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Stix's Niner app


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Steam Name:[SR] Stix [VA]
RP Name: RC-3222 Omega Squad Atin Skirata
Steam ID (
SteamID Finder😞 STEAM_0:1:82818651
Battalion or squad you are applying for:

Omega Squad Niner
501st Commander
Torrent Company Lead
Airborne Company Overseer(Over saw Jet troopers and Pilots)
Combat Overseer(Over saw the Heavy's and Sharp Shooters)
104th Captain
Foxtrot Tech 
Cover Ops SSG
Shadow Company SGM(Might have been CSM I can't remeber)
Omega Squad Atin x2
Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
I should become Niner as I have had many experiences and run ins with the issues with in SOBDE and also seen what people think of us on the outside of SOBDE like we are seen as elitist or assholes and I wanna to try and fix that as with in Omega when under Turbine it had around 6 outreachs to improve public relations with in SOBDE and as a result of this I've seen peoples reactions and how much this has helped them sometimes during times of need and I wish to attempt to run a outreach program like this with in SOBDE and my squad so public relations improve and the thoughts of SOBDE being pricks is mostly gone as this will allow SOBDE to been seen as actual people who are willing to help and support others and not people who are toxic to others and deny anything to do with other battalion's. I want to try and keep the image that Omega had under Turbine as being the squad too look up too as we preformed the most outreach training's and when they we're still a thing EOD,Tech and IR training's (which SOBDE don't do anymore) but I wish to keep the outreach program going as it helps SOBDE and there current image to be repaired. I would also want to keep up my squads activity as a whole and make sure they keep up the current high standards omega had with Turbine and keep that running through the Squad as it kept most of them inline and working hard to achive new goals that will be set for the squad 
Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:
Yes I understand the lore of my squad
Niner-RC 1309 was the lead of Omega squad, he was trained by Kal Skirata who would later adopt him into Clan Skirata, after his former squad Lambda which had lost 3 of it's members during the first battle of Geonosis and another member of this squad died during training with this squad after the battle he was put with his 3 new Squad mates Fi the medical marksman of the team Darman the EOD expert and Atin the slicing and communications expert. After Geonosis Omega was put into stasis until they were needed again and the next time they were need was Qillura in which omega was sent to destroy a Biohazard facility and capture a CIS  scientist Ovolot Qail Uthan and as they were leaving the planet they ran into a mandalorian mercenary named Ghez Hokan who was latter after deploying an EMP to knock out the commandos visor decapitated by Etain. Next time he was seen was the mission on Courscant where Omega and Delta squads, Ordo, Walon Vau, and Jedi Generals Etain Tur-Mukan and Bardan Jusik where sent to deal with a mole in the GAR logistics center and Niner was simply as part of the crew he was part of the regularly scheduled patrol and was instrumental in the destruction of the CoruFresh landing pad and after the mole was dealt with Niner's next mission came about. This was the mission to Gaftikar which they were sent too help train rebels too fight against the CIS but during this mission they found Sull who was an Awol ARC trooper who after and argument with A'den was let free and later Fi eventually took an injury which lead to him being replaced by Corr. One of the final times Niner was seen was  during the events of Order 66 in which due to a Jedi Padawan Niner was thrown of a bridge and broke his spine and Darman refused to leave Niner behind and finally they both became IC till later Darman convinced Roly to allow them to go to Mandalore, using it as both an excuse to desert and to find as many Jedi as possible as they had found out there was Jedi hiding out on Mandalore.
Fi- RC 8015 was the medical marksman of Omega squad, he was trained by Kal Skirata who later adopted him into Clan Skirata and was the former commando of Teroch squad who was killed on Geonosis and almost the exact same as Niner when on the same missons as him such as Qillura, Courscant and Gaftikar but during the space port Siege Fi gained the respect of Jaller Obrim who later reminded them that he owed Fi a drink due to his actions. During Fi's recovery period he was declared brain dead by a medical droid and we attempted to euthanize him but was stopped as another persons life was threatened which then had Fi moved to a different area in which he had a rented medical droid take care of him until later Bardan Jusik used the force to bring Fi out of a coma and repair his brain injury and later Fi was moved to Mandalore and was confirmed dead to the GAR due to dramatic head trauma. Over the coming time he healed around 89% of his former movement but used a datapad to help him remember things and while on Mandalore he met Parja Bralor and this helped assist Fi's recovery greatly even bringing some of his memory back. Fi was noted as unusual for a clone due to his sense of humor and he also longed for what he called a normal life, especially after seeing civilians on Coruscant and watching Darman and Etain's relationship.
Darman - RC 1136 was the EOD expert of Omega squad and was trained by Kal Skirata and came from Theta squad squad who failed to destroy a droid factory which later delta squad was tasked with doing , Darman like Fi an Niner took part in a bunch of missons together like s Qillura, Courscant, Gaftikarand the space port siege. But he also he went on a misson to Haurgab in which they were sent to assassinate a rebel leader by the name of Jolluc and after this was done they were attacked by a lot more rebels then there intel suggested and after a stand on a hill they were rescued by Captain Maze as he sent a LAAT to pick them up. After Order 66 was issued Darman and Omega squad refused to execute the order due to his relation ship with Etain and him know they both had a Child named Venku Skirata but Etain Tur-Mukan was struck down and killed by a young Jedi Padawan when she tried to interpose herself between the Padawan and a clone trooper to keep the Padawan from attacking the trooper, who had been blocking his escape. This left Darman in a state of shock as of what happened to his wife but he had helped forget this loss but helping out Niner as had broke his spine but Darman refused to belive Etain was dead even though the memory of here being struck down stayed with him, he would later become an IC with Niner but eventually defect to Mandalore. Darman was seen as the calm one of Omega squad as he felt he could sleep before missons but he also had a he could have a nasty temper, which was shown when he attacked Kal Skirata for not informing him about his son, Kad/Venku. Darman also took in his Mandalorian culture after he killed 2 Covert Ops troopers called Moz and Olun. And anytime someone would comment rudely on Etain he was quick to say something back to them, and Darman's favorite weapon was the bowcaster.
Atin- RC 3222 was the communication and slicing expert of Omega squad, he was Trained by Walon Vau who unlike the rest of his squad was trained by Kal Skirata but Atin came from Prudii Squad who were killed attempting to rescue Atin. During Atin's training which was much harsher under Walon Vau and after Atin lost his first squad Vau made him choose between fighting him or his brothers and did not want to fight his brother clones, and instead opted to fight Vau instead which resulted in his near death. Atin like the rest of his squad took part in missons such as Qillura Spaceport Siege Courscant and Gaftikar. But another battle Atin took apart was the misson to Olanet in which Null ARC Prudii took Atin to a droid factory so he could learn his ways of infiltrating droid factories and making them produce substandard droids that could be defeated more easily. Prudii taught Atin how he did it making the mission successful but he began to question the republics intel on the droid numbers and eventually they were extracted by a TIV which also under Prudii's orders attackedSeparatist droid transport near by which Atin saw as a crazy idea.
Monday 4pm-12am GMT
Tuesday 4pm-12am GMT
Wednesday 4pm-12am GMT
Thursday 4pm-12am GMT
Friday Only available through discord
Sunday 5pm-2am GMT
Sunday 12pm-12am GMT
Probably can always contact me through discord if needed 
Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:
At least over a year with 4743:09:03. playtime on the server 
Do you have a microphone?:Yes
Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
I want Omega to be one of the most active Squad's who act like there characters as much as they can who encourage RP especially that of there speciality like Darman EOD etc. I would also like too see the Squad in a state where if I ever leave the position earlier then expected they are in a state in which there will be no problem with someone in place too apply for Niner or if I trust them enough encourage all of them to go for it.
Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:Yes
PS. I there are any issues with this app just @ me on here or poke me on TS and I will fix them ASAP as the current time of me posting this app is 4:52 am, kill me

