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Skunk's BCMD Wolffe Application


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Steam Name:

[SR] Skunk [NA]

RP Name:

Wolfpack Lead Commander Comet

Steam ID:

Battalion or squad you are applying for:
104th Mechanized Assault Battalion BCMD Wolffe


41st PVT-SGT

I stayed in the 41st for a very short amount of time not really getting into a high rank due to the conflict with inner battalion matters. I then left and was picked up by the 104th.


104th PVT-CMD

After leaving the 41st i was picked up by the XO wolfpack lead comet which was scarecrow. He brought me under his wing and i learned from every mistake i made in the hardest way possible. Our bcmd at the time was spartan who was inactive for the most the time and i didn't get to learn much from him. I went up the ranks one at a time slowly earning each one i got. I then applied for wolfpack unnamed and spent weeks proving myself and leading at any time I could. At this time Scarecrow was our bcmd and I was promoted to WO, fixing any problems the battalion had, as in creating docs to help NCO’s know their jobs and formations and tactics training guides. I am used to making docs as this isn’t the only server i have been admin for but i also enjoyed helping people with ideas for their own docs. Inside the ranks of the 104th I never skipped a rank and made my way up to be an officer, then had the opportunity to apply for sinker and after that i helped scarecrow build up our officer core helping make decisions that we both didn't always agree with but knew had to be done. Sure commanders and other Officer+ transfers came in and left but  i knew i had to stick it through to ensure that scarecrow had someone he could trust and the battalion would never fall.


I joined wolfpack when i was a SGM, Starting off as an unnamed member. I then applied for Sinker when I reached WO , Then got promoted to Comet when I reached Captain. Since then I have re-worked all of wolfpack and how it interacts within the 104th and helped grow our battalion from the officer core all the way down to the enlisted and NCO’S


Staff (NA->?)

I am currently an Admin hopefully making my way to become a Game Master and helping bettering the community.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
I’ve been with the 104th since September last year, and i have made this place my home from the people I have met and the friends I've made i hope to better the battalion and the server by bringing the name of the 104th to every battalion and keep our image large and proud. I think of myself as a natural born leader with a talent to get people to work together to accomplish a goal no matter how large.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:
104th Battalion was formed when the clone army was commissioned. The Battalion was first deployed shortly after the  Battle of Geonosis, to search for the Separatist ship the Malevolence. However, while searching, they came across the ship, when it opened fire, stunning all three of their cruisers. The clones ran to the escape pods. Over time, the Separatist Hunter Pod tracked down the three escape pods that had managed to escape the carnage.The 104th after that went on a number of missions including but not limited to Felucia, Aleena, Iceberg 3, and Anza. The battalion consisted of BCMD Wolffe, Plo Koon and his “Wolf Pack” that consisted of Comet, Boost, Sinker, Dash-29, Dash-44, Mortar, Spitter, Tracer and Warthog , generally utilized as a recovery team.

Monday:| 4 pm - 12 am

Tuesday:|  Free (all day)

Wednesday:|  4 pm - 12 am

Thursday:| 2 pm - 12 am

Friday:| 4 pm - 12 am

Saturday:|  Free (all day)

Sunday:|  Free (all day)

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Role play?:
“Wolfpack Lead Commander Comet has played for 1136:58:26.”

Do you have a microphone?:

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:
I want my battalion to be at the point that they don’t always need a Wolffe to make all the decisions. I know how crazy it sounds but it would be easier for my successor to get everything correct and maintaining the battalion and keeping a strong officer core so the battalion can be passed down for generations to come is my main priority. I also want to implement things that were planned and green lighted but never actually were put into full effect such as the Hostage Negotiation Documents and Tank training that will hopefully be published server wide. The purpose of me wanting to become wolffe is not to hold the name. It’s to secure and make sure that every future player on this server and trooper in the 104th will have just as good of an experience or even better than I had, and be able to leave knowing that I left it in capable hands.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:
Yes i do.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

Yes i do.

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1 hour ago, munchyVEVO said:

The battalion consisted of BCMD Wolffe, Plo Koon and his “Wolf Pack” that consisted of Comet, Boost, Sinker, Dash-29, Dash-44, Mortar, Spitter, Tracer and Warthog , generally utilized as a recovery team.

This is Dash-24 2.0.

Edited by Zyner
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-1 - As a former BCMD, two time XO, and longest current standing member in the battalion, I know for a fact this man is not suitable for BCMD. Not only did this man ignore a report I made on an officer and didn't report it to higher up, but instead kept it to himself, causing me to suffer as a result of the outcome, which was non-existent as nothing was done about my report. A report which included an officer threatening me. 

