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Merrill's Rancor Battalion Commander Application


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Steam Name:

[SR] Merrill [SA]

RP Name:

Rancor Alpha-01 Commander Merrill

Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

Rancor BCMD


Definitive Networks Combine Versus Rebels:

-NPU Division Leader: Very similar in purpose and loadout to SHOCK, brought them from a singular branch to a multibranch unit capable of handling difficult situations.

-Planetary Commander: Equivalent to Marshal Commander/Palpatine in rank, appointed Division Leaders and monitored them to ensure divisions were being lead properly, and began writing the first Manual of Operations to document the unwritten rules of the Combine faction.

-Antonov Investigative Unit: Secret Police of Combine side, capable of removing DvLs and officers from positions for corruption, and collecting dossiers for future officers.

-Senior Admin

Battlefield 4 Midwest Milsim

-Event Host: In charge of improving and hosting our game-modes, as well as scheduling group meetings.

-Op Planner: Tester for weapons, loadouts, maps, and story for future missions.

Synergy Clone Wars:

-Warrant Officer Hammer

-Commander Havoc

-Primary Creator/Host of eARC/Alpha Class trials with Dragon

-Senior Admin/Game Master known for the time I put into ideas and characters

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

Between my experiences between this server and others, and my focus on quality for Rancor and ARCs in general, I believe I would be an excellent fit for Rancor and improving the seriousness of the server in return. There are many plans that l wish to finish from previous BCMDs as well, such as the reintroduction of ARF specialties and bettering our relationships with the battalions that we do not get to interact with much and reinforcing the ARC presence in those battalions.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:



(May be changing jobs soon with better availability)

Saturday: Depending on work schedule, I am available in the morning for an hour or two or I am available from 5-10 PM CST

Sunday: Available from approximately 8-10 PM CST

Weekdays: Always available on Discord, available in game 6-10 PM CST if not working

Friday: Unavailable in game due to being away from home

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Approximately a year.

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

First and foremost, I want to have our ARF program fully planned out and prepared for the addition of the jobs, if not already added in. Secondly, I want to secure a schedule for eARC/Alpha Class trials and have a roster of individuals who are capable of hosting it. Third, I want to broaden the connections between Rancor and other battalions, especially in the terms of ARC. Finally, I want our standard of ARC Troopers in Rancor to continue improving through improvements of simulations, actions during events, and the ARC trainings themselves.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:


The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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-1 first off your activity you barely get on the server through nearly 5 months with rancor and shaak ti i saw you maybe 4-5 times in 5 months i get you work and have real life but when you are barely seen doesnt give a good look on that cmd 

 As far as the eARC program you started you have not done anything for it recently no trials you trained 2 other people than yourself and relied on them to host you're program and since training them you have not done any of the trials and just have been sitting as a cmd within rancor doing basically nothing 

any time someone tries to meme with you, you get very heated for no reason get toxic and a dick when you dislike what someone says

You're attitude is unfit to be an arc commander and a commander within rancor when you dislike something you are not ready for this position as you are disrespectful, inactive, tpxic and not mature when it comes to problems as i see it based on what you have been doing you would continue to be inactive,disrespectful and just hold the position just to flex you're rank like you already do 


  • Agree 2
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1 hour ago, SmallJeff said:

-1 first off your activity you barely get on the server through nearly 5 months with rancor and shaak ti i saw you maybe 4-5 times in 5 months i get you work and have real life but when you are barely seen doesnt give a good look on that cmd 

 As far as the eARC program you started you have not done anything for it recently no trials you trained 2 other people than yourself and relied on them to host you're program and since training them you have not done any of the trials and just have been sitting as a cmd within rancor doing basically nothing 

any time someone tries to meme with you, you get very heated for no reason get toxic and a dick when you dislike what someone says

You're attitude is unfit to be an arc commander and a commander within rancor when you dislike something you are not ready for this position as you are disrespectful, inactive, tpxic and not mature when it comes to problems as i see it based on what you have been doing you would continue to be inactive,disrespectful and just hold the position just to flex you're rank like you already do 


