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Dreams Attack Regimental Commander Application


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==========[ Regimental Commander ]==========

Due to a lot of feedback, Ive updated my application detailing a lot more for you all.
(Update includes: Passed Experience, The Issues I see, Things I want to address.)

Steam Name:


RP Name:

187th Battalion Commander Dreams

Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞


Regiment you are applying for:

Attack Regimental


Synergy VET Admin

212th Attack Battalion - Private - Colonel: Within my time during my early stages of synergy I joined 212th, this was the first battalion I joined and I wanted nothing more but to become Ghost Company. In 2017 this is the accomplishments I achieved during the 212th:

Sharpshooter Lead

Ghost Company Lead

ARC Lead

Intel Manager

Although its not much, Its what I managed to achieve in such a short time frame of only roughly 6 months. I had the honor of leading some great troops. 

41st Elite Corps  - Private - 1stLT: I'm going to be completely honest, I do not remember much of my time in the 41st. I unfortunately didn't achieve much in the 41st apart from Junior officer and Green Company which is still, somewhat of an achievement.

Republic Medics - Private - Senior Officer: I was not RM for long, But I joined with the main principle of helping them out. Myself, Medic and Faoeo signed up and tried to kick them into gear. During this time I achieved the rank of Senior Officer and later resigned from Republic Medics. Upon returning Turbine had achieved BCMD, and I once again rejoined to assist him in rebuilding and working on the RM branch.

Rancor - Private - 1stLt: Not much to say here, I didnt actually do a whole lot, I was just active.

Ion Team - Ras - This was just a meme type position when they first got added, Nothing too serious but still I was Ras.

187th - Private - Battalion Commander - (Before Resignition and BCMD) - I returned with the sole interest of having fun and not picking up any high command positions. What I did notice early on was that 187th needed a little hand when Sugga was BCMD so I went in and did just that, gave him a hand. I reworked the intel team with a couple others. During my first time rounnd I became the Intel director, ARC lead and much more and helped bring the battalion back on its feet before we both left,

(Returning to Server, And Time during BCMD) - I came back after i was sent a message asking for assistance and constantly seeing a shit show in discord I decided it would be a good idea. Upon joining I had to deal with some incredibly annoying people who limited my ability to work therfor limiting the battalions growth and overall quality. After dealing with the individual and them getting banned, I applied for Battalion Commander and brought the battalion back to life. If you read my BCMD application you'll find that I have accomplished everything I had aimed to do and more, making 187th become one of the most active battalions on the server. Pretty good for a event job battalion with no lore if you ask me😂 But on a serious note, I learnt some valuable skills and am happy with the results of the battalion.

OTHER COMMUNITIES (Be aware I wont be expanding too much as I did not play on these servers recently, so information, ways of doing things etc is outdated and for Australian Servers Completely different:

Gateway Gaming AU

I would have to say this was probably the best experience ive had on Clonewars interms of roleplay and difficulty, Although Pointless we had to learn a wide variety of different things and more, and a basic part was more faces, In australian Servers you dont just learn: L, R, A, F you need to memories all of the following:
Left, Right, About, Front, Left Incline, Left Decline, Right Incline, Right Decline.
With those either being a quater face or 3 quaters of a face.

RANCOR - Private to XO

212th - Private - CMD - Ghost Company

501st  -  CPT Fives


You all know icefuse no need to explain.


91st - PVT- 1stLT 

212th - PVT - SGT - Ghost Company Once Again

327th - PVT - CPL

Refined Roleplay/Urbane Servers

A Server ran by Kalix.


101st Commander - Hawkbat MAJ Twelves


Truamas Unit(ARF) - 1stLT


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

After having put so much time into attack regiments and for the past 3 years since Joe was attack reg, I've always had the dream and hope to be able to one day go for this position. I currently think that there are some attack battalions that need specific help and futher support to get them back on their feet. Through my time playing on the server, I made some good connections and now have the ability to go anywhere and have a chat, especially within the attack regiments. With this I can effectivly communicate already and have good relations with most current battalions, especially the Attack battalions making it easier for me to transition and work with these people. 

I also want to approach the idea of a regimental the way they should be, And thats active. I dont mean active sitting in a office waiting for an issue, I dont mean being active by yourself in game. I mean constantly interacting and helping where I can with all battalions. The way I wish to operate for trainings and simulations is as follows:

Firstly, I want to build even better relations with all players within battalions, this means actively talking and communicating evenly with all, not showing favorutisim to just one or 2 battalions.

