synergy as a whole.


  • Winner 1

I was the leader of the Dogma Balls movement

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I have know slak for such a long time, every time all he has done is help grow the battalions he has been in and lead them to be what it takes to do well on the server, making him Regimental would be the biggest W on the server, the biggest W EVER, def should do it. He is a great leader, teacher, and motivator, would be a big Win for Siege.

+1 from me all day everyday love you buddy!

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I remember working with Slak all the way back when I was a 2ndLT in 104th, and he's consistently been a great leader and rolemodel to everyone around him. I haven't spoken to you 1-1 much while you've been Wolffe, but the few times we've spoken it's always been a good time. I may not be in Siege, but it'd be great to see you in the role of RCMD! Huge mf +1

  • Friendly 1

i carried onderon events


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+1 but I still need you to bring that fat juicy ass over here bb

  • Friendly 1

Records I hold: Fastest time to return and resign 4 minutes | Most returns and resignations 6 Times 

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9 hours ago, Arizona said:

ayo?!?!?!? :REEEE:


Records I hold: Fastest time to return and resign 4 minutes | Most returns and resignations 6 Times 

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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