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Cronis' Recon Regimental Application


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Steam Name: Synr.gg | Cronis

RP Name: Battalion Commander Gree


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:200049913

Regiment you are applying for: Recon Regimental Commander




501st PVT-SFC

Galactic Marines (Now 21st Nova Corps) SFC-MSG

501st MSG-CSM

501st WO-Major

501st CMD-XO (Under Omalic)

During my first experience becoming a full-time member of the community I learned many things from many individuals like Quill, Omalic, Phil, and others who have shown me what it means to contribute to a battalion, take more of a leadership role and create a working relationship with the vast majority of the battalion. So being Omalic’s XO for his second term really gave me an understanding on how to manage a battalion in multiple areas as well as establishing a communication outline for not only the officers but to the majority of the battalion. As Omalic being a different timezone we had alternate times we were on which overall gave us the biggest productivity out of our battalion. I do regret that I was not able to continue and exceed those teachings onto others at the time.

Captain Rex

Well for those that wanted me to add this here it is.

212th/327th PVT-SGT

501st XO (Under Stormzy)

After a 2 or 3 month hiatus, I decided to rejoin the server and try something new and that was basically just joining other battalions but I found myself joining the 501st again and attaining the rank of XO again. This time around, it was more of helping the battalion regain its strength. I was fortunate enough that Stormzy had enough faith in myself to be able to work together through this. And I feel as if we made an impact on how things were improved in the battalion before the merge. I really enjoyed myself the second time around!

Null-12 Sergeant A’den Skirata

Becoming a member of SO BDE was a new experience due to the presumptions of them from those who either have had negative experiences with them or those who did not know them at all. Not only did joining Null give me a fresh perspective on the server, but playing as A’den I felt the most comfortable as his rp fit my personality the most. Being friendly and willing to help others, even in the weirdest of situations. Most of my time as A’den I spent helping not only 501st with simulations and communication practices, but also helping 21st with EOD training and simulations for 187th for a short time. I just wanted to help other battalions that needed and/or asked for it.

41st 2ndLT-LTC

41st Commander

Since I joined the 41st officer core, I have set my sights helping the battalion with the main issue of being called a “meme battalion” or “retirement home”. But even though I was a member of the battalion I played a more passive role. I would advise Bruise on issues brought to me by other members of the battalion and help him make decisions based on them. I basically watched them and did recruitments when I could with simulations here and there. As I continued to watch I figured that me doing so was not helping the situation much so I decided to take a more direct approach and start being more vocal about the ongoing issues. Making everyone aware of it and how it is progressing. I became staff again just so I am able to increase the ways I can continue to produce for these guys.

41st BCMD Gree

As my term is coming to an end, during my time as Gree I have changed many of the internal issues I saw within the battalion. With the help of some we were able to increase the standard of the battalion. I was able to complete most of the plans I have set for the battalion. Now all I have left is to shift the officers within the battalion. Though I now have the officers in the battalion in which we have a stable core, we still need to keep the focus on the progression of the battalion. I will continue to work with those in my battalion to continue the process in which I have started. And hopefully even under new leadership they are able to do so.

Positions (Branches or Regiments):

501st HVYO

501st ARCL

501st PLTL

501st REGL

327th HVYO

Null EOD

41st MechL (PLTL and BARCL)

41st Green Company Lead




Rancor Padawan - KI

327th CMD Danyawarra (The only) K - Unnamed Master

My beginning path in the order was a weird experience. I went from just hopping on my jedi to help out a buddy of mine and use it as passive play. But once I became the named padawan for the 327th I was able to immerse myself in new and unique roleplay as the only wookie jedi on the server. I had to come up with my own rp and I believe it was the right one as I did research and used what I learned to push the limits of others. I really enjoyed my time being Danyawarra and being a part of the 327th. 