Secondly, I want to deploy out to events with battalions for example, 501st. If 501st get deployed I want to jump in there channel and do the event with them, having them lead me while i just sit back, enjoy my time but also evaluate first hand what they need improvement on and then work on a training or simulation that targets those things I see.

This allows me to give trainings that not only can be fun but actually help boost the ability battalions at the same time, and its one thing i noticed not many regimentals do.


Right Now for the expansion on the above, Ill be completely honest, The quality of attack battalions has gone down hill completely, and Ill be honest same with the entire server. We forget our basic principles, I see too many people in ranks acting like its good but not enough efforts being put into battalions to make them the best they truly can be, I see hardly any communications between the attack battalions. I can only speak for what i currently see in 187th but:

I have Rex, 2 212th and used to have Loopy in there when he was Bly, The reasoning for Rex and the 212th to join is the following:

As an Attack outreach so they can announce when they are doing trainings etc aswell as being battalion reps. 

Ill be honest, No battalion in attack is currently in the right place to do this, apart from possibly 212th(But they just havent utilized it aswell as they could have), every battalion lacks in one way or another, whether thats numbers, Strong committed officer core that can actually convert the battalion, or over quality of their battalions, from what ive seen and what others have said during debriefs its not the best, And this isnt just attack keep in mind, this is quite a lot of other battalions it seems to be a server wide problem.

Over time from when I started in the 212th 3 years ago, its dropped majorly and its time someone took a different approach to bring it up and fix them. Now, if there are battalions out there with officers nearing their removal strikes then theres something wrong, that should never be the case and supports my claim as to how some officer cores are and how they act. Im sorry for being so harsh here, but its the truth i'm here to start rebuilding and give all battalions a solid foundation.

As for my plans as attack regimental:
As you all have read already, activity is a big part but in the following areas:

-Indiviual Battalions


-Discords (My own DM's and Battalion Discords)


Let me elaberate, This is an advancement of the normal jobs of an attack regimental, i'll outline my plan below, and if you think it wont work, I want you to have a discussion with me about it please as to where I can work and develop cause as others who have heard my plan its foolproof and a win win for all.

The Normal Job as an Attack Regimental varies with the regimental but here is what I think it is (Opinionated):




I want to exand these basic principles and do more, by being active within battalions which i dont think you guys understood, do everything an attack battalion should be doing but to a higher standard while avoiding getting burnt out as i experience something new while being active with different people, i see exactly what you guys need to work on, I am easily accessible by officers+ and can see issues arrising and ones they have brought to me first hand allowing me to be able to act on things quicker and more efficient. As for whether or not its my time, i cant talk to much on that as Ive been in attack battalions for 3 years now since the start of Synergy.


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

Yes I understand the lore behind the Attack Regiments


I am Australian as most of you know, my times are in American EST time.

Monday – 10pm EST – 10:30 am EST

Tuesday -5pm EST – 8 am EST

Wednesday - 5pm EST – 8 am EST

Thursday - 5pm EST – 8 am EST

Friday - 5 pm EST – 11:30 am EST

Saturday – 5 pm EST – 11:30 am EST

Sunday – 10pm EST – 8 am EST


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:








Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

Overall I want all battalions with a steady number of players, I understand its hard having 4 attack battalions but its a goal to help out all battalions and get them fine and dandy. I want the ability of all battalions to also be better skilled, thats not to say they aren't now but all could do with some improvements, whether its tips and tricks on roleplay, trainings and simulations, or just help leading all these things can be easily addressed. I also want to have more inter BvB, for instance, 212th vs 501st training where you asses and test both parties on their abilities against one another giving constructive feedback to develop the battalion as a whole. I think every Attack Regimental says they want to host joint trainings but I can't say many do and I want to change that, by doing it as much as possible and being creative and productive about it.

Now even though we may be changing, I myself like to have good roleplay when  I can, and like to be productive in everyway I work and I want all battalions to slowly adopt it, I wont force it onto them thats one thing I do not want to do, but I want battalions to start to understand, minging stays in teamspeak at most, it never leaks in game. If you need to minge, log of the server. Also want to incorperate more roleplay based trainings to help develop situational awareness for certain things.