Skunk, you have a really poor attitude when it comes to even working with people who were former 104th and had put work into the battalion, I'm gonna be honest with you; it was almost like you were afraid that we were gonna come back and become BCMD and so taking your spot. You have the attitude of an ignorant powerplayer. And that attitude shouldn't be allowed in 104th. Also considering all the other points I made, it is also shown by the lack of effort put into the battalion, and by the way, copying and pasting the lore isn't always the best idea considering part of it is wrong. 

Nothing against you personally, but you don't have the right attitude nor care for people and that's why you shouldn't be BCMD if you can't even handle a clear report made out by me.

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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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-1. If the following statement by Chop is true that you can’t even handle a simple report on an officer. That shows how little you care for your battalion.

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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Reasons need not stating, as you should know what me and other BCMDs may or may not think at this point.

(It's basically all that chop said.)

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-1 during events you’ve shown negative attitude and stuff along those lines.

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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7 hours ago, Chop said:

and longest current standing member in the battalion


bitch you left for gm at one point you broke your streak

on a more related note -1 if what chop says is true (which im gonna go and say it is because chops not the kinda person to make false claims) then you are in NO possition to be wolffe and i have seen my fair share of wolffes

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Even though I have disagreed with the current leadership of the 104th including Scarecrow and yourself I personally believe that you are not ready for this position. You have minimal experience as a high ranking officer in the battalion considering you have held the position of commander for a little more than 3 weeks. Further more I believe your attitude could present issues for you as BCMD. As well as I personally think you need more time to grow and develop before you move to a BCMD position. Finally I can verify what @Chop Is saying was true, I was present while both him and myself were trying to get the report solved and honestly the attitudes of the high command of the 104th towards his report were appalling. 


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I honestly just wanted to know why you applied with a BCMD who is still running for his spot, whats he doing wrong that you think you deserve the position? Or is it blatant powerplay for a rank in a videogame?

I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot.

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It's not a power play. Scarecrow told me he wasn't going for another term so I applied, but apparently i do a shitty job even tho no one is really around to see  if i do and i was a major while we had a commander another major and  LTC all above me when the matter came across. Not to mention that the officer in question WAS dealt with and removed from his position but i guess i didn't handle it correctly. And not to mention that i worked my ass off with scarecrow to try and fix any problems he had that i could help with and that the commander report came to me the night before the problem was started giving me literally no time to deal with the situation. Thanks for the feedback i will try to improve. @41st Logic @Chop 

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+1 good guy. @Chop ok so i know the whole story and this might fuck me up but still, i know shit you did, which is, you and @Old Spartan were planning to get any honorary wolffe's to revolt and get +1 so you become wolffe, you also got pissed off at people in the batt because people changed things after your term was done, skunk has done nothing wrong and a lot of your claims are stupid


Edited by BradenTheTurtle
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Current: Free man
Former: Lotta things (Notably HA and Wolffe)

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-1 He planned and organised minging to piss off ST. I'm sure he got lower ranking fellas arrested after following his stupid orders to piss of my mans @Ratio. This does not create confidence that he will be a good BCMD never mind a commander. I have personally heard him in a channel instructing others to help him annoy ST. Also @Chop Like everyone else. ❤️ Hopefully you can improve from all of the criticism no hard feelings ❤️ 

  • Winner 1


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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1 hour ago, munchyVEVO said:

It's not a power play. Scarecrow told me he wasn't going for another term so I applied, but apparently i do a shitty job even tho no one is really around to see  if i do and i was a major while we had a commander another major and  LTC all above me when the matter came across. Not to mention that the officer in question WAS dealt with and removed from his position but i guess i didn't handle it correctly. And not to mention that i worked my ass off with scarecrow to try and fix any problems he had that i could help with and that the commander report came to me the night before the problem was started giving me literally no time to deal with the situation. Thanks for the feedback i will try to improve. @41st Logic @Chop 

Dude do you read the rules of applications or what 

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17 hours ago, BradenTheTurtle said:

 @Chop ok so i know the whole story and this might fuck me up but still, i know shit you did, which is, you and @Old Spartan were planning to get any honorary wolffe's to revolt and get +1 so you become wolffe, you also got pissed off at people in the batt because people changed things after your term was done, skunk has done nothing wrong and a lot of your claims are stupid

Were you there for the report situation? no, were we going to run for Wolffe? no quite obviously shown as none of us (old Wolffe's) have gone for the position. I trust in Scarecrow to run the battalion better then the other candidate. And if I'm not mistaken, you also had a bad attitude in general and promised to make up for it. You're now making claims which are both false and you weren't even there for the report situation. An attitude which 104th has come to and I tried to fix, yet all of you lot refused to even listen to us. I was angry because as an NCO my opinion was being completely disregarded purely because I'm an old Wolffe. That's called bias and unfairness. 

