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Everything posted by GregRocks

  1. +1 Deserves an interview, good luck!
  2. 5/5/5 Still actively doing roleplay from the event. Very good.
  3. 4/3/5 Standard shoot-em-up, well paced.
  4. +1 I served under Gears as a Senator for 2/3 of his term, and he did a fantastic job. He genuinely cares about the Senate. His intentions at first seemed a little bit iffy, but his work is visible and undeniable. There has never been so much care and effort into Senate, and it pays off. ROUND 2 BABYYYY
  5. 4/4/5 Good, edgy big man, but good
  6. Personally, I think the application is lack-luster. The only real plan it has is passive roleplay based on branches, most of which should be happening anyways. I don't see why that requires a BCMD position. The only thing I like, actually, is the plan to make Diplomatic Service actually useful-ish. CG has more problems than just roleplay. Your behavior was also immediately called into question several times, which I find very concerning. You say you've "learned lessons", but you fail to actually admit fault or say that you've changed because of it. I can't get behind this application, or for you as Fox. -1
  7. We're gonna miss you, man. o7 It was a true pleasure working with you.
  8. You addressed my concerns. Your lack of experience is a little scary, but I know you. You're fun to be around, you're a capable leader, and you've been helping run GM since the wipe. +1 Good luck!
  9. You chose not to run for Bacara because you were not going to have time due to college. Colleges are starting now. What led you to feel you had time to be a Regimental Commander? If you don't have time to be a Battalion Commander due to school, why do you now have time to go for Regimental?
  10. I can't say I'm surprised to see your application. I worked with you for a while, and I've always seen you put 110% into Bounty Hunter. +1 We haven't always agreed on everything, and we were never close, but I respect your leadership capabilities. I think you're the best fit for this position, and you can take Bounty Hunter far.
  11. Dono? For Yularen? Hell, you've even got Comics convinced. +1
  12. You could have just left it at racism or said nothing at all. Or heck, even seem the slightest bit remorseful, this just makes you seem proud of it. Sorry not sorry, but if you think it's ok to yell racial or homophobic slurs in any environment, you are the last person that should be considered for staff. A staff member's job is to keep the server safe from bullying and harmful behaviors. Who's to say you don't treat the players here the same way, just behind closed doors?
  13. -1 Didn't you get removed for yelling racial slurs on Icefuse? If I'm mistaken please let me know, otherwise not cool bro.
  14. He's probably one of the most active regimentals as of late, what are you on about
  15. -1 Between the huge GM team, all the staff members, and the large amount of VIPs, if you can't find any helpers that's on y'all to encourage it tbh.
  16. Sigh... +1 You're a great reg, and you have the balls to stick it to the rest of the hicom. You listen to the players. You're one of the good ones.
  17. Thank you for answering all of my questions. You have spirit, man. I like you. I'm changing my -1 to a +1 I like your responses, and you've been informative with every response. I feel like you at least deserve an interview.
  18. +1 go man go! I've seen you lead, you have DU support, fucking do it man!
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