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Dennis Staff Feedback [Acknowledged]


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Name of Staff member: Dennis


This will be controversial. I don't care who sees this, I would say this to his face if he was in my channel. This is about Dennis. I try to remain calm and polite in every possible situation and to give everyone the respect that every human deserves intrinsically. But this here is a man who I have lost almost all respect for. 

I'll write this towards Dennis from here on out, because I know he can see it, and I think he should read this.

Dennis, your attitude is not the attitude of someone who should represent our community. You are at the top eschelons of our staff ladder, which is a position that multiple people over the course of my year on synergy have described as a position that requires and expects a high level of maturity, confidence, ability to handle situations well, and ability to take feedback to heart.

The only one of these things I have seen from you, Dennis, in the last months, has been confidence. Confidence in yourself. I understand that you have many people who are your close friends- and that I will most likely make all of them angry with this submission, but that doesn't matter to me. What matters is that you understand that you have made a very large amount of people unhappy in your current positions, and have represented the community horribly as a result during those times.

Some examples; now I'll preface this by saying that no, I do not have evidence for all of these and no, I do not always have the full story- but what I do have are a LOT of perspectives from different situations and my own experiences with you.

For one, there was an incident a while back involving RSB Director Trevor being slighted by a jedi on base. Trevor (Naval Character) contacted a member of the CCS, the BH clan, hiring the clan to assassinate this BCMD. Later, there were multiple reports of Trevor disappearing and Kevin Colt reappearing, being made aware of said bounty and attempting to assassinate the target jedi. This was a shitty thing to do. The reason why this was a shitty thing to do was not because it broke any rules, because technically it did not. Technically being the key word. What this was, was a power-gaming scenario of someone wanting to kill someone who had talked badly about you. No matter how you spin that situation, the bounty hunter clan which you LEAD was contracted to assassinate someone who YOU had an argument with. It doesn't matter whether or not it was against the rules, that's awful behavior that someone who is supposedly a role model to every single staff member should NOT put forth publicly. 

Furthermore, another situation; something that happened a long time ago, connected to your previous denied commander report. A community member named Aaron (Who, by the way, I do not enjoy the presence of- this is not because he is my friend, this is because there was awful behavior.) reported you for a multitude of reasons. The reasons and the report have been put in the past, for fine reason. The issue was your initial response. Your first response on the post started with the line "Alright Aaron since you wanna be the perfect little church boy let's begin". You then proceedeed to try and undermine every single point in the report by shifting the focus towards Aaron, bringing up multiple examples of his bad behavior. I don't support anything that Aaron did, and yes- he was not the best person. The problem is that you attacked someone who tried to bring attention to your shortcomings. That is a telltale sign of understanding that you did something wrong and immediately trying to shift focus away from yourself in order to lessen the impact of any punishment you would recieve. That is a deplorable thing to do, to attack someone because they brought something up about you and completely ignore the actual points brought up in the report. You later admitted that you "fucked up". It's good that you admitted that- but it does nothing to change the degree to which you fucked up without remorse. The action was still done, an admission of slight guilt does not change that.

That's not the only occasion of this behavior. Just today, (12/11), a dispute involving /CCing in BvB was called to the front stage during DU's match with 212th. Whatever conclusion was reached, whatever the BvB rules were clarified to be, one of the very first things you said were that it had been done all season by battalions like Rancor and SOBDE. (A lie- even if they were just examples thrown out, that's a dangerous accusation to make.) One of the first things. A reference to something bad done by another group in the past in order to shift the focus off of yourself and possibly reduce the degree to which you are possibly punished. Again, it does not matter to me whether or not DU exploited- what matters here is how you handled the issue.

Something else presents a problem. The multitude of examples of you becoming exemptions to rules, or rule clarifications. For instance, the rule being put in place that Dooku does not count as a 24/7 RP position and as such the person holding Dooku can also apply to another applicable position. Another example of this is a rematch in the BvB match talked about above^ and a re-clarification of the rules, despite the certainty that doing such an act IS considered exploitation. Both of these are instances of you riding the line of a rule and benefitting from said line, pushing the rule to such an extent that they need to be clarified even further. The behavior of one who is supposed to uphold rules is NOT to test them, to bend them, or to break them. You know this. If you don't know this, you SHOULD know this. There is no reason not to. It is almost certainly conscious of you to make these decisions after multiple incidents;  even our rule about what channels are considered "Private" was created because of something you said in a teamspeak channel. I know I am not the only one who holds this train of thought.

Another issue arises from your (Dennis') blatant lack of respect for your peers and other fellow community members. There is nothing inherently wrong with insulting someone or doing so in a joking way- nor is there anything inherently wrong with having bias- everyone has bias. But to say so publicly and strongly is a problem for someone who, again, serves as a role model to EVERY staff member. Especially one who has even reported other members of staff for a lack of professionalism in the past. The constant gossip, shit-talking, spreading of rumors over the last months even just surrounding you has been astounding, and only serves to bring negativity to the server. You are a Head Admin. People look up to you. People look to you to make decisions. You are a clan leader. The BH guild accepts your opinions, feedback, and advice because of your experience in the guild. You are a Captain in the Navy and the director of RSB. Naval members look to you for decisions, leadership, and maturituty. 