Feel free to ask Wagner and Spartan about my claims. They are all true. 

And to make it clear, I support Scarecrow in his claim for second term, he atleast talked to me about my report and had the decency to listen and change 104th and do something different. I don't care about changes anymore, I do however care about the battalion itself and Skunk shouldn't be BCMD based on both my claims and Bigzachs.

Edited by Chop
  • Winner 1

Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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1 hour ago, Jax said:

-1 Due to what BigZach and Chop has brought up against you. Also I believe you were going for Darman earlier.

I walked into the Darman tryout just being bored. It looks like im acting like a power player but i then realized what it was for and left.                            I've been in the 104th for 2 BCMD's im not trying to power play

Edited by munchyVEVO
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Im not gonna base my opinion off of what other have already said. I've seen great things from scarecrow and with his re-application I believe he can accomplish even more. Frankly I don't believe that you have enough experience for the position. Therefore, I think if you can improve and grow you may be ready for it after this next term.

Edited by [SR] Poe [SA]

327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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-1 I'm sorry but your competition is strong and has the experience. I can believe you can learn and grow, however I don't think you are ready for the role right now. 

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout, Jet, COE x2

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I don't know why you all are -1ing him because from what I've seen (keep in mind im ACTUALLY in the 104th) he is a great person and seems fit for BCMD



  • Winner 1

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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25 minutes ago, Doc said:

If you’re trying to refer to Chop’s situation and such, he was an active member of the battalion (one of the most active) at the time of the incident. 


As well, -1. Everything chop and others has said only leads me to the decision that you are not in a position where you are ready for BCMD. 

At the time... One occurrence in the past shouldn't break someones whole career.

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I mean look at me I've had terrible shit happen in the past but I always come back and make myself better

Edited by Darkk
  • Winner 1

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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6 hours ago, Doc said:

If you’re trying to refer to Chop’s situation and such, he was an active member of the battalion (one of the most active) at the time of the incident. 

He was active but calling him the most active no way that's just pushing a narrative they were many people who were as active if not more so. Now as for this Officer situation the Officer was reported it was over Chop thinking he deserved to be premoted and skip promotion requirements (This was denied as people who skip ranks needs to be approved CMD +) and then he proceeded to call that officer out calling a bunch of names and saying that they didn't deserve their position and they only got that position because of him and previous members. not I didn't want to get involved with this roastfest but i feel as it is getting out of order some of the things that I told what Chop said was out of order due to the situation I understand that both sides took things to far It was a situation that Skunk wasn't even there for he just got asked to say things about it one of the officer who saw the incident  told me but I was not contacted Chop personally yet he complains about these officers when at the time Skunk was a lower rank than the main officer involved so Complaining about him in that event is bang out of order. 


At this point I don't care about all the attitudes that have come out by all  the honnoraies ganging up on skunk because they don't like him Now as for Skunk's character he's hot headed but he cares for the battalion and wants to do right by it as the rest of my commanders do. Although he has his flaws I have mine and I trust him enough to try and go for it and I welcome the challenge +1

Edited by Scarecrow
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Image result for black guy confused

All memes aside I'd be careful with that rule my friends, could get you both in a pickle. 

Edited by Jayarr
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53 minutes ago, Scarecrow said:

Now as for this Officer situation the Officer was reported it was over Chop thinking he deserved to be premoted and skip promotion requirements (This was denied as people who skip ranks needs to be approved CMD +) and then he proceeded to call that officer out calling a bunch of names and saying that they didn't deserve their position and they only got that position because of him and previous members.

What the hell, firstly you can't comment on this app. Secondly you weren't even there and Wagner who was there agreed on what I said was true. Thirdly I did not ask to be promoted but merely asking how. I then went on to ask if the officer at the time agreed with decisions that were being made in the battalion, he said no, so I asked why don't you do something about it. He then went on to say he was "passive" and didn't care about situations. I stated MY opinion saying surely if you're an officer you shouldn't have that attitude as an officer. That officer then proceeded to falsely claim that I had "officer disrespected" him out of nowhere. I said to Wagner in that channel, I want to speak to you right now. Just to make it clear, when that officer was brought into the channel with me and Wagner and was questioned about it, he started crying and making "excuses" about how his week had been tough, essentially accepting he had made a mistake, by falsely accusing me.

