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Bruise's BCMD Gree Application


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Steam Name: Synr.gg | Bruise

RP Name: 41st GCL Commander Faie

RP Rank: Commander

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80470484   

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 41st BCMD Gree


41st PVT-CMD

Ah the 41st, My 1st and only battalion. If I had a word to describe the 41st. It would definitely be different. It was not what I expected when I joined the battalion. But here I am typing an application to be a leader of these goons. When I joined I started out as a jet trooper, which sounds pretty cool. I then took up medical training and after working as a medic for a while I took up the role of a medical officer. After a loss in interest in medical rp I completed all of my trainings and joined ARC. After some time I joined our subunit green company and became a Green Company ARC trooper. I would be given the role of ARCO after our ARCO at the time received a position in High Command. I continued there until our former ARCL resigned and I took the spot. After some time as ARCL I was promoted to the lead of Green Company and sent back to Kamino to bring back Commander Faie. As Faie I have revamped the Green Company tryouts and helped revive the Subunit

Jedi Padawn-Knight of X

        When I bought VIP, I never thought I would get into jedi much considering I thought the saber system was complex. After some time and with a great person to learn the saber system from as a padawan, I passed knight trials. I then joined temple guard and applied and was granted the role of temple guard manager. I continued and joined the Sub Branch of temple guard, the investigators. Shortly I would also take a manager position in the investigators as well as leadership in the weapon specialists. I would be then promoted to the last knight rank KoX and that is where I currently stand

Staff Team NA-SA

I joined the staff team after a man named Unkindled, who most of you probably know, convinced me to join. I was a bit worried because I had never been staffon any other server. I passed my staff interview and joined the ranks of a New Admin. I quickly ranked up to admin where I became a Game Helper and I helped game masters with their events. After a lot of work as a game helper and some tr work, I became a senior admin. From there I became a Game Master and started producing events for the community to enjoy. I hope to continue my time in the staff team.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I believe I should become a Battalion Commander for the 41st due to these qualities that I have picked up in my time in the 41st.


When I joined the 41st the battalion was thriving and I had a lot of fun. But later down the line less and less members were online. It was tough to admit but we were having an issue with activity. I could have left to avoid this. I could have accepted the problems and tucked my tail between my legs and ran. But I stayed, and this battalion will be were I stay for the foreseeable future. While I was here I have dedicated myself to creating docs and helping revive the subunit Green Company. Either way If I receive this position or not, I will still be here for the battalion


I believe that during my time in this battalion I have earned the respect of the other members of the 41st. The way I lead is unique, I trust my men to respect me and I reflect that respect back to them. When I tell them to do something they listen to me, not because they are afraid of me but because they respect me. 


When I joined the 41st I did not think I would stay on the server very long. I only really joined to keep my mind off of a real life event that had happened to me. I met a few guys in the 41st and decided to start becoming an active member of the server. Usually you will see me on in the early to late afternoon or at night. I like to be in a channel with the guys even if I can't get on the server.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes


Discord: Almost 24/7

In Game/TS: Usually you can catch me on the server in the mid to late afternoon or at night, I will be hanging out in an assortment of channels such as the 41st channel or the temple guard channel. If you need me and I am not doing something Important I will have all the time to speak to you

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I have played on synergy for around 4-5 months

Do you have a microphone?: Yes would you like to hear it?

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I have set a few goals for myself if I were to get Commander Gree

Officers and NCO's

During my time as Commander Gree I would like to do monthly evaluations of our officer core and our NCO's in the battalion. Me and the other officers would give them our opinion on their performance and give them tips on how they could improve their performance. Of course with this I would allow my troopers to give their opinion on my performance and have them give their opinions on how I am doing in my position


I would like to make bi-weekly trainings to keep our men ready and keep them from getting bored on the server. These would be on the event server and I would use my tools as staff to create some awesome and fun trainings for my men to have fun and gain leadership skill from.


I would like for my battalion to not be afraid to come to me with any concerns they have with myself or with anyone in the battalion. And if they have a complaint about me I would like them to tell me so I can try and fix it. I will be always ready to respond to a PM or a Poke on TS if anyone needs to speak to me. Lastly I want to make communicating with me as easy as possible so communication can be quick and effecitve.