Now, I am not the be-all-end-all of a good person. I don't consider myself to be too smart or talented, but I am confident that my moral compass is at least slightly reflected by MANY other players on Synergy. I understand that I might sever some connections, even with you, as I write this. Just understand that the reason I'm writing this is because I believe you need to read this, Dennis. I think you need to hear this from someone. 

I think you've done a lot of good work for the staff team, and your time in the GM team and rank of GMM speaks for itself to the positivity of your presence in the GM team, even if you claimed that BvB would 'count for 5 events worth of time' (a claim which has been vehemently disagreed with by every single person involved with the running of BvB I have spoken too), but you are a representative of the community. And this is not the behavior of a person who represents hundreds of people, nor manages them. 

I am writing this as feedback. This is not a report. Please do not treat it as such. The end-goal of me writing this is to show Dennis the way that many people regard him, and to elaborate on specific issues. I hope Dennis sees this. I hope he understands this, even if he does not agree. Do I think he should be demoted from HA? Not really. I don't really think he should be demoted from anything, but what does need to happen is an improvement. A serious improvement.

What I see right now is a person who is not trusted by the community. A person who has not made any effort to earn the community's trust.     

I am posting this publicly on the forums. This is because I want other people to tell my why they either disagree or agree. I don't think something like this should be one-on-one, because I mentioned other people in this and it isn't fair to them to say those things without them having the chance to elaborate or point out inaccuracies.


If this counts as Witch-Hunting, please tell me. I will gladly amend this post or take it down if it breaks any rules. I wanted to post this on the Community Feedback form originally, but for the reasons above, I want to put it here. If the staff team would rather I put this in the community feedback form instead of here, I will gladly do so. This just needs to be read.

Evidence: It would be a stream of pictures/other things if this section was used here. If some information was innacurate, I will remove or change said information in the post.

Do you want this to be reported to high staff (Negative or Positive): They'll almost certainly see this, and it's not a specific event, so sure.


This did not feel good to write. I am not happy about posting this. But I am more unhappy with the way things have been recently involving you. Please look this over. Please keep some of it in mind. I say this to you as a friend and a fellow Synergy member, and someone who is not afraid to give you criticism that can be acted upon.


Edited by Mavelle
Changin title to not be dumb
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Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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I will add on, it personally hurt when I talked to the other people who have helped with BvB. It felt as though I had been intentionally lied to to avoid conflict. I hope that was not your intention, but I feel as though it's important to disclose that. Yeah, my feelings were hurt. It hurts when it seems as though someone you trust is lying to you. Especially on a team where people regularly spend hours on end preparing for events for people to enjoy.

Edited by Mavelle
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Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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10 minutes ago, KillJoy said:

Oh how the mighty shall fall. I love politics and watch how the management shall respond. Will they side with their great GMD or a HA and cult leader of Dennis. 



It's not some "Drama" or a big war to watch with popcorn. I get it, but please try to keep it from literally turning into that. The more people view this post as something like that, the further they get from the original message.

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Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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Mavelle, I just spent a good 20 minutes reading this to make sure I have all the information provided. You bring up some good points. I’d love to hear his response to this. 


I know everyone has there demons. I ain’t asking for much but, please try not to make this a battle between each other. The last thing I’d want to see is role models going at each other’s throats due to a suggestion. 

Dennis, when you read this. I just ask you too not take anything to heart. Take your time when reading to Guarantee you know the instances listed. 

If either of you need something off your chest feel free to pm me on Discord. EmBark in Staff or GM channel. 



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Current Ranks/Names Held: Torrent Company Captain Boomer (Resigned), Senior Senator Gume Saam

"Surround yourself with people that care about you. You're the reward. Don't go seeking for others approval. If someone disrespects your advice without hearing it out, cut them mfs out your life. They aren't worth your time."      ~ EmBark

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18 hours ago, Mavelle said:

I hope Dennis sees this.

Multiple times in this post you reference this or say things along the lines of “I hope you read this”

This is a very public forum and reading this has only led me to believe, 

1.) You want to help Dennis and explain what he’s done wrong.

2.) Instead of going to him directly you chose to publicly put this information out.


I hate situations like this, because I see where you’re coming from and why you’d feel the need to post something like this instead of going to said person but what actions have you taken besides making a massive post like this? 

18 hours ago, Mavelle said:

This will be controversial. I don't care who sees this, I would say this to his face if he was in my channel. This is about Dennis. I try to remain calm and polite in every possible situation and to give everyone the respect that every human deserves intrinsically. But this here is a man who I have lost almost all respect for. 