Now that I put up my thoughts on the attack battalions, here is where I want those issues to be not just what I want to do.

Firstly, As I stated above the quality of battalions to be improved, I have done so within the 187th, And Yes I am aware I did well there, I am aware that with me as a BCMD they are doing well, But Im not exactly leaving them, People forget that as an Attack regimental, If I have to I can go into battle with them, I can host trainings for them, I can recruit for them if need be, I still have communication and can see what is happening with them. I would understand peoples concerns if I went to lets say Recon Regimental, but thats simply not the case. And the way I am going to be approaching the position of Attack Regimental allows me to make optimal communication with them every other battalion.

But that expands to other battalions also, dont forget that, What I have done for 187th is not just going to stop when I leave, I plan to work with the next bly for a fair bit, and see what/where he wants his battalion (Ive seen some on his application but If he gets it would be good to communicate with him one on one when I obtain Attack Reg) and help ADVICE and set up a game plan for him and whether he uses my ideas and techniques is up to him, But working closely with him 327th will slowly revive and so will the overal capabilities of attack. I state a lot about being able to host event type simulations and that exactly why, With a battalion with low numbers its almost impossible to be delpoyed so you actually have to make up for it in Simulations, you can have a battalion doing absolutely nothing when they are at their lowest, you need to constantly be doing something with them to promote activity within the battalion and how new players see them and what they do, they get insipired to join. Be aware this is only addressing the 327th and their activity. 

And that once again goes for all of Attack, If the overal standard of the battalions, needs to be improved and will be done. I want to pick up where omalic left it, he wanted to focus on PVP and battalions BvB as you can see from his application, I want to do the same but actually expand it to what I know most about, Roleplay, Leading and being serious.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I think i incorperated a lot of this in above by expanding on what it is I want to do etc, so I appologiese for any repeats in statements.

Through the use of combined trainings, simulations and events. Constant communication etc. - With this it brings troopers closer and have them dealing with one another on a more constant basis. I think that this will instantly boost the standard of relations with battalions and also let other battalions know how other battalions work incase they get deployed together. With constant communication it means that no one gets left out of the loop, also using the Commanders meeting effectivly can also allow people know whats up in other battalions.

In the passed, The attack regiments used to be quite close community, and was filled with great leaders. As I said above, I will be with the battalions which means i will futher connect and build relationships within battalions, and this is exactly what an attack regimental should be doing. As many other attack regimentals did, I will be doing and building from the idea of battalion specific trainings and be putting them all against eachother and work with each other to establish even better bonds and communications within battalions ingame and out.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:


Edited by Dreams-
  • Friendly 1


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
  • 187th Battalion Commander
  • 187th Executive Officer
  • 212th Ghost Company Lead
  • 212th ARC Lead
  • 212th Sharp Shooter Lead
  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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  • Director




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Truly an old twat, the fact this guy hasn't had a heart attack yet shows true dedication to the server.
You gotta love him, he was great in 212th and he seems to have a very very active, yet small, 187th. Would make a great attack reg and can't wait to see where this old bugger goes.

Edited by Comics

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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+1 Smart aussie lad who turns every spewin moment into a pogchamp. He knows how to turn things around, he knows how to get down and serious to get shit done, and he knows how to have a good time. Hell yeah br0ther.

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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+1 I can’t think of anyone that could have done what you did in 187th. You are a fantastic leader and person. You would fit HC well and do right by your regiment and those around you. It would be a pleasure to serve in HC with you. 

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+1 Dreams you literally are the chillest Australian  ever you are funny, serious, and knows how to handle situations properly and know how to gets things done in timely manner there is no other person better than you for the Attack Reg job



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+1 You’ve got a lot going for you and you’ve completely turned the 187th back into an active battalion. You being the Regimental Commander of the attack battalions will only turn them into a fucking absolute unit. Good luck dude. 

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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“Overall I want all battalions with a steady number of players, I understand its hard having 4 attack battalions but its a goal to help out all battalions and get them fine and dandy. I want the ability of all battalions to also be better skilled, thats not to say they aren't now but all could do with some improvements, whether its tips and tricks on roleplay, trainings and simulations, or just help leading all these things can be easily addressed. I also want to have more inter BvB, for instance, 212th vs 501st training where you asses and test both parties on their abilities against one another giving constructive feedback to develop the battalion as a whole. I think every Attack Regimental says they want to host joint trainings but I can't say many do and I want to change that, by doing it as much as possible and being creative and productive about it.”