Also I've hung out with Merril alot he's not toxic at all, he's very respectful and professional i have seen that from afar and a front. And he never flexed his rank. If his intention was to flex he would've kept his lore commander spot not give it away so others can gain from it, there's no such thing as selfishness with Merril. And dont you think its a bit hypocritical?when i was in the RANCOR TS Channel and you kicked me out for coming by to say Hi but your reasoning is because i was in SOBDE and called me out for something I've never done? You were Shaak ti at the time btw


Edited by Mist
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Head Admin

+1, seen your name pop out now and then. Don't really know you but seems like a good guy.
Don't be a 5head if you get it lol

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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52 minutes ago, SmallJeff said:

You're attitude is unfit to be an arc commander and a commander within rancor when you dislike something you are not ready for this position as you are disrespectful, inactive, tpxic and not mature when it comes to problems as i see it based on what you have been doing you would continue to be inactive,disrespectful and just hold the position just to flex you're rank like you already do

I can agree wholeheartedly with Nigel.  With my time in Rancor and experiences with Merrill, I've never once experienced any rude, toxic, or disrespectful behavior from him whatsoever.  Throughout my time engaging with him, he's always been mature and I cannot simply stand by reading such libel.  Never once, has Merrill flexed his rank on me or when I was on the server or in Teamspeak.  

Otherwise, I do think Merrill can handle a BCMD position.  I certainly think that your activity could use a boost though, I remember you were either Colt or Havoc, but only for  a short while.  However, I think your extensive time in the battalion and experience, helps make me believe you will be a fine Blitz as long as you can stay very active.


People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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What Small Jeffery Said.

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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3 hours ago, Josh Schneider said:

-1 Has a bit of a temper, and what Smalljeff said. 


3 hours ago, Kronos Jones said:


What Small Jeffery Said.


6 hours ago, SmallJeff said:

-1 first off your activity you barely get on the server through nearly 5 months with rancor and shaak ti i saw you maybe 4-5 times in 5 months i get you work and have real life but when you are barely seen doesnt give a good look on that cmd 

 As far as the eARC program you started you have not done anything for it recently no trials you trained 2 other people than yourself and relied on them to host you're program and since training them you have not done any of the trials and just have been sitting as a cmd within rancor doing basically nothing 

any time someone tries to meme with you, you get very heated for no reason get toxic and a dick when you dislike what someone says

You're attitude is unfit to be an arc commander and a commander within rancor when you dislike something you are not ready for this position as you are disrespectful, inactive, tpxic and not mature when it comes to problems as i see it based on what you have been doing you would continue to be inactive,disrespectful and just hold the position just to flex you're rank like you already do 


When out of all his time here has he ever been toxic or a dick to someone? i have never seen him do that i worked quite closely to him with doing eARC/Alpha Class shit and he has never been toxic towards anyone, @Josh Schneider @Kronos Jones I am positive that both of you barely interacted with Merrill else than something related to ARC, @SmallJeffHas no examples to back it up, so you are taking one person word for this, and i'm not trying to create drama but i truely think it is dumb that you are agreing with someone first off who was part of Rancor, but only actually came on to help during events and the rare occasion that they did an ARC training, and was in TS but was on Shaak ti most of the time, As well 4-5 times in 5 months LMAO, like im sorry but he is on much later than all of you are so that is extreamly inaccurate, yes the activity is lacking, but it is not that bad, he had an LOA as well so it shouldn't be something that should be held against him, When someone trys to meme with him as well, i actually had memed with him myself, and he didn't get mad. There are no examples of him being disrespectful, toxic or not mature, if he wasn't mature, he wouldn't be able to be where he is right now or do eARC/Alpha shit and make it from scratch, Like i want to see some examples of him being toxic, disrespectful or immature, because if i didn't know him well than i would be like eh whatever but i do know him quite well from the work i've done with him, so it would be nice to see them, as well, he hasn't been colt or havoc because he does background work, eARC was done in the background and no one knew much about it else than Rancor high command. i truely find it dumb how you call him this but when you were Shaak ti, you never said anything about it, you litreally had the power to report him to either Dragon or Miller, but you never did, so if its true that he was disrespectful, toxic and immature, i would assume you would report him.

