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Scarecrow's Specailised Regimental App


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RP Name:

Battalion Commander Wolffe


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Regiment you are applying for:

Specialised Regimental




Well I started my time on server as in SO but I didn’t really do much till I got into CG where I made a home for time it has really helped me appreciate the work they do and taught me how be strict but fair in how certain issues need to be dealt with when it comes to unruly players. My time there also really helped me learn how to be a strong leader in and out of events. For examples for out of events keeping trainings going communicating with other battalions and keeping relations going strong. I also have had to take initiative as there was a point in CG where we had no eastern leadership which I practically took over there for a time while our leadership was very ill spread across time zones I had to learn to handle all the responsibilities of leadership whether that's dealing people who had gone inactive and had to be dealt with or people who got themselves into trouble and i had to deal with or just listening to the enlisted and NCO’s who may be not having the best time in the battalion or may just need help learning what does what and how the server works in all.


After my Time in CG ended I moved to to the 104th where I rose in the ranks helping around and getting more involved with the doc work and actual command side of the battalion weather that's helping with reforming promotion requirements. Helping those new recruits find there way in the battalion wether that's helping them decide on what branch to join and what they offer and doing my best to organise them and get them set on whatever path they have set with trainings or just requirements met such as ARC where I had a few perspective ARC troopers who were not necessarily the best candidates at the time and they had failed there selections then later leadership this was not due a poor attitude or anything just a lack of understanding so i them to one side with a squad of my troopers and I thought him how to ideally lead a team of troopers and how to show that you can lead can lead it just takes patience and understanding but not being afraid to take charge if people don’t listen. Because of this attitude over time this landed me with Spot of Wolfpack Lead which I am currently running and I am shaping into being our elite unit where our best troops end up.


Wolffe 1st term

From my time as Wolffe I have learned from things that I didn’t know were a fault of my character things like relying on myself to do the bulk of the work and hoarding important roles because I didn’t think I could trust people to handle them but then I realised how childish I was being with that sentiment and opened up roles handed off responsibility and that helped me grow into a better leader I feel. I have had to make tough choices when dealing with people who have acted out of turn when I came to punishment removals demotions that kind of thing I helped set up a new Wolffe pack system where they would act as overseers and mini regimental managers over the battalion’s sub units to help the people who got the lead positions to help guide them. I also revamped our promotion system the battalion tryout and lots of training systems and documents to help train people into their new positions I revamped the WO system to where it acts as less of a bottleneck system to where it’s one of greater respect and more importantly one of higher responsibility where now the Warrant Officer now takes the spot of the Mechanised lead (That means they handle the inner and outer battalion tank trainings) along with this they are reviewed on how well they perform in the role and get promoted accordingly based on well they performed in term. We also revamped our negotiations training to where the 104th as a whole should be well versed in negotiations after 1SG of course troopers will still be trained before that but the advanced classes happened around 1SG to coincide with this the rules for negotiation were added then to the server rules I also revamped alot of our documentation system regimented used our intel team is divided into mini teams where on a biweekly basis they are set on a particular task set on the roster for example one handles the Regimental one the main roster the other one promotion reqs this is to better manage the team and better tell who are fulfilling their roles as they should be and those who are slacking but it also helps keep on top of the more neglected parts of the roster had it been left as it was. Also during my term I helped along side Wolfro (Plo Koon) helped rebuild relations with the jedi were previously they hadn't really been any and with him we rebuilt the 104th Jedi core and I’d like to think we have some of the best where they help in events, trainings, patrols, meetings and generally spend time with the 104th and it’s troops. I have also revamped the promotion requirements to that they were more balanced and fair and that key skills for the server would help like attend role play trainings such as TECH EOD MED ENG things that would come in handy to help out in events. I have worked with other battalions done joint trainings and helped keep relations good with other battalions. I worked to  implement a officer review system where the NCO’s and Enlisted can put anonymous thoughts how officers are doing to review them so that they know what they can improve on and how we as the higher officers can help them improve.


