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Bananaberry's SOBDE Reg App

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Steam Name: [SR] Ben Jammin [HA]


RP Name: RC-1138 Delta Squad Boss


Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:214812255


Regiment you are applying for: SOBDE Reg


501st TR3-CSM Blueberry: Not much happened in the 501st except for the switch from Icefuse to Synergy. It was the first battalion I joined and how I got introduced into the game. I was just a basic player at the time, it wasn’t until 327th when I got more invested in the server.

327th CSM-BCMD, 2ndLT-CPT Bananaberry: When I was done being in the 501st I switched over to 327th, it was in a state of max of 3 people on a day. I helped with recruiting everyday while moving through ranks eventually making it to CMD and there being around 10 people on a day.
 I went for Bly and was in that position for about a month and a half to two months before resigning with the battalion in a position of stability and good activity. Came back months later to hear about the removal and then readdition of the battalion and rejoined at 2ndLT. Helped out the battalion again and got to CPT.

Delta Squad: Delta squad is some of my proudest moments on the server. I joined back in September of 2018 and as of typing this have been in Delta for 200 days. During those days I have first been Sev. I wasn’t that good at being the edgy boy of the squad but I had my fun and saw my potential in SOBDE. I did the trainings (back when we still did them) and played my part. 
Not long into my time in the squad I became Scorch and felt more at home with the jokester boy. I assisted with the creation of the original SOBDE outreach program, before the newer system was implemented. Along with the other SOBDE at the time. I did many EOD trainings during that time, became XO and held my first SOBDE tryouts during that time. When JBFox (the boss at the time) went for and became regimental commander I went for Boss. 
My time as Boss has been a busy one. Keeping Delta full is a priority and outreach as well. Keeping the other squad members in line also. You can call me the squad dad.

Staff and Gamemaster: A lot of work has gone into the staff work from NA to A back in 2017 and then again from A to HA recently. First time as staff I was a TRO and GM (GM was back before GHs and AARs were a thing). The second and current time I rejoined as an admin going back into gamemaster branch as a GH and as soon as I got SA applied for GM and started putting out events. SA turned to VA and not much changed except I got GMO near the end of VA. 
And now I’m an HA and have been for a few months, I’ve done pretty well and even got GMM while doing my work and have been keeping up since. I make sure the staff are doing their jobs properly as well as doing the staff interviews and trainings. I also make sure the gamemasters are doing their job as well making fun events for the server. I don’t plan on leaving the staff team anytime soon, I enjoy helping it.

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: The position of SOBDE reg has been seen as something that people go for because they “have” to and not because they want to. I want to go for it and to do what I can for the regiment. I have been in SOBDE for 200 days and have gone from a new boy in an RC squad to a squad lead. I am in good standing with the regiment and help them out with their things whenever and wherever I can. I have learned a lot about leadership within SOBDE even before being a squad lead, I have no doubt that I will have issues about leadership in this position. During my time as SOBDE we have improved relations with the rest of the server. When Delta’s outreach was 104th I had done sims, trainings, events, etc. with them. Recently with the addition of the 187th Delta became their outreach. Not much has been done yet other than us being with them during events but I see good things to come. And as SOBDE reg I will participate with outreach with the other members in the regiment.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes I know the lore


Availability: My work schedule is not something set in stone so I try to be on before or after I work. I go to classes on M/W/F from morning to early afternoon. I am on almost all day if i have a day off. 


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:
Former BCMD of 327th
Current squad lead of Delta Squad
Current HA
Current GMM

Inspired many to make their own helmet artwork

Do you have a microphone?: Yea and it works good too


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?: I want SOBDE to be in a good standing with the other battalions on the server,  to keep toxicity at zero tolerance, and for the squad leads not to be afraid to remove someone for being unfit to be in SOBDE for any reason, including but not limited to, inactivity, minging, and so on.

I want the outreach program to be a successful one and for the squads to be doing trainings/events/hanging out with their outreach. For all squads to be full and active and if a squad needs filled they get filled ASAP. 

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?: Relations within SOBDE are already at a good standing. We pretty much do everything together, unless we are with our outreaches. When a squad hosts tryouts people from other squad help out filling needed roles for the tryouts, and when not deployed with an outreach during an event if a squad is missing a certain specialization another squad member with that spec steps in. Improving relations outside our regiment would be something more to look at and with the SOBDE outreach program in place we have members being a representative helping out a battalion in whatever way they can. 