  • Agree 4
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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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-1 activity  spacer.png

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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I cannot comment on the activity issues as I took a 3 month sabbatical. I'm back now however and I remember how hard you worked in Rancor in the past. I remember it greatly.


I know you can pick up the activity. you should if you're going for a BCMD position imo.


+1 Good luck against your opponent

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14 hours ago, Piff said:



When out of all his time here has he ever been toxic or a dick to someone? i have never seen him do that i worked quite closely to him with doing eARC/Alpha Class shit and he has never been toxic towards anyone, @Josh Schneider @Kronos Jones I am positive that both of you barely interacted with Merrill else than something related to ARC, @SmallJeffHas no examples to back it up, so you are taking one person word for this, and i'm not trying to create drama but i truely think it is dumb that you are agreing with someone first off who was part of Rancor, but only actually came on to help during events and the rare occasion that they did an ARC training, and was in TS but was on Shaak ti most of the time, As well 4-5 times in 5 months LMAO, like im sorry but he is on much later than all of you are so that is extreamly inaccurate, yes the activity is lacking, but it is not that bad, he had an LOA as well so it shouldn't be something that should be held against him, When someone trys to meme with him as well, i actually had memed with him myself, and he didn't get mad. There are no examples of him being disrespectful, toxic or not mature, if he wasn't mature, he wouldn't be able to be where he is right now or do eARC/Alpha shit and make it from scratch, Like i want to see some examples of him being toxic, disrespectful or immature, because if i didn't know him well than i would be like eh whatever but i do know him quite well from the work i've done with him, so it would be nice to see them, as well, he hasn't been colt or havoc because he does background work, eARC was done in the background and no one knew much about it else than Rancor high command. i truely find it dumb how you call him this but when you were Shaak ti, you never said anything about it, you litreally had the power to report him to either Dragon or Miller, but you never did, so if its true that he was disrespectful, toxic and immature, i would assume you would report him.

I've interacted with Merill in staff, once i came into a room with him being a GM where he started screaming at me. Stop jumping to conclusions. It is our opinions and we are allowed to have them.

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+1 When I was in Rancor, at the end of 2018 and early 2019, Merril was a pretty nice guy (idfk where this "he's toxic" shit is coming from lmao) and did a lot to help out the battalion as a whole. Yes his activity has dropped, but life comes before game time. He clearly has enough dedication, professionalism and understanding to run the battalion and that is why I give him a fat +1, although both candidates are great.

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6 minutes ago, Josh Schneider said:

I've interacted with Merill in staff, once i came into a room with him being a GM where he started screaming at me. Stop jumping to conclusions. It is our opinions and we are allowed to have them.

 Was it that time the whole map fell apart on the 187th premiere stream cause you refused to use tools? Basically where half the people fell into the abyss? if it is that then i'm pretty sure you were there to annoy him. And it i'm pretty sure the only reason he'd yell at you is when you're ruining his event lol

Its pretty shitty to judge a guy just by that if you ask me

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57 minutes ago, Josh Schneider said:

You do realize you took that out of context right?, what i was saying is "Once i came into the room" not i interacted with him Once. I suggest you finish school.

still seems that you hadn't interacted with him in a normal sitation, plus you never been in Rancor so you wouldn't know his work ethics or anything or his actual attitude towards his battalion, and he also explained the situation to us and it sounded more like you were running arond like a headless chicken and yelling "I SAW A DOOR OPEN THAT MEANS SOMEONE IS CLOAKED, AND I'M GOING TO SAY IT WAS DEFINITLY SOMEONE AND RUIN A WHOLE EVENT!!!" it seems like it was more of your fault for ruining a whole event so obviously i think someone who is putting work towards a event and someone is like i'm going to ruin it obviously they aren't going to be happy, so your example is kinda DUMB since your saying he yelled at you, i wonder why he would yell at you, maybe you should of told us that as well instead of saying he yelled at me this one time so he is like this all the time, theres always a reason for someones actions, and you're generalizing that this is how he acts, maybe someone should finish school it seems. 