This really gets to me “I would say this to his face if he was in my channel” this is the internet man, no ones saying anything to anyone’s face, but I get what you mean. It just is very counter intuitive in my mind to say you would bring this to his attention privately then give little to no reason why you didn’t. Now this whole situation is on blast and it’s almost 100% going to escalate fast, as well as all those rumors are going to spread faster. 





Also why tf are people voting on this LMAO it’s literally staff feedback, where someone posts their opinion, are y’all voting on whether their opinions are real? Wtf 

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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6 minutes ago, Craigary said:

Multiple times in this post you reference this or say things along the lines of “I hope you read this”

This is a very public forum and reading this has only led me to believe, 

1.) You want to help Dennis and explain what he’s done wrong.

2.) Instead of going to him directly you chose to publicly put this information out.


I hate situations like this, because I see where you’re coming from and why you’d feel the need to post something like this instead of going to said person but what actions have you taken besides making a massive post like this? 

This really gets to me “I would say this to his face if he was in my channel” this is the internet man, no ones saying anything to anyone’s face, but I get what you mean. It just is very counter intuitive in my mind to say you would bring this to his attention privately then give little to no reason why you didn’t. Now this whole situation is on blast and it’s almost 100% going to escalate fast, as well as all those rumors

Given that the original post cites situations and actions that have affected multiple people rather than just Dennis and Mavelle, posting it here allows those people to know something is being, or at least could be done about it, rather than all the criticism remaining behind closed doors and people go on thinking there were and will be no consequences for any of the situations cited. 

  • Agree 7

Why tf cant you upload images to forums this shit dumb asf

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3 hours ago, Brian-Limmon said:

Given that the original post cites situations and actions that have affected multiple people rather than just Dennis and Mavelle, posting it here allows those people to know something is being, or at least could be done about it, rather than all the criticism remaining behind closed doors and people go on thinking there were and will be no consequences for any of the situations cited. 

But what I’m saying is there’s a chain of command for a reason, if people have that big of an issue and want something done then say something. Instead of circulating “these situations” around. If someone who’s a VA figures out something an HA did then that’s what COC and Liaisons are for. 

Nothing wrong with being the voice lmao but cmon.

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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2 minutes ago, Craigary said:

But what I’m saying is there’s a chain of command for a reason, if people have that big of an issue and want something done then say something. Instead of circulating “these situations” around. If someone who’s a VA figures out something an HA did then that’s what COC and Liaisons are for. 

Nothing wrong with being the voice lmao but cmon.

This isn't a report though, this is just someone offering advice and voicing concerns that they have. I didn't mean there being consequences for the things that it talks about in the same way there would be if a report was accepted, I mean the concequences that these situations have on the people they involve and how they directly affect them

Why tf cant you upload images to forums this shit dumb asf

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16 minutes ago, Brian-Limmon said:

This isn't a report though, this is just someone offering advice and voicing concerns that they have. I didn't mean there being consequences for the things that it talks about in the same way there would be if a report was accepted, I mean the concequences that these situations have on the people they involve and how they directly affect them

Refer to my first post.

This is just “airing out dirty laundry”


Again I’m simply stating, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do something this is essentially a public post with mad views saying “me and a bunch of people disagree with the way you do things, and so we’re calling you out” instead of following the proper channels or consulting with Dennis as that wasn’t done before the post was made. 

Its unprofessional imo and is unnecessary as there’s propers channels to follow through with stuff like this for a reason that we’re not utilized.

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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I don't agree with the people stating information like this shouldn't be public. Granted it could be dealt with in such a way, going around what the community may have to say is completely unnecessary. Especially, above all else, if it's about an influential member of the community such as a head admin. That's a big role to take on, and if there's wrong doings the community needs to mention, let them mention it. I'd sure love some public feedback on me if people have issues, especially in a professional manner such as Mavelle has presented.

The more private you make ever single matter, the less it will be what I've been saying. A community.

As Bbstine stated, this section is for feedback, and this looks like feedback to me.

Edited by Jayarr
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10 hours ago, Craigary said:

 Its unprofessional imo and is unnecessary as there’s propers channels to follow through with stuff like this for a reason that we’re not utilized.

This is literally the proper channel.

Edited by Rizzo
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                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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I think the idea of “oh this shouldn’t be public info!” Is completely stupid. First off, if that’s the case then let’s completely remove this section of the forums and remove the community feedback portion of reports and staff feedback! That’ll definitely be better since apparently everything negative should be private info.


that’s clearly a joke, negative or positive this is a place for people to voice their opinions on the matter, maybe people have been waiting for one singular person to step forward and start the conversation so they could finally speak up. Or maybe now that it’s public people can defend Dennis and make their intentions clear to the public. Either way, im rambling but this is definitely a topic that should be public or else we take the community aspect out of synergy. 

Whether you agree or disagree with feedback made towards you or towards someone else, feedback is feedback. And that’s what this topic was made for.

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Full-time Server Boomer



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Hi I know I don't play anymore but I still do think from previous experience in the community working with dennis and working with situations involving him I can put my 2 cents in. I also would like to note this is not targeted towards Mavelle.


