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Mavericks ban appeal


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RP Name/Steam Name: Maverick
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65644683
Date of Ban:7/16/2019
Length of Ban: Perma
Offense: Advertisement of server and RDM nitrp and disrespect
Banned By: Poe
Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: For one, i was never taken to a sit that was to explain the reason for the ban. It appeared out of nowhere but admittedly i knew it was coming. Still the protocol for staff to ban is still there. the RDM was mainly and really on niner and we were just meming around. Let's be honest i did leave the community but i did not leave thinking the sith was going to get removed and when i found out i got extremely pissed off. This may have been the reason why i came on acting like a jackass and having so much fun with others. but then again, we got people who wanted something to do and have fun with and i took advantage. Admittedly it was very mingey but honestly the only people really complaining were sniff. the corporal i honestly dont blame at all. im not even mad at that dude. the guy i pmed my twitch too asked for the link, and it even shows in the vod that i pmed him. I meme posted in regular chat that i was going to advert the stream because im not that stupid. the disrespect was me making jokes at literally everyone as shown in the vod.


I also was banned on teamspeak by poe.
Evidence to support your claims: 


Edited by [SR] Maverick
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As stated in the CWRP Punishment guidelines for staff. Which you should know for being a Veteran Admin.

As it states on the staff punishment guidelines:


Any kind of advertisement in game, TS, or a synergy Discord = PERMA BAN.

It is my understanding that advertisement applies to all forms, website, youtube, twitch, community, ETC.

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The blatent disrespect that came from you towards me was incredible. I was just trying to do my job and I was getting multitple reports towards you for minging around and NITRP and just going around stabbing people. NITRP - You literally just kept repeating I'm just hear to fuck around dont be so serious on a serious rp server... You say we didnt take you to a sit, but trust me I did, when you were in the cell, I was trying to talk to you but you just kept repeating "Sniff, get away from, your harrassing me, im gonna report you for harrassment". And also for your advertsiting, this is directly from the CWRP Punishment guidlines doc, "Any kind of advertisement in game, TS, or a synergy Discord = PERMA BAN (Go to HA+ if you can't use the perma ban) Can apply through Synergy website to contend it." Any kind, doesn't matter what it is... 

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I actually +1 this, I arrested him for his RDM and he was serving his sentence as any other clone, the NITRP I suppose was a bit true however that is not perma, and like he said his advertisement was not for a community.

RIP Family of Euphoria

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and 1:10:00

Two counts of RDM, the shooting range area is not a sim area. 

One after you already got arrested, however you did it once again. 



Maverick, i can understand your anger towards sith being removed. However, not only were you just minging, claiming it was "some fun" isn't proper. 
You were staff before, and all staff had access to the ban guidelines.  You definitely knew the rules. 

You had no intent to roleplay.

+1 to reduce.

but -1 for getting rid of it entirely. 

Edited by Scribbles
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Lemme be more clear, by perma banning him he legit will NEVER get the chance to come back, NEVER get the chance to change, if we don't unban him at least reduce it... I mean we ban people for less for worse...

RIP Family of Euphoria

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+1 to reduce time and with the stream thing thats kinda of dumb because an ha advertise peoples streams before  that rule needs more to it because you can get perma for anything that's not about the server.

[OOC] i like game of thrones you should all go watch it 
its dumb but its advertising 

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4 minutes ago, Biggie Deez said:

Lemme be more clear, by perma banning him he legit will NEVER get the chance to come back, NEVER get the chance to change, if we don't unban him at least reduce it... I mean we ban people for less for worse...

He can come back later and re-appeal when nobody gives a shit.

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"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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-`1 This is a tough one. But at the end of the day Poe did his job.



Any kind of advertisement in game, TS, or a synergy Discord = PERMA BAN (Go to HA+ if you can't use the perma ban) Can apply through Synergy website to contend it.


You are a VET Admin, you should have known this. Maybe a reduce in the ban time. But if we remove this ban for you, someone who should have known this rule than it opens up doors to others thinking they can advertise and get away with it.

Sorry chief but as  a VET Admin you shoulda known.