Edited by Piff
  • Agree 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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7 minutes ago, Piff said:

still seems that you hadn't interacted with him in a normal sitation, plus you never been in Rancor so you wouldn't know his work ethics or anything or his actual attitude towards his battalion, and he also explained the situation to us and it sounded more like you were running arond like a headless chicken and yelling "I SAW A DOOR OPEN THAT MEANS SOMEONE IS CLOAKED, AND I'M GOING TO SAY IT WAS DEFINITLY SOMEONE AND RUIN A WHOLE EVENT!!!" it seems like it was more of your fault for ruining a whole event so obviously i think someone who is putting work towards a event and someone is like i'm going to ruin it obviously they aren't going to be happy, so your example is kinda DUMB since your saying he yelled at you, i wonder why he would yell at you, maybe you should of told us that as well instead of saying he yelled at me this one time so he is like this all the time, theres always a reason for someones actions, and you're generalizing that this is how he acts, maybe someone should finish school it seems. 

He actually was in Rancor for a short period. Among the lower 5% of NCOs though :P.

  • Agree 1

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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7 minutes ago, Fizzik said:

He actually was in Rancor for a short period. Among the lower 5% of NCOs though :P.

Well i'm talking about recently, recently basically around end of dragons term up till now i haven't seen him since i been here since the end of dragons term

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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+1 i want more eric and alan ARC trials!!

But anyways, you would do good as Blitz, but I have a question. 

How has your activity been since I resigned? It was a bit low when I left, but I heard you have been getting more active, so that's pretty epic.

I support both you and Miller! Good luck in the long run!


also,  s t o p  h a v i n g  y o u r  b a n t e r s  a n d  s h i t  i n  t h i s  t h r e a d

Edited by silvers
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I am actually very skeptical about your application Merril. As your activity this month is very questionable.
As a former Commander Havoc that recently resigned just a few days, I rarely saw you being active last month (Not including this week and the week prior). Activity is one of the must haves for being a BCMD. People need to always have a leader to look upon, 
So answer me this along with Silvers question.

One thing that I am concern with is the eARC program. Many ARCS from other battalions have always contacted me about how this eARC program works within the Rancor program. Many of them are unaware of what is exactly an "eARC" is, as well as the difference between an Alpha Arc, and an Actual Alpha ARC in the Rancor job. Many also have complain to me about the schedule in which eARC testing is hosted. So.....

How will you improve this program if you become Blitz?, and will your work schedule conflict with your time as Blitz?.
Looking forward to your reply.


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I have had nothing but good experiences with you. You activity reach out to your fellow recon battalions, and that I appreciate. Whereas I do agree you need to pick up the activity, I believe that you can do great things with Rancor as BCMD, so for me, it’s a +1. Good luck!

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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In response to your questions:

Q1: First and foremost, getting more people trained to host is a priority, as having one person only who is capable of hosting an event sized trial is a large time drain. I am willing to allow Alphas from outside of Rancor to host, given they pass a screening process similar to the way GHs become GMs. Additionally, I plan applying more of a schedule to the trials so it both benefits the attendees schedules and the host's. It should ensure less of a scramble to race for a spot and ensure that a host can be found. There are a few other ideas I have bouncing around, although they may take some experimentation. If you wish for me to share, go ahead and ask in a reply.