So I wanna point out something.

You point out 0 specific issues of any battalions that would be under your command. I can’t give support to someone who’d be over me in the regiment if they dont even seem to put in the effort to even ask officers of the battalions  what issues they face.

13 hours ago, Dreams- said:

I also want to approach the idea of a regimental the way they should be, And thats active. I dont mean active sitting in a office waiting for an issue, I dont mean being active by yourself in game. I mean constantly interacting and helping where I can with all battalions. The way I wish to operate for trainings and simulations is as follows:

You seem to also lack an understanding about what your main role of a Reg would be, that being more administrative. You saying that you’d be active and hosting sims for the battalions is not enough for me to lend support.


Also, you seem eager to leave your battalion only after they just recently started to turn around and only a little after your first month of your term.


with these things in mind,  I am -1ing.

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1



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What Rick and Mitchel said 



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-1 -- Heard from multiple 187th members that you are lacking for activity. Also heard that you pulled a 187th member into a channel with other officers and NCOs and humiliated him. Definitely not a good thing to have for a Reg Commander. Also when you were recently on, you were caught minging, with 41st.

May I ask what you have done for the 187th since your term?

  • Disagree 8
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57 minutes ago, Hayley said:

-1 -- Heard from multiple 187th members that you are lacking for activity. Also heard that you pulled a 187th member into a channel with other officers and NCOs and humiliated him. Definitely not a good thing to have for a Reg Commander. Also when you were recently on, you were caught minging, with 41st.

May I ask what you have done for the 187th since your 

We never humilated anyone

Edited by Hawky
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Even tho you're not going to be my REG, you still have my support. I have seen how you lead 187th, you're a good guy and leader who really cares. Not to mention once you became BCMD numbers went up and stayed up, you built a good respectable officer core and NCO core. Need I say more?

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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5 hours ago, Rick_ said:

-1 You just got 187th BCMD and leaving your battalion would be a bad idea.  I would like you to have it in the future but now id rather have you keep doing what your doing.

honestly it has been over a month he has revived the battalion and even after all this work his battalion is still facing removal, imagine what he could do for battalions that aren't facing removal. He is quite frankly the best man for the job


  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1
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34 minutes ago, Hayley said:

-1 -- Heard from multiple 187th members that you are lacking for activity. Also heard that you pulled a 187th member into a channel with other officers and NCOs and humiliated him. Definitely not a good thing to have for a Reg Commander. Also when you were recently on, you were caught minging, with 41st.

May I ask what you have done for the 187th since your term?

Hi, Im not sure what you mean by this. I was never caught minging with the 41st, If youre referencing the situation with @Rose and @Carvis You'll find I was a witness to what happened and had to join in on the staff sit, I was never directly involved apart from having to take a photo for them, So your information has been incorrect and you may contact both staff above for more on that, or Egg, Grief, Eights or anyone else above.

As for my Activity, I recently got of a LOA, you can find that in the LOA section of the commanders section, I am also australian. Interms of my activity, I only play Synegry on garrys mod, and AFKing is not my thing unless its close to midnight my time, So if you wish here is a screen shot of my hours as of today:


I am one the most active Attack Battalion BCMD as I write this, and within my 2 weeks here i screen shotted I was on LOA for one of those weeks, so you tell me if im inactive.

And now for the statement what have I done for my term:

Well, I dont know if you have noticed, but since returning and taking over the 187th Hayley, it is in the best shape its been in since its return to the server, I worked and have continued to work around the clock to make sure all battalion standards are met, Making a successful officer core, one thats regarded by quite a lot of people, Become either the most or second most active attack battalion, with numbers and I quote @Jagger here "Only dreams can revive a dead battalion, mans out numbers 212th now" (Sorry jagger lmao). Everything that gets done is ran by me also, so I approve everything before it gets done regarding Senior Officer things, so I do quite a lot, and have continued to do so. I have ran trainings, and got my troops to host trainings around the clock for my battalion and thats evident its still happening even in discord. We are also one of the most deployed attack battalions also.

I would like to say, and many will agree I have done a lot for this battalion.