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Tentative +1 leaning neutral. I know you can be serious when needed and you've done some great work within Omega but there have been times where you've done some mingy shit. Keep your attitude in check and stay serious and I can easily +1 you for Niner.

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  • Retired Founder

+1 definitely mature enough and experienced enough. RC outreach went and is going really well with Omega and Specialized and I believe that is due to the dedication of the members within the squad. I believe you are very fit for this position!

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I remember when we both tried out for Foxtrot Tech. +1 


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16 hours ago, Stix said:

I should become Niner as I have had many experiences and run ins with the issues with in SOBDE and also seen what people think of us on the outside of SOBDE like we are seen as elitist or assholes and I wanna to try and fix that as with in Omega when under Turbine it had around 6 outreachs to improve public relations with in SOBDE and as a result of this I've seen peoples reactions and how much this has helped them sometimes during times of need and I wish to attempt to run a outreach program like this with in SOBDE and my squad so public relations improve and the thoughts of SOBDE being pricks 

I’m going to be brutally honest I have these views and thoughts.


but weren’t you Gregor and got removed? Or am I thinking of someone else 

  • Winner 1
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+1 stix has time after time shown his dedication and maturity, no doubt he will do great.

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog | Synr.gg discord admin|- Everything else i was

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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Forum Admin

+1 eu squad only plox

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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I remember when you were in and out of RC back when I was niner and everyone was always arguing over you being in RC and alot has changed since then, You have defo proved yourself and shown you can be mature and sensible so in that case I'd like to see you take a leadership position within RC.





Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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