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Everything posted by GregRocks

  1. I'm gonna go through this piece by piece. I hope you don't take this as rude, I simply mean to give constructive criticism. I will say now, based on your listed experience, you have never been any rank above Lt. Colonel. You've also only been a Junior Officer or lower in other battalions than Doom's unit, which to me, is a red flag. This is a really big rank jump, and could seem like a large power grab, especially seeing as this isn't even your current regiment. However, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. Do you think you can handle a position of this caliber, given you've never been in such a high position on Synergy? This section of the application is meant to explain what makes you fit for the position, but I feel instead you turned it into a secondary place to explain some of your plans, which there is already a question designed to give you a space to do that. There is nothing about you here. I think this section explains why you should become a Game Master more than it does a Regimental Commander. What makes you worthy of this position? We know what you want to do, but anyone could do these things. What makes you the best fit? I'm glad you went and spoke to the battalions before doing this, but that seems like all you did. I don't see anywhere where you say how you want to get it there other than 'help in any way I can'. All this really says to me is "As Regimental Commander, I plan to do my job". I suppose my question is why do you need to be a Regimental Commander to help these battalions get to where they need to be? What do you plan to do with the position that a BCMD cannot to help these battalions? How will you give CG a new image? How do you plan to make 41st more roleplay serious? 41st has a reputation of being a mingy battalion. How do you seek to remedy this as a Regimental? Overall: In my opinion, this application is very weak. - Your experience is lacking. Lt. Col is the highest rank you've ever held, and your first time as a Senior Officer. Your current battalion isn't even in the 10th regiment. This is a big jump. - You didn't tell us anything about yourself, instead using the first big section to describe the first half of your plans, most of which was a deployment idea, which to me has very little to do with the actual regiment. - You spoke with all the battalions. but I still think this section is a little weak. There's not much substance other than "I will help the battalions". (RESCINDED) I don't think now is your time. I think the application is weak, and says nothing about you. The plans are generic, or are less plans and more statements about the way things are now. I don't think you're ready to be a Regimental Commander right now.
  2. Well, for one, Snad who came back as a perma master after a year and got Yoda a month and a half later and brought back old people things (not all bad, but an example) Nothing against Snad, but he's definitely an old head. At least for Jedi.
  3. This is my official resignation from everything, and the voiding of my Commander Bacara application. @Mavelle I realized today I have no desire to play anymore. I had a good run, but it's over. Every day I'm on Synergy, the more I can't stand it. It was fun, y'all. I have a life to live, and a girlfriend to love. She hates when I play this anyways, and I'm done letting it take time away from her. I love her, and I want to spend my life with her. I met a lot of good people here, but resignations are "in" right now. I'll keep in contact with some of you who I'm friends with, and maybe in a couple discords. Otherwise, I'm out. A few things I want to say before I go: - I never liked the oldhead mentality in Synergy. No one thinks about the new players, the future of Synergy. This server is just an endless cycle of recycled oldheads who can't let go of a forgotten age. I don't see that changing, tbh. - The High Command and developers do more community outreach than the Founders or High Staff. Honestly, this entire server feels like a power grab for power that doesn't exist. Even Mavelle, a Director says he doesn't have as much power as everyone thinks he does. - My forum rep only started going up when I started being a shitter jerk on the forums. That should say enough. I'm done waking up every day and worrying about what controversial forum post dropped today that split the community yet again. Maybe Synergy just isn't for me. That being said: Goodbyes: @SquishyFishyyI love you bro. You were always a fantastic friend. Work hard my dude. Don't be in places where your talent isn't recognized, because I promise there is a place where others will appreciate it. @Katy My first actual friends on Synergy. I'll still talk to you. I can't escape you. @BlueBeetleBIG BEETLE FAN! I'll miss you dude. You have me added, talk to me whenever you want. @LyonaxisGood luck as Bacara. Make the Marines proud. @Gears Love you bro. You were a good conversation when you weren't CONSTANTLY WATCHING FOOTBALL INSTEAD OF TALKING TO ME @Comics @Xylops I'm still mad I didn't get a goodbye in your resignation. @MazenThanks for always believing in me. One of the few members on this server who I actually trust in a high position. Bye shitters.