Wolffe 2nd Term


When my second term began I focused the refinement of our NCO’s and building up a new and improved officer core by implementing a more efficient officer training system that explains roles responsibilities in more details permissions and other general aspects in becoming an officer. From there I have revamped the regiments within the 104th so that they are more accessible and placed more efficient leadership into the roles required refined trainings for the 104th such as our Negotiations training so it is more accessible to those within the battalion. We have reworked our pilot programme so it is clearer to understand and easier to get trained. I have kept the troopers actively engaged with events happening on server weather that's a literal event BVB Trainings Patrols things to keep the troopers enjoying themselves in the battalion and wanting to be active. From there I have separated and helped delegate tasks to the responsible troopers.



    Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:


I think due to my relationship with those within the specialised regiment would make me a good fit for the role I like to keep my troops disciplined but also free to have fun (within reason) I think I am a strong leader and work well during conflicts or bits of drama that may happen because I can stay impartial and keep a cool head and help resolve any issues that might occur and keep everyone working together well. I think my experience as Wolffe has given me time to look on things that I have done well and poorly and seeing that means that I can tell if someone else is making or going to make a similar mistake and help them either avoid it or get through it. I am used to managing multiple regiments at once (as all BCMD’s should be) I can take criticism and grow from it I am willing and open to listen to all suggestions and work with ones that the majority would like to work with I can be strict where it is needed. I also want to work and experience new things with the battalions that I have not previously worked with such as Dooms Unit and GM/21st Nova and see how they like to run their respective battalions and work and help them where I can.


    104th Lore:


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: The 104th Battalion Later known as the Wolf pack was commanded by Commander Wolffe(CC-3636) and Jedi General Plo koon their first appearance was in the second episode of the clone wars Rising Malevolence where the Triumphant (Plo Koon’s assigned Venator) Was tasked on discovering the CIS’s new super weapon which turned out to be the Malevolence which was a Subjugator class cruiser with a modified Ion cannon which when shot was disable three venator class cruisers with a single shot which then disabled all the defences of the ships forcing the 104th to abandon the ships. This attack ultimately decimated the 104th by claiming the lives of the whole battalion other than Commander Wolffe Sergeant Sinker and Trooper Boost and the Jedi General Plo Koon.This event left Wolffe cold and more isolated from the rest of his brothers as he felt ashamed of not being able to save his men and he didn’t want to form many more meaningful attachments in fear of losing them however his bond with the original 104th and Plo Koon remained strong and if anything their teams bond only grew throughout the clone wars. Whether it was Wolffe losing an eye on Khorm due to Asajj Ventress or leading his men into the first battle of Felucia where the 104th and plo koon had to break through the CIS blockade and had to recuse the 501st and 212th after that the 104th now rebranded Wolfpack in honor of their fallen comrades from here we next see Wolffe is seen is when Eeth Koth is captured by Grievous  and Wolffe notices the hand signals he made to alert the jedi of his location. After that the 104th we’re sent in to rescue Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Jedi General Mace Windu after their mission to locate survivors of the Endurance and rescue Admiral Kilian went horribly arrie and the 104th was dispatched to save them Lead by Commander Wolffe Comet and Jedi General Plo Koon and Commander Ahsoka Tano. After that the 104th we’re dispatched to Malastare where a different squad to the usual was dispatched the only notable thing about this is that it is where CT -1129 (Dash 29) and CT-1044 (Dash 44) Both died. The next sighting of the 104th was again rescuing Jedi General Obi Wan Kenobi, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Commander Ahsoka Tano, Captain Wilhuff Tarkin and the 501st and 212th troopers from the Prison known as the citadel Then the 104th was redeployed to Felucia where they helped assist in capturing a CIS outpost that General Grievous was trying to establish as a second foot hold to take Felucia. From there the time skip happens to phase 2 of the clone wars where we see the 104th providing relief to a planet with primitive creatures that had suffered due to earthquakes This deployment showed off most of the wolfpack Wolffe himself Comet Boost Sinker. From there the only real notable appearance of the 104th is the Collection of Sifo Dyas’s lightsaber and when Wolffe leads a team of CG to capture Ahsoka when is is accused of bombing the jedi temple and killing the perpetrator. From there order 66 happens is is known that Wolffe himself had removed his inhibitor chip but it is unknown that the rest of the wolfpack has.


