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Gene's Attack Regimental Commander Application


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Steam Name:

[SR] Gene Starwind [A]

RP Name:

Galactic Marines BCMD Bacara / Gunnery Major Commodore Gene / Shadow K V Gene

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):

Gene Starwind (STEAM_0:1:4826954)

Regiment you are applying for:

Attack Regimental Commander 


I have about 3400 hours logged in Garrys Mod 98% of which has all been Starwars Roleplay

(On Icefuse Networks)

Naval - Admiral Yularen, Commodore, Commissioner Of Activites (Rejoined)

RC- Darman(CPT) Niner (CMD)

GM - XO,(Rejoined) LTC 4th Airborn Company Overseer > Commander Bacara 

Kellers Unit - COL Jet Leader

187th - MSG

Spec Ops - SGT


Jedi - Knight VIIII Consular Seer, (ReJoined) Jedi Guardian Knight I


(Synergy Roleplay CWRP)

GM - Battalion Commander Bacara 

Naval Fleet - Commodore 

Jedi - Shadow Sentinel Knight V 


(On Other SWRP servers)

ARF - Commander

ST - Commander Fox


91st - 1stLT

Spec Ops - 2ndLT

212th - 2ndLT


501st - SSG

89th Flight Corps - SGT

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I believe with the amount of experience that i have combined with the experiences and the structure that is galactic marines I would make the perfect candidate for the regimental spot. i believe that this is the next step in my story here in synergy and that i can really flourish and use what i learned as a battalion commander and apply it in a regimental sense. I believe i can promote serious rp and encourage battalions to engage with one another instead of just sticking to themselves. I have made GM into one of the most serious battalions on the server and i believe the core values of GM can be used to try and get the rest of the attack regiment on the serious side of roleplay. I feel that if given this opportunity I will make sure that all three of the battalions survive and improve on whatever faults each battalion has and work to overcome it and push forward.


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

212th Attack Battalion

"The 212th Attack Battalion was a military regiment under the affiliation of Third Systems Army sector of the grand army of the republic. The 212th attack battalion was under the leadership of Commander Cody and Jedi Master Obi Wan Kenobi.  The 212th specialized in invasions, frontal attacks, besiegements and other offensive scenarios. Therefore, they often acted as the main offensive force in major battles in various contested planets such as spearheading the Republic's deployment on Geonosis, sieging the Umbaran capital city and invading Utapau.  Troopers assigned to the 212th were distinguished by the orange markings on their Phase II battle armor. Composed of smaller units such as Ghost Company, the 2nd Airborne Company, Parjai Squad, and Foxtrot Group, the overall 212th Battalion was attached to the 7th Sky Corps, a division within the Third Systems Army."

501st Legion

"The 501st Legion, also known as the 501st or 501st Battalion during the Clone Wars and was a brigade-sized Legion of elite clone troopers that was secretly commissioned by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine during the Clone Wars. The 501st Legion was Led By Commander Rex and Jedi General Anakin Skywalker.  Since the First Battle of Geonosis, the 501st had gained a reputation for being an effective fighting force, often being victorious in battle even against overwhelming odds. While the Legion fought for the preservation of the Republic, they would secretly undertake covert operations that would boost the agenda of Chancellor Palpatine.

During the Clone Wars, the Legion initially wore the standard white Phase I clone trooper armor, but had transitioned to wearing Phase II armor with navy blue markings during the final years of the war. Made up of units like Torrent Company, the 501st fought in many battles throughout the war, such as the Battle of Teth and the Battle of Coruscant, becoming one of the most well-known clone trooper Legions. 

The troopers of the 501st Legion were clones of the bounty hunter Jango Fett, who had been selected by Jedi Master-turned-Sith Lord Dooku to be the template for an elite army. Cloned by expert Kaminoan scientists, the troopers were given top-notch training in many fields, as they were designed to be the ultimate soldiers."

Galactic Marines

"Under the leadership of Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi and Clone Marshal Commander Bacara CC-1138, the 21st Nova Corps of the 4th Sector Army was made independent and became known as the Galactic Marines. As Marines they were cross-trained to fight on a variety of environments in ground, underwater and space, making them extremely versatile. with specializations in boarding and capturing enemy starships as well as planetary assault EOD bomb removal and special operations.

