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Ket's Battalion Commander Neyo Application


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Steam Name: 

[SR] Ket [SA]

RP Name:

Lightning-02 Commander Stak

Steam ID:


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps


XO Ponds (Sharpshooter Squadron) (2016-2017)

Omega RC-1136 Darman (2017)

Alpha-98 Staff Sergeant Nate (2018-2019)

91st Lightning-02 Commander Stak (2019)

XO Ponds of Sharpshooter Squadron - Joined them as a very small, uncoordinated and very badly organised battalion with little to no document work or cohesion. Brought them from nothing and made them one of the most respected battalions on that serious (custom lore) CWRP server. Very similar idea in terms of battalion that the current 91st has now, only with very custom lore. Learned a lot of leadership, disciplinary and resource management skills here.

Omega RC-1136 Darman - When I joined, they were a full squad and I was the last member to fill. Tryouts were on par with what we currently have here, although in some areas more difficult and other areas less difficult. I worked with Niner to use some of my expertise I have acquired from my XO Ponds position and moved them into Omega Squad, only learning on a personal level, how to deal with individuals in a small squad environment. From here I had learnt specifically what standards are supposed to be met at a high level of roleplay, I also learnt that meeting those standards will have serious consequences. 

Alpha-98 Staff Sergeant Nate - Here is where we get into Synergy. When I joined Rancor as a basic trooper, it was because I really wanted to be an ARC trooper and saw how accessible it was. During my time as an ARC trooper, I really wanted something more and therefore went for Alpha ARC. Thankfully I had tutors such as Dragon, Silvers, Nigel, Merril, Miller, Dino and many others that would begin to teach me, even if they didn’t know it, the proper way to run a battalion. The discipline needed, the standards to be kept, the ideas and creativity each of them displayed allowed me to really soak it in and understand that this is what CWRP is all about. I didn’t last long in Rancor, just due to real life reasons, with college and other areas, but regardless my time here was extremely important for who I am when I play this game today.

Lightning-02 Commander Stak - Here’s where we are now. When I first joined 91st, they were extremely dead. I was brought in based on chance, as I had originally set out on 91st or 21st (as they were my favourites) and 91st happened to recruit me first. From that point on, using my ARC training to instantly get SGT I began to turn 91st into what it is today. I worked extremely hard on recruitment (although I may have been lucky with how many I acquired), on documents, the formation, discipline and relationships with the people I have inside the battalion. I attempted to turn it into more of a community business, rather than a place to minge. I learned how to hands on push myself as hard as possible in order to meet the best out of myself, I reworked the entirety of Lightning Squadron, the attack branches, and intel department, adding new things and fixing areas that needed to be fixed, all while keeping the stuff that actually worked. I became Intel Director, the first Commander after 50% of our Officers had been removed, Attack Overseer, Lightning-02 Stak and the mind behind the entirety of Lightning Squadron. 

Some additional info; I had also acquired the rank of Senior Administrator, as well as TRO, getting both Staff of the Week and TR of the Week within my first week on each role. 

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I believe I should become battalion commander because I am familiar with the way the 91st runs and I understand what it needs from a future commander to be more successful. I have worked hard to rebuild the 91st from the first day of my recruitment and me being battalion commander can increase this effort ten-fold. I can also bring a very passionate and open minded leadership to the battalion, allowing people to speak and give feedback willingly, rather than needing to shy away. I also have a great relationship with the rest of my battalion and believe I can work closely with them to build a great battalion. I’ve also worked with recon for my entire existence as a Clone Wars RP player and believe that I can bring the expertise and experience needed to build a fully functioning battalion. The 91st is also my first real home on SynergyRoleplay, I’ve met  some great people and understand what we need to be in touch with greatness and all the potential we possess as a battalion. 

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:



Practically every weekday between 10am GMT to 3am GMT. On weekends it depends on if I’m busy or not, but it’d be the same time if I was not. I am also available to contact on Discord at any time.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:


Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

At the end of my term I wish to accomplish a number of goals. I wish to allow the battalion to become self reliant, throughout my time within 91st I have planted the seeds for this but during my term I wish to fully complete this goal. I wish to also continue growing the success of the battalion overall, I will do this by completing the listed goals:


Grow the battalion - I wish to continue growing the battalion by filling the NCO, SNCO and officer core out, allowing for a stable self-reliant work environment that all members can enjoy and have fun in.