  4. There's a lot to unpack here. This is certainly a way to put it... But I don't neccesarily disagree. It's all throughout Synergy, honestly. Groups of friends usually stick around their groups. I agree we should all be able to work together, and I like that your goal is to make that happen within Jedi. FINALLY, SOMEBODY SAID IT! No one gives input! I also think changing the process/method to promoting Masters is a good idea if done right. My question is, do you plan to keep the putting-up system? Or do you have something else in mind? Changing the quota is good, but I still don't like the idea of lessening the amount of trials. People count on the variety throughout the week. Do you think this is a good idea? To lessen the amount of trials now, with the excess of Masters and the struggling of Jedi? This may slow people's progression, and slow your intake of members. Holy god, man. We get it, you have experience. Overall, I've worked with you for a long time. You are solid, you are dedicated, and I know that if you do HALF as much work for Jedi that I've seen you put into Consular and 212th, it will thrive. BIG +1 I do have one question, though. There have been a few times where you've gotten noticeably angry or frustrated when certain decisions, conversations, or other events weren't going in your favor. It had come up a few times in the Council. Do you think this will be a problem if you were to become Yoda, and a member of High Command?
  5. You used the re application format, but I'm not sure if you were NA if it would be a re-application. Regardless +1
  6. Valakyth try to stay resigned: Challenge! **IMPOSSIBLE**
  7. So I have to reach out to you privately for you to answer questions that were asked publicly? Why'd you answer Brook and Maddox then? You made this application to convince the community that you should be Yoda, but now you're saying you can't do that. If you can't defend your position over text, why should you be considered for High Command at all? Let alone Yoda.
  8. Also, I don't think you addressed any of Squishy's concerns. Could we get some answers to these? I know you said you talked to Squishy, but more people than Squishy want to hear your response. These are big concerns that still have not been publicly answered.
  9. -1 First off, I think your application is lack luster. It's 90% experience, which realistically isn't important in the grand scheme of the application. Your plans section leaves a lot to be desired, but there's still things I want to address in it. First off, your plan to remove four entire trials from the schedule to me is rediculous. Many people count in the variety in the schedule to be able to complete their trials, and more trials is more variety. There are also so many Masters right now that each one could do the bare minimum for their quota, and you'd still have enough to fill the regular schedule adequately. I don't think this can be logically defended. Your second plan is something Masters should already be doing. It's a huge part of their job. If Masters aren't able to do this without a quota on it, then they shouldn't be Masters. Especially if it's something as simple as "Good comms RP". This feels like a quick fix to a larger problem. You're also putting a quota on a basic job of a Master, which will only make people feel like they don't have to do it after their quota, which to me overall will lessen the natural interactions between Masters and Knights/Padawans. Your third idea to me seems entirely pointless. You already have a weekly council meeting. If you guys need to have private meetings without all the Masters, or you need to discuss something specific, there's no reason you can't schedule individual meetings or just use the High Command channel. No one likes weekly meetings, and you're just adding another one that is much more pointless than the council meeting. Personally, I don't think you're ready for this position from working with you either. You have a habit of putting up lots of half-baked suggestions by the number, not really even stopping to think about them first. It's like you're throwing Jello at a wall and seeing what sticks. I don't want to see this in a position like Yoda. You also lack patience. When you wanted to go for A'Sharad Hett, you asked a member of the Jedi High Command (Claw) if you could put your name up before Squishy even left the character. When you got a no from claw, you proceeded to go to me, another member of High Command for permission, receiving another no. It was like a kid who got a "No" from mom and went to dad. I think right now, especially after the new update, the Jedi need a strong leader. I don't think that's you. I believe your plans will weaken the order, and after working with you I don't think you are the right fit for this position.
  10. +1 Good app! Hope you get the interview.
