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Tec's Admiral Yularen Application


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Steam Name: Tec

RP Name: Rear Admiral Tec

RP Rank: Rear Admiral (Commander)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:93529166


Rancor Battalion: 2018 - 2019 (PVT - 1stLT)

During my initial run on the server, I joined Rancor and pretty much worked exclusively on the battalion. I worked my way up through the NCO corps and made it to 1st Lieutenant and a Jet Trooper Officer. During this time, Rancor was experiencing some rough spots in the form of a lack of officers, issues with our High Command, and the inability to keep up with our ARC Trainings given the circumstances. I worked hard with our new BCMD at the time and the returning officer to try and keep ARC trainings as consistent as possible as well as keep an eye on our NCOs so that we could better refill the officer corps. This was a time I'll always hold dear as it was my first experience with the server and where I learned the ins and outs of the community and being an officer.

The Republic Navy: 2018 - 2019 (CA - WO)

Towards the end of my time on the server, I decided to switch things up and try out Naval. I discovered my love the Naval and the passion that would ultimately bring me back to the server. My first fun in the Navy was a relatively quick, but beneficial experience. I made my way up the ENG branch to ENGM and eventually up the ranks to WO. It was during this period that I familiarized myself with the way the Navy works on the server and truly fell in love with the RP and job that the Navy brings.

Jedi Order: Current (Padawan - Knight)

After some time of being back on the server, a friend of mine convinced me to play Jedi with him and, unlike the first time around on the server, I actually found Jedi a lot of fun. I played Jedi for a bit as a little break from Naval and truly had a lot of fun. As a Jedi, I've made my way to Shadow Manager and helped recruit for both the Shadow and Sentinel branches, create new Shadow trials, help the Shadow Lead recruit new Managers, and have even become a lore character. Jedi has served as a great way for me to take a little break every now and then and also gain new skills and experience for leading unit on the server.

Doom's Unit: Currently (MSG - CSM)

When DU was down in the dirt, I left 21st to help them out. I figured that my experience in Engineering/SUP could be a super useful to DU in it's growing stage and that my overall activity would at least help DU out a tiny bit if anything. As SUPL for DU, I picked a new SUPO (who then resigned two days later .-.) and reformed/updated our SUP handbook. Ultimately, I ended up resigning from SUPL due to feeling DU was in a good spot now, wanting to focus more on Naval, not having the most dedication to my clone, and therefore feeling as if I was holding a position someone else could be in.

The Republic Navy: Current (Recruit - Rear Admiral)

I had initially rejoined the server based on my enjoyment of Naval. I'd been wanting to get back into some Naval RP and figured why not come back to Synergy. Upon coming back, I went right up to BCC and joined the Navy as fast as they would let me. During my time as an NCO, I hosted debriefs, recruited people to Naval, joined ENG, and quickly made my way up to officer. With my officer promotion came a pretty swift promotion to Chief of Engineering in which I got myself an ENGO and went to work with the Engineer branch. My current run in the Navy has been an absolute blast and I hope to continue it in the position of Admiral.

Why should you become Admiral?:

I've applied for Admiral because, in my opinion, the Navy is in a relatively rough state. Our activity in dwindling, we have a huge problem with people rising in ranks too fast, plateauing out at PO/CPO, and/or not being experienced enough for their rank. Along with these major issues, there is a also a lack of clarity among many things in Naval, mostly document, rule, and procedure related, that needs attention. With the state it's in, the Navy deserves an extremely dedicated Admiral who can bring new ideas and a fresh outlook on both the server and the Navy as a whole. For a few reasons, I believe that I'm best fit for the position.

Leadership -

From my experiences both on the server and outside of it, I have learned many of the necessary qualities to being a good leader and will carry these qualities into the position of Admiral. I am someone who can be respected as a leader and usher in more "strict" or "serious" aspects to the Navy while still maintaining a very fun and game centered attitude to the faction. When it comes to changes, I feel as though many leaders often fault themselves by making change simply for the sake of making change right as they get the position. I avoid these unnecessary changes by thinking clearly and deeply into changes prior to implementing them and getting as much input as possible from others on the idea. With that being said though, I also recognize that involving too many people in a decision making process can also be negative in ways by having the potential to drag things out much longer than necessary. This is something that I will be cautious of and make sure to not stall work or changes based on one person's lack of input.

Passion -

The Navy has consistently been my biggest passion on the server and something that I've always wanted to take to another level. I feel as though I've done good in the positions I've achieved in the Navy and am extremely proud of them, but believe that in order to best achieve the change myself and others see necessary for Naval, I have to run for Admiral.

Dedication -

With passion comes dedication. I always find myself extremely dedicated to things that I'm passionate about and I know that with Naval, it's no different. During my time in the Navy and specifically as Rear Admiral, I've shown to be extremely dedicated to the Navy and both its improvement and its future via the ideas and changes I've expressed and helped implement into Naval.

Easily Approachable -

Being approachable is one of the most important factors for a leader and is one that I believe I fill out very well. I constantly try to remain as open, accessible, and easy to approach as possible, but also recognize that a key factor to being approachable is also being willing and comfortable with approaching others, something that I believe I've demonstrated very well as Rear Admiral.