Cross-battalion work ethic - I wish to improve relations with a number of different battalions, including both recon, attack and specialised battalions. This will prove to be very successful for future missions and deployments going forward, we currently lack any sort of work structure between these three groups.


Outreach involvement - I will also bring in more involvement with our outreach, allowing them to share their expertise and trainings with the newer and less experienced members of the battalion. SOBDE and the outreach are there for a reason and I plan to utilise their skills. 


Lightning Squadron - I plan to fully evolve the Lightning Squadron tryouts into a very persuading ‘elite’ ARF branch that all ARF members can attempt to join. I wish to give the Lightning Squadron some recognition as currently they aren’t given the respect they deserve. I wish to also help fill this part of the battalion out with capable and respectable leadership to run it like a true elite sub-branch.


Work with Jedi - Currently, we have little to no coordination with the Jedi, now that we have an active Adi Gallia, it'd be great to come up with some tactics and ideas that can introduce effectiveness between troopers and Jedi.


Perfect the Intel Department - I will hand over my Intel Director lead to a new capable candidate and work with them on creating an Intel Department that is self-sufficient and successful, updating and creating the most prestigious documents to help the future of the 91st.


Fill out the sub-branches - Now that we have the heavy branch coming in, the numbers for leads within each branch fall thin. I plan to fill these roles, including the basic troopers of each sub-branch to a likable position to allow people to roleplay effectively within their sub-branch.


Recognise capable leadership - I believe we do this quite well already, usually tending to recognise capable troopers by the time they hit NCO. However, I wish to implement further ideas to fully unlock an individual’s true skill and potential through a number of sims and ‘real-world’ experience. 


Increase lore-to-roleplay seriousness - I wish to implement a more serious roleplay structure that would attempt to push troopers to roleplay more like the 91st would actually act, practically being cold hearted, only there to work, troopers. Act as if they were born to live and die for the republic, just how they were depicted in lore.


Ranking positions - I plan on keeping and removing people in positions of power depending on whether I think they deserve it, the battalion will become specifically business centered and people will be removed if they slack off or don’t meet quotas. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

Yes, I understand this.

Edited by Ket
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Ah yes. The man who says "HELLO   S   I   R "


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I've worked with and seen Ket during my time in 91st, He is very hard-working and a dedicated individual that I would without a doubt in my mind trust the 91st battalion with. he has shown a lot of progression and initiative. He truly cares about the battalion and will strive to see it succeed.

Good Luck Ket! I believe in you! :D 

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Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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Head Admin

This man is dedictaed to everything. I noticed when he got into Lightning Squad he moved from Hawkeye (correct me if I am wrong) to Stak. When he got Stak he moved up in the ranks pretty fast so that must believe he is truly epic. As for staff he went from fucking New Admin to Senior Admin in his first meeting as staff also getting Staff of the week. As for battalion wise I am sure he is doing great. Al lresulting in a +1. Good luck Commander Wack

  • Funny 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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+1 Good Luck

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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+1 one of the hardest working staff I’ve see.

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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-1    A  n E y O  C o U l D  n E v E r  B e  E u R o P e A n


All joking aside +1. With my term coming to an end I could not recommend a person to take up the mantel. I could not have as well as I did during my term without him and some other key officers. He is one of the hardest working in the 91st, he is always there to help the NCOs and Enlisted, and he has a good work ethic. Being a BCMD is not a hard job in my opinion, its being the ones that help the battalion grow that is the hardest. This man had my full support for his future.


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The amount of words I have for this man. However. I won’t bore you with the details. Keep up the good work. I’m sure you’ll do amazing things as Neyo. +1

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Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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+1 im too lazy to read good luck my friend thats a book

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Current: CG MED SSGT Spoof | Navy MED MCPO Spoof | Hunter Kravchenko | Jedi Master TGM Spoof
Prior: (2017) 104th MED CPL Spoof | CG MEDL LT Spoof | 501st CSM Spoof | 187th JT 2ndLT Spoof | 21st MED 2ndLT Spoof | (2019) 91st MEDL Lightning squad LTC Spoof | DU MED SGT Spoof | 104th MED SGT Spoof

$ Didn't ask $


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  • Management

You have been ACCEPTED for interview

Please contact myself and Sanchez for your interview before 9/4/2019 or your application will be DENIED


//moved to Pending


i am literally captain tukk

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