I would like my men to be disciplined and able to have fun but be serious when the time comes, when those battle comms are activated I would want to hear only relevant communication to the battle. This can be achieved through trainings to perfect the battle comm technique.I would not tolerate my men constantly minging or being arrested. If I receive reports of minging from people on the server, the trooper will be dealt with accordingly

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes


- Your Local Headass, Bruise.

Former: Jedi Master,  BCMD Gree , Recon RCMD Head Admin , GMM, Adi GalliaCommander Faie X2, Cooker

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+1 You are the one who has raised me in this battalion and who has been there the whole time. You, Icewolf, and I were the ones that sparked the battalion back to life (maddox was sadly on LOA at the time). We have gone through thick and thin, and you have been there supporting the battalion the whole time. I think you would do an awesome job as Gree.

  • Friendly 1

Former: Veteran Admin, 41st Commander and REGL, Chief Medical Officer

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You definetly have deserved the rank of CMD and I feel you have worked your ass off to officially get your self recognized in the battalion. I seen you work your ass off when  there was just you as a active member and you had some many chances to leave and just go to somewhere active.

The things that sort of stopped me here and I struggled to thjnk of when you have applied is that You are now several positions within this server and it is pretty amazing from a new players perspective or a person out of the battalion. But a officer that works under "me" feels that being a future Master, Investigator Lead, potential Gree, Staff, current GC lead, Game Master, and there could be more that I am forgetting but I am worried you will get burnt out quickly.

Overall I will eave this app with a +1 I did want to change this up a bit since I recently had these concerns but good luck.


Edited by Slak
  • Friendly 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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+1 Bruise ever since I promoted you tl the rank of Commander, you have excellent things for the battalion. You have helped me out so much with my term. I think you and Maddox both deserve it. Thank you so much and thank you for the good times and the memories. BCMD can get very mentally challenging sometimes but you and Maddox will be able to make it through the tough times with each other.

Edited by Grief
  • Friendly 1



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+1 May the best man win 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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 +1 I don't really have anything to say about you I think you would be a good fit

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I know I gave maddox a +1 first but thats just because it was higher up on the most recent list in apps. This will come down to the interview for sure. Bruise, I have seen you grow up and mature quite a lot since when you first joined the battalion those several months ago. You lead well and you mean well. You are a good leader and you try your best to be the best that you possibly can be to those around you and you do it very well. You give respect to those around you that deserve it and protect your own which is a very important quality for a BCMD to have, especially taking the position of Gree which I hold very dear to myself. I trust you to try your best with this position and overcome the many difficulties and hardships that come with it. You have my blessing and support and I wish you luck. As I told Maddox and Grief as well, if you need my help with anything, I'm just a ping away.




Get rid of the XO position again because it's bad

  • Agree 2
  • Winner 1
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Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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+1 Good luck bro

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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+1 good luck to you both

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Forum Admin


I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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2 hours ago, Mitchell said:

What have you done to improve the 41st in your current position? What would getting BCMD allow you to do that you can't currently do?
I'm jw so I can give a more fair assessment on both applicants.

I revamped the Green Company tryout system to make being notified of the tryouts easier and changed up the document. Help introduce recruiting incentives to help increase recruiting. Created and revised docs to benefit the battalion. Helped rebuild our NCO and officer core after many people left the battalion.

- Your Local Headass, Bruise.

Former: Jedi Master,  BCMD Gree , Recon RCMD Head Admin , GMM, Adi GalliaCommander Faie X2, Cooker

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  • Director




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I am always skeptical +1ing any battalion commander applications because it seems like roses and flower's everywhere until they actually get into the position. Once they get into that position, they feel they have accomplished the impossible and then they proceed to do jack shit with that position and become inactive/burnout. However with the correct pacing and work ethic I think you wont do a terrible job. I know that player activity drops in battalions, it drops in 104th quite a bit actually, however when that activity drops you and me have something in common that I appreciate ,which is that you dont want to pack and run for the hills where the grass is greener. All I can say is if your not a part of the solution, your part of the problem and so far you have been a part of the solution from what I can tell.


Null-5 "Prudii"

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Head Admin


Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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  • Retired Founder

Congratulations you have been ACCEPTED into the interview phase.
You must now contact me before
05/12/2020 to discuss a time for your interview.
Failure to meet the above requirement will result in your application being denied.


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Congratulations, you have been accepted into the position of Battalion Commander Gree.

Your term will end on August 6th 2020

// Moved to Commander Applications - Accepted

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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