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Covid - 19 | Let's take advantage of it!

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In a time where the world is under panic, stress and straight up idiocy, let's take a few minutes of our time to get to properly know eachother. Whether you're a player from the past or present lets unite to make life just a little more bearable. Let's make friendships in a time where for once social media and being online isn't going to be frowned upon, because lets face it isolation/quarantine would be even more boring without games, social media and the internet! 


I'll go first.


I'm Freck, IRL name is Connor. I'm 16, and stopped playing the server around 2 years ago but have still been lurking and moaning where I seem fit (nothing unusual there). I live in the U.K. and I'm notably known for being Synergy's youngest ... everything? LOL! 

My discord username is ( Freck#1277 ) if anyone wants to add me, I'm always free for a chat :) 


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Honestly, I can get behind this. There's never been a better time to really embrace the online communities that have impacted our lives in so many positive ways.

I'll go next, lol.

I'm Foxey. I picked this name when I was a lot younger and it's too late to change it, which is a shame, but oh well. My IRL name is Geoffrey, the better spelling of Jeffrey, I'm 17. I've been bouncing between Escape from Tarkov and Garry's Mod during this little outbreak, and I'm enjoying both. I'm an HA, a former Battalion Commander Wolffe, and the current Admiral Yularen.. but I'm not quite sure what I'm known for. Anywho, yeah.

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I'm Cloud, I got this name from Xbox name generator. I'm not a furry like foxey. My name is Justus. I'm the 1st and youngest Mech Reg. I'm 6'3 and 187 lbs and I have a dad bod. I like long walks on the beach. I harass my friend Tino. I'm retarded. I was in GMA (Garry's Mod Anonymous) until I was removed from reg and kicked my habit. 

Edited by justuscloud5
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54 minutes ago, justuscloud5 said:

I'm Cloud, I got this name from Xbox name generator. I'm not a furry like foxey. My name is Justus. I'm the 1st and youngest Mech Reg. I'm 6'3 and 187 lbs. I like long walks on the beach. I harass my friend Tino. I'm retarded. I was in GMA (Garry's Mod Anonymous) until I was removed from reg and kicked my habit. 



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Sup gamers, 


My name is Quill, similar to Freck I haven't played on the server in awhile outside of popping in TS or on server to say hi. I spent a lot of time making friendships and having fun on GMOD with the boys. I have been in a number of battalions and done a lot of things on the server and I'm glad I stepped away despite the good ass times I had on Synergy. I'm 22 and currently on stand-by to graduate due to the virus.  


Love y'all.

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Im Eclipse. I game. I do nothing much anymore. I stopped playing GMOD to play other games and honestly its been great! I've been having so much fun just doing whatever I want. Outside of games, I play music and make music and sing music and do a lot of musical stuff! And also I write. But not that much. I also enjoy good food! I always wanted to learn to cook but my dad thinks I'll burn the house down. I probably would haha. Okay, thats all from me! I don't know why I made this sound like an online dating profile but it is! Ladies hmu ;)

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Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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13 hours ago, Quill Khan said:

stand-by to graduate due to the virus.  


Love y'all.

Bro I know what your feeling. Junior year being my transcript year and shit. Although you most likely have a different reason. My average for this master dropped from an 87.8 which is like a B- or C+ at my school cuz the minimum passing grade is a 75 and rn it dropped to a fucking 81 from this shit its retarded. Also the seniors at my school lost so much shit like their trips and everything 

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Hi I'm Perri , I'm 27 years old I picked this name because it is my last name. My first name is Ray, I work at a Meijer Grocery store and am possibly exposed to whatever each day because people don't know personal space. At work they recently gave everyone a 2 dollar per hour raise temporary " hazard pay" till may 2nd.  Also currently my mom is in the hospital with pneumonia and recovering from a fall .I am not allowed to visit her because the hospital has been on lock down and they don't even allow close family to visit their loved ones. 

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Former Commander Cody "2 Terms,6 months"

Former Attack Regimental Commander

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Hi I’m IKE and I didn’t do much. I mostly was in 501st, 104th and naval. I love JT and was basically a JTL god in 501st and 104th. I was also a QM naval and became recruitment commodore, I probably could of done more but I’m pretty content with the time I spent of the server.

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5 hours ago, Spaghetti said:

how do I pronounce jere 


Lets start off with the Je. You would say it as you would start saying yellow as in Ye-llow, So Je=Ye then the Re, R would be as in R before any vowel. For example Rome, so take the R from R-ome. and e is simple, its literally just e behind anything, example Death, D-e-ath. So Jere. Simplest way to explain. I mean there might be a simple way but whatever, I committed big brain


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2 hours ago, Perri said:

Hi I'm Perri , I'm 27 years old I picked this name because it is my last name. My first name is Ray, I work at a Meijer Grocery store and am possibly exposed to whatever each day because people don't know personal space. At work they recently gave everyone a 2 dollar per hour raise temporary " hazard pay" till may 2nd.  Also currently my mom is in the hospital with pneumonia and recovering from a fall .I am not allowed to visit her because the hospital has been on lock down and they don't even allow close family to visit their loved ones. 

