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Everything posted by GregRocks

  1. GregRocks


    Fudge poptarts and a clementine Izze
  2. Bro you resigned and you're still complaining about that?
  3. GregRocks


    Alright, alright. No Venator. We can do an Arquetin-Class Cruiser instead.
  4. That works for me. Second ever Galactic Marines Bacara here we go! +1 Good luck!
  5. I've gotta ask, just due to how positions on Synergy have been going recently... If you get this position, are you going to stay for at least one full term? People resigning from their positions due to burnout or going to other positions is part of what's killing Synergy. At a time like this, Synergy needs strong and stable BCMDs, I'd say more than we need RCMDs. Unless something truly drastic and unexpected happens, will you stay a full term in this position?
  6. GregRocks


    +1 The idea of map rotations isn't bad, the Venator just sucked ass. It was the most depressing map out there, especially without perma props. Now that we have a stronger server that can handle decorations, a map rotation might be really cool! We just have to do a map that doesn't make everybody want to play ROBLOX roleplay instead.
  7. I've gotta say, I had my reserves about you at first. A lot of people brought up a lot of red flags about you during your CG BCMD application. That being said, your work and dedication to not only CG, but to Synergy is undeniable. Not only is CG one of the most active battalions recently, you are one of the most active BCMDs on the server. With all this in mind: +1 Good luck! I can't say I'd trust many other people in this position.
  8. Squishy, Mavelle, Jayarr, now you too? I'm gonna miss you a whole lot. Roleplaying with you has always been one of my favorite experiences on Synergy, it won't be the same. I hope we can still hang out outside of Synergy!
  9. Mavelle... Man, this is a huge loss. I'm glad you're hanging around, but I'm sure gonna miss you as a director and especially a Game Master. Synergy won't feel the same without your events. You genuinely changed Synergy for the better. Also, God damnit, now @BlueBeetle is the next in line for Director. Why have you done this to us?
  10. I almost have no words. I didn't know you well, but I've known of you since I started on Synergy. You're an absolute real one, a true Synergy legend. Good luck wherever you may find yourself!
  11. +1 I think a huge thing that is hindering staff AND game masters is that you're forced to do both. I've always hated this. Plenty of people want to to GM and not staff, and plenty want to do staff but not GM, and MOST of those people avoid it all together. It also leads to lots of burnout and low-tier events because you're forcing staff members to be Game Masters when they don't want to be. It also leads to sub-par staffing because the inverse of those people don't want to do staff work.
  12. It's not like this is a sudden development in the community where we decided we wanted to hate on the founders. This, if anything, is the LAST ditch effort to get some actual change to happen. If the status of things is so bad (it is.) that someone like Mazen, who has defended the high leadership of Synergy tooth and nail, and has given his all to Synergy to make it a better place, then it's a genuine issue. These posts keep happening because no real change gets done. You have managed to list one singular time recently where Synergy was not dying, quite literally despite the founders. This HUGE event was done completely without them. Something this big is something I would expect Founders to be in on, but it was entirely done by people MINIMAL 2 steps below them. Other than this one day, I have been STARVED for activity and roleplay, despite everybody except the founders being HEAVILY hands on to change that. These changes have all been headed, developed by, and planned by the development team. Your perceived lack of care is literally a lack of care. Founders should not be sitting back in their chair watching Synergy die. I'm sorry, are you suggesting that they need to be MORE hands off? "Not only should they stay hands off, they should start doing even LESS by letting the people below them do those things instead!" At that point what will they fucking do other than reap all the cash from the actual people who care's hard work? "Clearly during this time of Synergy dying, the people at the top of the server don't need to do more... But do even less!". Truly, this is an astounding take. I've got to say I am truly dumbfounded. First off, could you list any of these times recently? (After the release of the new map) Because I sure haven't. I'm really lost at the "loosen their grip" part. Let's say I'm the CEO of a business, (because let's face it, that's what they are), and I am generally hands off. I start noticing my business is falling apart. Is my best move to "loosen my grip" and start doing even less? Let the management start running the whole thing? NO! My move is to be hands on, help my business succeed again! After all, I am at the very top and the leader of this business, I should start leading it! I genuinely cannot understand this take on the situation. Even if there is behind the scenes work that they're doing, it clearly is not enough! Watching Synergy fall apart and watching the people below them try to fix it is NOT what they should be doing! They need to step the fuck up, or let the people who are ACTUALLY running the server take their positions.
  13. I guess I'll be the first one to @Jad @Dragon @Square @Forseen
  14. I've gotta say, I've wanted to say something like this myself for a very long time. I just know I didn't have the community standing for it to matter. @Mazenfirst off, thank you. You are speaking for a lot of Synergy coming out and saying this. You're a real one. As far as founders, he's right. They do nothing. Everything community related is done by Xaze, Maddox, Jayarr and Mavelle. (At least mainly. No shade to anyone else who helps, such as hicom, devs and high staff.) I've never seen so much effort put into Synergy, but by God I didn't want it to be everybody but the founders. Jad and Forseen come on the forums once in a blue moon to throw shade or decline a 6 month old suggestion, but that's literally it. Fuck behind the scenes work, it's time they actually start doing something other than reaping the profits of the four actual people who run the server. There is no reason every founder should not be active and engaged in the community. They're not figure heads, they're supposed to be the leaders. I'm with Mazen. They should start doing their jobs, or leave and let the people who are already doing their jobs assume their positions.
  15. Ah, yes. This makes sense. @Marvel? I believe all is well now.
  16. How has this not been accepted yet
  17. GregRocks


    Call of Duty? Dude I only ever played that with my uncle and with my girlfriend. Both of them kicked my ass. Fine game! I'm just totally garbage at it
  18. This is peak Synergy right here. Only the meat riders out here getting mad
  19. Another great GM lost. Stay safe bro, good luck wherever you may find yourself!
  20. 3/3/5 I was confused a lot of the time.
  21. What does @Mazen have to add to this conversation?
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