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BigZach's Recon Regimental Application


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==========[ Regimental Commander ]==========


Steam Name: BigZach


RP Name: WP HVL Commander Sinker | 41st Elder Knight Bodokas | Fleet Lieutenant Biggus


Steam ID (SteamID Finder:) STEAM_0:0:199586816


Regiment you are applying for: Reconnaissance



My experience is greatly varying. I will admit most of it comes from specialised battalions but I have spent a decent amount of time within Reconnaissance Battalions, to the point where I feel comfortable applying for this position. But I’d like to think my experience, in general, can be applied universally as I learned a lot from each position.

Note: Not all of my experiences are listed, this may be because they aren’t as crucial to my development or I have forgotten much about my time there. This is also in a weird order.


104th Mechanised Assault Battalion

104th was the “first” battalion I joined. I was reeled in by an enthusiastic boy called KJ and stayed for the incredible company. This is where I really developed my initial knowledge of the server and I can’t think of a better place to do so. I learned how to operate in events in an organised manner. I learned how to listen to orders. I learned about the culture of the server.

After leaving for a while, I came back to the 104th as a place of refuge of my sad days of battalion hopping. Keep in mind I came back a few times during my battalion hopping days. In my battalion hopping days I learned a lot about the smaller cultures of the server, how different battalions had different operations and appeals.

Galactic Marines

After RM, I joined the Galactic Marines as a PVT and got those pesky GMACTs in a time of struggle for GM. I would stay long enough to become Ki Adi Mundi and go through, probably, their biggest drama to date. Here I learned about the dualities of drama and how to act as a supporting role to a battalion. I also learned how set core values can influence a battalions culture. I really enjoyed my time in GM and as Ki Adi Mundi. Especially serving with Snadvich and Jacien when they were BCMDs even if they were struggling.

Republic Medics

I joined this battalion after leaving CG as a CSM. I joined it because of how chill Turbine was when I trained him to be a TR. When I first joined there was BCMD Meds (Turbine) and an English Commander. My first ever officer promotion was earned by complaining about how ugly the comms color was and how much I wish I could use the advert chat. This was quite weird and kinda undeserved but I paid the battalion back by putting all my effort into it. I would then go on to get Executive Officer after just missing the deadline to apply for BCMD and then applying for BCMD and getting denied due to the battalions removal. I made some great friends in RM, the people in it were so positive and fun to be around. Most importantly is what I learned. In RM I learned that having a positive battalion that had fun and participated in RP really increased the enjoyment of my time and the enjoyment others had. I learned the key responsibilities of running a battalion and had my first experience of proper leadership. This also lead to my deep path down medical RP on the server. 


After the removal of RM my focus shifted to Naval as I was already a high NCO Rank and Senior Medical Officer. However during this time the leadership of the medical branch were incredibly preoccupied, which lead to their inactivity. The CMO was removed and I was put into the position not long after. This was during the high point of Naval while Freck and Essit were Admiral. I was able to turn Medical, which was the worst performing branch, into the top performing medical branch which topped Quartermastery which was leading before I got CMO. During my time I was able to reach the rank of Lieutenant and ITD, but left before I was meant to get Commodore.

However in recent times with Naval I did reach Colonel and CMO after it was opened back up after reorganisation. But I didn’t make the best of this opportunity. I procrastinated too much and lacked the drive that was needed. I then came back with the position of Wilhuff Tarkin but still couldn’t find the drive to relearn the Naval Culture and participate properly, however I did have some great RP as Tarkin.


When I became Padawan I joined the consular branch as a means to join the Healer sub-branch to help out Avavel and to have all my characters as medics. However the council made a decision to lock Sub-branches to Knight+ so I was promoted by Tyzen to Knight I for being ½ active healers. So I then joined Temple Guard ironically and worked my up to TGM and participated in the Jedi Trial grind till I was contacted and promoted to master. This was a surprise and a gift to me. This would lead to me becoming Ki Adi Mundi. While as a Jedi Master I learned about how they were organised so well and had a decent democratic system. I still commend them to this day for how well they are organised, as a council.



My time in recon has been spread out. I have been in all the Recon Battalions and have enjoyed my time there.