Aww Perri, hopefully everything gets better soon <3 


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Well. I'm Tino, My real name is Liam, I was born and bred in Scotland. Played Synergy for a year, and I lost the drive to play GMOD actively a couple months ago. I started in the 501st, and ended up being Niner, Kal and SO BDE regimental. I'm nineteen, turning twenty in a week and a half and my country is currently on lock down. I work as cook in a chinese but I'm outta of a job for a while, Home life is weird lmao. I made some real good friends on the server thanks to @Marvel my old halo buddy bringing me in. My momma is high risk to loss of life if she gets infected with the virus so I'm taking baby steps lmao. I hope everyone is staying safe, and well during these trying times. Y'all are cute. Stay safe everyone. Sending thoughts to yourselves and your familes! Remain positive! <3

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Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Well my name is Jacobi, I’m 19 years old, and I’ve been around for a while. I’ve been in pretty much every battalion, I’ve met a lot of people and I like to have fun. In terms of real life, I realized there’s no chance in hell I’d make it to college after my graduation, and I’ve always wanted to serve, so I chose the Navy. I’ve always wanted to become a Master at arms however I didn’t qualify for it due to my hearing. So I chose an electrician job, (internal communications). As I’m writing this I’ve been on Dep for 9 monthes, and will be leaving in July. (If my ship date isn’t pushed back). 
I like Star Wars, I LOVE to write and I live in Florida so I’m used to a lot of dumb stuff. I play video games yes, but I am a firm believer of living in the moment/ living to the fullest. We’re all on borrowed time, so why not do something you like doing?

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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My name is Kojak. I voted for Obama. I am 22 and my real name is Andresi but I go by Andre. I am also a white male like my fellow men >_>. And I also live in Florida or Flo-Rida. I'm going to college for pharmaceutical science since I want to work at publix for the rest of my life making decent money. I am currently...or used to anyway work as bartender before the COVIDs arrived. Now I am unemployed...like the majority of the server.

Edited by kojak
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On 3/25/2020 at 1:21 PM, Marvel said:

Howdy I'm Marvel and I am gay


(issa joke smh my head)

You did exactly what i had in mind lmao, No offense but this is like that challenge shit that girls be doing on snap and instagram

Edited by Piff

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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I'm truffle, i have HFA, im 15 and I like math, particularly calc and trig(though really just identity proofs regarding trig lmao). I like making stuff and i've been playing this god-forsaken game we call gmod SWRP since I was 9. Built a jacobs ladder and a Demonstration fusor, working on introducing deuterium into the system. Also working on a BCMD Doom cosplay for comic con in the summer.

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Pyle. My name is Devon; I am 23 years old. I am Registered Nurse, #COVID-19squad. I have been playing Synergy since it first came out. I was apart of IFN (Old Synergy). I joined January 5th, 2017. My favorite hobby is Golf. I come form line of Nurses within my family. I have a twin sister who looks nothing like me (She is the cross country type lol). I have three Sisters, two Brothers, and two loud ass dogs.



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Much respect to Pyle! <3

I'm Alfie, got my username from biology class, I'm 16 and from the South East in England. I was the rear admiral for around 5 months on Icefuse in early 2017, and also somehow got head admin. I think I was one of the youngest high staff and youngest admiral. Things happened and I dipped for 3 years. I came back at Christmas time and am enjoying it here. I just finished school early due to the coronavirus, and have 6 months to do jack all. I'm planning to do accounting in college, which will probably be boring as hell, but I might just enjoy it. My life's pretty boring, stereotypical British boy: Good family, likes stereotypical British stuff and enjoy learning new things. I have a brother and sister, who are both older than me, and I spend most of my nights chilling with my dogs, they're stupid most of the time :)

Edited by Enzyme
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Well shit, got nothing better to do.


Hi, I'm Gadget or Robert whatever really. Gadget wasn't my first choice, it was Badger but that was taken and I liked technology at the time and went with Gadget. Inspector Gadget came around cos of my nationality and my mindset of investigating everything.

Most people have heard me bitching about something in OOC as I am know as the English lad who ain't afraid to shout at anyone for anything. Chewing people out for anything and sometimes coming across as a bit of a dick. But eh. I live the the South West, good old Cornwall, but went to uni in London. Currently working on a military base making sure it doesn't Dallas apart (well telling people to make sure it doesnt fall apart) I'm public servant not military, so like Base Ops. I been on the server for almost 2 years and have been Bacara for 2 terms, I've always been in GM/21st and have dabbled in staff but I usually end up either burning my self out being the only EU staff member or struggle juggling being a commander as everyone gives me there problems, which explain why I am always angry. ( I will quite openly voice my complaints, which include staff, EJ, Events, Lack of roleplay, dumb logic, lack of reason, dumb reason, etc.)

