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Bacta High Staff Resignation


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Name: Bacta

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:91592661

Staff Rank: Head Admin (Stepping down to SA)

Are you VIP?: yes


Reason for leaving:

Gonna be a long one so buckle in, this is my resignation from the high of the high of synergy, this isnt a resignation from the server whatsoever but a small step back and revaluation of what i want to do on the server, recently my life has been so fucking blessed, im in classes in college that i fucking love, I recently have a car (her name is maria)66296563156__7B025FB2-2A13-4F1B-B0CC-592 love of my life man, I drive her everywhere, I picked up my first date ever with her. The end goal is getting good enough to drive to San Francisco and take a vacation bymyself.

My life has been so happy recently, but every time i get on Garrys Mod and open up synergy I just get a small dread, it eases up on me but just like what happened last month it really bites me to the point where for the first time I lost my passion for synergy and what i love about it, I am so wrapped around everything on the server, stressed over the numbers, how are we gonna revive the EU TZ, is every staff following everything that i didn't take a step back and realize that im focusing to much, the stress that being a HA, the weight that I gave myself is to much and i want to relive it, this doesn't mean im leaving all leadership positions, im still interested and focused more on the RP side and it isn't as stressful for me as a staff member. The idea of controlling only 3 battalions or 1 isn't as hard.  With ranking up in staff i have seen and experienced it through it all man

-Passed up for position

-Demoted then reinstated

-My team threatened to leave if i wasn't removed

-Humiliated in staff meetings 

-Punched a wall with frustration realizing i was focused way to much on GMOD and stress over my real life

Small things but it really does put alot on you, this is most likely just a me issue, whenever i am given anything i want to go full ham on it, expressing almost everything regardless of the cost, losing friends, or anything I have a vision for something i will do whatever i can, and that causes burn out and stress to the level that i felt so much in high staff, that it was leaking to 212th, I was getting stressed, erratic, I feel bad cause finn and my HC was feeling the blunt weight of it, I wasn't getting my way in high staff so I was lashing for a time being, trust me all of that has been fixed and that will NEVER happen again but I know and have to do what's been done. 


But Im writing alot of negatives, I will say being HA was such a fucking blast, truly meeting new people that I am certain i would never have batten my eye to was excellent, meeting and talking to @Stroodle, working better with @Stix It was a blessing man, and i wont trade it for a world, but i know that my time is up, with myself i know once im out of the stint and my life gets boring again in a couple months or so, i would most likely want to jump back into the grind set but right now i just wanna relax, I wanna do daring shit, yall be laughing but I got a crazy idea for a FNAF event that I know is gonna blow people away once i make it.

Im making this resignation sound like Im leaving the server but in a way im just leaving a mindset I had, a huge portion of my time on the server dedicated 100% to ensuring that we are the best, but i got to step back, relax, and focus on the little things man. 

Time for @ :)

@StixTrue homie, i knew you hated me but in all in all, me and you agreed alot when it came to HA politics, you made me rage like 5 times cause of the way you talk but im glad you stuck by me even when i was removed :)

@StroodleSo happy I got to meet you, were still gonna be friends even after HA 

@DennisI am most proud that I buried the hatchet with you, genuinely so happy that i don't have to worry good luck with BVB and now your the oldest concurrent HA in the team :)

@Mitchell My discord is Mazen#5441 I would love to talk to you to actually get to know what caused you to do the things you did! my dms are open

@Gadget @MavelleYou two are gonna be honest to god fine,  both of you are the opposite sides of the spectrum so i hope you two will see how awesome being a HA is just remember to have fun and let loose a little

@TurtleYour already being a good HA, there is a reason why you are one of the only HA that have a unanimous vote

@VA Be confident, be happy and enjoy the position, the VA team is goateed RN so just make yourself stand out with as much shit as you guys can and you will be fine

@Maddoxx@Fyi I dont say it at all but you two are the best director partners we have had in a long time, I already said my small concerns 


Thats it! I will see you guys later as a SA, not feeling the weight of anything anymore and focused on other portions of the server, free from the chains of high staff



Edited by Bacta
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Community, communicate? Guess not

A trend I'm seeing is that certain higher-up members in the community lack communication and proper transparency, at least in the right places. Sad to see that you had to deal with a lot of that and how it impacted you on Synergy and as a person.

Edited by Katy
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Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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1 hour ago, Bacta said:

@Mitchell My discord is Mazen#5441 I would love to talk to you to actually get to know what caused you to do the things you did!


It sucks to see you feeling this way about high staff. I very well remember how much passion you had when you were a VA. Even with your entire HC and all of your friends berating you, you still wanted to go for HA. You had big plans, and, whether or not you got to execute them, you still accomplished your goal. You put in so much time and effort into the server. Bullshit politics and issues aside, you have showed that you truly do care about the community as a whole. It's impressive to see you last so long after being put through multiple really tough situations. 

Enjoy your time on the server. You deserve it. Wherever you go, I hope that you have fun. 

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GMD HA / Guild LT / Dev. Assistant Mavelle 

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The best HA on the team has dropped : ( 

I cant imagine working in an environment where everyone literally threatened to resign if you weren't removed..... not very professional. Even if you did something wrong that warranted removal, it should always be done through the proper channels. Stick to your guns with the 212th and the attack regiment. Everyone in Attack loves you even if the high staff team doesn't.


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6 hours ago, Bacta said:

I recently have a car (her name is maria)66296563156__7B025FB2-2A13-4F1B-B0CC-592 love of my life man, I drive her everywhere, I picked up my first date ever with her.

Buddy, listen, you can't date your car ok. Its just not right.

You're a good person, love you, stay safe, have fun.

Edited by Conrad
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It will be really fucking sad not to have you in the team. You brought a levity and a sense of belonging not many people often are able to give. People will still look up to you, homie. 


Good shit. Live your life to the fullest.

Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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o7 my dude, thanks for the words of encouragement. I'll try a live by then haha.


I'll see you around on the server and what not, Bud.

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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18 hours ago, Bacta said:

The idea of controlling only 3 battalions




18 hours ago, Bacta said:

I wanna do daring shit, yall be laughing but I got a crazy idea for a FNAF event that I know is gonna blow people away once i make it.

Keep doing shit like this, makes you one of the most fun people in the community to be around, you did great stuff as HA and I'm confident you will continue to leave a positive mark on the server no matter what direction you choose to take. A lot of people having to work under the circumstances that you did probably would've resigned from the server, the drive and passion that you have for the server is unmatched. Mavelle is right that people will continue to look up to you even if you are not part of the high staff team. Good luck with attack reg!

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Jedi Youngling

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