91st Recon Corps

I joined the 91st when it was going through a rough patch. This didn’t really phase me at first as I still had external people I could talk to. My favourite memory about being in the 91st is placing bushes outside of bunks and hid in them to then pop out and advertise the battalion when people walked by. I had great fun doing this, but sadly this marketing tactic didn’t have much of an impact.

41st Elite Corps

I joined the 41st at quite a weird time. It wasn’t “inactive” but I wasn’t doing well. I joined to kinda help out with recruitment and such. There was a lack of active officers though. Which takes some incentive away to do work for the NCOs. I did try and do my best to help but I felt quite down when in there as nothing much was going on and there was a lack of people to talk to. However I’m glad to see 41st is doing much better now and is quite a jolly place to be.


I joined Rancor after I finally finished my ARC Training after almost a year. When I joined Rancor was doing extremely well with Jayarr and Black as Commanders under Dragon. I really enjoyed my time here and got Medical Lead where I then left because I passed Alpha ARC Tryouts so I became Alpha-98 Nate. I enjoyed RPing as an Elite Member and being professional tailoring to the serious RP aspect at a time where the server wasn’t very serious. In Rancor I learned about their battalion structure and how to handle the responsibilities of having to host trainings outwith your battalion. 

I could probably over saturate this section more, but nah.


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I should become a regimental commander because I have great communication skills and try to communicate effectively. I have garnered tonnes of experience on the server, almost accumulating to two years, this means I have an advanced knowledge of the norms and “going ons” of the server. I can use this knowledge and my communication skills to help shepard those that may not be as knowledgeable. I also make use of useful decision making techniques like SWAT for larger decisions. These techniques are great as they help you perceive the different aspects of the decision.

I would say over my time on the server I have made great relations with those of all shapes and sizes. If I have any sour relationships with any folk I’d be more than happy to sweeten them as it’s probably sour for very little reason. I like to be fun loving but I also act serious and proper when the time comes. In RP, I like to be oddly strict with a wee bit of personality.
I can adapt to new situations and environments easily. I enjoy leaving my comfort zone and I like to be committed. I find conversing with others easy and I’m not afraid to ask confrontational questions.I love discussing things especially when it comes to making decisions as it can lead to developing ideas or execution.
I am currently focusing on developing training for squads and cross battalion training. Trying to refine map structure, pacing, ease of set-up, etc. I really enjoy the idea of creating trainings for folk to enjoy and practise with. I will also be working with some admins to create some PvP bases dupes, for practising for BvB and general PvP improvement.

I also have a decent understanding of Business Management topics. I could use this to try and incorporate different evaluation techniques, decision making routine, and maybe some brand/marketing techniques. I think using these techniques and understanding them can be incredibly beneficial.


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

Yes I do. Here’s a wee sample:


41st Elite Corps

The Elite Corps was comprised of various sub-units, one of em being Green Company. They were lead by Luminara Unduli in the starting stages of the clone wars, the Clone Commander under Unduli was CC-1004 Gree. 

Commander Gree served in The Second Battle of Geonosis and the Battle of Kashyyyk. He is described and shown as being incredibly loyal and always stayed in line, he also showed great respect to his Jedi superiors. He also has a dashing haircut, that I wish I was confident enough to copy.

Their subunits include:
Ranger Platoon
Scout Battalion
Green Company

Yoda decipates Gree during Order 66.


91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps

The 91st Recon Corps was led by CT-411, Commander Ponds, at the start of the clone wars. He would later perrish and relieve leadership to CC-8826, Commander Neyo. Ponds perished at the hands of Aurra Sing.
The incredibly large 91st Recon Corps we lead by Jedi Generals; Adi Galia, Stass Allie and Mace Windu. 

The 91st Recon Corps used a variety of vehicles consisting of ATTEs, BARC Speeders, LAATs and ATRTs. This shows their versatility in battle as each vehicle requires a different mindset and strategy to use effectively.

The Corps was made of 36,864 troopers which was divided into 16 separate regiments.

The 91st Recon Corps served in:

The battle for Ryloth.

The battle for Malastare.

Battle of Patitie Pattuna.

Battle for Anaxes.

Siege of Saleucami.


The RANCOR Battalion was mainly comprised of Advanced Recon Commandos and Advanced Recon Forces. Before the battle of the Rishi Moon they were stationed on Kamino to supervise and oversee the final stages of Clone Trooper Training. 