Anyway, I play Destiny 2, For Honor and Rocket league most commonly in my spare time, RL on Xbox. If you want someone to grind through PvP or to get somewhat salty but also remaining calm then I'm your guy. Also play Monster Hunter World on Xbox (Switch Axe gang rise up) and random thing that take my interest. 


Tldr - I try to be a nice guy but people are stupid sometime.  people call me Dadget, I don't know how to feel about it. Somewhat resting bitch voice. I play Gmod to shout at people, I play games to vent sometimes. I seem to like being annoyed. Quite passionate, I don't like being told I can't do something without a reason.


A man of Logic who is dying in isolation.

An Introvert wishing for freedom!!!

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What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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yes yes yes i am noah and i am a former director n just turned 17 like last week. i feel old as fuck right now and i hate it. hobbies include chillin n basketball but i can't do the second one rn so j chillin ig. computer cant run for shit so i got a macbook which can't game but i like it better than my minecraft laptop so we chillin



and since i don't go on the forums that much i just wanted to confirm to you all that yes, @Inosuke and @Piff are dating, so congratulate them the next time you see them


oh yea i also can hit a mean ass whip and nae nae  😤 😤

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yo soy neptune. I joined this server about last May and have been enjoying it a lot since. Im 14 and Im from New Jersey who's a mexican who goes by Cris, or Cristian cause my dad couldn't spell my name properly (its actually just the hispanic version but whatever). Im a freshie who likes to sit in his room a lot and just chill and play video games as well look for love on this planet. After I broke up with @Tinovious my life has gone downhill. I've made some neat friends from my time on the server because I tend to just randomly enter channels and just talk to the people in the channels. Besides that life has been pretty normal except for the whole "stay in your house or you'll be shot on sight" thing thats going on. Stay safe and healthy folks!

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Hi, I'm Neptune

winkwink- Tumblr posts - Tumbig.com

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Sup names Kyle and I never learned how to fucking read


But for real I’m Brandon, I’m 20 years old which is crazy because I started on synergy when I was 17 and I’m a truck driver, #essential am I right @Pyle

Edited by Bbstine
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Hi my name is Knockout my Name originated from an old name Nock. IRL name is Ian and I am 16.I stopped playing a few months ago but I can commonly be found lurking in all the battalion discords and Teamspeak. I live in the US in the state of TN(Go to school with that godforsaken Idiot named @OkamiHybrid) and IDK if I'm really notable for anything. I Have been informed that I am at as high as a 95% chance of infection due to both my parents being health care workers. My discord is Knockout#6395 if y'all wanna hit me up and yeah thats about it. I currently play the shit outa Forza horizion 4 and Assassins Creed Syndicate. Hobbies include Mountain Biking and Ultimate Frisbee(Corona striked this one out) . My discord is Knockout#6395 if y'all wanna hit me up and yeah thats about it. (Xbox can be found in that cool discord linking mechanism)

Edited by Knockout
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Current 501st MEDO KIX

Former - Admin, Commander Of Special Operations, And the Best ARFL

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Im McFisher. if i stayed in staff i would've been the mingiest HA next to freck :( i was close. i lurk discord and join the server and do serious RP for sure. im perma banned from most battalions :( feelsbad. ive spent 61 hours on skyrim this week and im a 6ft4 eboy ;) becoming a hypixel bedwars pro. big up the UK. West Midlands gang. if you're from norwich or telford you're inbred. *cough* Slump *cough*. ive joined the 501st 6 times now :) i started minging originally with my mates in like February 2019, but slowly got into it and was in 4 batts for like a month or 2 lol and got high in BO etc then shit went down F

Edited by McFisher
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Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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Yoooo this is fire

Heyo im dreams as most of u know, my IRL name do be Connor and i have COVID-19 which is a F. ive retired from all things synergy for a little bit and am focusing on myself mentally and physically, at the end of the day i dont think im known as much, my best achievement is probably what i did to the recent 187th i guess. Im 19 and havin a blast

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  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
  • 187th Battalion Commander
  • 187th Executive Officer
  • 212th Ghost Company Lead
  • 212th ARC Lead
  • 212th Sharp Shooter Lead
  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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Hi i'm Bananaberry, some of you may know me from the gmod rp server Synergy Roleplay™. My IRL name is Ben, i'm 21 and am considered an essential employee due to working at a pet store. I've played on synergy since the day it was born (came over from the ifn split). I've done quite a bit in my time here, from 501st to 327th, SO BDE, and even more in the staff team because I enjoy helping out the server. I'm also the guy who originally made the funny bad clone drawings you can see in my pfp. I have 2 wonderful birds you can sometimes hear in the background when I talk. My hobbies include video games, video games, and video games. I also enjoy long walks on the beach. If you ever want to message me my discord is BenBananas#7678 