First, I'd like to state this Dennis is a grade a retard, but he also has a work ethic and ambition unmatched by many. Those two combined factors always have and will lead to controversy, and with that much negative and positive feedback. But many a times this has led to grand standing and other such things against Dennis, for the last 3 years that I've known Dennis he's always been open with his ideas and many people blindly follow and blindly hate those ideas. For example with ARC anyone with two braincells knew he was going to wipe it he had been saying it since he was an no in DU and an officer in Base Ops, and what did you dunderheads do you supported him and then went up in arms when he did the exact thing he had been saying for years. Dennis can be toxic and a bit of a dick the ARC wipe shows that but he's always upfront about things. This carries over to rules, rules and law for that matter are not perfect they need to be bent and the line needs to be walked for things to get done things to change. An example for this would be my removal from regimental now, people have different opinions on how I ran mechanized but many can agree that the rule for my removal was stupid and shouldn't have been in place, that being regimental can't promote past COL without MCMD permission. But now thanks to my removal and the shitstorm that caused HC doesn't have to fear removal for promoting people in a dead battalion. Dennis has done this without being removed which I applaud because with his ability to walk the line and bend things have lead to usually much more interesting events on the server for better or for worse. Now I will not stand here and defend the things he had said as Colt about Thomas and others many of us know that was deplorable even Dennis  knows it was and was completely out of pocket. But it did lead to a rule change we did need in the changing climate of the server. Now with events when it comes to this hole post I think this and many others like it should stay up because it allows for people to be heard and the protection of the freedoms of posting such things let's actions of high staff being publicly accountable, because we all know if shit like this wasn't public we would still have people like Hayley in the community. 


Dennis has become the new egg a much more toxic version but still a new egg. A person people pretend to love in person and has his dick rode by half the community for his skills, experience, and personality. But the second the knee pad wearers get there feelings hurt he gets commander reported or reported to high staff. So many people that post or talk about Dennis being (toxic and his other short comings) actively do the same things and live of off hypocrisy thanks to their entitlement to get what they want because dico riding didn't work. Th dick riding I have seen people do for Dennis from DU, BO, Rancor, SPEC, and 21st is astronomical, so many people have no qualms with riding dick up until it becomes unbeneficial to them, you can see it in his fucking Colt commander report, I will not name names but I know and many know many of those people posting +1s to remove Dennis were the same people with sore asses and red knees after coming out of channels with dennis. 


Now for my own opinion on Dennis (sorry for being so long and it being somewhat off topic). Dennis like I said is a fucking retard, but he has proven to me and others from when I joined he has deserved his positions. However I do think CIS and its hole addition was very idiotic and no matter who ran it, it was destined to die, as it didn't have any of the potential bounty hunters, sith, or even gray jedi had, it was poorly planned and executed and Dennis is partially at fault. But that doesn't tarnish what he's done for DU better or for worse. He is someone that I have clashed with in the past on many things but whenever I needed someone to work with in HC as a BCMD, or even as wrath, Dennis always came through. He is quite retarded at times and should be watched sometimes but that's the duality of Dennis. And a lot of people that have come after him are people that act the same as him.


Now this is addressed to Dennis and mavelle

Dennis, your a good guy and a retard, take the well founded criticism from mavelles post and move forward. Mavelle you brought good points I hope Dennis learns from, but I do hope my comment sheds light on something I've seen for the last few years. Mavelle, I don't want to see you become another Sanchez, where valid complaints are snowballed by dick riders and snakes and turns into serious punishment.

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On 12/13/2021 at 4:23 AM, TheCyan said:

Shitting on Dennis = Positive Forum Rep.

it's almost like a lot of the community share this sentiment but have not spoken publicly about it cause it's never been shown to have any affect at all.


I think Dennis is an interesting individual, and I think he's up there with some of the most disliked members of the community. And I think this is actually all dependent on who you ask, like everything in the server and opinions on people it's usually based on your proximity to the individual and the amount you are forced to interact with them. I think a lot of people like to focus on the personality of Dennis, who he is, how he behaves, and his attitude: I think this is a poor measure of character. Dennis can be rude but people clearly find dennis funny; Dennis can be obnoxious but people clearly enjoy his company. It's pretty much just a competition of who can have the stronger opinion about how god-like or dog-shit he is as a person. 

This can get pretty emotional and deprives a situation of a lot of the actual value we should actually base a conversation off. 
I understand I am extremely biased but it's pretty hard to find a person on the server who isn't extremely biased.

I think the biggest disconnect in the community surrounding this is all based around whether Dennis is actually a good leader; the whole crux of his place in the server rests in the balance of whether or not he is a good leader. If Dennis has a solid track record his personality can basically be written off cause the work he does makes up for those short comings that some percieve. However, if Dennis has a poor history of failure and poor leadership than there's nothing to really justify him being a shitty person cause he doesn't have anything to make up for those constant situations he seems to be tangled in.