Galactic Marines wore special body armor with maroon or white coloration and a backplate. They were usually armed with DC-15A, DC-15s blaster rifles, but were also seen equipped with WESTAR-M5 blaster rifle Flame Projectors, Missle Launchers and DP-23 Shotgun. The Marines were distinguished by their unique visor gear, synthmesh designed to keep out various hazards such as snow, sand, airborne virus's, fungus, and ash. The Marines were known to utilize UT-AT, AT-OT and AT-RT walkers. These were painted with purple markings to identify their corps affiliation.

Kellers Unit was an Advanced Combat Division of the Galactic marines, these troopers were hand picked by CMD keller himself to serve in this elite unit, if there was any task too big for any other battalions Kellers unit could get it done."


Im availible Monday - Saturday from 5pm - 1am MST and Sunday all day as i am off of work.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

Naval Fleet

When I joined Naval Tarkin/ Archer was Admiral, the naval was a fun place to be and had a bunch of experienced players in it unfortunately that didn't last long and tarkin became inactive. after he got removed from admiral i applied for it and got it. the state of naval was sad, there were 4 active members when i took admiral and tryouts were non existent. with max and technodad as my right hand men we reformed naval and made new rules and tryouts, and gave naval a sense of purpose on the ship. Before long naval was alive again and training and tryouts were happening daily the state of naval had turned around for the better. But before I could really stretch my legs as admiral odessey demoted me out of the spot. but this isnt where the story ends, Max went on to be admiral with the ideals we set in place and expanded naval in a way that i had never seen, three branches were added and now naval had duties as engineers medics and quartermaster. at the end of max's term naval was in a good state this was around the time i rejoined naval. Technodad now took the Admiral spot and i stepped back into naval, i helped techno with whatever he needed and decided to take on the title of Commissioner of Activities. As COA it was my job to check in with every battalion and see how the state of their battalion was doing. along with this i would run simulations for the battalions to engage in, and training they requested through the meetings i had. but if it weren't through the efforts of techno max and myself naval wouldn't be what it is today.

Galactic Marines 

I feel that my time as Bacara has come to an end, after a year and a half of being Galactic Marines I finally feel what i set out to do when I first joined the regiment is now complete. I have watched GM grow from just me and Dill back on icefuse into the serious and strong regiment it is today. Back when I first joined GM i was originally a 187th trooper all the other battalions were alive and active and then there was Dill. Dill literally made up GM back in the day he was the only trooper that stayed true to the GM colors, seeing as I was getting bored with 187th I decided to take a leap of faith. I tried out for GM and Dill hosted my tryouts, I remember being nervous but also thinking of how great the lore is in GM and what they do for the republic. After completing my tryouts i finally was in and my main goal was to breathe life back into GM. With just me and dill active and the high command spotty, based got Bacara, 12 hours later he got perma banned and GM was back to being commanderless. We set out to remake GM from the Galactic Memes of the old days into something new and fresh, we remade the documents we redid the tryouts and more and more people started joining. Dill eventually became Bacara and the regiment flourished. With a new Commander and more people in the regiment I felt that what I first set out to do was starting to work. Dill eventually moved on and Medic took the Bacara Spot, with a new commander came new rules and stricter policy's within GM. the battalion was feeling alive at this point people were on daily we respected each other and treated one another like family it was something I never experienced with any other battalion. We eventually became bigger so much so that we were beating all the other battalions out on active numbers. Eventually Medic Moved on and became high staff and Forseen took the Bacara spot. With new members being inducted daily and more people in the regiment we looked to see what can be added into the unit, the answer was Kellers Unit. With a ton of lore backing it we put in the request to have it added and it got approved This is about the time that I got downed by Odyssey removed from my staff naval and jedi positons and I basically quit playing G mod for about 3 months. When I came back Number was Bacara, GM was in a bad spot with inactivity and numbers the overall state of GM was not what i remember it to be when I left. Eventually Number's inactivity led to his removal from Bacara, at this point I felt it was my time to take GM onto the track it is today. I applied for Bacara and got the spot, I remade all of the battalion documents along with all the training associated with the battalion and refreshed the tryouts and put new rules into place. these core rules were what me and dill sought to have back when i first joined GM. With new rules in place we made the move from icefuse to Synergy. The entire battalion switched over and our numbers skyrocketed. with the new tryouts and rules the battalion had a sense of serious rp and a sense of family once again i felt home. Fast foward to today Galactic marines are over 50 active members strong and 10 kellers unit active the core rules are now the values that each trooper exercises every day in the server. At the end of my leadership here in GM i can honestly say i am proud at the current state of the unit and feel like once i move on the high command will keep the battalion alive and the core values intact.