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Former: CWRP Director, CWRP Intel Director, 
Current: Gamer

Forever: Shitty helmet artist

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My name is Comics and My real name is N/A; I'm 15 (16 in may). I am a proper northern lad 
My name is from an old shitty Minecraft gamer tag. And I moved to Synergy with Billiam's 212th (served under: Billiam, Mamba, Cblake, Perri, Nade, Jagger). I was under alot of admirals, started under Baller tho (served under: Baller, Squeaks, Freck, Essit, Maymays, Alfa). I might have got banned for like a year but I'm back and better than ever. 

I've been LT and MQM in Naval and I was 2ndLT HVYL in DU.
I haven't had the most prestigious titles but I greatly enjoyed my time here.
I'm currently GCS 1stLT HVYL Boil and less impressively PO3

Only real g's know my name, Big up the UK

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The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Heyo, I’m bruise. But my actual name is Luke. I live in a little borough in north eastern Pennsylvania. So rural that I’m pretty sure our religion is football. I joined this server back in December after randomly deciding to return to Gmod. And well the rest of this will write itself in the future <3

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- Your Local Headass, Bruise.

Former: Jedi Master,  BCMD Gree , Recon RCMD Head Admin , GMM, Adi GalliaCommander Faie X2, Cooker

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Hi, I'm Dubz

You might know me as that one guy, who writes Absurdly long responses to AAR's or doesn't respond to them at all. Or, you might know me for my many incidents of "Tripping" inside Republic Bases off the Record as my Rugged Bounty Hunter, Dubz Cal of the Sanguine Hand, who isn't really that Rugged, and rarely does Bounties. 

Perhaps you know me from my Role as a Republic Trooper, where I call Sith Edgy, and tell them to fuck off in Open Comms? While that might be a bit too Mature for some, my Role as Lens, the Friendly Natuolan Jedi is a familar one to most. Personally, I've spent a lot of time in Rancor as an ARC, alongside SH actually trying to RP, and as a Local Healy Jedi. 

I'm an outspoken member of Synergy, and, I have been since I and several others refuged from my First Server after it died. I've only recently came back to SR, mostly to spend some time with the boys boys boys before my first Tenure as Cody on another Server. Personally, I've always been a 212th Boyo at heart, opting more for a Frontline Engie/Tanker approach. If you give me a Tank, I can drive it, give me a Ship, I can fly it, give me an AT-TE and I'll destroy anything in my way. 


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On 3/24/2020 at 3:01 PM, Freck said:

I'm notably known for being Synergy's youngest ... everything? LOL! 

My name is Thunder, and I'm currently 15. Real name is Collin and I stopped playing the server about 8 months ago. I was Commander of Spec Ops back when I started with Freck, and then I got to the position of Bad Batch Tech (#longesttech) In staff, I got to VA as a fuckin 12 year old, and when I came back, I got HA at 14.

Take that loser @Freck<3

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what do people put here now


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11 hours ago, Thunder said:

My name is Thunder, and I'm currently 15. Real name is Collin and I stopped playing the server about 8 months ago. I was Commander of Spec Ops back when I started with Freck, and then I got to the position of Bad Batch Tech (#longesttech) In staff, I got to VA as a fuckin 12 year old, and when I came back, I got HA at 14.

Take that loser @Freck<3

I got HA at 12! 


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1 hour ago, Enzyme said:

I got HA at 12! 


Weird flex but okay...

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What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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6 hours ago, Eclipse said:

what are your birds names

One is named Pepper and the other Reece 

Why not salt? Because I didn’t think that until about a year after I got her (Reece)

Former: CWRP Director, CWRP Intel Director, 
Current: Gamer

Forever: Shitty helmet artist

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4 hours ago, Bananaberry said:

One is named Pepper and the other Reece 

Why not salt? Because I didn’t think that until about a year after I got her (Reece)

those are some good names for birds. Can i see the birds

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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On 3/31/2020 at 12:16 AM, Thunder said:

My name is Thunder, and I'm currently 15. Real name is Collin and I stopped playing the server about 8 months ago. I was Commander of Spec Ops back when I started with Freck, and then I got to the position of Bad Batch Tech (#longesttech) In staff, I got to VA as a fuckin 12 year old, and when I came back, I got HA at 14.

Take that loser @Freck<3

Didn't get director though :3 

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6 hours ago, Freck said:

You scumbag, I was a good H.A!

Fine! Mingiest then :( i got told you was secretly mingey lmao


Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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