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Alright campers I heard from an  anonymous source that someone hid in the lake and healed while in combat not cool dudes 

nah but really -1 on the appeal and I’m not surprised to see another sith run from combat to hide in the lake which is against the rules. I’m a fuckin acolyte and I know that healed while in combat is against the rules and you aren’t allowed to hide in the lake honestly toxic 

Edited by Cannon
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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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It was to my understanding that sith had a very high chance at being removed anyways, joah had said they were on the last strike. For a very recent veteran admin your behavior was unacceptable in the situation however i hope you look at this and learn we can't all have our way and throw a fit when it doesn't work out

+1 for reduced -1 for unban

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I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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Tbh I hate the Perma ban rule. I think it’s the stupidest thing on the planet.

it should only be given to true retards.

But does maverick look like a true retard? No

he has done so much for us in the past, and now you guys don’t even wanna give him a chance to change. SMH

however I do agree he should get something for his actions. Like maybe 2 or 1 week ban. 

Maverick isn’t a bad guy, and he also did something dumb and stupid. How many times have people done something stupid and we gave them second chances?

Wont name names, but there are people who have done WAY worse, and they came back from permas, and it’s just dumb.

+1 to get rid of Perma, and Shorten to like a week or 2

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Former: Liaison


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+1 Shorten the ban 
@[SR] Maverick You should know not do that 

After watching the video I can understand your anger alittle bit 
Because yes technically he didnt break the advertisement rule in ts or in game as he it was in discord now you did RDM but you also got arrested for that 

To sum it all up you were being pretty mingy and a perma ban I dont think was in order maybe like 1 week ban to cool off alittle for the anger to leave you towards the sith being removed from the server and think about it considering that you are an established community member a perma ban and then I hear that you removed it from the discord idk this ban seems a bit silly and maybe a jump on the gun by poe that was just trying to do right by the rules 

+1 just with more context 

Edited by Sanchez Resident
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You seemed like a decent guy leading up to you talking about your resignation in my sub channel. I was glad you didn't throw a fit or anything.

But this is a huge change in pace, and emotion. I can tell you want to be with the community but some things are holding you back like the people or removal of sith, etc. A lot of people don't like a lot of things, but they don't go minging about and shit like this and advertise their stream saying "having some fun". I can get how you see it as lowkey minging or something, but it's a pain in the ass for anyone to deal with. If you wanted to voice yourself, then do so. Talk to someone. Talk to high command or the directors or just do something. That's something a lot of people fail to do and it's damn annoying. If this community is going to get better, people can't be acting like this or hiding behind a curtain with their emotions. People need to speak.

Either way, my opinion is +1 to shorten to 2 weeks or a month.

-1 to immediately free you. You need some time to think man.

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I'm okay with a reduction of time I still minged quite a bit. I do know better of course. I still don't think it warrants a perma though. A week at best maybe. But I had fun and I made a lot of people laugh with myself as well. I still hold the opinion that the advertisement rule is in regards to communities and not twitch. But I digress.  Let one of the directors or Carter decide and be done with it.


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4 hours ago, Pythin said:

Tbh I hate the Perma ban rule. I think it’s the stupidest thing on the planet.

it should only be given to true retards.

But does maverick look like a true retard? No

he has done so much for us in the past, and now you guys don’t even wanna give him a chance to change. SMH

however I do agree he should get something for his actions. Like maybe 2 or 1 week ban. 

Maverick isn’t a bad guy, and he also did something dumb and stupid. How many times have people done something stupid and we gave them second chances?

Wont name names, but there are people who have done WAY worse, and they came back from permas, and it’s just dumb.

+1 to get rid of Perma, and Shorten to like a week or 2

I agree with this 

+1 To Shorten 

Maverick has put in so much work inside the community. He fucked around yes but this does not warrant a perma ban.

A perma ban in my eyes should be for the worst of the worst (hacking, chargebacks, threats towards community memebers, doxing) shit like that

to permaban someone and say they can never come back on for something like this is retarded.

Shorten the ban and give him time to think.

If he comes back on and does it again just ban him again its not that hard.


Edited by Beast
wanted to explain my thoughts on this

Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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You knew what you were doing. there are multiple rules broken multiple times. Entering bunks without perms. /cc to avoid arrest, RDM. Using jobs you aren't supposed to. entering the base without permission. Take some time off before you appeal again -1

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6 hours ago, [SR] Maverick said:

i was never taken to a sit that was to explain the reason for the ban. It appeared out of nowhere but admittedly i knew it was coming. Still the protocol for staff to ban is still there.