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes I have a Logitech G430 that works perfectly.

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I feel that while I am Attack Regimental Commander that i can get several things done within my regiment, I plan on meeting with each battalion and seeing the needs of said battalion, seeing areas to improve or refresh to give the battalion new life. Attend to the needs of any battalion and help them with problems that arise within their battalion Some of the things I will go over with them are as follows.

  1. Battalion Documents 
  2. Tryouts 
  3. In House Battalion Training
  4. Physical Training
  5. Promotional Requirements / Activity Log
  6. Promoting A Sense Of Serious RP
  7. Engaging The Battalions In Various Simulations To Test Their Skills
  8. Finding Areas To Improve On Within The Battalion
  9. Promote Leadership And Teamwork
  10. Dealing With Any Issues That May Arise Within The Regiment

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I plan on engaging the battalions in training exercises that will play on their skills and teamwork, along with this i plan on holding "attack" meetings where anyone from the 3 battalions can come and express their concerns or what they would like to improve on. Where troopers and commanders have common ground to talk and where battalions can try and resolve their disputes. I would like to encourage the battalions within my regiment to try and work with another battalion on how to improve field operations and tactics to use on the battlefield. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

I understand completely that if I become inactive I will be removed from the position of attack regimental commander.

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: 

Yes I understand the term limits and expect to uphold what is asked of me for that term. I also understand this means the end of my reign as Bacara, I feel like the Galactic Marines are in a good spot right now and have strong members in its ranks to uphold the core values of the battalion and keep the unit alive and strong. The people within GM are my family my home these are some of the best trained troopers you will find on this server. I believe that what we have established in GM can translate to my job as Regimental Commander and use what I learned and experienced in my eight months i was BCMD.

  • Agree 3

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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+1. I was a part of GM for a little bit after being burnt out from the 187th. The documents honestly, I'm not gonna lie when I saw those documents... I Creamed my pants.Honestly though, Gene is a really great guy, and great leader. Did I mention those documents though? Like, I am so envious of those documents. If I ever become a BCMD of an attack Regiment you bet your ass I'd get Gene's help with those docs.

To be honest though Gene, if anyone is deserving of ATK Regimental CMD, it's you. your Battalion Structure, your generally nice personality, and the way you taught your men actual leadership skills through the lessons. If you did that with just ONE battalion, imagine what you can do to the others

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HOLY SHIT +1!!!!!!!!!!!!

After @XSilentJoe did a good job as ATK REG CMD you need a good person to fulfill the expectations and I think there's no one better than Gene to take on that role! He's serious, strict (something that I would love to see from the REG CMD above me) and gets the job DONE! 

If he doesn't get accepted I'd be SHOCKED! Gene, can't wait to work with you dad! 

-212th Batt. Commander CC-2224 "Cody"/BlackMamba 

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what in tarnation



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Massive +1 I had a short stint in the GMs when the 2-clones thing was going on, and all I can say about Gene are positive things. He's constantly active, he's a great leader, and he's a great person. If you don't get this position i'd be very surprised.

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  • Coordinator

+1 though rex was a cpt :P

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I wouldn't have it any other way....

 I have served under Gene and learned a lot from being under his leadership while he was Commander Bacara in the Galactic Marines!

I have no doubt in my mind that Gene would make one hell of a fantastic Reg Commander!

He has my full support as well as my recommendation for this position!


-Senior Attack & Defense Brigade Commander Joe

  • Agree 2

Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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On 10/22/2017 at 5:51 PM, Ruzom said:

-1 To be honest every interaction with him he's been nothing but an ass.