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yea


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yea

Former: CWRP Director, CWRP Intel Director, 
Current: Gamer

Forever: Shitty helmet artist

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+1 Good luck

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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+1 Bannaberry, you were a great squad lead and know how to crack down on toxicity and bullshittery, but on the other hand you also know when it’s time to meme around and have fun which are excellent qualities to have as a reg. You always think long and hard on your decisions and always do what is right. You don’t take shortcuts, and always end up doing the work needed to. You were my boss for like 2 monthes and it was a blast when you were on. Good luck boy

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Neutral I love you Banana, but You and I know what SOBDE reg does to people, and I think you should stay boss, but If it’s in your best interest to be this, then I do +1

oldest current member in the group as of rn, and deserves a chance 

Former: Liaison


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ima best honest SOBDE reg from the looks of it is hard to be, I like you and I have nothing against you but I don’t want you to become it and than just resign, I understand that SOBDE does need a reg, but I don’t think you’ll like it, as well your activity has been lacking lately and I understand you are staff but SOBDE reg is a difficult position to hold which is why many do not go for it

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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+1 Don't resign, please be the one who completes the term (unless life calls and says fuck you and your shit), just do you man, you've done great as Boss and I feel like you are actually committed to SOBDE (there are others but they aren't applying) to run for SOBDE Reg.

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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Neutral, stated on what SOBDE Reg has done to people before. They either get bored or burnt out within half their term.

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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I don't know.

I sometimes question @Bananaberry's decision making skills.

I also question his activity from time to time.

But nothing wrong with giving +1 to this application I guess.


Best of luck though.


SIKE, LOL U THOUGHT. -1, 'cus I can. In ur dreams pal.

Edited by KanZ
Added Activity
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Aight I'm finna be real, activity has been an issue and when I do see you on the server most of the time you're afk staring at a wall. 


Neutral for the time being. 


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I'm gonna be honest here, I gotta neutral this one chief.

After you voided your previous application, you had a sort of meeting with the SOBDE Leadership. You expressed that you wanted to focus on getting Delta stable, even if it meant going for a second term of Boss, and also doing more outreach stuff, before you went for Regimental again.

Now, it seems like you've thrown half of that to the wayside in lieu of going for Regimental.

Why? Who knows, maybe you feel like if you don't go for it now, someone else will swoop in and take it. There's a ton of questions that this decisions brings up and, it honestly leaves me kinda worried.

This is no shade being thrown at Bazoo or Tyzen, they are both great people and I think they CAN do a good job with fixing Delta, but, isn't that the whole reason you voided your other application in the first place? All you've really been able to do(excluding outreach stuff) that I've seen is get that Bravo kid in who ninja-left 10 days later(not really your fault) and then get Tyzen as Fixer. I would much rather you stay as Boss, get Delta stable, like you said you were going to, then go for Regimental if it's still open.

This is just my 2-cents. I like you Bananaberry, and I do think you would be a decent Regimental, but I don't think with Delta in it's current state I am comfortable giving this a +1. Things could change over the coming days and I might change my mind, but until them I'l staying neutral.

  • Agree 5
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7 hours ago, Twelves said:

@Bananaberry Before I make a comment, could you provide a reason as to why your activity has been slacking as of late?

I’ve been on everyday I don’t know where people are getting this idea of slacking activity. I play when I get out of school/off work. 

  • Winner 4

Former: CWRP Director, CWRP Intel Director, 
Current: Gamer

Forever: Shitty helmet artist

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16 hours ago, Baxter said:

I'm gonna be honest here, I gotta neutral this one chief.

After you voided your previous application, you had a sort of meeting with the SOBDE Leadership. You expressed that you wanted to focus on getting Delta stable, even if it meant going for a second term of Boss, and also doing more outreach stuff, before you went for Regimental again.

Now, it seems like you've thrown half of that to the wayside in lieu of going for Regimental.

Why? Who knows, maybe you feel like if you don't go for it now, someone else will swoop in and take it. There's a ton of questions that this decisions brings up and, it honestly leaves me kinda worried.

This is no shade being thrown at Bazoo or Tyzen, they are both great people and I think they CAN do a good job with fixing Delta, but, isn't that the whole reason you voided your other application in the first place? All you've really been able to do(excluding outreach stuff) that I've seen is get that Bravo kid in who ninja-left 10 days later(not really your fault) and then get Tyzen as Fixer. I would much rather you stay as Boss, get Delta stable, like you said you were going to, then go for Regimental if it's still open.

This is just my 2-cents. I like you Bananaberry, and I do think you would be a decent Regimental, but I don't think with Delta in it's current state I am comfortable giving this a +1. Things could change over the coming days and I might change my mind, but until them I'l staying neutral.

What baxter said.

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+ 1 from me DOG

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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