There is nothing that was ever stated that a sit is required for a ban to be handed out. It has been this way since the beginning of the community.

You say you knew it was coming, means it was deserved. You have done nothing here but create excuses for yourself. Grow up, man up, and take responsibility for your actions.

I would have also perma'd you in the same instance. Come back when you've grown up a bit.

If you want to appeal at a later point, I'd probably +1 it if it's obvious you had thought about what you have done wrong, however you've literally just pointed out what you did and tried to say it wasn't that bad. Not cool.

-1 to the unban, -1 to the reduced length.

Edited by Forseen
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6 hours ago, Pythin said:


he has done so much for us in the past, and now you guys don’t even wanna give him a chance to change. SMH


+1 to Reduce ban to a 1 week or 2 , his done so much for us but for him to go out like this, it’s not right chief. I think he deserve a second chance which would be his last chance. 

Edited by KnightVR

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What confuses me about everyone saying he has done so much for the community is the fact that he put this appeal up less than a day after being banned...

and he obviously hasn't learnt from his mistakes, what's to stop him from being unbanned and doing it again straight away? Second chances usually come after time has passed, not immediately after a ban has taken place?

Reformation of ones character takes time, change within oneself is not instant.

and before anyone comments on it, 2-3 weeks is nothing, let's be honest here. The only amount of time that I would see as acceptable would be at least 3 months, that's a quarter of a year of someone's life, to reflect on shit is plenty of time.

Edited by Forseen
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2 hours ago, Forseen said:

There is nothing that was ever stated that a sit is required for a ban to be handed out. It has been this way since the beginning of the community.

You say you knew it was coming, means it was deserved. You have done nothing here but create excuses for yourself. Grow up, man up, and take responsibility for your actions.

I would have also perma'd you in the same instance. Come back when you've grown up a bit.

If you want to appeal at a later point, I'd probably +1 it if it's obvious you had thought about what you have done wrong, however you've literally just pointed out what you did and tried to say it wasn't that bad. Not cool.

-1 to the unban, -1 to the reduced length.

I agree with Forseen. -1 from me dawg. Literally watching the video, I saw your knife and gun out in public on defcon 6. Breaking the brotherhood code multiple times. Going into vents without permission. The disrespect in ooc chat. Name calling etc..., /ccing to avoid an AOS, entering bunks without permission. In this video alone you broke so many rules, AND not only that you were a VETERAN ADMIN. You should know better. You literally made this worse for yourself.

Edited by Hayley
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The advertisement is a sham. High staff and ex high staff advertise their twitch in some way all the time. 

Everything else tho, with the minge bs you announced you were going to fuck around on the server in the sith discord what did you expect would happen? 


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16 minutes ago, Forseen said:

What confuses me about everyone saying he has done so much for the community is the fact that he put this appeal up less than a day after being banned...

and he obviously hasn't learnt from his mistakes, what's to stop him from being unbanned and doing it again straight away? Second chances usually come after time has passed, not immediately after a ban has taken place?

Reformation of ones character takes time, change within oneself is not instant.

and before anyone comments on it, 2-3 weeks is nothing, let's be honest here. The only amount of time that I would see as acceptable would be at least 3 months, that's a quarter of a year of someone's life, to reflect on shit is plenty of time.

the ban reason itself does not warrant a perma ban 

He did not advertise another community 

He Did RDM had NITRP and was Disrespectful 

My Main Issue is the ban itself doe not warrant a perma ban. 


He did not break the advertise rule as stated in the server rules. 


Former: Veteran Admin | 91st XO Razer | Trainer Manager | Assassin  Sith Lord | Game Master|

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1 minute ago, Rexko Xeros said:

I've seen an HA advertise their stream before in TS global chat. He did not warrant a perma ban. Honesly it should've been like a week ban. 

He right though ^^^^^^^


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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1 minute ago, BigZach said:

+1 HA's advertise their twitch in ts all the time. If he was to stay banned it would be pure hypocrisy 

That's fine and all, but that's not the only reason he was banned? 

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1 minute ago, Forseen said:

That's fine and all, but that's not the only reason he was banned? 