On 10/22/2017 at 5:52 PM, Todd said:

-1 He has ignored lower ranks and has been rude to my friends and in my opinion i feel like he should not be attack reg also for a period of time i didn't see him any for a 2 month span.

honestly i am sorry you guys feel this way, ruzom i honestly dont think we have met but if  there is something that i did to you or said, that made you feel the way you do please talk to me and we can get it sorted out. Also Todd if i was inactive for a 2 month span i definitely wouldn't be Bacara... you can ask pretty much anyone who replied here and they can vouch for my activity, I also play on western so im on usually at night. We also spoke at lengths about this and me being "rude" translated to you saying hi to me while i was marching back from DB while I was talking with my battalion in TS3 and "ignoring" you because i couldn't hear you over the TS3 chatter. Like i said before to you i am sorry you feel this way but my in game volume is much quieter than my TS3 volume. Moving forward i have made my in game volume louder than my TS3 so hopefully I wont miss ya next time buddy, Like i said before I am sorry for this whole mix up.

  • Agree 2

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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-1 (Plagiarism)

- The video provided shows the plagiarism used in the application. I'm surprised no one else thought to check for plagiarism, especially the forum staff. I hate to be the bad guy in situations but the way you wrote the lore was to obvious to me that it was plagiarized. I've worked with threads like this before. Hopefully this doesn't hurt your application to bad but you made a mistake and I feel you should go back and write what you actually know about the lore, not what a Wikipedia knows.

~ Seven






Edited by Seven
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24 minutes ago, Seven said:

-1 (Plagiarism)

- The video provided shows the plagiarism used in the application. I'm surprised no one else thought to check for plagiarism, especially the forum staff. I hate to be the bad guy in situations but the way you wrote the lore was to obvious to me that it was plagiarized. I've worked with threads like this before. Hopefully this doesn't hurt your application to bad but you made a mistake and I feel you should go back and write what you actually know about the lore, not what a Wikipedia knows.

~ Seven






Going to point something out. 99.99999% of lore comes from Wikipedia. So plagiarized. Not everyone knows every little detail on lore. IMO this is a pointless -1


  • Agree 5


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2 minutes ago, Medic said:

Going to point something out. 99.99999% of lore comes from Wikipedia. So plagiarized. Not everyone knows every little detail on lore. IMO this is a pointless -1


How is it a pointless -1, he went to wikipedia and copied down lore word for word. Where is the effort in that. I didnt say his application should be punished for that. And the fact that you said %99.999999 of the lore come froms wikipedia is not true. Their was a whole clone wars series you know aswell as books that are canon. And i know that not everyone knows every little detail in the lore, but why include it in your application if you dont know it off the top of your head in the first place. 

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2 minutes ago, Seven said:

How is it a pointless -1, he went to wikipedia and copied down lore word for word. Where is the effort in that. I didnt say his application should be punished for that. And the fact that you said %99.999999 of the lore come froms wikipedia is not true. Their was a whole clone wars series you know aswell as books that are canon. And i know that not everyone knows every little detail in the lore, but why include it in your application if you dont know it off the top of your head in the first place. 

Thats not true and its not even plagiarism if he puts down lore.

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3 minutes ago, Rexko said:

Thats not true and its not even plagiarism if he puts down lore.

All i did was point out that he took lore word for word from the wikipedia. It asks if you understand the lore and by copying it from the wikipedia doesn’t prove anything. If he wanted to out down lore from the wikipedia he should have used “” because it just looks like he stole them.

Incase you forgot what plagiarism means VVVVV

noun: plagiarism; plural noun: plagiarisms
  1. the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
    synonyms: copying, infringement of copyright, piracytheft, stealing; 
    "accusations of plagiarism"




Edited by Seven
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7 minutes ago, Seven said:

How is it a pointless -1, he went to wikipedia and copied down lore word for word. Where is the effort in that. I didnt say his application should be punished for that. And the fact that you said %99.999999 of the lore come froms wikipedia is not true. Their was a whole clone wars series you know aswell as books that are canon. And i know that not everyone knows every little detail in the lore, but why include it in your application if you dont know it off the top of your head in the first place. 

Because people havebetter use of their time. I know Gene on a personal level. He's gone through some shit and I'm leaving it at that. Mandatory lore testis not a thing here to be in a commander position+.