  11. Honestly, I'm not super confident in Synergy. Right now, the population is dying, and with this new update they promised a fix to Synergy not showing up on the server list. Now we don't even have a consistent ETA. We're dying, every day I notice the server waking up later and later, and getting less and less people. While the new update was fantastic, the awe is dying off, and with all the bugs, mainly the ones on Jedi (which did numbers on the faction's activity), we just don't get as much livelyness and activity. The events are great, the engagement could use a little work (I'll address in game roleplay as a solution later), but there's not an influx of new players to keep the spark alive. I also think that Synergy is not serious enough. I understand there are more serious roleplay servers, but it feels like with the dying activity, people's care has died. In the last 5-6 months, the server went from having several serious roleplaying battalions to every battalion being seen as a joke. The other day, I RDMed a Senator Infront of not only several officers, but a member of High Command (who I will not name) during prime time, and faced no repercussions. That's all Synergy is anymore outside of events, is just mass RDM and constant bullfuckery. Synergy was never super serious based on what I've heard or seen, but this is an all-time low. I think Synergy needs to kick into gear. We need to fix this player issue, and we need to re-establish a sense of seriousness and discipline. The CTs we used to deal with on Anaxes months ago that would RDM and intercom abuse have become the entire player base, with few desperate people trying to cling to serious and reasonable roleplay. At this rate, if there isn't change, I don't see Synergy lasting long. Changes to regiment names, changes to force ability animations, or other minor aesthetic changes are not going to save us, but they're the only changes being made. I'm worried, but I'm hopeful. I like Synergy, and we have a strong community. We aren't lost. Not yet, anyways.
  12. Dang, man! I'll miss you. You were the right brand of chaos, you made a great GM and a genuinely fun dude to be around.
  13. Well, this was unexpected. We'll miss you, man.
  14. +1 Solid app! I've worked with you in Jedi before, and I've seen you as XO. You'll do amazing! You're friendly, calm, and # fantastic leader. Good luck!
  15. 4/4/5 Just a shoot-em-up, but a well balanced and perfectly paced shoot-em-up. Sick dupe.
  16. 2 - This event was bland, boring, and way too long for what it was. The first hour was just passive roleplay on a map, with 15 minutes of half-baked repair RP on the ship, The combat section was just any other carbon copy breach attack. There was nothing fun about this. 1 - I've never seen such little effort put into an event. The first hour was passive roleplay entirely, with no development. You yourself said that your events are based entirely on the server deciding on their own to roleplay without direction, that they should step up and they can really do whatever they want. After the event, you basically gaslit anyone who disliked the event because you didn't feel like guiding them through your story. Your event jobs were out of control, giving people perma weapons including Kyber Rifle and Z-6i WITHOUT your approval. I am honestly disappointed in you as a Game Master. If this is the standard for our Game Masters, I am worried about the future of the team as a whole. Your job as a Game Master is to guide the players through your story, and during your DB you said you shouldn't have to do that. You also left the ENTIRETY of the event up to the Naval WITHOUT guiding them either, leading to EVEN MORE confusion! When people left after your unclear ending, you got pissy about it to the rest of the players. The ONLY effort put into this event on your part was the WAY over-complicated writing you gave at the DB and that you snuck into terminals that we were supposed to know about on our own without any guidance. I cannot believe the blantant lack of effort you put into helping the players through your event, and the blatant lack of effort into the active combat situations in the event. 5 - This was about the only thing you did right. You were stingy the whole event about models, tacs and entities, but I guess it paid off.