Also important to add that there seems to be a strong feeling rules seem to warp around you, while the Rancor report is pretty infamous for seeming pretty insanely egregious this I genuinely don't think this is a thing you should publicly levy against him without substantial examples of this happening. Most of the issues caused are just barely within the rules, however I can sympathise with how many feel you're let off pretty much all the time while others would get lashings. 

I personally believe the community now sits leaning towards the idea that they no longer wish for Dennis to be awarded Commander roles and privileges for the sake of him being Dennis. While he may have had early successes when he first came to Doom he was actually a pretty controversial Regimental Commander who was one of the biggest issues for BH at the time, that's the whole reason his MCMD app went down in flames and he had to settle for another RCMD term.

While I think you could point to his original Doom stint as pretty successful, and I don't have the knowledge to disagree, it does seem to be a somewhat common idea that Dennis held a very strong grasp onto DU even when he left as Doom. Even leaving some to say that his successors were nothing more than puppets, not much to support that actual claim but he evidently did hold what seems to be unreasonable amounts of sway for a former BCMD.

I think you and a small group were allowed to take over Rancor in order to restore it to a better state after it had fully broken down. As well all know this went extremely poorly for you and Rancor, and the battalion still seems to be in the same rut it was left in before you even got BCMD. Your report was not only one of the most unifying reports in server history but it showed a pretty terrible side of you in how you respond to criticism, it seemed to all bounce of you as you went for the neck of those who reported you. This is shown to be a pretty consisten behaviour of denying responsibility and either talking about the evils of others or straight up putting the blame on someone else. And due to the way you were implemented as Dooku this pretty awful section seemed to not affect you

I believe he then moved onto Dooku, which was one of his personal projects, he seemed heavily involved in it's creation (that may be incorrect). I don't think it's controversial to claim this was a genuine disaster, CIS was failing to stay above the water or stay in good steadings with the community. It was seen as both annoying and unchanging, often accusations of the leaders doing pretty much nothing. And due to some strange rule where Dennis just didn't have term lengths despite any successor having to endure them meant that he sat their indefinitely while a system failed beneath him. Even, the people's HA, Bacta's RP and love of the CIS couldn't fix the sinking titan so it just sort of died out quietly.

This wasn't the only time Dooku was strangely tailored as a semi-CMD position as you were also granted the strange ability to apply for another Command position while maintaining Dooku, which may explain why CIS failed to utterly in so many ways. When you became Bacara the battalion was in a state after just being wiped, however this didn't seem to change your approach, just like Rancor you seemed to have almost 0 improvement to the battalion and left it almost in the same state you found it. And it's rarely ever made reference to as a positive under you by either you or anyone on the server.

You then spent time milling about. you've had many issues surrounding the Colt Crime Syndicate and it seems to be one of the more contentious areas of your current affairs, especially with it's heavy contradiction with the role of RSB lead (which you have personally admitted doesn't make sense to be both). You also had a small stint as Doom again, which seemed to amount to similar terms to last time but with a surprise of a huge fallout with the following BCMD having you cut off from a base for most of your support.

Your most recent situation is the navy, you were trusted to help Spookz & albababer become capable leaders and the future of naval but not only did you fail to achieve this but you used the situation to try and get Admiral which was pretty quickly shot down. Your time as Captain and RSB lead have been particularly disappointing as most changes you've implemented have either been largely disliked or pretty much not-useful at all (such as the Naval roster which was just the DU roster, even had some DU stats on it).

Overall, these claims of a rich history of fantastic leadership don't seem to be supported by your extensive timeline of either completely forgettable or largely disastrous chances. The community seems to have gotten more aware of this history and has become increasingly against you as they see no value in putting up with you and your antiques if you provide no actual leadership.

Maybe your time as staff resolves these issues, maybe you are one of the best HAs ever. It's completely possible but your people skills make it doubtful and recent controversy over BvB really puts that record on question. I cannot speak on this tho, I am not staff, I do not understand staff so I cannot use it against you in good faith.


I think you probably are a funny and cool guy to be around. your friends seem to have a riot around you, however I don't think this is really any way to excuse your history of pretty poor leadership (which supporters most often use to prop up your personality). I think you deserve to remain in the community, but with this track record, unless some substantial shift in ability is clearly demonstrated I believe the community is correct in being against you further taking up elected leadership, or any leadership for that matter.

I'm happy to hear you refute this, but prior examples (CMD report, roast threads) have shown you pretty incapable of explaining or justifying your choices wihtout shifting blame or straight up denying any responsbility.


If people doubt my telling of his history, there are lots of sources avaliable:

 The long forgotten MCMD app:
A pretty unfied community against your actions as Reg, showing a pretty strong history of these actions not changing

The Rancor report, your response is pretty enlightening to how you deal with criticism (a core tenant of leadership)

Your Bacara app is pretty englightening to community feelings about you at the time (more -1s than +1s)

Your response to Hanz's joke on the roast thread is very revealing about how you think about your recent actions
"21st ya cant fix fucking stupid it grows back no matter what, i left it with two very capable commanders who did great but when they left it died not my fault. As stated cant fix fucking stupid.