What I cannot understand, and as Hawky stated, How I managed to humiliate someone in my own teamspeak, If anything that should have been reported to myself etc. I make an effort to DISCIPLINE those who do, and also remove them. I added a No toxicity rule to the battalion for a reason a long with a 1 strike system. So if you could It would be great if you could contact me and we can sit around and discuss that. As with all conversations I have they either have another officer present or its 1 on 1. Thank you.



1 hour ago, Mitchel said:

“Overall I want all battalions with a steady number of players, I understand its hard having 4 attack battalions but its a goal to help out all battalions and get them fine and dandy. I want the ability of all battalions to also be better skilled, thats not to say they aren't now but all could do with some improvements, whether its tips and tricks on roleplay, trainings and simulations, or just help leading all these things can be easily addressed. I also want to have more inter BvB, for instance, 212th vs 501st training where you asses and test both parties on their abilities against one another giving constructive feedback to develop the battalion as a whole. I think every Attack Regimental says they want to host joint trainings but I can't say many do and I want to change that, by doing it as much as possible and being creative and productive about it.”

So I wanna point out something.

You point out 0 specific issues of any battalions that would be under your command. I can’t give support to someone who’d be over me in the regiment if they dont even seem to put in the effort to even ask officers of the battalions  what issues they face.

You seem to also lack an understanding about what your main role of a Reg would be, that being more administrative. You saying that you’d be active and hosting sims for the battalions is not enough for me to lend support.


Also, you seem eager to leave your battalion only after they just recently started to turn around and only a little after your first month of your term.


with these things in mind,  I am -1ing.

I see some solid points here, And I appreciate the -1 whole heartidly, Now the question doesnt ask what I think a regimental does, its what I want to do during my term as a regiment and why I should be a regimental. One of they key points to being a Regimental is advicing, thats common sense. Now, if 327th want me to take a more administrative approach, thats fine I can do that. What I refer to by being active, as I wrote on my application  I want to be active within battalions, So this would obviously mean communicating with also officers, I wouldnt be doing my job if I did not ask what you guys would want and what issues you have, thats the extremely basic role of any Regimental. What I am writing in my application is an expansion of the normal, Its a way to have constant communication with all members of a battalion, building trust but also being able to analyze from the inside what weakness's a battalion may have and hold and how im going to address them, the best way to do that is to be active and see it first hand.

As for the 0 specifics, well I would be breaking rules if I state what each individual battalion has wrong, people would/could see that as starting drama. But I will state one here: First of, my intentions is to help all battalions get on there feet as I stated above, There is one battalion in particular that needs help, and im sure you are aware of this, this means going in, and assessing officers, troops, and the battalion integrity and seeing and hearing what needs to be fixed. The start of this is though once again being active within the battalion and looking into things.

See, the term active comes up quite a lot because you cant fix issues by being standback and waiting for them to come to you, you need to address the situation when you see it and make sure things are working out inorder to sort out situations. My approach is going to be different to what people may think what a regimental does, but what a regimental should do, is very opiniated depending on the person and how theyve been brought up in a battalion and passed experiences.

  • Winner 3


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
  • 187th Battalion Commander
  • 187th Executive Officer
  • 212th Ghost Company Lead
  • 212th ARC Lead
  • 212th Sharp Shooter Lead
  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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  • Retired Founder

I'm pretty sure you have some additional experience with CWRP & RP on other servers; though you didn't include it in your original application, I would be interested to see your past experience which would shed some light on your ability to manage, lead, and command.

If you're the same person from IFN/SUP that I think you are, you should have sufficient experience to handle the position.

  • Agree 1



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Dreams your a great guy and hard worker. But I think it’s a little to early for you sorry bud -1

Current:   Shaak Ti

Past: 2Del, x10Boomer, x3Anakin , x2Eeth Koth, Lumi, Quinlan, Adi, x2Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, 501st CMD, 91st CMD, Kano, Hawk, 2xAppo

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+1 talked about your plans its a win win

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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-1 I just don't think that is a good idea. Even though you have Sugga within the battalion I don't think you are in a position where if you leave the battalion it will be in a good place. Secondly, some of your points within your app doesn't give me the clear confidence you understand the problem of the regiment as a whole. If you currently see the current problem is "activity" isn't a good enough answer. Finally your role as regimental commander hold a high value then just joining events and doing trainings. I understand you are a great guy/leader but that just not enough. 