Coruscant Guard Lore:


    The Coruscant Guard was a battalion that was assigned to the capitol world of the Republic Coruscant their were  notable for having a relatively easy position in the clone wars guarding Coruscant (which most other clones seemed to resent them for) they also acted as a policing force on Coruscant helping Guard the prisons patrol the streets and Guard high value areas on Coruscant they also were sent as security for high value targets across the galaxy the most recognizable thing of the Coruscant Guard is of course their Red armour which near enough always had the Senate seal placed on it. Notable members of the Coruscant Guard include CC-4477 (ARC trooper Thire) he started the War as a Lieutenant and by the end of the clone wars was a commander His notable actions include the time he was deployed with Jek and Rys alongside Master Yoda to negotiate with King Katuuko of Toydaria about his people's status of remaining neutral in the war and convincing them to join the Republic. During this mission their ship was shot down and the crew had to traverse the planet Rugosa while being tracked by separatist forces Thire’s leg was injured during one of the engagements however they pulled through and defeated the separatist forces Thire also saved Master Yoda using his ingenuity using a rocket launcher a to create a rock slide that crushed some droids that would otherwise would of killed Master Yoda in the later years of the clone wars once order 66 was initiated Thire was ordered to tack down Master Yoda after his battle with Lord Sidious. CC - 1010 ( Fox) He was a Commander at the start of the War he is notable for allowing disguised droids to blow up one of the main Generators powering the city of Coruscant he was also involved with recuse in Padme Amidala from Ziro the Hutt and later in the release of Ziro from Coruscant's prison on the orders of Cad bane while he had the Senate held hostage. Later in the war he was involved with the Capture of Ashoka Tano after the Bombing of the Jedi temple he worked alongside CC-3636 (Wolffe) Plo Koon CT-7567 (Rex) and Anakin Skywalker. Later he pursued the Rouge 501st Trooper ARC Trooper - 5555 (Fives) during the inhibitor chip plot and later executed him due to a “Stun” malfunction he was then later Terminated by Darth Vader for being incompetent. CC -5869 (Stone) He was notable for working with Representative Jar Jar Binks of Naboo and Senator Kharrus when they were sent to collect Jedi General Obi Wan Kenobi and Jedi General Anakin Skywalker when Hondo Ohnaka captured Count Dooku and was selling him to the Republic but due to some of the Florrum Pirates being greedy they shot down the ship that Stone and his squad were in this resulted in the death of Senator Kharrus and they then had to follow the order of Jar Jar Binks due to him being the next in the chain of command they managed to rescue the captured Jedi but unfortunately Count Dooku escaped. Clone Commander Thorn CC number unknown Was deployed to Scipio as part of the Security detail for Padmé Amidala soon after Scipio was attacked by Spertist forces and Thorn was killed in action. Other notable appearances only really include the time they escorted Sheev Palpatine to Naboo where he was captured by a team of bounty hunters on the orders of Count Dooku.


Dooms Unit Lore:


Doom’s Unit were a unit of troopers that helped the 501st in the Battle of Ringo Vinda while under the command of Jedi General Tiplee Jedi General Tiplar and Jedi General Anakin Skywalker during this battle Dooms unit along with the 501st Utilized blaster shields due to the close quarters battles happening within the space station during the battle a malfunction happened with CT- 5385’s (Tup) Inhibitor chip which forced him to kill Jedi General Tiplar and The Units Commander Doom retrieved the body from here the lore for DU kind of just ends.