Rancor died when Brooklyn took his dick riders and left (not a diss at brooklyn), this was the only time i got bailed out by a rule / rule not being there

CIS.... I work my ass off for months to try and get this to work right spending about 2 months with maddoxx trying to come up with ways to fix it, only for every idea i brought up to the directors to get shit on and told no, we had the weapon buff for about 2 weeks that was cool but then clones cried about a buff. You had spawn camping going on that made people not want to play, and just a general overall negativity and toxicity toward the people playing, it wasn't an event but people wanted it to be and then when we just wanted to shoot something people wanted a fucking event. I didn't kill the CIS like some of you brain dead monkeys want to think cuz its the easy way out. No you killed it in your inability to want to give something time to grow, it was something that had never been done and a very large group of people wanted to see it fail from day one because "dennis is mean" man grow the fuck up life aint fuckin fair play your cards right. 

DU - is perfection, all it needs is some 501st clout and we would be the #1 battalion and typically we compete for it during the summer for top 3"
Refuting responsibility, extreme egotism over DU, blaming others, blaming the system 

Your admiral app:
shows how far the community opinion has changed as well as you trying to pretend you didn't actually want the position 

I am biased, but I think my biases are held in pretty strong basis of facts and your history. 
I don't dislike Dennis, I've pretty much never talked to the guy. He's probably pretty funny, but that doesn't make him a leader the community should trust as of now.
I try not to hold character against people as they usually hold other better characteristics in places of leadership or work ethic, I just don't see this from you.

and yeah I know this is staff feedback but like, I think his commander record is extremely relevant as it demonstrates both himself and the community's opinion


Edited by Comics
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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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3 hours ago, Caidoon said:

bro how long did it take to type this shit

Comics has unspoken amounts of dedication when it comes to Dennis posts!

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Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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2 hours ago, Comics said:


I am biased, but I think my biases are held in pretty strong basis of facts and your history. 
I don't dislike Dennis, I've pretty much never talked to the guy. He's probably pretty funny, but that doesn't make him a leader the community should trust as of now.
I try not to hold character against people as they usually hold other better characteristics in places of leadership or work ethic, I just don't see this from you.

and yeah I know this is staff feedback but like, I think his commander record is extremely relevant as it demonstrates both himself and the community's opinion


I agree with a lot of what you said, and this bit right here really resonates. People can be really cool people, but there's also a certain amount of credibility you have to create for yourself when in so many high positions and situations. Well said, Comics. Thank you very much for the big add. Really well-written feedback.

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Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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When I was in 21st, I experienced Dennis for the first time. The way he treated us, and many older members such as Qal, was my first exposure to him on the server. It was not positive. I have had very few genuinely positive interactions with Dennis, largely coming down to breaking or bending the rules for personal gain/being overly toxic. I feel like this is the best way to handle this. He is an important member of the community, in SEVERAL high profile positions, but I don't believe he acts like it. We have many examples of this, such as the Incident where he made a severely offensive comment a friend of mine deserving to be lynched, that became EXTREMELY public but were ignored because they were made in a locked TS channel. He tried to have Bacta removed form HA after Bacta tried to support him and be his friend, etc etc. While a lot of this has been dead and buried, I don't believe that Dennis' behavior has ever been addressed satisfactorily.  There are a lot of people in this thread that want this post taken down and for this to be handled quietly, THAT IS THE WORST THING WE COULD DO. Instead of acting like partisans or like this is some big political stunt, let's do like Mavelle suggested and have a mature conversation about this. I hope Dennis reads this post extremely well. Even if he can justify or explain away most of this behavior he needs to realize that all anyone wants is that he take the criticisms laid forth here to heart. 

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Former: A lot of shit dude

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another Common L fr

overall dennis is the definition of "the middle man" (if that makes sense). He does amazing stuff seeing that hes GMM, multi time BCMD of multiple battalions, high ranking in most factions (naval, CIS, BH, ect), AND a head admin. Man does EXTREMELY good stuff looking in one direction. 

Now looking in the other direction, dennis should have never passed CSM, SA, or whatever the middle rank is in most factions. Im not finna specify the things hes done but theres been plenty on things that me and him both have done (for example get arrested or banned/kicked whatever) and my situation would be dealt with accordingly as it should. Dennis' situations would in the end be undermined, and overall looked over besides him being hit with the minimum punishment (example: being arrested multiple times as a CMD+).

TL;DR: Dennis does good work but has horrible actions that hardly ever get punished.

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the Darman Keller guy

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18 hours ago, Comics said:

it's almost like a lot of the community share this sentiment but have not spoken publicly about it cause it's never been shown to have any affect at all.