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1 minute ago, Medic said:

Because people havebetter use of their time. I know Gene on a personal level. He's gone through some shit and I'm leaving it at that. Mandatory lore testis not a thing here to be in a commander position+.

You knowing gene on a personal level, #1 makes your arguments against me completly biast, but #2 him going through some shit doesnt have to do with him deciding on copy lore word for word from the wikipedia to his application. And if lore was mandatory in applyin for a commander position than why is it asked in the format? I dont mean to seem harsh or hostile to you in any way but you have nothing to back your opinion up other than that hes gona through some tough times.

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46 minutes ago, Seven said:

-1 (Plagiarism)

- The video provided shows the plagiarism used in the application. I'm surprised no one else thought to check for plagiarism, especially the forum staff. I hate to be the bad guy in situations but the way you wrote the lore was to obvious to me that it was plagiarized. I've worked with threads like this before. Hopefully this doesn't hurt your application to bad but you made a mistake and I feel you should go back and write what you actually know about the lore, not what a Wikipedia knows.

~ Seven






Honestly dude, The Question that was answered by Gene is  really a "Yes or No" question, Gene didn't have to put the lore down of all the battalions cause he will be interviewed and asked many things to make sure the person being interviewed is fit for the position, i can't say about what, but regardless, it isn't worth making a deal about him "Plagirism"

Keep in mind the question doesn't instruct him to "Tell us what the lore of each battalion in your Regiment" 

I get where you're coming from but it really isn't necessary in my opinion.

-Senior Attack & Defense Brigade Commander Joe

Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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9 minutes ago, Seven said:

You knowing gene on a personal level, #1 makes your arguments against me completly biast, but #2 him going through some shit doesnt have to do with him deciding on copy lore word for word from the wikipedia to his application. And if lore was mandatory in applyin for a commander position than why is it asked in the format? I dont mean to seem harsh or hostile to you in any way but you have nothing to back your opinion up other than that hes gona through some tough times.

You're coming out as hostile to everyone

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Just now, XSilentJoe said:

Honestly dude, The Question that was answered by Gene is  really a "Yes or No" question, Gene didn't have to put the lore down of all the battalions cause he will be interviewed and asked many things to make sure the person being interviewed is fit for the position, i can't say about what, but regardless, it isn't worth making a deal about him "Plagirism"

Keep in mind the question doesn't instruct him to "Tell us what the lore of each battalion in your Regiment" 

I get where you're coming from but it really isn't necessary in my opinion.

-Senior Attack & Defense Brigade Commander Joe

Alright and get where your getting at and i wish him the best of luck in his interview if he gets accepeted. I just dont see the point in putting something down that you dont have to let alone was plagiarized. Hopefully he fixes his mistake but for him to put something down like that and to find out it was plagiarized makes me question if he is fit for this role.

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8 minutes ago, Seven said:

You knowing gene on a personal level, #1 makes your arguments against me completly biast, but #2 him going through some shit doesnt have to do with him deciding on copy lore word for word from the wikipedia to his application. And if lore was mandatory in applyin for a commander position than why is it asked in the format? I dont mean to seem harsh or hostile to you in any way but you have nothing to back your opinion up other than that hes gona through some tough times.

1. I'm biased towards him because I know who he is and what his leadership capabilities. Also if you go through this application, you won't see my support anywhere 

2. That is something we can't publicly state. You're new here, to get you caught up I was the 1st director and I resigned for personal matters. You're debating against the guy who made this. I put 90% of the current battalion commanders in their position. 


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2 minutes ago, Rexko said:

You're coming out as hostile to everyone

How, i didn’t insult or come out to anyone as a bad person, i just stated information that i knew was true. Sorry that i was the only one to bring this up but im not going to follow everyone else and put +1 just cause i know the guy

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1 minute ago, Medic said:

1. I'm biased towards him because I know who he is and what his leadership capabilities. Also if you go through this application, you won't see my support anywhere 

2. That is something we can't publicly state. You're new here, to get you caught up I was the 1st director and I resigned for personal matters. You're debating against the guy who made this. I put 90% of the current battalion commanders in their position. 

#1 i mean that is what being biast is so your just confirming what i said, and #2 i dont get what your trying to get at me. You being the 1st director doesnt suade my opinion. God knows if the 90% of the battalion commanders you picked read off a website for their application (not saying any of them did all). And by you saying that i shouldnt debate with you because you made this format comes to show that you see nothing wrong with plagirising lore.