I never fucking called anybody any names, I was threatened by an officer, I had hopes that you would not also make false claims about me. But it seems you now merely side with a man who threatened me.  You weren't there I never called him any names, I never said he didn't deserve his position. I stated that I don't think officers should have that attitude. Don't make stuff up about me.

And to make it very clear, yes I should of reported it directly to Scarecrow, I only instead reported it to TWO officers who did nothing and instead stayed passive on the whole ordeal until yes I had a breakdown and I admit it was wrong of me. I was extremely pissed to see an officer who had made lies about me get promoted. I can atleast admit my failures and say I was wrong. But I still have the right to voice my opinion, which is that both Skunk and the other did nothing about the report, had a bad attitude to working or even talking to us (showing lack of wanting to work, childish etc) and now Bigzach has made claims on how he has tried to start shit with ST. Making it even worse.

53 minutes ago, Scarecrow said:

I welcome the challenge +1

Can't comment on opposing applicants application


53 minutes ago, Scarecrow said:

He was active but calling him the most active no way that's just pushing a narrative they were many people who were as active if not more so

I was the ONLY person fixing the entire discord, maybe not most active but certainly doing most work in both discord and tryout work.

I expected better from you Scarecrow considering how I tried to help you, but now you trust the man who lied about about me and further proved it by breaking down and leaving the battalion because he was wiped from Wolfpack like everyone else, instead of a guy who has always tried to help 104th, even when I disagree with actions put against me. Wonder why I don't make arguments anymore?? Because I left you to your own devices hoping you would make it better. I haven't said a single bad thing about anybody since the whole officer report situation was over. I've only spoken the truth on what happened. Best of luck, but if you're going to be a good BCMD, don't make claims on something which you weren't even there for, nor even cared about until I poked you around ten times before I could actually talk to you about the situation. 

Edited by Chop
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Not a Medal of Valour recipient 

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On 2/18/2019 at 2:07 PM, BradenTheTurtle said:

+1 good guy. @Chop ok so i know the whole story and this might fuck me up but still, i know shit you did, which is, you and @Old Spartan were planning to get any honorary wolffe's to revolt and get +1 so you become wolffe, you also got pissed off at people in the batt because people changed things after your term was done, skunk has done nothing wrong and a lot of your claims are stupid


If we were going to "revolt" there would have been a Wolffe app up from literally any of the former Wolffe's. I personally believe Skunk isn't ready yet because of the limited time he's had to grow and learn as an officer, furthermore for you to say that @Chop's claims are stupid is foolish considering you had no involvement what so ever in the situation. All your knowledge of the situation is based off rumors or hearsay from people who were involved.  

1 hour ago, Scarecrow said:

Now as for this Officer situation the Officer was reported it was over Chop thinking he deserved to be premoted and skip promotion requirements (This was denied as people who skip ranks needs to be approved CMD +) and then he proceeded to call that officer out calling a bunch of names and saying that they didn't deserve their position and they only got that position because of him and previous members. not I didn't want to get involved with this roastfest but i feel as it is getting out of order some of the things that I told what Chop said was out of order due to the situation I understand that both sides took things to far It was a situation that Skunk wasn't even there for he just got asked to say things about it one of the officer who saw the incident  told me but I was not contacted Chop personally yet he complains about these officers when at the time Skunk was a lower rank than the main officer involved so Complaining about him in that event is bang out of order. 

Your characterization of events during the officer report is false. I have also attached a video link to the meeting where we sat down and talked about what happened. All of the events were clearly explained and clarified to all present. When Wagner was unable to deal with the report due to his IRL situation, Chop also reported it to Skunk following his proper chain of command since Skunk was the next highest officer due to you being offline at that moment.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LAptiNotfvQidK_txF7uTfu40Lo2oalZ/view?usp=sharing (Video of the meeting regarding Chops officer report)

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  • Retired Founder

I would just like to point out the following to those that have -1'd Skunks' application.

-1 means you don't feel as though he would not fit the role well. Meaning if someone receives mass amounts of -1s they will not be interviewed. A lot of you here have said you think he would be okay, but would prefer Scarecrow. I feel as though if that is your thought process then you should still consider giving a +1 and let the man go for an interview and see who the Directors would feel the better candidate is...

Just my opinion though..

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