Galactic Marines/21st Nova Corps:


The 21st Nova Corps was run by CC 1138 (Marshal Commander Bacara) alongside Jedi General Ki Adi Mundi the 21st Nova Corps were separated into multiple units such as their special operations troopers who participated in the second battle of Geonosis with CC - 1993 (Jet) they also had a section of the special operations troops who served in a prototype stealth ship with Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Admiral Yularen those Troopers included Blackout and CT -1284 (Spark). From here we moved to the main force of the 21st Nova Corps the Galactic Marines

They were the unit ran by the ruthless Commander Bacara a clone who only cared about the victory of the battle at any cost even when their new Experimental suits and weapons failed the in the battle of New Bornalex they were ordered to push on and take out then enemies B2 battle droids with nothing but their bare hands. Later they would execute their Jedi General Mercilessly when he ordered a charged on Mygeeto due order 66 then the galactic marines would regroup with Keller’s to hunt and kill their Jedi General




Well I am from the UK so timezone thats BST/GMT but my current college schedule is Monday 09:00 Till 16:00 Tuesday 09:00 Till 12:00 Wednesday and Thursday of with a fluctuating hour and a half driving lesson Friday 09:00 Till 15:00 Weekends are open and free



    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

I have been Jek Thire Heavy lead 1stLT became a ARC trooper  in the Coruscant Guard In the 104th I became the Wolf pack lead Comet 2ndLT-BCMD I became Wolffe I have ran a full term and currently part way through my second I also acquired the Rank of Jedi Master


    Do you have a microphone?:



    Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I would work to make sure that the relations between the Battalions/Units would be in good standing and for each regiment to have strong leadership be active and having fun within their battalions while having a serious standing on the with leadership and great attitudes being the focus.


    How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

I plan to have them cross train as any regimental would but more so have utilize the specialities of the regiments and the training that certain ones offer by that I mean complimenting skills such as the obvious example CG/ST Vanguard Troopers (The combined Heavy and Riot) and the Dooms unit practising formation that both can ultalised and the 104th and CG with the VIP rescue/extraction GM/21st TECH and EOD trainings being used in sims with them and the 104th Support troopers.


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



    Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Completely


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-1, ima be real, this guy was so disrespectful to me for no reason and costed me my staff position. Honestly he is half the reason I resigned and I don’t think people so toxic deserve a regimental position. I was told I ruined negotiations by him, and everyone believes a commander over an NCO so half the server claims I ruined negotiations when all I did was heal 104th, but he used me as a scape goat. After this, the respect from other battalions just lowered due to your hatred against 327th for no reason. So once again MASSIVE -1

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A nice fit for the position.

Edited by Jayarr
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56 minutes ago, Scarecrow said:

From my time as Wolffe I have learned from things that I didn’t know were a fault of my character things like relying on myself to do the bulk of the work and hoarding important roles because I didn’t think I could trust people to handle them but then I realised how childish I was being with that sentiment and opened up roles handed off

As you've already stated, you've improved upon your biggest weakness and are undoubtedly the best choice for SPEC REG


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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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  • Retired Founder
48 minutes ago, CrazyFastNight said:

-1, ima be real, this guy was so disrespectful to me for no reason and costed me my staff position. Honestly he is half the reason I resigned and I don’t think people so toxic deserve a regimental position. I was told I ruined negotiations by him, and everyone believes a commander over an NCO so half the server claims I ruined negotiations when all I did was heal 104th, but he used me as a scape goat. After this, the respect from other battalions just lowered due to your hatred against 327th for no reason. So once again MASSIVE -1

Have you spoken to 104th about their side of the situation? Being their current Spec Reg and being Negotiation trained and experiencing Negotiations first hand, I can tell you something so small as being in the room when a negotiation is happening, can definitely ruin the negotiation and make things go south.

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25 minutes ago, Forseen said:

Have you spoken to 104th about their side of the situation? Being their current Spec Reg and being Negotiation trained and experiencing Negotiations first hand, I can tell you something so small as being in the room when a negotiation is happening, can definitely ruin the negotiation and make things go south.