RANCOR Participated in the Battle of Kamino. This is where the CIS Staged a large attack on the cloning facility at Tipoca City. The CIS were hiding in the ocean with Trident Assualt Ships, while a distraction attack from outwith the orbit happened. The end of this battle would come with the promotion of Echo and Fives to ARC Troopers. Colt sadly perished in this battle. And Havoc participated in it. Rancor consisted of 4 companies with a total clone count of 576.



I am available on:

Mondays, 10pm - 12am GMT.

Tuesdays, prime time and in discord.

Wednesdays, 2pm GMT - 1AM and in discord.
Thursdays, Free all day.
Fridays, Free all day.

Saturdays, Free all day.

Sundays, 6pm GMT - 12 AM and in discord.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

Wolfpack Un-named                             MEDL x?
Executive Officer                                     REGL

Chief Medical Officer x2                       TGM
Jedi General                                                Kix
Ki Adi Mundi                                               Torrent Company
Alpha ARC                                                   Sith Lord
eARC                                                              Senate Commando
Covert Ops                                                  Wilhuff Tarkin
104th Commander                                  Wolfpack Sinker
Naval Lieutenant                                   Base Ops Colonel


Do you have a microphone?: Affirmative.

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I want my regiment to be in a comfortable and confident position. I want them to be inspired to host trainings and communicate across battalions. I want a fun but serious experience within the Recon Regiment. I want it to be a sociable place, where people want to hang out with their friends and participate in the server with them. I want to set a president of using useful decision making techniques and evaluating the battalions effectively. I want to help push more serious RP and try and get the troops to tow the line. I want private comms to be used appropriately during any given situation. I want to continue the beneficial and frequent training that Black set up and also continue to have great communication with other battalions.

I want to help set incentive and president for activity, without being pushy or guilt tripping folk. I want the Recon Regiment to be the best Regiment in quality of life and experience. I want to also set up a system for frequent, friendly competition between the recon battalions. I want the recruitment process to be streamlined and also streamlined battalion operations by offering advice on how to do so. 


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I plan to improve relations by setting up and continuing many things like:

Regiment Meetings on a frequent Basis

Frequent inter-battalion Training.

Frequent competition.

Encouraging the battalions to work together during events.

Encouraging the battalions to set-up trainings to help each other.

Being an unbiased view and ally to the battalions.

Being a vessel for advice and educated opinion.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Affirmative.


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Affirmative


Thank you for reading, don’t be afraid to ask questions and give criticism. ❤️ 

Edited by BigZach
  • Winner 1


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Didn't see that coming to be honest.

Even thou you got a bit butchered with you time as Mundi (like yikes my dude) you where always a chill and fun dude who knew when to be serious and when to have fun.

Mau the best man win



  • Friendly 1

What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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This is easily the best choice, +1. Your application is extremely detailed and extremely put together very nicely. You have really good activity, which would be good for some of the Recon members who don't know who you are quite yet. You’re a great guy and you know how to handle responsibilities. These are some big goals you have and I support them. I think you are a perfect fit for this position, along with your maturity and seriousness in rp and such. You’re a great guy, and I would really like to see you smooth out Recon a bit more.  Achieve the bag Mr Seinfeld, Good Luck!

  • Friendly 2

Doom the Boom

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+1 Tino... oh wait i mean BigZach you have been a great, and extremely active commander, and a great part of my battalion. Should you get this position, I would say Im sad to see you go, but im not because this would be a good thing for you and I’d be super excited to see you take up this position. Good luck, you got this.

Edited by Father Michael
  • Friendly 1
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-1 bigman get out of here u big oof!





















































+1 love u babe

Edited by Rick
  • Friendly 1

Current: GM Pighen | Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi

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One of the fellow new wave base ops founding fathers, I know you’ll do great large Zachariah 

  • Friendly 1

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Head Admin

+1, very cool epic gamer move 


  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Both candidates are good! 


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+1 mad lad learn to speak English please 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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I liked the structure of this app. We've had a few interactions on the server, and I'm willing to see how you would preform in this position.

  • Friendly 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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This XO+ generation is being taken over by the Scotts.... deadly... however, BigZach, you got my +1. My one thing I hope you take away, is follow through on your goals and promises.

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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  • Management

You have been ACCEPTED for interview

Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 10/9/2019 or your application will be DENIED


//moved to Pending


i am literally captain tukk

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