Jedi General Anakin Skywalker

Becoming Anakin was probably the weirdest experience I have had. Knowing I used to be 501st high command, I did not have a hard time adjusting to this role but it was a different time so much has changed within the battalion. Especially after the merge. The task was not a hard one but continuing to compromise with people in the battalion from both the former 187th and the 501st before the merge was a tedious task at first. We came to a better and mutual understanding and proceeded forward with everyone on the same page. I just wanted to continue to help the battalion I have known for most of my time on the server and will continue to help them if and when the time comes. 

Positions (Branch):

Guardian Manager (Under Elijah)

Guardian Manager Lead (Under Wynter)

Guardian Lead

High Jedi General

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I don't really like these types of questions honestly, but here goes nothing. Why should I become Regimental Commander? Well I think I have done equal or above the criteria for this position. In my term as Gree, I have set plans for the 41st and I have completed most if not all of them. I have increased the standard of the battalion internally and hopefully externally. I believe I have shown what a difference in leadership with the mindset of wanting change not only for the battalion but the outlook on what the battalion is about. Trust me when I say that I have enjoyed my time as Gree much more than most of the positions I have held on this server. And most of it is helping and teaching those who join the 4st many different things on and off the server. I will still continue to see these systems within the battalion increase and groom the next leaders in the battalion. Though I will be an advisor to the battalions under my jurisdiction, I will still be interim BCMD for the 41st until one is appointed. Which means I will still be able to directly handle situations that would need BCMD attention during that time. I have set my sights on working on the arf branch and regiment as it works side to side with my battalion. I strongly believe if the arf branch improves the 41st and Rancor will have a much better outlook.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

Yes I do


Mon-Fri: 6pm - 12am EST

Weekends/Holidays: All day unless noted otherwise

(You can always reach me in discord)

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

You may refer to my experience for my achievements with the addition of staff:

Veteran Admin

Game Master Officer

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I just want the regiment to be strong. I know what we are capable of if we put our minds and effort into providing the best experience for others through our roleplay. I want the recon regiment to be a cohesive force in which most of our rules and standards will reflect on each other. 

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I think relations have improved between 41st and Rancor. Even before the change in leadership myself and members have been planning new things for the regiment. I can say things have slowed down because of my work schedule and overall availability during the week. But so far Dennis and myself has kept a positive and advancing relationship and will be continuing on working to improve battalion statuses within the server. Rancor has been invited to the 41st discord upon request for more involvement on both sides. The only thing I believe we have to do is actually increase recon advancement on the server. In which I have been preparing some training and events to continue to implement reconnaissance within the server. I strongly believe recon is needed whether people agree or not. The intel you get can save or destroy a deployment depending on how it is done. There are many levels in which both battalions have improved within the last couple of months. With both 41st and Rancor specialties in mind, I have been working on many different ideas on how to increase ARF and ARC interactiveness. And I think if we work together as a regiment, we are able to work on a way to bring it to where it should be. So one thing I wanted to implement is something I wanted to do a while ago is a recon community fair. Now this would be a bi-weekly or monthly thing. This fair would include many different activities. What activities would be in it? You would have to wait and see but I am working on setting them up and would be having Dennis help out as well. I am working on a flyer which will be posted whenever I finish it up.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes I understand

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

Yes I understand

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7 minutes ago, Chaseman said:

why now they are talking about removing the spot

1. Regardless of the post I was posting my app today.

2. Just because others do not like recon or dont know what it is about mostly due to others not following the tasks accordingly does not take away from its importance. 41st is a Recon force and will continue to act that way no matter the outcome of that decision. For Rancor, cases can be made for either side. I have put alot of time and effort into not only this battalion but creating ideas and finding ways to improve the branch and I do not like to waste my effort.

3. It is easier to remove something than to help it. It has been stated for months how this regiment has been bad and nothing can be done but since I have joined it things have changed and has been more positive. So if I can see the progression im sure others will

Edited by Cronis
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Forum Admin

@jwmain is this confirmed by management? Or just a speculation. 