If you do get accepted and become reg, I hope you do prove me wrong

  • Agree 1


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@Ron There you go, I updated my Application with prior experience.


  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
  • 187th Battalion Commander
  • 187th Executive Officer
  • 212th Ghost Company Lead
  • 212th ARC Lead
  • 212th Sharp Shooter Lead
  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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Head Admin

+1, you made 187th one of the most active within like... 3 weeks?? Amazing work on that and I believe you can do this too definitly.

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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13 hours ago, Dreams- said:

 Become either the most or second most active attack battalion, with numbers and I quote @Jagger here "Only dreams can revive a dead battalion, mans out numbers 212th now" (Sorry jagger lmao). 


I'm Jagger, and I approve of this message. 

(Spewin cunt)

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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21 hours ago, Hayley said:

-1 -- Heard from multiple 187th members that you are lacking for activity. Also heard that you pulled a 187th member into a channel with other officers and NCOs and humiliated him. Definitely not a good thing to have for a Reg Commander. Also when you were recently on, you were caught minging, with 41st.

He is always in the 187th channel and when did minge with the 41st he came on a patrol with us. Come back once you get evidence about Dreams minging with 41st cause he never did. And what do you mean about his activity he probably been more active in his last 2 days than you have for a whole week



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22 hours ago, Hayley said:

-1 -- Heard from multiple 187th members that you are lacking for activity. Also heard that you pulled a 187th member into a channel with other officers and NCOs and humiliated him. Definitely not a good thing to have for a Reg Commander. Also when you were recently on, you were caught minging, with 41st.

May I ask what you have done for the 187th since your term?

This seems to be quite some inflammatory accusations, and if that's what you're going for, bravo. But before you go and call him out for minging with 41st, as its BCMD, I would REALLY like to know what you mean by this, and who was directly involved, so I can deal with this "minginess" accordingly. If what you mean is the situation involving carvis and shaw with rose thrown into it all, you seem to be very misinformed on the whole situation and I really do not appreciate you saying this about my battalion based on rumors, lies, or half truths. I'm not trying to start a fight here in this app, but please get your facts straight before trying to flame someone and my battalion.



For my full vote on this, I believe that dreams is more than qualified for this position. He has talked to me about going for it for a few weeks now and he wants to move on to helping all the other attack battalions since his plans for the 187th have been realized. His plans are good and he had reasonable expectations and ways to realize those plans. I believe that dreams is the right person for the job and can do an amazing job as a regimental.


  • Agree 2
  • Disagree 1
  • Winner 1
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After reviewing your app, talking to a few people, re-reviewing and thinking/talking to myself for the better part of a day (yes I do this and it worked as my time as Bly when I revived the battalion) I have come to the conclusion that as long as you have an equally strong second who is ready to take over for you, then you get my +1. I have known your work from the past and it was always a positive one and one that I know (with time) could benefit the server in the long run. I again state that so long as you have a candidate for replacement that's just as strong though and if you do lack that replacement, then I can not give you this +1 as the battalion will suffer from it. Regardless, if you get this position, I wish you the best and I hope for a very prosperous future for you.


Arcantus 0050 giving his +1

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On 12/7/2019 at 9:00 PM, Dreams- said:

I am one the most active Attack Battalion BCMD as I write this

Showing us your GMod hours doesn’t truly prove anything because you can be AFK or just have GMod hours, also I don’t know if you’re EU or not but most of the ATK Reg is NA so you’ll have to be popping up a lot during those peak hours to get more shit done with them and if you don’t have anyone in the 187th who can take over when you’re gone I wouldn’t leave yet until you make a strong officer core so this will have to make me -1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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-1 I think leaving the 187th now will hurt it more than it will help. Your NCOs lack the decency to respect myself and others as officers. 

Overall the only thing I have seen from the 187th is some better numbers at times, lack of rp knowledge for many scenarios, failure to listen to other officers and to disrespect them in battle. 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Big +1. I remember playing chess with you on The CY and messing around whilst the server was dead. Like 10 people on. We all had fun. And in TS 

Imagine Putting Your Old Ranks And Roles In Your Bio

I Went from Mas Amedda and VA to Blacklisted from every single thing except CT and Jedi :)

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Void This @Sanchez Resident Sorry Lads, I have a lot on my plate coming up past christmas, its time I step down.


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