Creativity -

New ideas are always great for any unit and I often find myself full of them. I'm extremely passionate about coming up with new and beneficial ideas for anything I'm apart of and also love to hear other people's ideas and spark up a conversation with them to build off of their ideas together.

Honesty -

As someone who is very passionate about their ideas and the ideas of others, I also tend to be very honest with people on those ideas. If someone present an idea to me that I don't think will work, I'm honest with my thought on it, but don't do so in a negative way or a way to shut them down, rather I opt to start a conversation about the idea, my concerns, and maybe some ways we could improve upon it. This honesty carries over to other aspects of my life to the point where I find it very easy to be honest with people when the time is needed and not sugar coat my thoughts or any issues we're discussing.


Do you understand the purpose of the Navy on the server?:

Of course! The Navy is a key part to promoting roleplay on the server and can do an amazing job at it if utilized properly. Outside of RP, we run debriefs, host ATC, MED, and ENG trainings, and have branches that oversee those trainings and the people who are trained in them. Naval is also key to ensuring the safety of the base and helping to defend it from attacks via suggestion to ground forces in comms.



I'm reachable at all times via discord, however here are the times I'm generally available to be on the server or in Teamspeak.

Monday - Thursday: 3 PM EST - 12 AM EST
Friday: 3 PM EST - 2 AM EST
Saturday: 12 PM - 2 AM EST
Sunday - 12 PM - 12 AM EST


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

  • Rear Admiral
  • Chief of Engineering
  • Etain Tur-Mukan
  • Jedi Shadow Manager
  • 104th 2nd Lieutenant
  • Doom's Unit Support Lead
  • Doom's Unit Command Sergeant Major
  • Keller's Unit Ariel Trooper
  • Naval Warrant Officer
  • Engineering Manager
  • Rancor 1st Lieutenant
  • Rancor Jet Trooper Officer

Do you have a Microphone?: Yes

Where do you want the Navy to be by the end of your term?:

During my time as Rear Admiral, I met with as many people as I could on the server in order to hear their thoughts on the state of the Navy and what we could improve upon. When I compiled their lists of critiques, I noticed that most things fit under the guise of 3 main topics: Structure, Standards, and Transparency. It is clear to myself, as well as many others, that the Navy lacks these 3 things and, by the end of my term, I aim to have Naval in a place where we once again have more clear and defined standards, have the structure to build upon those standards, and finally have clear transparency with the rest of the server to where we are no longer seen as a sort of "disconnected" faction. Upon achieving these goals, Naval will be in a better place for myself and future Admirals to continue building off of and improving upon.


How do you plan to change the Navy under your command?:

Structure -

With he input of others in mind, I intend to improve the Navy's structure in a few ways:

  • Continue the restructuring of the merit/point system to better show the work put in by members of the Navy.
  • Push for an additional 2 ranks for the Navy’s NCO Corps, taking us from 3 total NCO ranks to 5.
    • Will be done to help with our issue of people plateauing out at PO/CPO or making it to and sitting at MCPO without the necessary experience.
  • Better disperse workload among our officers so that they aren’t sitting at ranks without having much to do.
  • Reevaluate the Navy’s tryout system to better prepare new recruits for day to day operations as Naval.
    • This has been another complaint I've seen and just something I've felt during my time in Naval. Our tryouts don't properly prepare you for actual time in the Navy, and the doc itself is too wordy in how it tells the trainer to prepare the recruit.
  • Reevaluate the system of joining our branches (MED/ENG/Flight) to make it faster and more thorough for new recruits while not sacrificing the quality of our branch members.
    • Should help bolster the trainings done by the Naval as you have to be in a branch to do said training.
  • Have our Intel team go through and compile all our documents into a dedicated place as well as make sure they’re all up to date.
    • Our documents have been consistently outdated, they’re due for a revision.
  • Have the branch leads reevaluate their documents for clarity.
    • This was a common issue brought to me as Rear Admiral.
    • No major changes are required, just some simplistic wording and formatting changes.
  • Improve the state of the Navy’s lore characters in order to encourage NCOs to apply for lore characters.
    • We’ve been having this issue for ages within the Navy and it is one I intend to prioritize as Admiral. Our lore characters are a big way to increase RP opportunities among our enlisted and NCO corps.
  • Help RSB create better structure with a defined job and protocols.From what I’ve heard, RSB has had some troubles with the structure itself.
    • I intend to work heavily with out new RSB Director to define RSB’s job and day to day actions to help increase their RP and overall job while they are on the server.