Q2: Currently, as my class schedule is revealing to be a bit more free than what I had initially thought when I made my application, Tuesdays and Thursdays are virtually free. Additionally, whether I stay with my current job or move to my new one, each has gotten more flexible with when I work (One providing Saturday nights and Thursday nights off, the other providing Monday and Tuesday nights off.) To top it off, my Monday/Wednesday/Friday class schedule features 2x hour breaks throughout the day, with Fridays having a two hour break bi-weekly. With that time, I can bring my laptop to keep in communication via TS and, if I can find a quiet room, even play on the server for a short time. Of course, I am almost always available to check Discord for communication as well, save for when work is busy.


Feel free to present any more questions you have, and I will answer as soon as I can.


The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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@SmallJeff pretty much summed it all up minus the toxicity as I haven't personally seen that.

Edited by Tec
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Future Dev Team Assistant
CT PVT Alpha-14 Tec :sittingred:
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky (For Real this Time), Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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I have one question about what you’d do in Rancor. EU / other none American time zone ARC Trainings. I know it was hell for me to get my ARC Trainings, I had to stay up to 3am to get mine and then depending on how many people there were / how long it took I could be up till 4-5am.

I understand that this is mainly an American server, but we do have a lot of EU players that want ARC Training but can’t get it. They too would have to stay up till 3am or more to get their ARC Status. When I was ARCL in 104th I brought it to one member of Rancor HC and I got told to “deal with it. If your EU then you can’t get ARC. Too bad.” (Not a reliable quote, however it was the impression I got). I know it took Chop about a year to get full ARC Training. A lot of us have school and/or work and we can’t go to the trainings no matter how much we want it. 

Would you implement a schedule for European time zones? If not why? 


Apart from that. I’d give you a giant +1. I remember you when I was Rancor and you were nothing but helpful. People are complaining that you’re “toxic” because you shouted at them. But sometimes it necessary to get peoples attention. You’re a great guy and a good leader. You’ve implemented something interesting to the ARC Programme with the eARC / Alpha ARC programme. Say what you want about it, but it adds a level of depth to the ARC programme and is one of the best trainings on the server. It also gives something for the ARC Troopers to strive for. 

Good luck o7

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To answer you question:

While we have thought about doing a schedule for EU times, the primary issue is that, compared to NA ARC training, there tends to be far fewer attendees. For leadership and Weapons & Tactics, this isn't an issue, but Selections essentially requires 3-4 trainees to be present for the trial to proceed. As I have personally seen in the past and what Dino (prior EU Havoc) have told me, selections is a hard training to do for EU on a set schedule. What we have not tried, or at least, not tried while I have been a part of Rancor HC, is making a schedule BASED on who needs to take it. With my Tuesday and Thursday availability, I know I can act as a potential host if EU trainees are able to attend the trainings on those days. Again, it will be something that may need a little work in terms of communication between myself and the ARCLs of other battalions, but as Brooklyn had mentioned before, I am doing at least a decent job of communicating with other battalions. As such, I don't believe coordinating with the ARCLs to figure out when EU trainees are available will be a challenge at all.

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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I think a change is needed for RANCOR but I think this can be done internally. 

Our ARC's are all too common

Activity is spotty (not a BCMD's fault)

Standards are less common 

Battalion ARC's and there presence at our trainings needs to be revised

We do too many ARC trainings which leads to burn out and missing ARC trainings

Whomever is our next BCMD will need to address these issues

Edited by Daytona211
  • Agree 1

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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20 hours ago, Shake said:

bruh you cant neutral XD anymore 

I want my opinion to be heard while not supporting either side directly hence the use of a neutral 

Edited by Daytona211

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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Fat +1

I have had nothing but good experiences with Merill. I dont know where all this "toxic" bullshit is coming from lmao. This guy is clearly fir for the job. He constantly keeps a cool head and always makes the right decisions. As a fellow recon brother I think he could keep Rancor going on their legendary path of greatness.

Doom the Boom

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  • Management

You have been ACCEPTED as our newest Commander Blitz!

Your term will end on 11/28/2019

//moved to accepted


i am literally captain tukk

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