The advertising is the reason for the perma.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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4 minutes ago, BigZach said:

There's only one reason that specifically warrants a permanent ban. 

Unless you add them all together - The dude obviously didn't give a shit about what he was doing, he did it intentionally to harm the server because he got upset. He even said this in his appeal. That alone is reason enough to be permanently banned. I have seen many people banned for intentionally causing drama or intentionally hurting the server before, this is no different.

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There's a huge problem here, and that is that you are acting as if Maverick is an HA or has been one in the past. He has not, and even then his stream was promoting minging and rule breaking. Forget for a second the adverting, but if someone randomly went and did this, making problems for as long as Maverick did, they'd of been perma'd. How many times did he evade arrest? This all coming from a guy who should and does know better than to minge and break server rules in the way he has done so.

Letting him off because there are people who have gotten away with perm ban offenses, or because he was staff less than a week ago is idiotic in my opinion. He shows little to nothing in the way of being apologetic, and clearly only put this up because he thinks he hardly did anything. Letting him off with a lighter punishment creates a precedent for anyone to resign, minge, and get away with it. Anything less than 3 months would make this a joke in and of itself.

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1 minute ago, Forseen said:

Unless you add them all together - The dude obviously didn't give a shit about what he was doing, he did it intentionally to harm the server because he got upset. He even said this in his appeal. That alone is reason enough to be permanently banned. I have seen many people banned for intentionally causing drama or intentionally hurting the server before, this is no different.

If he wanted to harm the server there is a lot more he could have done. He was just minging. People on the server have done a lot worse. He wasn't trying to start drama he was just being a cocky cunt. He hardly harmed the server. He shouldn't be perma banned for the stuff outwith advertising.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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3 minutes ago, BigZach said:

If he wanted to harm the server there is a lot more he could have done. He was just minging. People on the server have done a lot worse. He wasn't trying to start drama he was just being a cocky cunt. He hardly harmed the server. He shouldn't be perma banned for the stuff outwith advertising.

People have been perma'd for worse, there needs to be a standard.

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1 minute ago, Forseen said:

People have been perma'd for worse, there needs to be a standard.

And I don't think he fits in the standard of getting perma'd.


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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I agree with Scarecrow. You need to hold yourself to a higher standard than usual players. With that also being said, behavior like that is one of the reasons with sith got removed in the first place. I believe that this type of behavior is unacceptable, especially from a member of the staff team. While I would not object to your ban being shortened, it would not excuse the behavior.

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Okay I don’t wanna cause anything, but you guys realize that a perma ban is like he is gone forever right?

like mike and spooky aren’t coming back.

i don’t think maverick fits with that bunch to be perma’d, and I don’t think that he should be left off clean. He should have a week or 2 ban at most. 

Former: Liaison


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The only things that should ever warrant a permaban are dox and ddos threats, advertising other communities, exploiting, and being such a burden on the community that real harm is done.. 



rdming and talking trash in ooc should not warrant that, I'd never want a good amount of this community to become a judge of any kind yall are harsh as hell. regardless of if he was a new member or not if someone rdmd, nitrp and disrespected they would get like a week or two. 


there needs to be a standard for max punishments or those who think they have ultimate power will be unjust with bans. and decide for themselves how to ban someone.


This getting entirely denied will set a precedent of higher timed bans for lower crimes/rulebreakings 




reduce the ban  time to what it should have been in the first place +1 

Edited by Sock Monkey
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Never thought it would come to this. Some of the responses i have read...there is so much controversy and personal opinions. There are far worse things i could have done. I have seen the higher staff put out week bans for the exact same things i have done with the exception of advertising for streamers and youtubers who have come on to do the same. you may think im not being "apologetic" but words are fucking cheap. Actions speak louder and i can't just "type" an apology. 


@Dragon @silvers @Carter

just deny the appeal and close this thread. I will not have arguements on either side over this. 


my leaving comments however, some of the responses are closeminded and you are not even considering or willing to consider other things. I have no intention of changing your minds though. Best of luck to yall and maybe ill make a new appeal in the future. As it stands this is utterly useless right now.


and dont think that me giving the attitude proves your point. I am simply ending the drama before it spreads any further and i am leaving for now. Good day

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