Standards -

I've always felt that the Navy lacks both standards and enforcement of its existing standards. While I don't expect Naval to be extremely serious and strict, nor do I intend to make them that way, I do wish to improve our standards via the following:

  • Clearly define the factors that play into promotions.
    • Move away from TIG/Merits based cooldowns.
    • Move into TIG for Cooldowns, Event Performance, RP outside of Events, and Trainings hosted as more factors.
  • Redefine the rules on the Navy in our documents, adding, editing, and removing as needed.
    • Goes back to the “structure” section and the plan to update all of our docs.
  • Improve enforcement of Naval rules without becoming too over-the-top serious.
    • Naval has had some good rules in place, however the enforcement of them has been horrendous.
    • Many of the issues brought to me as Rear Admiral were issues that could have been avoided with better initial enforcement of our rules.
  • Implement a “Disciplinary Lead” position once again to help uphold Naval’s standards.
  • Put a heavy focus on doing ATC/ENG/MED trainings as it is our job on the server.
    • Don’t treat it too much like a job, I’m a firm believer that you shouldn’t be doing more work than play. This is a game after all.
    • Putting a focus on trainings as a promotion qualifier should help with this.
  • Include better examples of easy RP scenarios Naval can do during “downtime” or time with a lack of events.
    • Including, but not limited to, bunk inspections, weapon inspections, ENG/MED Evaluation “Races,” How to work with staff for passive RP, and how to utilize Aurek better.

Transparency -

One of the biggest issues Naval has consistently faced is the fact that we are seen as "disconnected" from a majority of the server. While I've always heard this brought up, it was only during my talks with members of the server that I realized that Naval tend to face this issue a lot, but also don't try and do much about it. As Admiral I intend to bring Naval out of this situation once and for all:

  • Create a Naval Report/Suggestion form.
    • Will be located in the Navy's TS description.
    • Plan to get it added to the monthly Marshal Commander announcement.
  • Push for CMO/CFO/CoE to get more involved with the SUP/MED branches of the battalions.
    • Pretty much all the SUPL/SUPO and MEDL/MEDOs who have come to me complained about the lack of communication they got with Naval.
    • Create a familiar environment where the SUPLs/MEDLs know who are in these Naval positions and how to reach them. Perhaps dedicated MEDL and SUPL chats in the training hub discord, or just better utilization of the MED Leadership and ENG Leadership chats.
    • Get SUPLs/MEDLs inputs on ENG/ATC/MED changes.
  • Work with RSB to improve their relations with CG and BH.
    • This has been a consistent issue on the CG end to where they have pretty much just let RSB roam free in brig and do whatever since they’ve gotten no communication from RSB. CG has no clue what they do or how to work with them.
    • Seeing as RSB functions directly off BH, I plan to make it a focus of the RSB Director to improve what we’re doing with the hunters, including looking back into, changing, or removing (depending on what they all deem necessary) the fine system.
  • Clarify the job of RSB and remove their OCC guise of secrecy from the server so that people are aware of what they should be doing and are/are not allowed to do while still maintaining their secrecy within RP.
    • This has been another complaint upon issue and one that I have had experience with first hand. Most of the people on the server have no clue why RSB is here or what they do outside of “BH stuff.” I myself, as Rear Admiral, don’t even have access to 99% of RSB’s information.
    • I aim to make RSB more open OOC by having public knowledge of what they can and can’t do as well as a general synopsis of what RSB does on a daily basis. I wish to eliminate their secrecy OOC while keeping it during their IC operations.
  • Focus on relations and possible RP opportunities with the Senate.
    • Both the Senate and the Navy are two factions that I believe could work amazingly together and honestly I don’t get why we haven’t worked closer with them already.
    • I’ve already talked to members of the Senate, mainly of the military oversight committee, and gotten their thoughts and first “stepping stone” ideas on Naval/the Senate working together more. They’re big fans!

By implementing these changes, the Navy will become a better, more structured branch with a higher focus on discipline. Many of these changes will also help bolster relations between the Navy and other factions/battalions on the server and increase the possible RP that can be done with those factions as well as the overall RP that Naval can do. While there may seem like a lot of changes here, many of the thing I am talking about doing are relatively simply and long overdue for the Navy. I am confident that, with the help of my officers and the Intel team, these changes can be smoothly and easily implemented.

Do you understand that, if you go inactive, you will be removed from the position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and that you must reapply after three months to maintain your Admiral rank?: Yes




Edited by Tec
  • Agree 1

Future Dev Team Assistant
CT PVT Alpha-14 Tec
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky (For Real this Time), Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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Big +1 this man is very deserving of the position

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 Former Senior Senator Lux Bonteri Bail Organa 501st COL  Sarge HVOO Tup MEDO Hawk SUPL Denal ARCL Current: Senate Main

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+1 Make sure to rejoin 104th!

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Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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+1 holy fuck big wall of text didn’t read… jk but like holy shit this is one of the most detailed applications I’ve seen in ages good luck 

  • Agree 1
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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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+1 more chef RP

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Gigantic +1!!

Tec has been the most consistently active Naval Officer ive seen in the past month. Also he reaches out to people and keeps things open so that new ideas can flow in and make positive changes. I think Tec easily has the mindset for this position and I think hes the only one that can truly get numbers pumping within Naval again. Good luck with your interview brotha!

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Doom the Boom

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Head Admin

+1, good luck Tec!

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Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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+1 /me fixes engine

  • Friendly 1

Current: Jedi Master Diplomat Saesee Tiin + Alpha-78 Valiant  ||  Former: CF99 Tech | DS Rys | RT Bigmouth | 327th PFC Vindin


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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.


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