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9 minutes ago, Seven said:

#1 i mean that is what being biast is so your just confirming what i said, and #2 i dont get what your trying to get at me. You being the 1st director doesnt suade my opinion. God knows if the 90% of the battalion commanders you picked read off a website for their application (not saying any of them did all). And by you saying that i shouldnt debate with you because you made this format comes to show that you see nothing wrong with plagirising lore.

I can guarantee you everyone plagiarizes lore. From the Jedi order to clones. Can you recite the Jedi Code from memory? I don't think so, so you'll use Google to help. 


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Just now, Medic said:

I can guarantee you everyone plagiarizes lore. From the Jedi order to clones. Can you recite the Jedi Code from memory? I don't think so, so you'll use Google to help. 

Thats a bold statement to be proclaiming that everyone plagirizes lore. Thats kind of harsh don’t you think? To the ones that didnt plagirise? And actually when i used to rp full time i did memorize the full sith code so yes it can be done. Again you aren’t proving any good points and this has turned into a useless debate at this point.

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  • Founder


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Honestly, yes i could have just left that question to a yes or no answer but for the people that know me, that is not really my style. Yes i pulled information from the Wikipedia pages, this in no way shape or form means i do not know the battalions lore. If and when this goes to interview i plan on showing the head staff that i know the lore like the back of my hand, and willing to prove it. I will also add in here that anyone here can go in and edit Wikipedia pages so technically that isn't plagiarism since anyone can go in and edit the wiki and change it.

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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:0 Gene you naughty boy not sighting your sources on a question that only required one word (Yes or No). Imma have to fail your essay. -1

Jokes aside +1 Gene I been around the community and have gotten to know quight a few people especially after becoming Padme. Gene is one of the people I have gotten the plesure of knowing and I've even been in his battalion under his command (for a very short time). He knows what it means to be a leader and I can not think of anyone more qualified for this position. I cant wait to see him in his new armor.

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I added them to make a point, this isn't school, this isn't your high school midterm paper. This is the internet, literally no one cares. Gene is one of, if not the most serious Commander I've ever met. He's an asshole, but he's my kind of asshole.


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+1. And who the fuck is this Seven dude lmao, its an app, can you tell me the lore of Delta Squad, Omega Squad, Ion Team, Foxtrot Group, and all of republic commandos right now? No, you're gonna use wookiepedia for help. And for wookiepedia there isn't 1 author, tons of people edit it daily I am 100% sure, quite hard to give credit to like over 500 people

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1 minute ago, Punda said:

+1. And who the fuck is this Seven dude lmao, its an app, can you tell me the lore of Delta Squad, Omega Squad, Ion Team, Foxtrot Group, and all of republic commandos right now? No, you're gonna use wookiepedia for help. And for wookiepedia there isn't 1 author, tons of people edit it daily I am 100% sure, quite hard to give credit to like over 500 people


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20 hours ago, Seven said:


noun: plagiarism; plural noun: plagiarisms
  1. the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.
    synonyms: copying, infringement of copyright, piracytheft, stealing; 
    "accusations of plagiarism"





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Thank you, Freck.

As one of the two individuals that will be deciding whether Gene is placed into this position or not, I will say him copying the lore from a wiki has zero consequence on his application or stance as a candidate.

During the interview process, the candidate is given a set of questions that will test their knowledge on the lore of their regiment to ensure they know what they are talking about with or without a wiki article. I'm sure he copied the article simply to save time on the application, and considering it is a "Yes" or "No" question, there is nothing lost.

As Sparks said, this isn't a company, this isn't a professional institution. We do not have any rules, legal requirements, or standards on plagiarism that we are expected to uphold.

In the future, @Seven do not argue with people on a commander application. These are not threads for open discussion, they are threads for people to state their opinions on the candidacy of the applicant.


Getting back to the topic at hand, however:

Congratulations! Your application has been accepted for interview.
Please contact a Director before November 2nd to have your interview conducted.
We will arrange a time for you once you contact us, so please ensure you
are prepared before making contact. If you fail to contact us this application
will be automatically denied.


//Moved to Commander Applications - Pending

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