I requested to speak to them, they just called me a defect and to “fuck off”

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i am literally captain tukk

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-1 wtf 


























lets be real here

scarecrow is the flipping GOAT, he made me get my shit straight and is the best BCMD I have ever had, so this man better get. A PHAT +1

Current: Free man
Former: Lotta things (Notably HA and Wolffe)

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2 minutes ago, CrazyFastNight said:

@COC4IN3back at it again with the witch hunting lololol 

Will you please stop... Am I not allowed to dumb someone's dumb comment? Scarecrow is one of the greatest people I know on synergy and your comment was absolute foolery.


You seriously need to stop dumbing other people's post and then complain when someone actually thinks your post is dumb. NOW TALK TO ME IN DM'S IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM or what you could do is actually leave like you said you would in a post you made not long ago.  

No need for drama whatsoever, so do yourself a favour. STOP. 

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4 hours ago, CrazyFastNight said:

-1, ima be real, this guy was so disrespectful to me for no reason and costed me my staff position. Honestly he is half the reason I resigned and I don’t think people so toxic deserve a regimental position. I was told I ruined negotiations by him, and everyone believes a commander over an NCO so half the server claims I ruined negotiations when all I did was heal 104th, but he used me as a scape goat. After this, the respect from other battalions just lowered due to your hatred against 327th for no reason. So once again MASSIVE -1

@CrazyFastNight I love you bro but me, useful and others in 327th have a good relationship with scarecrow I pop into their TS sometimes to do patrols with them and all he has been to me is respectful and a fun dude

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You did a pretty good job as BCMD so why not. +1 good luck

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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+1 but please read :  Brother I've been with you since i first started SWRP, You have been my mentor and i have tried to help you with everything i could and i applied for staff literally to only help you with the battalion. You have shown me how to act and deal with anything thrown at me and although we may be very different i will always support you and stand tall right beside you. However I know how much work this can be on one guy, and i know you can handle it by far but i don't want to see a friend get burnt out. I wish you best of luck on your adventures!

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In all seriousness, you have been a great addition to the Wolffes I have played with and your definitely up there with the greats. just dont abandon us like someone did after getting reg *cough* BLACK*cough*


Edited by Ccmonty
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As much as it pains me that I won't see you come home for even longer now... I really think you've moved on to greater things and this is something I definitely want to see you succeed in. We don't talk nearly as much as we used to and that's sad! Still, as was said previously, be careful because you might start seeing some burn out in this position. Also don't be afraid to pop in with your ST buddies. :P

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The Reprehensible Ratio!



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You’re  doing a helluva job with 104th. Best of luck to you and Squee.

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i am literally captain tukk

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As much as I despised you starting off on this server with you always fucking me over with your flamethrower when I was an event job I've grown to admire you. You've done a great job with the 104th and you have become a person that I can always really on when dealing with anything regarding running the base or anything that is required of a commander. I don't wanna lose you from Wolffe but I really want to see you move up higher and join high command. If you run the SPEC Regiments as you run 104th then there should be no question about your ability to become the nex SPEC REG. You're more than qualified for this job.


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 Papa Kal

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Wow. Way back in the day, When I was in CG, I watched this man climb up the ranks from PVT - 1stLT. Then I left CG and he stayed there to hold down the fort for the guys in the eastern time zones in CG. He always did his best then and has continued to do what he can for those within 104th. Many talk about some "issues" that you had previously, but whatever it was its clearly not effecting you or your performance as a BCMD right now. Its safe to say that whatever these "issues" were, you've most definitely learned from them and improved yourself massively. You're 100% honest with those around you and you're not affraid to state your opinion to anyone. You're without a doubt one of the best players to simply be around on the server. You're not toxic, you know how to have fun and yet keep quite serious when you need to be. No matter the task you give it 100% and more.

With that being said, you are one of the best candidates for SPEC REG in my opinion. I know you'll do your best to help those around you and you'll over come any obstacle in your way. All I can do is wish you good luck and hope for the best o7.

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+1 scarecrow i know we have had our differences and arguments but man you are maybe even too qualified for this job! Just don't BURN yourself out because i'll miss you.

smart that you didn't give me CMDR btw wasn't even ready for CO now that i look back

still here? well go and burn in holy fire

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