  17. I've heard this phrase thrown around a lot recently. What's a recent example of this you've experienced? It can be in game or IRL. I'll go first. Background: I work in a shop that remakes and repairs induction furnaces. I'm a TIG welder. We have a large (10x15 foot) sand blasting booth that pretty much everyone in the shop uses. Every month, we have a list of who is going to clean the sand booth at the end of each day. Everyone has the same amount of days each month. Some days no one uses it, so it doesn't need cleaned. Some days, half the shop uses it, and it's a menace to clean. Story: So today, a co-worker walked up to me while I was sand blasting some rails that I needed to repair. We'll call him Rob. Rob walks up to me and says "You need to tell Dennis (the welder I apprentice to) to teach you how to sand blast, because clearly you don't know how!", And starts giving me all kinds of shit for how I'm wasting sand, and that I'm making a huge mess. I mention this to my co-worker about an hour later, and he checks the sand blasting list. It's Rob's day to clean the sand booth. He tells me he was just being a dick, and I shouldn't take him seriously. He goes to tell a few other co-workers. Suddenly, half the shop has things that they need to sand blast today, and for the next 3 hours the sand booth is being run non-stop. By the end of it, the booth has piles of sand and dirt and other junk all over the place. I guess this co-worker has a history of being a dick (I'm fairly new here, so I didn't know this), and everyone decided that being a dick to the new guy for doing her job was too far. I wasn't actually improperly using the sand blaster, he was just angry that he'd have to clean it now. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes.
  18. Cya, you were a funny dude to be around
  19. We'll miss you. We didn't always see eye to eye, but I'll always remember bitching to Yoda about inconsistent Master promotions with you.
  20. [insert controversial take here for forum rep]
  21. +1 I'm gonna be honest, based on my interactions with you, I don't believe you're mature enough for this position. My first interaction with you, you had decided to take it upon yourself to yell at one of my Galactic Marines officers for not following my orders, despite him out ranking you, and you having nothing to do with the GM or the situation. I had the situation under control, and I was talking to him in Team Speak. At the time you were an NCO, and that's not something I want to see. Any other interactions I've had with you sense, you've acted like a minge, and I don't want to see that behavior from any Wolffe. I had a long and respectful conversation with Hades, and we talked a lot about the situation I was referring to. We explained both out sides, and came to a mutual understanding about it, and both of us apologized for how we handled the situation. After this, I believe my original stance is no longer applicable. Hades approached me very respectfully, and we had a very civil conversation, something which most people would not be able to do. I believe he will actually do very well as Wolffe. Furthermore, I don't like your plan for Wolfpack. I believe making it an officer only sub branch is making the bar too high, considering several members of the unit are NCO. I also believe making them branch leads is a bad idea. This will lead to intense favoritism, and lead to a situation where not every member wants to be Wolfpack, but will have to in order to be a branch lead. You're restricting any NCO from taking a branch lead position. Your plan overall just seems to be gatekeeping these positions, and it's not something I want to see with the 104th as a former Wolfpack Jedi. Similarly, we spoke about this and I had a very clear misunderstanding of this plan. He does not plan to make WP an officer only sub branch, he wants to make all WP an automatic Officer in their regiment (MED, SUP), which is already how it us, just unofficially. He ALSO said that he would not do anything without Comet's approval. He heavily believes that the sub branches are for the sub-branch leaders to lead. I appreciate that mentality.
  22. I'm not saying we should do this. I'm simply stating that they still have a vote, making it less of an election. You are not helping your case with this, you're saying that despite out vote they can choose to still give someone an interview, entirely taking it out of community hands. My big problem is with what you're saying. You're calling it a "house of representatives", saying next time we should "elect" different individuals to lead. It is not an election, especially since after the application, we have 0 say, and according to you, the High Command and High Staff can "use their better judgement" (go against our "votes"). If it were a house of representatives, the house wouldn't get to pick and choose who they interview based on their "better judgement" in close calls, and they wouldn't have the power to decide solely whether or not to let them in. It is hard to get further from an actual election. I guess solutions would be make it more like an actual house of representatives or election? Or don't compare it to one.
  23. My big problem with this is that there have been several applications that have been bombed with -1s (Dennis's Bacara Application) and still got to interview. Also, after the "vote", they go to interview, where regardless of the "votes", they are accepted or denied by a small group of individuals. These individuals are people we either did not vote in, such as Head Admins or Directors, or people who were inducted by this application - interview process. It is not a vote, especially since even AFTER we put in a measly +1 or -1 for the interview, the decision isn't up to us. These aren't elections, they are selections.
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