I think Dennis is an interesting individual, and I think he's up there with some of the most disliked members of the community. And I think this is actually all dependent on who you ask, like everything in the server and opinions on people it's usually based on your proximity to the individual and the amount you are forced to interact with them. I think a lot of people like to focus on the personality of Dennis, who he is, how he behaves, and his attitude: I think this is a poor measure of character. Dennis can be rude but people clearly find dennis funny; Dennis can be obnoxious but people clearly enjoy his company. It's pretty much just a competition of who can have the stronger opinion about how god-like or dog-shit he is as a person. 

This can get pretty emotional and deprives a situation of a lot of the actual value we should actually base a conversation off. 
I understand I am extremely biased but it's pretty hard to find a person on the server who isn't extremely biased.

I think the biggest disconnect in the community surrounding this is all based around whether Dennis is actually a good leader; the whole crux of his place in the server rests in the balance of whether or not he is a good leader. If Dennis has a solid track record his personality can basically be written off cause the work he does makes up for those short comings that some percieve. However, if Dennis has a poor history of failure and poor leadership than there's nothing to really justify him being a shitty person cause he doesn't have anything to make up for those constant situations he seems to be tangled in.

Also important to add that there seems to be a strong feeling rules seem to warp around you, while the Rancor report is pretty infamous for seeming pretty insanely egregious this I genuinely don't think this is a thing you should publicly levy against him without substantial examples of this happening. Most of the issues caused are just barely within the rules, however I can sympathise with how many feel you're let off pretty much all the time while others would get lashings. 

I personally believe the community now sits leaning towards the idea that they no longer wish for Dennis to be awarded Commander roles and privileges for the sake of him being Dennis. While he may have had early successes when he first came to Doom he was actually a pretty controversial Regimental Commander who was one of the biggest issues for BH at the time, that's the whole reason his MCMD app went down in flames and he had to settle for another RCMD term.

While I think you could point to his original Doom stint as pretty successful, and I don't have the knowledge to disagree, it does seem to be a somewhat common idea that Dennis held a very strong grasp onto DU even when he left as Doom. Even leaving some to say that his successors were nothing more than puppets, not much to support that actual claim but he evidently did hold what seems to be unreasonable amounts of sway for a former BCMD.

I think you and a small group were allowed to take over Rancor in order to restore it to a better state after it had fully broken down. As well all know this went extremely poorly for you and Rancor, and the battalion still seems to be in the same rut it was left in before you even got BCMD. Your report was not only one of the most unifying reports in server history but it showed a pretty terrible side of you in how you respond to criticism, it seemed to all bounce of you as you went for the neck of those who reported you. This is shown to be a pretty consisten behaviour of denying responsibility and either talking about the evils of others or straight up putting the blame on someone else. And due to the way you were implemented as Dooku this pretty awful section seemed to not affect you

I believe he then moved onto Dooku, which was one of his personal projects, he seemed heavily involved in it's creation (that may be incorrect). I don't think it's controversial to claim this was a genuine disaster, CIS was failing to stay above the water or stay in good steadings with the community. It was seen as both annoying and unchanging, often accusations of the leaders doing pretty much nothing. And due to some strange rule where Dennis just didn't have term lengths despite any successor having to endure them meant that he sat their indefinitely while a system failed beneath him. Even, the people's HA, Bacta's RP and love of the CIS couldn't fix the sinking titan so it just sort of died out quietly.

This wasn't the only time Dooku was strangely tailored as a semi-CMD position as you were also granted the strange ability to apply for another Command position while maintaining Dooku, which may explain why CIS failed to utterly in so many ways. When you became Bacara the battalion was in a state after just being wiped, however this didn't seem to change your approach, just like Rancor you seemed to have almost 0 improvement to the battalion and left it almost in the same state you found it. And it's rarely ever made reference to as a positive under you by either you or anyone on the server.

You then spent time milling about. you've had many issues surrounding the Colt Crime Syndicate and it seems to be one of the more contentious areas of your current affairs, especially with it's heavy contradiction with the role of RSB lead (which you have personally admitted doesn't make sense to be both). You also had a small stint as Doom again, which seemed to amount to similar terms to last time but with a surprise of a huge fallout with the following BCMD having you cut off from a base for most of your support.

Your most recent situation is the navy, you were trusted to help Spookz & albababer become capable leaders and the future of naval but not only did you fail to achieve this but you used the situation to try and get Admiral which was pretty quickly shot down. Your time as Captain and RSB lead have been particularly disappointing as most changes you've implemented have either been largely disliked or pretty much not-useful at all (such as the Naval roster which was just the DU roster, even had some DU stats on it).

Overall, these claims of a rich history of fantastic leadership don't seem to be supported by your extensive timeline of either completely forgettable or largely disastrous chances. The community seems to have gotten more aware of this history and has become increasingly against you as they see no value in putting up with you and your antiques if you provide no actual leadership.