Anyway +1 for cronis

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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  • Management

They'll remove Recon Reg but not SOBDE Reg smh

+1 Cronis is Cool

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i am literally captain tukk

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+1 Goodluck Cronis you got this

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 Current:  Nothing                                                                                                                                                                        

Former: 104th BCMD Wolffe | 212th GCO ARFL Switchblade | 501st ARCO CPT Sina | Knight Etain Tur-Mukan  | Alpha-98 Nate 

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3 hours ago, Bleach said:

This fucking guy. 

Your Gree term has been excellent.

better than your Rex term :pepeLaugh:

jk luv u +1

Wdum Bleach what Rex term? 
+1 good luck cronis

  • Funny 1

                        Former: Longest x2 Ahsoka 276 Days (432 Combined), Blade of the Jedi (Guardian Lead), 501st: MAJ CMD XO.                      

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Few quesions

1. Do you feel that you have a suitable replacement ready in the 41st

2. Besides a few rp things and activity things, what are your continued plans to help support the 41st and Rancor?

3. Everything ive seen and read has been mostly been 41st based, do you have any more specific plans for Rancor?

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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7 hours ago, Dennis said:

Few quesions

1. Do you feel that you have a suitable replacement ready in the 41st

2. Besides a few rp things and activity things, what are your continued plans to help support the 41st and Rancor?

3. Everything ive seen and read has been mostly been 41st based, do you have any more specific plans for Rancor?

1. Yes I definitely have a suitable replacement and with the current officer core I believe that they will be able to handle the direct operations of the 41st as I would not have put this application up if I did not think so. Will I still have to help and guide yes but that is second hand to the amount of effort that has been put in by the other officers in the battalion.

2 and 3 (since I kinda just put it together). Well to you, it may be a few rp things and activity things but no matter how small something may be it can change a large function of the regiment. Everything I plan have Rancor in mind because since the changes made to the regiment both Rancor and 41st has been in the same position. Both battalions have been under looked or seen as either inactive, dying, or dead. Up until about a few months ago, it looked pretty dim for the battalions. Both battalions are on the rise even without the help of HC like as you said yourself, we had to do everything ourselves. I see your changes have very much improved your battalion and hopefully my changes have improved the 41st as well. So it is only fair to say that the only people who can give the regiment the respect and progressiveness it needs is ourselves. I have always been open to assist Rancor in anything that needs an extra mind or someone to bounce ideas off of but that all I can do is put out the hand and see if someone would actually take it. I always try to be transparent with people as that is who I am. I understand the challenges of having to rebuild something from the ground up essentially and with little help. But as we talked a few times about plans for not only Rancor and 41st but Recon as well, there has not been much follow up. Granted it has been just under a month into your term so there are still a lot of areas in which we can work. As you may not think Rancor has Recon capabilities, I see it another way. Yes it may not be the same but as in your name it is more advanced than that. Speaking with another Rancor got me thinking on how recon in Rancor operates. As I might not be the greatest person on lore or background information, it can be stated that any ARC trooper we have seen has mostly been taking in the route of either direct contact or behind the lines type of action. You can see they are more close in their approach to situations. That does not means it is not reconnaissance. Yes it may be "unethical" or "abnormal" but it still dives into the prime foundations of recon. It is still information gathering, intelligence, war-changing. The fact that it is information from ARC makes it more reliable due to your rigorous training and standards. They way I see it 41st and Rancor are just 2 branches of 1 battalion. Yes Rancor may have other jobs, responsibilities, etc, but that core foundation is based on reconnaissance. 

Sorry I tend to just write so hopefully this answers most of your questions. if not we can have a proper conversation about this anytime.

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+1 after reading your reply

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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  • Coordinator

Congratulations you have been accepted for interview
You have until  November 12th to contact a Director to conduct your interview
//Moved to pending

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  • Coordinator

Congratulations you have been accepted for RECON REG
Your term ends 2/8/2021

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