Maybe your time as staff resolves these issues, maybe you are one of the best HAs ever. It's completely possible but your people skills make it doubtful and recent controversy over BvB really puts that record on question. I cannot speak on this tho, I am not staff, I do not understand staff so I cannot use it against you in good faith.


I think you probably are a funny and cool guy to be around. your friends seem to have a riot around you, however I don't think this is really any way to excuse your history of pretty poor leadership (which supporters most often use to prop up your personality). I think you deserve to remain in the community, but with this track record, unless some substantial shift in ability is clearly demonstrated I believe the community is correct in being against you further taking up elected leadership, or any leadership for that matter.

I'm happy to hear you refute this, but prior examples (CMD report, roast threads) have shown you pretty incapable of explaining or justifying your choices wihtout shifting blame or straight up denying any responsbility.


If people doubt my telling of his history, there are lots of sources avaliable:

 The long forgotten MCMD app:
A pretty unfied community against your actions as Reg, showing a pretty strong history of these actions not changing

The Rancor report, your response is pretty enlightening to how you deal with criticism (a core tenant of leadership)

Your Bacara app is pretty englightening to community feelings about you at the time (more -1s than +1s)

Your response to Hanz's joke on the roast thread is very revealing about how you think about your recent actions
"21st ya cant fix fucking stupid it grows back no matter what, i left it with two very capable commanders who did great but when they left it died not my fault. As stated cant fix fucking stupid.

Rancor died when Brooklyn took his dick riders and left (not a diss at brooklyn), this was the only time i got bailed out by a rule / rule not being there

CIS.... I work my ass off for months to try and get this to work right spending about 2 months with maddoxx trying to come up with ways to fix it, only for every idea i brought up to the directors to get shit on and told no, we had the weapon buff for about 2 weeks that was cool but then clones cried about a buff. You had spawn camping going on that made people not want to play, and just a general overall negativity and toxicity toward the people playing, it wasn't an event but people wanted it to be and then when we just wanted to shoot something people wanted a fucking event. I didn't kill the CIS like some of you brain dead monkeys want to think cuz its the easy way out. No you killed it in your inability to want to give something time to grow, it was something that had never been done and a very large group of people wanted to see it fail from day one because "dennis is mean" man grow the fuck up life aint fuckin fair play your cards right. 

DU - is perfection, all it needs is some 501st clout and we would be the #1 battalion and typically we compete for it during the summer for top 3"
Refuting responsibility, extreme egotism over DU, blaming others, blaming the system 

Your admiral app:
shows how far the community opinion has changed as well as you trying to pretend you didn't actually want the position 

I am biased, but I think my biases are held in pretty strong basis of facts and your history. 
I don't dislike Dennis, I've pretty much never talked to the guy. He's probably pretty funny, but that doesn't make him a leader the community should trust as of now.
I try not to hold character against people as they usually hold other better characteristics in places of leadership or work ethic, I just don't see this from you.

and yeah I know this is staff feedback but like, I think his commander record is extremely relevant as it demonstrates both himself and the community's opinion


Homie gotta touch some grass

also Ima give my piece of cake honestly you can compare this to real life there’s people who cause issues, you may not like, you like whatever, but you just gotta deal with them, this is like cancel culture liek some mfs are untouchable and at the end of the day it won’t matter I mean if it’s affecting you emotionally or in any way, I would say that’s a problem cause let’s be real it’s a fucking GMod server and a game in a year or so you’ll get bored and shit so honestly I wouldn’t spend the energy to even entertain this Shit for the most part, but you do you, but Dennis is like a woman, sometimes you feel like beating the shit out of her but other times you love her, at the end of the day she’ll come and go, but she’ll always be around, that’s Dennis in a nutshell

anyears I’m going back to sleeping in class and coming back for a second

Edited by Piff
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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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2 hours ago, Piff said:

Homie gotta touch some grass

also Ima give my piece of cake honestly you can compare this to real life there’s people who cause issues, you may not like, you like whatever, but you just gotta deal with them, this is like cancel culture liek some mfs are untouchable and at the end of the day it won’t matter I mean if it’s affecting you emotionally or in any way, I would say that’s a problem cause let’s be real it’s a fucking GMod server and a game in a year or so you’ll get bored and shit so honestly I wouldn’t spend the energy to even entertain this Shit for the most part, but you do you, but Dennis is like a woman, sometimes you feel like beating the shit out of her but other times you love her, at the end of the day she’ll come and go, but she’ll always be around, that’s Dennis in a nutshell

anyears I’m going back to sleeping in class and coming back for a second

I... Kind of understand what you're saying? But Gmod server or not, that does not, in any way, make this not a community. People spend hours here, interacting with eachother as friends. Many people don't even play on Synergy for the game- they play for the people. So "Gmod server" or not, these are still real situations that have happened in reality and not a video-game world. That's one of my biggest pet-peeves, when people leave Synergy and assume that the whole thing doesn't matter to anyone just because it surrounds a video-game. This is real stuff, real people, real situations.

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Broooo that's literally insane brooo


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